Summer Love by Piper Rayne

Chapter Four

Matteo ached for her.

He’d had a taste, and then…she’d run away.

He’d known it was too soon, but when she’d tipped her head back in the hallway, invitation in her eyes, he’d rushed right in.

And it had been better than he’d imagined.

It had been explosive and…right.

And, so, here I am. Back to waiting. Because there was zero chance he wouldn’t be putting a ring on her finger. Zero. She needed time to heal, but no woman had ever responded to him the way she had…he knew they were right together.

On Sundays, Matteo didn’t have to coach, so he spent a lot of time recording her for the Splashagram account they’d created for Quinn Ellison Designs. In the month they’d been working together, they’d amassed over a hundred thousand followers.

Quinn thought people enjoyed watching the process of transforming a multi-million dollar property, but he knew better. They followed because of her. Watching her passion project in action was riveting. She got as excited as a kid at an ice cream parlor when she discovered the perfect tile or molding. She was endearing and charming, and he loved her.

With everything in him, he loved this woman.

And it killed him not to touch her.

The morning after that perfect night in Chicago a week ago, he’d awakened alone. They’d gone out for breakfast, toured the museum, but it hadn’t been the same. She’d been reserved. On the way to the airport, he’d brought it up. Told her no matter what happened between them, they needed honesty. It was the only way to build a relationship.

With a sad smile, she’d reached for his hand.

“If things go sideways with us…Matteo, I won’t survive. I’m sorry. I got carried away, but please know it was the best night of my life.”

“You’re not ready, I get that. You trusted your ex, and he fucked you over. But I’m not Bradley. No one’s like Bradley except fucking Bradley. I’m my own person, so if you tell me it’s too soon, I’ll understand. But I’m waiting, Quinn. You’re worth waiting for.”

“Don’t wait.” He was certain her eyes gleamed with hope. “I told you I was broken.”

“And I told you you’re not. You’re hurt, and you’re recovering. And I’m going to be standing right here when you’re healed.”

Since then, the closest he’d gotten was following her around to shoot videos of her bantering with the crew, climbing on ladders to place a vase on a ledge, and laughing as the contractor’s dog knocked her down and licked her face.

Just then, as she got off a call and moved to tuck the phone into her pocket, she saw him. Color bloomed across her cheeks, and she broke into one of her gentle, soft, sweet-as-pie smiles. That’s it right there. It was that kind, nurturing spirit of hers, her intelligence and passion, that kept him waiting.

He’d wait a lifetime to be with her.

She made her way over to him. “Everything okay?”

A glowing warmth lit her eyes. It was why people took to her, trusted her with their stories. She cared, and it was genuine.

“Yeah. Just wanted to let you know I’ve got some business in New York next week. So, if there’s anything you need me to do or look at, let’s talk before I leave on Sunday.”

“You’re filming that commercial?”

“Among other things.”

“Oh, what else?”

“Well, I’ve got this conflict of interest, and I’ve decided it’s time to handle it.” He paused. “You know, since I’m partnering with my agent’s ex-wife.”

She stiffened with anger. “How is working with me on this house a conflict of interest? You’ve obviously known about the relationship from the beginning, why is it a problem now?”

He loved her fiery nature, loved how she didn’t take anyone’s shit. “It’s a pretty tight contract with the agency. The only way to terminate it is through gross misconduct or negligence, so I’ve been waiting for it to run out. But now…”

“But now what?” She crossed her arms over her chest.

“Now, I don’t give a fuck about it. I don’t want his unethical ass representing me.”

She sucked in a breath. “That’s going to get him in a lot of trouble.”

He cupped her chin, this thumb stroking her soft skin. “And there you go, giving me yet another testament to your goodness. But I’m not good like you, and I don’t give a shit what happens to him and his sidepiece. I have to live with my decisions, and being represented by an immoral asshole isn’t going to work for me.”

Tears glittered, and she blinked them away. The tension in her body made him think she wanted to reach for him. That she wanted him to hold her, but she fought it.

Should he go for it? Or would it push her farther away?

No, she had to come to him when she was ready.

And it sucked because he needed her in his arms. And in his bed.

He yearned for this woman.

So, he’d just have to wait for her—

She lunged for him, wrapping her arms around his waist and pressing her cheek to his chest. “You are a good man, Matteo. The best.”

“That’s what I’m trying to tell you.” He never wanted to let her go. She smelled like sunshine on flowers, and he liked the way she fit in his arms. “You want to come with me? You can drag me around the different showrooms, go on a buying spree.”

