Summer Love by Piper Rayne


An ocean breeze fluttered the edges of blue and white striped umbrellas, uniformed servers made their way through the glitzy crowd with appetizers and champagne, and Matteo was a happy man.

Would he rather be in his suite, naked and under the covers with the love of his life than at this Nike-sponsored party? Hell, yeah, but they paid him good money to represent their brand, so he had no problem showing up at their annual event at the CEO’s Hamptons estate.

Standing in a small group with two other athletes and three executives, he had a hard time paying attention to anything other than Quinn. She’d wanted to dig her toes into warm sand, so she’d kicked off her heels and headed down to the shore. The wind got to do what his hands couldn’t, caressing her body and tracing her sexy curves.

He could feel the weight of those breasts in his palms, the lick of her tongue in his mouth, and the warm grasp of her hand on his cock. The punch of desire jerked his gaze away from her—just in time to see his former agent and the sidepiece inserting themselves into the conversation.

Exactly a year ago, Matteo had flown to the city to end his contract in person. He’d wanted Brad to see his face, hear his tone, and understand exactly why he wouldn’t work with a man he couldn’t trust. Since then, the friends who’d joined the firm on Matteo’s recommendation had also left.

Reputation’s everything.

He’d heard Brad’s job was in jeopardy, and Matteo didn’t give two fucks.

His former agent took his time to shake hands with each person in the group, flashing his white teeth and phony smile to make it seem like he really cared. He didn’t look quite as polished, and Matteo knew he wasn’t making nearly the money he once had, since he hadn’t signed any major players all year.

Just before Brad reached him, Matteo excused himself and headed to the stairs. He wasn’t going to shake that slimeball’s hand. But mostly, he wanted to be with Quinn.

“Matteo.” The sidepiece sidled up to him.

When he ignored her, Kristina pushed ahead and stepped in front of him, resting one hand on his chest. She gave him her attempt at a seductive grin, her mammoth breasts bursting out of a skintight dress. “It’s great to see you.”

She didn’t exist to him, so he stepped around her.

“We’ve been dying to book a vacation at your resort. It looks fabulous. I was thinking of flying out by myself, seeing what kind of activities I can arrange for Bradley’s clients. Maybe you can help me put together a fun getaway?”

With his back to the house, no one could see the way she brushed a hand from his belly button down toward his cock. But before he could smack her hand away, an arm banded around his waist.

His whole body relaxed at the familiar touch.

“Hey, babe.” Quinn’s voice still made his heart thunder. “You look handsome.”

He breathed in her essential goodness—the scent of sunshine-baked cotton and the sweetness of flowers in the air. He leaned down and kissed Quinn on the mouth.

Barely sparing the sidepiece a glance, he said, “You can’t afford my resort.” Then, he reached for Quinn’s hand and walked her off the deck, across the dune, and back down to the sand.

Quinn laughed. “Did she just hit on you?”


“That woman’s shameless.”

“I don’t want to talk about her.”

“Okay, what do you want to talk about?”

With the dune blocking their view of the party, he gently lifted the hair off her shoulders and smoothed it down her back. “Walk with me.”

“You don’t need to stay longer?”

“Nope. I showed my face.”

She squeezed his hand and brought it to her mouth for a kiss. “I’m the luckiest woman in the world, because I get to kiss that face every night before I go to bed and wake up to it first thing in the morning.”

“All right, now you’re just sucking up. What do you want?” Dusk fell on the beach, casting gray and purple shadows from the dunes.

Her laughter hit him like the first sip of champagne, the jolt of carbonation and the hit of loose-limbed relaxation. “I don’t want anything. I’m having the best trip ever. Today, I got to sleep in, order a room service feast, and take a long soak in Hermes bathing salts.”

One of the many things he loved about her was that no matter his wealth, she never got jaded. Staying in a nice hotel, going out to a fancy restaurant, everything was received with awe and gratitude.

“Plus, while you were in meetings, I got to wander through all the stores I’d researched before coming in. I couldn’t be happier.”

“I could be.”

She stopped, gazing up at him with concern. “What’s wrong? Didn’t your meetings go well?”

“They went great. But I’m tired, and I want to kick back and relax tonight.”

“Well, then, let’s go back to the city.”

“It’s too far.”

“What do mean it’s too far? You can relax in the car.”

“Nah. It’s a two-hour drive.”

“Okay, so, do you want me to see if I can find a place in the Hamptons? Or Montauk?”

“Nope. Let’s just sit on that deck.”

She turned to see what he was talking about, and he got to watch her expression as she took in the beachfront home sparkling with little white lights. “That’s beautiful. But, babe, someone lives there.”

Grasping her hand firmly, he walked toward the house.

“Either you’re pulling a prank on me or your ego has grown from all those big-ass contracts you’ve been looking at this week. If you think they’re going to let you in just because you’re Matteo Candella, then you can go by yourself. I’ll be on the next train back to the city.”

Just as she tried to pull her hand free, he scooped her up and broke out into a jog.

“Oh, my God, Matty, put me down. You’re crazy.”

He leapt up the stairs to the patio and set her on her feet. Music played quietly from outdoor speakers and windchimes tinkled in the steady breeze.

“We have to get out of here.”

“I’m not going anywhere. I’m hungry. Look at that.” He pointed to the table set with fine china and gleaming silver. “That looks good.”

“I’m mortified. We have to go.” She tilted her head. “Hey, I have those same slippers.”

“I know.”

“Wait a minute. Those are my pajamas.”


When she whipped around to face him, he was on his knee.

Her hands flew up to cover her sexy mouth.

He tugged on her wrist. “Let me see you.”

“What’re you doing?” she whispered, voice rich with joy.

“I love you, Quinn Ellison. I’ve loved you for seven years, and I’m going to love you forever. I want to spend my life with you.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out the ring he’d bought in the West Village yesterday. “Even if you’re not ready right now, I want you to know that you’re the love of my life. I want to marry you and make a family with you.”

“Wait, so, it’s not an engagement ring?”

“It doesn’t have to be.”

“What if I want it to be?”

Her smile split him wide open, and nothing but sunshine and happiness spilled out. “You serious? You’re gonna marry me?”

“There’s nothing I want more in the whole wide world.” She gazed down on him with so much love, the beauty of it almost knocked him sideways. “You’re the best man I’ve ever known, and I love you with everything I am. Matteo…” She pressed a hand to his cheek. “This is forever.”

Joy had him reaching for her hand and lifting it in the air. “She said yes! I can’t believe I got the girl.” No one was around to hear him, but he didn’t care. He kissed her on the mouth. “I’ve waited seven damn years for this.

“And it was worth every second since I get to spend the rest of my life with you.”

* * *

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