Saving Easton by Kaci Rose

Chapter 36


So, this is Oakside. It seems like a nice place. My nurse told me it would be like staying in a bed-and-breakfast, and from the outside, it looks like just that. Or maybe, I just stepped back into the 1800s with all the large plantation estates. That wouldn't surprise me anymore.

Hailey, my nurse, walks beside me, as we make our way up the perfectly landscaped walkway to the front door.

On the front porch are two couples, and they have two dogs with them. They both smile at me, like everything is right in the world. Maybe in their world it is, but certainly not in mine.

"Hello, Theodore." The man on the left with the scars on his face and hands says.

"Teddy," I say, and he nods.

"I'm Noah, and this is my wife, Lexi."

"Hello, Teddy," she says.

"This is Easton, my head of security, and his fiancé, Paisley. Allie there is Easton's service dog, and Molly there is Oakside's therapy dog. Easton was a patient here and is a great person to go to for advice, or if you want to talk to someone," Noah says.

"I'm also here if you need to yell or hit someone," Easton says, but Paisley elbows him in the side.

"We’re all here to help you any way we can," Paisley says, smiling.

"No one can help me. I'd like to just go to my room, please."

This doesn't even seem to faze them, but I guess this is what they do. They handle guys like me. Hailey was singing their praises, but I'm skeptical. Still, anything to get out of that cold, sterile hospital.

They show me to a room on the second floor that does look exactly like what I’d find in a bed-and-breakfast. The long room is broken up into a few areas. A sleeping area with a bed in the back, a living area with a couch, a chair, and TV, the bathroom to the side, and a desk area near the door. The window looks out over the back of the property.

"Let us know if you need anything. Your nurse and doctor will be in soon, after you get settled. Tomorrow, we’ll go over your treatment plan. Dinner starts at six in the dining hall. A map is on the desk. Welcome to Oakside." Lexi says, walking out of the door.

My bags are sitting on the bed, someone already having brought them in. It's not much. Just some clothes and books.

I open my backpack and pull out the item that weighs me down the most. The letter from the lawyer that took my life from bad to worse. The letter that I read every night, before bed and every morning, before getting out of bed to remind me I deserve this hell I’m in.

They’re gone because of me, because of the decisions I made. I don't deserve to be here. I should be in the ground, not them and especially not him. He should be here to run that company and do well with that estate.

Not me.


Thank you for reading Saving Easton. Read the next book in the series, Saving Teddy.

She’s Still The One.


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