Player Loves Curves Box Set #4-6 by Hope Ford



I wanted to date her.To get to know her, but fuck! I didn’t prepare myself for the sexy dress she shows up in or how it shows off her sexy legs and round, full breasts. She’s a walking wet dream and my first instinct is to walk over and cover her from any other man that may think he can look at her.

When I walk over to her, I kiss her on the lips, but before I do what I want to do, which is push her up against the wall and make love to her mouth, I make myself pull away. “You want to eat first, or have a drink?”

I can tell she’s nervous as she answers, “Honestly? I could use a drink.”

I grab on to her hand, bringing it to my lips before pulling her toward the bar. I help her up on the stool and then sit next to her, spinning us toward each other so that her legs are wedged between the two of mine. “I know I’ve said this before, but you’re beautiful.”

She licks her lips and for the first time she reaches out to me, kissing me. I groan, pulling away from her. I remind myself over and over that I’m not going to fuck her. Not here, not right now.

The bartender comes over and I tense at the way he looks at Naomi. If I could block her from him, I would. Instead, my hands tighten on her legs. “What do you want to drink?”

When she orders a cherry bomb, I don’t think anything of it. I order a water, because right now, I know I don’t need liquor. I have a big game tomorrow but also I don’t want the alcohol messing with my head.

“Here you go.” The bartender sets the drinks down in front of us and I slap a twenty down in front of him before waving him off.

She picks up the glass with one hand and pulls the cherry out with the other. She pops it into her mouth and the juice covers her lips. I kiss her again, because fuck, I want to so bad. I’m pulling her to me, and she sets her glass down and slides off the stool, fitting herself tight between my legs. Her hands go to my hips and I position her until my hard cock is pressed into her belly. Her lips are next to my ear, and when she gasps, a sound so fucking sexy, I nearly start pumping my greedy dick against her.

Somewhere in my brain, I remember the fact that there would be people taking pictures and video if I fucked her right here. “Come on,” I tell her, pulling her away from the bar and to follow me to the VIP room upstairs.

There’s a guy at the door and he recognizes me. “Anyone in there?”

He shakes his head. “No. It’s a slow night; it won’t pick up for another hour or so.”

I peel a hundred dollar bill from my pocket and hold it out to him. “I need the space. Send dinner up. Two steaks, two potatoes.” I turn to Naomi. “How do you want your steak cooked?”

She looks between me and the bouncer. I can tell she’s unnerved by the fact I’m ordering dinner from the bouncer, but she doesn’t comment. “Uh, medium well.”

I turn back to him. “Make that two.”

He nods his head and opens the door for us as I pull her in. I no sooner get the door shut than I pick her up, carrying her to the nearest table and setting her atop it. She doesn’t try to stop me. We’re so burnt up for each other I don’t even know how I’m going to be able to stop from having her. My whole goal was to show her there’s more to this than sex, but already I’m taking her on the first table I come to. I slide my hands up the skirt of her dress, pull her panties down, and start fingering her. I could come already, just by feeling how wet she is for me. Her head lolls back, but then snaps up quickly. “Neil, what’s your name? I forgot your last name and I should at least know your first and last name before we have sex again.”

I want to laugh. She’s rocking her hips against my hand as I finger her… but she wants to know my name. I think it’s fucking adorable that she’s trying to maintain her standards. I open the fly of my pants and drop them with my underwear to my knees. I pull her to the edge of the table and as I pound my dick into her, I tell her my name. “Neil Fox, honey. Remember it. I don’t want you to forget it again. I want it to be what you scream every fucking time you orgasm.”

And I make sure she does just that. I make sure she says it every time I pummel into her, until she’s fully satisfied and we’ve both orgasmed. I would say I’m disappointed in myself, but looking at her in the candlelight lit room I know I didn’t have a chance. Even now, I just had her, but I want her again. She’s like a drug and I’m addicted.

I barely get us decent and clothed before they’re bringing in our food. We sit at the table and I pull her close to me in the booth. I wish I had ordered something else, because it’s impossible to hold her and cut steak too. I order her another drink and we relax as we eat.

When we’re finished, I break the news to her. “So, I’m sorry, uh, I don’t know if you realized it, but I didn’t use a condom.”

Her mouth drops, and her eyes get large as saucers. “Oh my God, I didn’t even… Oh my God.”

I reach over and touch her hand to calm her. “I’m clean, so you don’t have to worry about that.”

She nods her head. “Yeah, right, me too. I’m clean.” She looks as if she’s counting and then she releases a breath. “And I don’t think it’s the right time of the month for me to get pregnant.”

I should be worried about that, but I’m not. I actually enjoy the thought of her getting round with my baby. “If you are, I would want to know.”

“Oh, yeah, sure,” she says, nodding her head. I can tell she’s taken aback. I want to pursue the conversation, but the VIP room is filling up now. I can see people at the other tables staring at us and I know I’ve been recognized.

“Let’s get outta here.” I stand up, help her up and put my hand at the small of her back. I put some bills on the table and walk with her hand in hand out of the room, down the steps and out the front door. Numerous people step in my path and try to get my attention, but I don’t let up. I didn’t think this through. I should have told her who I was before tonight, before bringing her here.

We walk out into the night air and I pull her in close. “You okay?”

She laughs. “Yeah, wow, it’s packed in there now. I guess it’s good we didn’t get to dance. It would’ve been pretty close quarters.”

I open the car door for her and before she sits down, I stop her. “I would love to dance with you, but I think we both know what happens when I have you in my arms.”

She blushes and it makes the freckles on her nose stand out a little more. I can’t resist kissing her again. When I finally pull away from her, I’m already worked up again. I cup her face, running my thumb softly over her lower lip. “You have no idea what you do to me.”

Her eyes shine in the moonlight. Her guard is down and I can see how she feels about me. It’s the same way I feel about her. I feel a heaviness in my chest and I know what It’s from. It’s because I haven’t told her yet. I know she needs to know who I am, but I’ve put it off so long now it’s turned into this big thing.

“C’mon, I’ll take you home.”