Player Loves Curves Box Set #4-6 by Hope Ford



I lookup into the stands, and my whole family is here. My mom and dad, Hanna and Maggie. And of course I can’t forget our little one. We just found out that Hanna is pregnant, and we couldn’t be more excited about it.

Hanna is talking to my mom, but she’s still looking for me, seeking me out. I wave at her, and she waves back. Of course my parents were overjoyed to find out about Maggie, and they have been coming to town about twice a month to see us.

I still hate how Hanna’s family has treated her the way they have. They have no interest in a reconciliation or even meeting their grandchild. It’s their loss though because Hanna and Maggie are everything and bring so much joy to my life. Her parents are the one’s missing out.

I give my family another wave and then look around at my teammates.

Our team, the Nationals, have made it to the playoffs and we’re playing a good team from Florida.

I’ve been on a good hitting streak, but I credit that to putting the work in.

When I’m up to bat, I draw a heart in the dirt with my bat, letting Hanna know I’m thinking of her before I put the bat over my shoulder. I swing at the first fastball and miss it.

“Strike!” the umpire calls beside me.

The next ball comes in, another fastball, and I swing, hitting it with the end of the bat and fouling it off.

For the next pitch, I crowd the plate and get ready. I know it’s going to be a change-up… maybe a curve ball… and I’m ready.

He throws a change-up, and I wait for the ball to get deep and swing with all my might. I hit, far into center field, and start running to first base. When the crowd goes wild and fireworks shoot out over the back of the field, I know it’s a homerun.

I slow my pace, and as I run around third to home, I look up in the stands, my eyes on Hanna and Maggie until I’m crossing home plate.

We end up winning the game by one run.

After the game, I meet up with Hanna to go home. My parents have already left, taking Maggie with them to go pick up food and meet us at home.

Hanna stands there smiling at me, pride in her face. As soon as I reach her, she puts her arms around my waist, getting up on her tiptoes to kiss me. When she pulls away, she asks, “Aren’t you glad you never gave this up?”

I shake my head at her. She still doesn’t fully understand how much I love her, but I’m fine spending the rest of my life showing her. “I could take it or leave it, baby. As long as I have you, I have everything I could ever want.”

The End

You can get the whole Player Loves Curves series here: Player Loves Curves