Saving Easton by Kaci Rose

Chapter 23

Chapter 23


I couldn't sit around anymore and wait for Easton and Leeland's lunch to be over, so I decide to head to my parents’ house. A little one-on-one time with them seems perfect right now.

Dad, still being the only one knowing the full story, gives me an extra tight hug, when I walk in. Followed my mom's hug that always seems to make things better.

"Lee visiting with Easton?" Dad asks.


"Well, I have to finish up this email. Why don't you go sit on the porch, and your mom and I’ll join you in a few minutes?”

"Sounds perfect," I say, knowing Mom will make up some sweet tea and find some snacks to bring out.

I go to the front porch and off to the side is a porch swing. It's my favorite place in the whole world. I can sit here under the shade of the porch and watch the whole world go by. Well, at least the neighborhood. Molly climbs up next to me, and I start rocking us slowly, resisting the urge to text Easton again.

I read over our messages from last night, when we were just asking each other silly question after question. Favorite foods, music, bucket list items. I'm so lost in reading the texts I don't hear anyone come up on the porch, until I hear Molly’s soft growls.

"You know you had no right to get between Lee and me," Barbie says, startling me from my thoughts.

"What?" I ask confused, thinking I missed something.

"By saying I couldn't go with him to see Easton. You had no right."

What the hell is this girl’s problem? Why is she so upset over this?

"The men are there, because they have been injured in action. Easton doesn't do well with strangers, and they were best friends growing up. It took weeks, before Easton was okay to have him visit. If you had shown up, that visit wouldn't have happened at all."

"Well, that isn't your call," she snaps.

"Well, actually it is. I’m working with him and Allie, and upsetting him, would push back their care, as well as possibly cause issues with other patients." Even though I know this is a flimsy excuse at best. I might have some pull with Lexi, who might back me up, but that's about it.

Barbie takes another step towards me, and this is when Molly gets down, sits in front of me, and starts growling loud and threateningly. Without words, Molly is telling Barbie to keep her distance.

"Lee and I are together, and the sooner you get on board with that the better," she sneers.

"I doubted Molly once, and I won't do that again. She's a great judge in character or lack of."

"Listen here, you bitch..." She doesn't get to finish the sentence, because my dad steps onto the porch.

"It's time for you to leave, Barbie." He says in his stone-cold voice. "You aren't welcome here anymore, so don't bother coming back."

Barbie's face turns as pink as the Barbie convertible I had as a kid, before she turns and stomps back to her car.

I slump back into the swing, and my dad takes a chair next to me.

"How much of that did you hear?"

"All of it. I saw her walk up just as I was about to step out onto the porch. I was eavesdropping, even though I know I shouldn't have been."

"Well, I'm glad you were. I just don't understand why this was such a big deal to her. It's like I suggested he go on a blind date with another girl for how mad she is over it."

"I'm not sure either. Though, I guess it's nothing to the wrath of Leeland Sutton that I'm going to have to deal with. I love that you’re here sweet pea, but it's probably best you go home, so I can deal with Lee myself."

"Thanks, Daddy. I think a long bath and some wine are calling my name."

"Okay, sweet pea." He says, hugging me.

I get in my car and text Easton what just happened. On my way home, I grab take out from the diner near my house. As I eat and toss the conversation over and over in my head, I feel like I'm missing something.

After finishing my sandwich and wine, I still have no idea, so I run a hot bath, put my hair up, grab a book, and another glass of wine. I sit the bottle of wine next to the tub and get in. As I sink into the hot water, I already feel all the tension leave my body.

I get a few chapters into my book and halfway into the bottle of wine, before my phone goes off. I drain some water and add some more hot water for the third time, before I pick it up.

Easton:How are you doing?


Easton:Are you drunk?

Me:Happily tipsy.

Easton: You have no idea how badly I wish I could be there for you right now. I'd have shown up on your doorstep the moment your brother left, if I could have.

I want him here too, more than I care to admit. Maybe, it's the wine, or maybe, it's wanting to forget about the run in with Barbie, or maybe, it's both, but I empty the tub halfway and refill it with some bubbles and more hot water. I lay back and rest my legs on the side of the tub and make sure the bubbles cover the surface of the water.

I snap a few photos, and then pick one and attach it to my next text.

Me:I wish you were here, too.

I'm only slightly disappointed, when I don't get a response right away, so I refill my glass of wine and pick my book back up. I barely get a paragraph in, before a text goes off again.

Easton:Playing dirty, I see.

Me: Always.

Instead of another text, he calls me this time.

"You knew exactly what you were doing, when you sent that picture, sunshine."

"Yep," I say, popping the p.

"How much have you had to drink?"

"Half a bottle.”

"A better man would hang up and say good night and talk to you tomorrow."

"Guess it's a good thing a better man isn't on the phone."

"Do you want to know how the conversation with Leeland went?" He asks, trying to change the subject.

"I don't want to talk about my brother or his girlfriend. Don't burst my bubble. There’s one thing I need help with, and if you don't want to help me, I can get off the phone and do it myself."

He curses under his breath.

"I'm so damn hard just from that photo and imagining you in the tub."

"Good. If you were here, you’d be in the tub with me. Nice and wet."

"I'd have you sit in front of me, so I could run my hands all over your breasts and down between your legs. Do it now. Pretend it's my hands on you."

I do as he says and take my free hand and rub it over my breasts, and then down the center of my stomach to my core.

"Mmm, Easton. It feels so good." I moan.

"Rub your clit for me, sunshine."

"Are you playing with yourself, too?"

"Yes. Wishing it was you," he groans.

"Go slow," I tell him.

He takes in a ragged breath. "Okay."

"I wish I was there, feeling you wiggle your ass against me, being able to watch your skin flush right before you come."

"I wish you were inside me right now. My hand isn't enough."

"I would ride you so hard, Paisley. I wouldn't be able to be gentle. Years of frustration and watching you walk around in those skimpy bikinis. Years of jacking off to the thoughts of peeling that bikini off of you, and then plunging into you the first time with you screaming my name."

"Easton!" I'm so close, and I don't want him to stop.

"I’m not going to be gentle with you. You'd ride my cock hard and fast in that tub. Screaming my name over and over."

That's what sets me over the edge. My orgasm overtakes me, and I explode, moaning his name. Hearing him cum and groaning my name, only prolongs my spasms. As I float back to Earth, I'm grateful I didn't drop my phone in the tub.

"Damn, that was hot," I say with a laugh.

"Yeah, it was." He agrees. "I really didn't call for that to happen. I just wanted to check on you."

"I know, but I needed it. I'm doing fine, I promise. I'm about to get out of the tub and go to bed, and maybe watch some TV."

"Will I see you tomorrow?"

"Molly and I’ll be there."