Her Titans by Genevieve Jasper

The Stranger


I gave them a warning and they blew it. I thought they might, they’re too cocky for their own good. It’s why I was ready when I got the message that she was leaving with them. Them! The fucking Titans. Can’t they see how easily I could ruin them? The visual of the bomb nearly out of time was so cinematic. At least they’re adding a thrill to our love story.

Wait until she hears everything I’ve been through for her. To prove that she’s mine and I deserve her. It’s time to show them what I’m capable of: complete and utter destruction. Maybe she’ll see why spending time with the Titans is such a bad idea. I wander around the house, spilling gasoline as I go.

It’s a shame, really. The house is so warm and inviting. It smells like her, and the photos of her and Amelia smile at me as I move around the room. I loved to come here and relax when I was stressed. Being around her things calms me, like I’m being soothed by her, wrapped in her embrace. It’s probably a good thing I can’t stick around to watch the aftermath. It would hurt me too, to watch it all burn. But the risk of being spotted is too high. I don’t know where Causus is, and he’d recognise me in seconds.