“Oh.” She lowered her arms and looked away. “I’d love to, but I can’t get away right now.”

His spirits sank. He’d have liked some time alone with her—on the plane, out to dinners, long walks through the city. But okay, one step forward, two steps back. “Well, let me know if you change your mind.” As he walked away from her, he fought to stay hopeful, determined. Just…sometimes, it was hard.

He wanted to be with Quinn, and nowhere else.

But she just wasn’t there yet.

And he had to face the fact: she might never be.

* * *

He’d told her he trusted her, that she didn’t need to check with him on every purchase.

So, what are you doing crashing his party?

Leave him alone.

With the driveway jammed with cars, Quinn parked on the grass. She wouldn’t stay long, but Matteo wasn’t answering his phone, and she’d found an amazing armoire at a store in Irving, Idaho. They’d only hold it for an hour, so she needed to make a decision right now.

As she approached the stunning home of Cassian Ellis, one of the top quarterbacks in the league, she grew a little intimidated. She knew all about what the guys did at these parties, but Cassian was married to Gigi Cavanaugh, an old classmate of hers.

So, maybe it’ll be tamer?

And what if Matteo’s upstairs in a bedroom with some beautiful, sexy woman who doesn’t have hang ups?She’d made it clear they weren’t a couple, so he might’ve been screwing around this whole time.

Why did that idea make her sick?

In front of the house, two women stood on the grass drinking wine.

“Hey.” Quinn smiled at them, as they sized her up. “I’m looking for Matteo Candella?”

“You can just go right around out back,” the taller one said. “Everyone’s out by the pool.”

“Thank you.”

“Don’t waste your time, though,” one of them called, and they both laughed.

What’s that supposed to mean? I’m not hot enough for him?

Well, screw you. He wants me, which makes me exactly hot enough.

She tromped along the stone walkway at the side of the house, aware of the pulse of music, the water splashing, and the laughter and conversation. Everyone seemed so happy, enjoying this beautiful summer day.

Everyone but me, because I’m fighting my feelings for a really good man.

And it’s exhausting.

When she reached the backyard, she stopped to take it all in. A group played badminton, others lounged in the pool…it was a fun, normal party…except with huge football players and stunning women in string bikinis. When she’d decided to come out here, she hadn’t given a thought to her appearance. Now, in her dark orange overall shorts, white Converse, and navy blue and white striped T-shirt, she felt like a teenager who’d snuck out of the house after being grounded. Had she even brushed her hair today?

Oh, whatever. I’m not here to hook up with an athlete.

Now, where is he?

As she stepped away from the side of the house, she got a better view of the sprawling backyard, and the moment she found him, excitement burst in her chest.


Black hair gleaming in the afternoon sun, his bare chest was tan and ripped with powerful muscles, but it was his smile that made him stand out from all the others. He was such an even-tempered, genuinely good man. Everyone loved him. Loved his loyalty, his humor…

And he loved her.

He’d chosen her.

Her heart swelled with affection.

Until she noticed the woman in a bright yellow swimsuit clutching his arm and gazing up at him with adoration.

“Hey, there,” a voice called. “Can I help you with something?”

She turned to find a beautiful woman carrying a platter. “Oh, hi. I’m Quinn Ellison. I work with Matteo. And I just wanted to pop in for a second, if that’s okay.”

“Quinn Ellison? How cool. We’ve been following your Splashagram page. Hang on.” She turned toward the French doors. “Gigi? Come out here.”

The woman gave her a warm smile. “I remember you from high school.”

“You do?”

“Yes, sorry. I’m Lulu. You’re my sister’s age. Gigi Cavanaugh?”

“Of course.” They hadn’t been friends, but everyone knew the pop star-turned rocker.

“I was in awe of you.”

“Me? How’s that possible?”

“You just had this sense of style…it seemed so effortless for you. Like this outfit…” She gestured to Quinn. “In a million years, I would never have thought to buy overalls, let alone pair them with a striped shirt, and yet you look so hip and cool.” She made a fake grimace. “I suppose just by describing you as hip and cool I’m proving my point.”

“Not at all, but thank you, that’s really nice to hear.” She scanned the area. “I’m feeling a little out of place.”

“These parties can get pretty crazy, but you can just stick with us. We’ll take care of you. Gigi’s married to Cassian.” She turned and pointed toward the grill. “He’s the quarterback for the Mavericks, and I’m married to Xander, also a quarterback, but he plays for the Wildcats. Believe me, you fit in with us.”

