Saving Easton by Kaci Rose

Chapter 22

Chapter 22


I’m honestly nervous about this meeting with Leeland, and I have no idea how it will go. I spoke with Noah about it this morning, and he said Lexi was out working on the vegetable garden and suggested I go help her, instead of sitting here thinking about it.

So, that's how I found myself, kneeling in the dirt, planting some tomato plants with Allie by my side, watching my back. I like working with Lexi. She doesn't talk much, and just lets me zone out and work, and for that, I'm grateful.

It's getting close to lunchtime, when Allie starts barking, letting me know someone is walking up behind me. I glance over my shoulder and find Leeland. An older version than I remember, but it's definitely him.

I stand and brush the dirt off my hands and pet Allie, thanking her for letting me know he was here. Then, I turn to face him, and we both stare each other down. Neither of us quite knowing what to say.

"Maybe, we should do this inside. It's almost lunchtime." I say.

"Sounds good.”

"I’ll have them send an extra plate to your room," Lexi says, as she stands up and holds a hand out to Leeland. "Hi, I'm Lexi. My husband and I run the place."

Leeland nods. "I met Noah, and he told me where to find Easton."

"Club sandwich and chips okay for lunch?" Lexi asks him.

"Perfect," he says.

I start walking back inside with Allie at my side. Leeland’s walking behind us, and I stop.

"Don't walk behind me, please," I say, trying to be polite. He doesn't know what he's doing wrong.

"Sorry." He moves over to my side.

As we walk through Oakside, he takes it all in.

"I can't believe this is my first time here. Paisley has been trying to get me to come, since it opened, but I just haven’t made it."

I don't add that if he had, I'd have been here. I know it would have affected any relationship Paisley and I have, so I'm glad things worked out the way they did.

No sooner do I sit down from washing up, Kaitlyn brings in our food.

"Little birdy told me you had company, so I thought I'd bring your lunch early," she says. "You need anything just call."

I nod, and she closes the door behind her. Allie lies down at my feet, as we start eating.

"How long you been here?" Leeland asks.

"Since they opened.”

"Paisley told me you were here, but not why."

"She only knows the short version. I was held as a prisoner of war for a year.”

He sets his sandwich down and just looks at me.

"Why didn't she tell me? I'd have been here sooner."

"Because I told her not, too. She does work here, so she couldn't say anything." I remind him, trying to keep Paisley out of trouble.

"Why did you tell her not, too?"

This is a fair question, but I don't know how to explain to him that the last time he saw me, I was a different person. But the biggest reason is Paisley. I wanted more time with her. The moment we’re friends again, then the don't date my younger sister rule goes back into effect. But I know I can't stay away from her now, so this is going to cause problems.

"When I first got here, I was spaced out. I sat in the chair there by the window and just enjoyed the sun on my face. I didn't let anyone in my room, and I couldn't stand to be touched. To have people in here and touching me is still hard for me to tolerate, but thanks to Paisley and Allie here it's getting easier." I say, petting Allie and slipping her a piece of bread.

"It was you who saved Paisley from that kitchen guy, wasn't it?"

"Yeah, it was the first time I didn't care that I was touching anyone, when I laid into him. Walking in and seeing her pinned to the wall? Something shifted. When I wrapped her in my arms, making sure she was okay, and she hugged me back? My skin didn't crawl. Ever since that day, I've been able to tolerate my nurses and doctors more easily. I've been able to go outside. Even more so, since she brought me Allie." I stop, worried I might have said too much.

For a guy who didn't talk at anyone a few months ago, when it comes to Paisley, I can't seem to stop singing her praises.

"Thank you for having her back," he says.


"So, your time as a POW?"

"I don't talk about it.”

"To Paisley?"

"To anyone."

"Not even your doctor?"

I just shake my head.

He sighs, "I'm not an expert, but even I know it's not good to hold it in."

"I know, and I'm working on it."

"So, you were working outside in long sleeves and pants?"

I look at him, because he hasn't put the pieces together. I clench my teeth, pulling up my sleeve. He looks at it a moment, and then looks back at me.

"You know scars are nothing to hide."

"Says the guy whose only scars are from doing stupid shit as a kid.”

