Player Loves Curves Box Set #4-6 by Hope Ford



I’ve hadmy pick of women for years now, but I’ve never wanted anyone like I want Naomi. Our night of passion was the best sex I’ve ever had, and it’s only made me want more. But that’s not all; I want more of everything that has to do with Naomi. It’s so strange and intoxicating.

We went two rounds last night and in between we had a picnic on her bed. We talked about our families and luckily, the talk of my job never came up. For the first time, a woman likes me because of me. Not because I’m a major league baseball player, not because they know I have money. Naomi seems to really like me. I want to savor that, and the fact it’s just the two of us and I don’t have to share it with anyone right now is great.

There’s a little place in the back of my head that is wondering if she’s going to think I’ve lied to her, but I haven’t. I told her I wouldn’t lie to her anymore and I won’t. But I still haven’t told her what I do for a living. I don’t think it will bother her. But I do know the longer it takes for me to tell her, the worse it’s going to be.

She fell asleep after the last go-around and I lay here holding her in my arms. I know I need sleep—I have practice early in the morning—but I can’t seem to drift off. All I can think about is how I’m going to fit her into my life. I want to introduce her to some of the guys, the ones on the team that I trust. Fuck, I even want her to meet my mother.

Stroking my hand down her naked back, I try to nudge her awake. Apparently, I can’t be around her without wanting to be inside her. It’s an uncomfortable state, but I’m reveling in it. I’ve never felt this way before.

I pull her tight against me, about to go for round three, when I notice the digital clock on the nightstand. “Oh shit, it’s almost seven-thirty.”

I jump out of bed and start pulling on my pants. She bolts out of bed and, noticing she’s naked, she jerks the sheet off the bed. “I have to be at work in thirty minutes,” she says as she walk-jogs to her closet. Even with her hair going everywhere and smudged makeup under her eyes, she still looks beautiful. All my other clothes are still in the other room, so I walk up behind her and kiss her neck.

She turns in my arms. “You can shower if you want.”

I just shake my head. “Nope. I want the smell of you on me. I like it.”

My words cause her face to heat and I lean down to kiss her. “I want to see you again.”

She nods her head, beaming up at me. “I’d like that too.”

With one last kiss, I walk away from her with a promise to text her later.

Hours later, I’m still at practice. I’m doing better today and the coach is not having to get on to me like he did yesterday. I’m feeling good. I’m on my game and I also can’t wipe the goofy look off my face. Some of the guys are razzing me about it, but I don’t care. I’m counting down the minutes until I get to see her again.

I shoot off a text to her as I’m walking back to the locker room. I’ll still have another hour for a rubdown from the trainer but this evening I’ll be free. You up for dinner and dancing tonight?

Almost immediately, I get a text back. Yes. Or we can stay home and do what we did last night.

Fuck me. I grip the phone tighter. Does she have any idea what she’s doing to me? But determined, I answer her back. I’m taking you out on a proper date. I don’t want you to think that’s all I want.

Fine, she texts and I swear I can hear the sassiness in her voice as she types it. What do you have in mind?

Meet me at the Underground. 6pm, I tell her, naming an upscale restaurant and club that my friend owns. I figure getting her out in public is the best way to actually have a date and not have sex with her the moment I see her.

She texts back agreeing to the date and anticipation already takes over. I’m excited and I can’t wait to see her again.

I lay down on the trainer’s table and let him get to work. I do everything I can to put thoughts of Naomi out of my mind, but I can’t. Tonight can’t come soon enough.

* * *


I have nothing to wear.As soon as I put the phone down, I realize it. I have teacher clothes, nothing for dinner and dancing. I trade off with another teacher to get out of bus duty and then as soon as the three o’clock bell rings, I run from the school building to make my spa appointment. Luckily, they were able to fit me in. I no sooner get my hair and nails done, a bikini wax and then find me a dress with matching pumps to wear before I’m pulling into my apartment complex. I change clothes and then my doorbell rings as a text comes through my phone. Reading the text, my mouth drops. I sent a car for you.

“What the—?” I start to say, but when I open the door, there’s a man in a black suit standing there.

“Miss Naomi, I’m here to take you to Neil.”

Stunned, I grab my purse and follow him out the door, texting Neil. He’s here. I could’ve driven.

The text back is immediate. You’ve worked all day. I wanted you to relax.

Thank you.

I fidget the whole way to the restaurant. When we pull up, it’s amazing how beautiful the place is. I know it’s fancy, which is probably why I’ve never been there before.

The driver walks around and helps me from the car. I thank him and finally force myself to take calming breaths. The only good thing about being so busy this afternoon is that I haven’t been able to let my nerves get to me. With running late this morning and teaching all day, I haven’t had the time to think about or process anything that has happened between Neil and me. I’ve kept all my worrisome and nerve-racking thoughts at bay, but now, as I walk in, fluffing my hair, they come back full force.

I walk in and for once I look as if I fit in. The dress is perfect.