“Lu, what’s up?” When Gigi came out of the house, she did a doubletake. “Quinn?”

“Hey, Gigi.”

“Oh, my God, it’s so good to see you.”

They hugged, and suddenly she no longer felt so out of place. “It’s been forever.” Coming home had been the best choice. She hadn’t had a chance to catch up with all of her old friends, but she’d make a point of it now.

“I’ve been following your renovation of Matteo’s ranch,” Gigi said. “Or, as we call it, Matteo’s Torment.”

“What does that mean?” Through her confusion, she smiled. “It sounds like a soap opera.”


“I don’t get it. Why do you call it that?” She couldn’t help watching as another woman grabbed hold of his arm, trying to lead him away from the group. He shook his head, as he gently pried her hand loose.

“Because he’s so obviously in love with you. His videos are supposed to be about documenting the renovation, but they’re really a love letter to you.”

What?Her bones turned molten, and tears sprang to her eyes. “That’s...” The most beautiful thing I’ve ever heard.

A love letter to me?

“You really didn’t know?” Gigi asked.

“No, I mean…” She tried to complete a sentence, but she was swimming in doubts, regrets, and a rising swell of affection that threatened to drown her.

Gigi squeezed her arm. “Hon, he’s been in love with you for six years.”

Lulu looked like a light bulb had just flicked on in her mind. “So, that’s why he doesn’t hook up with anyone. I always wondered.”

“Oh, I’m sure he gets plenty of action.” Quinn’s laugh sounded fake, and it was obvious she was fishing for more.

Gigi gestured to the party. “He’s had every opportunity in the world, but I’ve never seen him go for it. I asked him about it one time, and do you know what he said?”

She barely shook her head.

“He told me he fell in love with someone years ago, and even though he knew he couldn’t have her, it was too late. He was done-for. He wouldn’t tell me who it was, and then about a month ago I started to notice the way he recorded you—he’d zoom in on your laughter or linger a little too long while you figured out how to use an adhesive. And I said, ‘It’s her, isn’t it? You’re in love with Quinn.’ And he literally said, ‘She stole my heart six years ago, and I haven’t gotten it back.’”

I’m an idiot.

The best man in the entire world wants me, and I keep coming up with excuses to keep myself from getting hurt. “You know what? Never getting to be with him would hurt a thousand times worse than a broken heart.”

Lulu tipped her head in confusion. “Sorry?”

“I meant to say that in my head. I don’t know if you heard, but I got divorced recently, and I haven’t wanted to jump into another relationship.”

“I’m really sorry to hear that,” Gigi said.

“It was awful. He cheated, and I thought it was the worst thing I’d ever experienced. But it isn’t. Pushing away the best man I’ve ever known is so much worse.”

She was hidden behind Lulu and Gigi, so he hadn’t seen her yet. As he told a story, all smiles and gesticulating hands, a woman jumped on his back. He scowled, twisting around to set her on her feet, and that was the moment his gaze swung over and connected with hers.

And it struck her like a live wire. “Will you excuse me?”

“Of course,” Gigi said.

“Go get him,” Lulu said.

As Matteo parted from the group and made his way toward her, Quinn hurried across the lawn, around the patio, and met him in the shade of a tree.

He cupped her elbows. “Hey.” His eyes shone with happiness, and there was no denying what he felt for her. “Everything all right?”

“I’m crazy about you.”

“You—you’re what?”

“I am. I’ve always been. But I was married, and I couldn’t even allow for the possibility. But you were the one I always looked for when I showed up at an event or when I came home from work. You were the one I wanted to talk to. You made me feel all fizzy inside.”

“I didn’t know.”

“I think you did. I think we both did, but we couldn’t act on it.” She knew now what she’d seen in his eyes when they’d talked—how she’d had to shut down her own feelings. “I’m going with you.”

“To New York?”

“Anywhere you go, I’m going with you. I want to be yours, Matteo, and I want you to be mine. I’m scared, but I’m not going to let that stop me from having a life with you.”

His features softened with relief. He hauled her against his chest and held her tightly. “Thank you.”

For the first time, she sank into his embrace knowing it was exactly where she belonged and there would never be another obstacle between them again. “I love you, Matteo.”

“I’ve wanted this for so long, I’m not even sure if it’s real.”

“Here, I can prove it.” She led him to the other side of the tree, got up on her toes, slung her arms around his neck, and kissed him with all the love in her heart.

“It’s real, all right.” He pressed his forehead to hers.

She smiled. “The realest thing I’ve ever felt.”