He growls, "Your scars have been hard earned. They show you survived, and you’re here today, because you were stronger than them. Be proud of those scars."

"Easier said than done."

"Always is."

"So, fill me in on your college time," I say, trying to change the subject.

"I joined a fraternity."

"I can't picture you as a frat boy. You’re not pretty enough."

"Fuck you, man. I did rush week and everything."

"What did you have to do to pledge?"

"I was designated driver for a month, which was easy, because I was underage and couldn’t drink."

"Like it would have stopped you."

He smirks, "I also had to clean the frat house after each party for a few months and wear a dress to all my classes for a week."

"You got off easy," I say.

"I got lucky my fraternity didn't believe in hazing. They had a guy die from it back in 2001, so they stopped it after that. It's one of the reasons I choose them."

"You’re still happy you joined?"

"Yeah. I'm still friends with the guys."

Then, the pool party flashes to my mind, and what his friends did to Paisley.

"These the same guys you let harass Paisley at the pool party?"

He looks down at the ground.

"I was drunk, and it got out of hand."

"She's your sister, and you used to kick guys’ assess just for cursing around her. God forbid anyone asked her out, you’d kicked their ass to the curb. People had to choose being friends with you or having a chance to date Paisley. Good guys too that weren't there to take advantage of her, but genuinely liked her." I snap.

"It wasn't my finest moment. I'm surprised she told you about that."

"We talk, and she tells me a lot. I tell her what I can."

"What else has she told you?" He says with a smile on his face.

"That your girlfriend treats her like crap, but you still keep her around, too," I say.”

Leeland's face gets serious then, but he doesn't say anything, as my phone goes off.

Paisley:Everything going okay?

Me: Yeah, we have things to hash out, but it's going as good as expected.

Paisley:I'm going to head to my parents for a bit. I’ll be over, when he's gone.

Me: Okay, enjoy your time.


Leeland is just watching me, so I set the phone down.

"I know it's been a few years, but you’ve changed," I say.

"And you don't think it's in a good way."

"What makes you think that?"

"Everything about our conversation so far."

"It's just not the Leeland I used to know."

"Well, you don't know me like you used, too."

"You're right, and we are both to blame for that. We didn't fight hard enough for our friendship," I say.

He doesn't argue, because he knows it's true. We finish our lunch in silence, until my phone goes off again.

Paisley:Well, Leeland's girlfriend just attacked me at my parents’ house.

Me:What? Are you okay? Attacked you over what?

I look up and glare at him. How can he let this woman be around Paisley constantly? Leeland has dumped girls who said one bad thing to Paisley, but I never could have imagined him letting someone treat her like this.

Paisley:I'm fine. My dad stepped in. And all because I told her she wasn't allowed to go on Leeland's visit to see you. Is Leeland still there?

Me: Yeah.

Paisley: Okay, I'm going to go home, have a drink, and take a hot bath.

Me:Promise you’re okay?

Paisley:Yes. I’ll call you later tonight after dinner, and after I sort this all out in my head.

Me: Okay.


"You know we were friends for a long time, and that means something," I say and Leeland nods. "But Paisley and I are friends now, and she's been my rock. That means more to me. The way you’re letting your girlfriend treat her is bullshit."

"What are you talking about? Was that Paisley?"

"Yeah, it was. She went to go visit your parents without the girlfriend around, and she showed up there, attacked Paisley, and your dad had to step in."

Leeland's face pales. "Is Paisley okay?"

"She says she is, but I don't think so. Said she's going home to sort it out."

He sighs and runs his hand over his face.

"I don't even have your number."

He gives me his phone, and I put it in mine and send him a text, so he has my number.

"Listen, we’re different people, and I get that. I haven't made some great choices, but I’ll own up to it. I'm still here for you, and I'm not going anywhere this time," he says.

"Well, you know where to find me. We can do lunch again."

He stands up hesitantly.

"Normally, I'd go for a hug, but..."

"Please, don't," I say with a bit of a smirk.

He nods. "Lunch next week sound good?"

"Lunch next week." I agree.

I never wished more than I do at this moment, that I could get in my car and go check on Paisley, but I don't think I'd even make it off the Oakside grounds.