Her Titans by Genevieve Jasper



“Wake up, belle.” My body is jostled lightly and I force my eyes open.

“What’s going on?” I ask as I slowly sit up. All three of my guys are standing at the end of my bed. It’s now significantly bigger than my previous one and was waiting for me when I got back from the hospital 11 months ago. How they had time to organise it between catching a stalker, avoiding a murder charge, and sorting out my sister, I’ll never know.

“Get up!” Quincy insists, a huge grin on his face. In fact, they all have matching grins on their faces and are all dressed.

“What time is it?” I ask, trying to spot any sunlight through the thick curtains, but not succeeding.

“5 a.m., come on!” Atlas pulls at my arms, pulling me forward onto my knees.

“There better be a fantastic reason I’m getting up at the crack of dawn,” I tell them.

“There is, promise,” he answers, giving me a light kiss.

I shower and get dressed, opting for casual seeing as I have no idea what we’re doing.

I head out into the kitchen following the scent of pastries. My favourite white bag is set on the counter.

“Carlo’s isn’t open this early.”

“They are for you.”

They’re all practically bouncing and their enthusiasm and the promise of a Pain au Chocolat has me getting excited too.

“Can I know where we’re going now?”

“Nope,” Quincy says. “Let’s go, we’ll eat these in the car.”

I follow them out to the Hummer, where Jeremy’s waiting for us. “Good morning, Miss Lai.”

“Good morning, Jeremy. I don’t suppose you’d like to tell me where you’re taking us?”

He mimes a zip over his lips, and the playful motion makes me laugh.

I stuff myself full of pastries while we drive before arriving at an airstrip.

“Are we getting on that?” I ask in shock, staring at the jet in front of us. No one answers me as they all get out and fetch bags from the trunk.

“Come on.” Maxton offers me his hand, keeping hold of it across the tarmac before gesturing for me to head up the steps.

“Good morning, Miss,” a flight attendant greets me when I step inside. “Welcome aboard, the others are already here.” She slides open a door and a shout of surprise comes from inside. I spot Lia first and stumble over to her, shellshocked.

“What is happening?” I ask as she stands and hugs me.

“Just wait and see,” she grins. I say ‘hi’ to everyone else as the guys follow me on, greeting everyone too. Just as I’m about to find a seat, another ‘surprise’ goes up and I spin to see Gia looking just as shocked as me in the little doorway. I laugh at her expression and happiness floods through me. I hug her and shrug my shoulders at the questioning look she gives me.

“Just wait and see, apparently.”

We move out of the way for the others and the attendants come in to help store bags, the plane slowly filling with guests and security. We go nowhere without them now. I walk over to my guys, where they’ve found a set of four seats, but opt to sit in Atlas’s lap instead of my own chair.

“Are you going to explain now?” I ask them all, running my fingers through the hair at the nape of his neck. They exchange looks, very pleased with themselves indeed. Quinn is the one who finally answers.

“Well, we... I... fucked your last birthday up so badly, we needed to recover pretty spectacularly, so we thought we’d make a treat week of it. Of course, it’s your first birthday in a while with Gia on the outside and we’d never have forgotten Lia, so we’re all going,” Quincy explains.

Lia had actually cancelled her birthday dinner the other day saying she had a stomach bug, but now I bet it was because she’s awful at keeping secrets.

I can’t wipe the smile off my face as I stare at them all. “Where are we going?”


My mouth falls open in shock.

“No sassy remark? We might’ve broken her, guys.”

I elbow Atlas in the ribs to a satisfying “oof” but can’t keep the grin from splitting my face. I don’t even worry about time off or packing or anything, knowing my guys would have it handled.

“We’re going to take off, so could you please take your seats?” a flight attendant calls out. I settle into my own seat, still stunned at our destination. Catching Gia’s eye down the aisle, we beam at each other. I can’t believe the last year. The difference between that birthday and this one couldn’t be starker. My life has flipped 180 degrees in all the best ways, all thanks to the people on this plane.

My recovery after my second surgery was slower than I’d have liked. Some internal tissue tore when Leighton was dragging me around, but the guys were amazing. They had a lot of work to do with keeping the police off their backs and also establishing their link with the Vipers in the beginning. They’re still separate groups but the treaty is going well, and they even started some businesses together to solidify their connection. Not that Coze was really at any risk from the Titans. I owe him more than I could ever repay.

“You okay, belle?” Maxton asks, catching my eye from opposite me.

“I’m great,” I say, with a big smile that shows no sign of dimming.

The plane lands in Bali late in the evening, and it is stunning. We’re in a vast villa set within the hilltop with an infinity pool and the most incredible view. We all decide to get some sleep and meet up in the morning for breakfast.

