Saving Easton by Kaci Rose

Chapter 35

Chapter 35

My brother showed up yesterday out of the blue, and we had a nice, long talk. Apparently, he's ready to pull his head out of his ass and grow up. He apologized more times than I can count. He even brought me my favorite chocolate and wine, though I suspect Mom helped him with that.

He also stayed and fixed some things around the house for me, and even mowed my lawn. I made him dinner and decided I'd forgive him under the condition that he got himself on track. He says he has been.

Apparently, he has applied for a few new jobs with more responsibility, and I was one of the first stops for making amends to people on his list. I'm hoping Easton's on that list, but I couldn't bring myself to ask, if he's talked to him.

For two reasons. Because if he hasn't, then there’s a chance he isn't getting any better. And if he had, then Easton’s talking to everyone but me, and my heart couldn't take it, so we stayed clear of the subject.

Today, is the day I'd normally be at Oakside, and I still haven't found a way to fill that time in my schedule, even after a month. I'm mindlessly cleaning my house, but other than some dog hair that needs sweeping up, the house really doesn't need to be cleaned. I've tried reading, but I can't concentrate. Jake is at Oakside, so I can't visit him, and after two weeks, Amanda told me I was bringing down the dogs’ moods and making it hard to train them.

I didn't want to go to my parents’ in case Leeland showed up, and Lexi was working, so I was left to entertain myself.

I must be going stir crazy and wishing for company because I swear I hear knocking, but I know I wasn't imagining it, when Molly and Reba start barking at the door.

I sigh and check my hair in the hallway photo frame before I open the door and almost fall over myself to find Easton on the other side. He looks just as handsome as he always does, except now he's showing off the tattoos and scars on his arms. I stand there in shock unable to move or think, as Molly and Reba great Allie.

"Can I come in?" He finally asks, and I step back to let him in.

Damn it, why did I have to think cleaning my house would be a good way to kill time today? I have done nothing with my hair, and I'm in shorts and an old, stained t-shirt, and I'm sure I smell like that green cleaning spray I was using way too much of.

He sits down on the couch, and I sit on the edge of the love seat.

"You look more beautiful than ever." His eyes roam over me.

My heart races, and I don't know what to expect, but that simple comment, makes me want to jump into his arms. I sit on my hands to prevent just that.

"Well, I was cleaning, when you got here, so... but you’re looking good. How’re you doing?"

He scoots forward on the couch, resting his elbow on his knees and clasping his hands together.

"Your brother struck a chord with me. Not that I should have talked to him, but his words about you deserving more. The more I thought about it, the more I knew he was right. You deserved someone who could be by your side, and not hold you back, because of his insecurities. When I got your letter..." His Adam's apple bobs.

Allie winds her way around his legs, and he takes a moment to pet her.

"When I got your letter, it felt like you were saying goodbye, and I wasn't okay with that. I wanted you in my life, and knowing that, threw me into gear. I worked my butt off to be a man you can be proud of..."


"Let me finish.”

"No. I’m proud of you, and I was proud of you then. I don't want you to ever think I wasn't, or that I'm not. And I never once felt like you were holding me back. I loved knowing I was helping you and was making a difference to someone for once." I say, and then look over towards the dogs.

"You have always seen so much more in me than I have. I wanted to see what you saw in me, and I finally do. I’m finally worthy of you."

For the second time today, this man has shocked me into silence. It's a full minute before I can even think.

"What?" I ask finally.

He gives me that sexy half smirk.

"I met with the doctors and changed my treatment plan. I kicked it up, ripped off the Band-Aids, and pushed forward. I took Noah up on his job offer, and I’m now the head of security at Oakside. It's just Jake and me right now, but we’re bringing on some night time guys. I transitioned out of Oakside and got my own place, though I hope it's only temporary."


I get this sinking feeling that he's here to say goodbye, because he's looking to take this super awesome job somewhere across the country. It would be my luck, it really would.

"Well, there’s this girl who stole my heart, and I seem to stop thinking about her." He reaches for my hand, and then slides to his knees in front of me.

"I'm hoping she’ll forgive me for the last month, when I kept us apart and will still want to be with me." He pulls something from this pocket and takes a deep breath, before meeting my eyes.

"I love you, Paisley. I promise to always be by your side no matter what crazy adventure you go on. I promise to always pick you over everyone else. I promise to help you train the dogs and help you fill the house with as many of them as you want. I promise to be your best friend, the best husband, and the best family you could ever hope for. Will you marry me?" He flips open a velvet box.

Inside is the most beautiful princess cut ring I've ever seen. My entire life I've loved this ring because it's my grandma's ring.

There’s no hesitation and no question on what my answer will be.

"Yes!" I cry, wrapping my arms around his neck.

He takes me in his arms, and it feels so good to be back there. I feel safe again and whole. He pulls back just enough to take my hand and slip the ring on. Then, he brings my hand to his mouth and kisses it, before cradling my head in both his hands and giving me a deep, wonderfully passionate kiss.

It's a shock to my system, even though I knew it was coming. I love this man with everything that I am.

"I love you, Easton." I sigh, needing to tell him.

Then, he moves to sit back on the couch, taking me with him and sitting me in his lap.

"I'm not ready to let go of you just yet."

"So, when can you move in?"

He laughs.

"Well, I'm not freeloading. I want to split the expenses."

"Hmm, I don't have many, because this house was paid off, when my grandparents left it to me. It's the only way I could afford it. How about you take over mowing the grass and landscaping and pay for cable, because I don't have TV, and I'm sure you want something more than my DVD collection."

"We can talk more about it later, but I can move in as soon as you're ready."

"I'm ready."

We sit quietly in each other’s arms for a few minutes, enjoying the moment.

"Have you spoken to Leeland?" He asks.

"He came over the other day and apologized and is working to make it up to me. He also did some stuff around the house. Have you talked to him?"

"Last week, he was the first person I went and saw. I was hoping my talk would be the kick in the pants he needed. A little guilt trip never hurt anyone. I also talked to your parents, too. They were overjoyed."

"I bet Mom already has our entire wedding planned. She's been waiting for one of us to get married. Now, she’ll start talking about grandbabies the second we walk through the door."

"Oh, she already was, before I left."

I laugh and look down at my ring.

"I should shower. I really was cleaning the house," I say, standing, and thankfully, he lets me. "Care to join me?"

I walk towards the hallway and look over my shoulder and find him right behind me.

"Lead the way, Mrs. Mathews."

A smile takes over my face. I like the sound of that. But maybe, it's time to burn the notebooks I had doodled those words in over a thousand times, when I was in school.