I wake up sometime in the night, my body clock officially screwed by the time difference. Not wanting to disturb the guys after all the travel, I head out to sit on the balcony. This place is seriously breathtaking. Over the edge of the pool, you can see right down into the valley and the jungle covering the cliff on the other side. It’s like we’re in our own little bubble, our perfect paradise.

The doors slide open behind me, pulling me from the views to one that rivals it, in all honesty. I would never look away from Atlas in his underwear again.

“Happy Birthday, baby,” he says, leaning down to kiss me.

“Thank you.”

“What are you doing up?” he asks, leaning against the railings.

“I couldn’t sleep,” I say, standing up in front of him. “I need to be tired out.”

His gaze heats as I drop my robe and he wastes no time in picking me up, spinning and sitting me on the edge of the railing. “Mission accepted,” he says as he steps between my legs. I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him deeply, pressing my body against his, loving the feel of his skin against mine.

“Fucking hell, Madelaine. I will never get enough of you.”


He carries me back inside and throws me on the bed, jostling the others who wake up pretty quickly when they see me naked and wanting.

“Jesus,” Quincy says, rubbing his eyes.

I crawl over to him and he grabs my face, kissing me forcefully. He winds his hand in the hair at the back of my head and pulls me away from him, angling me towards Maxton.

Maxton kisses me as Atlas comes up behind and caresses my ass. I’m still on all fours so he has access to play, and as Quincy pulls me back from Maxton, Atlas spears me with one finger, making me gasp into Quincy’s mouth.

“On your back,” he whispers into mine. I spin, always happy to follow Quincy’s orders in the bedroom. He stands and pats the edge of the bed. “Put your shoulders here.” This leaves my head hanging over the edge, and Quincy crouches down, stroking my throat. “Happy Birthday, gorgeous.”

He cups my cheek upside down and slides his thumb against my lips. I open my mouth and suck it in, biting down lightly when his eyes hood. “You want to play?” He reaches onto the chair behind him and grabs a t-shirt, wrapping it around my eyes and tying it behind my head. “Is that okay?”

The lack of sight heightens my other senses, and my skin warms. “Yes.”

I can hear the guys move around and I can’t tell who is where. Fingers trail all over me. My lips, my breasts, my stomach, my legs. Just as I squirm, they disappear and I feel bare. Strong hands grab my ankles and bend my legs, separating my feet so I’m completely exposed. I tingle everywhere and suddenly there’s soft, cool breath being blown onto a nipple and my core at the same time. My back arches and someone grips my jaw lightly. I take the cue and open my mouth wide.

Working in unison, someone slides their cock into my mouth, someone else pushes their fingers into my entrance, and a third clasps their mouth over my breast. Their pace is slow and sensual, torturing me with the many sensations. It all stops at once, and I can hear them swapping places. The same delicious torment starts up again as my orgasm builds and my stomach tenses.

Atlas is normally the one who likes to make me beg by going slow, but they’re all working in a torturous rhythm and it’s driving me crazy. They stop again and switch. Every time I think I figure out who is where something changes my mind. The constant, steady friction with the relentless pleasure on my breasts and the heady feeling of someone sliding down my throat is too much and I moan around them, clenching as my body hums with satisfaction.

This is clearly what they’re waiting for as I’m flipped over, now straddling, and someone brings me down hard, impaling me with a groan. Atlas. Hands at my rear spread my wetness over my hole and I would bet money that’s Maxton. He holds me still while he presses slowly in from behind, and they both move in rhythm. A hand on the nape of my neck warns me before Quincy’s tip hits my lips, coating them in salty pre-cum. I lick them clean and then open my mouth, ready with my tongue out.

“Fucking hell,” he groans, confirming my guess as he slides into my mouth. He keeps his hand on the back of my head and thrusts hard back and forth, fucking my mouth. Atlas and Maxton get the message and start moving properly, pleasure flooding my body as they fill me completely. The pace picks up as they watch me enjoy them all.

Maxton finishes first, clutching my hips with his fingertips and emptying himself into me. Quincy is next, pouring himself down my throat before slipping out. Atlas takes the opportunity to flip me back over to underneath him, pounding into me as his pelvis grinds against my clit. I clench around him, moaning into his neck as he stills a few seconds later, joining me in bliss. We all lay haphazardly on the bed until Maxton heads to the bathroom, returning with a washcloth and cleaning me up.

We shuffle around so we’re all back in bed, well and truly tired out. Maxton climbs in next to me, hugging me from behind.

“Happy Birthday, belle,” he murmurs against my hair.

I close my eyes and smile. Best birthday ever.