Revealing the Monster by Amelia Hutchins

Chapter Fifteen

You learn a lot about limits when you do stupid shit you knew was a bad idea from the start. ~Lena

Red welts covered most of my skin on display, bathed in the light of a candle’s flickering flame that sat on a table in the room’s corner. Lucian and Spyder had exhausted me and left me sore, using my body in every way imaginable. I’d thought I could handle whatever they did, but ‘whatever’ turned out to be too much to take into some of my body cavities, so they’d taken pity on me and given me mercy. Some parts of me just wouldn’t fit them both, and they’d agreed on that matter.

Lucian held me in his lap. His arms wrapped protectively around my stomach, holding me up. He kissed my throat, whispering encouragements while his men stood surrounding the bed on which we rested. He kept me grounded, holding me while the room blurred. Lucian and Spyder had drugged me to help me let go, allowing the magic to rip through me and undo what the bond had made me feel. I wanted it to end, and they all did too.

Spyder passed a goblet around, and everyone added a few drops of their blood. It was an actual reenactment of the first ceremony, done to the mother-fucking letter to be certain that we did the spell right this time. The same runes were painted on us and the surrounding walls, and candlelight flickered throughout the room, creating shadows that shifted from the slightest movements.

Spyder watched me, his eyes hooded with the reminder of what we’d done for hours. I didn’t look away from him. I wasn’t afraid of facing him in the aftermath of the dirty hot sex we shared all night long. However, my body was too damn sore to take them both at the same time again, so this spell needed to work.

I’d lived that fantasy once, which was enough for me.

Spyder’s lips jerked up into a devilish smile, as if he was reading my mind. The reversal spell had better work. I’d given the bond every fucking position possible. I’d been a sticky, drained, sore mess, and they had bathed me after the sinful shit they’d done to my body. They’d filled me with their essence, and by the time we’d finished, I had them leaking from everywhere it could, causing a blush that had imprinted into my bones to burn my cheeks. They’d laughed it off, but hadn’t been impressed by what the incantation required of us in the end.

Some things shouldn’t ever be done. And the old gods? They were some sick, twisted bastards, wanting a little too much from people if you asked me. Unfortunately, they hadn’t asked. I had enough protein from both men to last me a lifetime and in pretty much every orifice. Sure, we’d washed between, and some shit was done inside the shower. But where was Jesus when these other gods were coming up with these incantations? Even Satan would blush at the shit requested for the spell to be reversed.

I no longer questioned why Spyder had refused to ask me to perform the spell. The number of times it wanted bodily fluids was stupid. There was also the fact that they’d taken me several times before ever starting what the magic required.

Luckily, Lucian had the foresight to drug me, explaining what had to be done prior to offering me the tonic. Sure, it had tasted like ass, but I was glad I’d agreed to take it before the freaky shit actually started. Blood, biting, sex, and more sex. It was probably a good thing I couldn’t get pregnant because with as many times as they’d fucked me, my womb would have tried to end it for us.

Spyder painted the runes onto my body once again, studying my expression while Lucian continued holding me up from behind. I was boneless, which, of course, made Lucian’s men chuckle. Or they had until Lucian and Spyder threatened to eat their hearts while forcing them to watch. They weren’t playing around, either.

The men began chanting, and I blinked as dark magic entered the room. My head rolled back, watching the flickering candlelight as Spyder pressed the cup of blood against my lips, smirking, remembering the last time.

“Not on your life, asshole,” I whimpered, tensing at the thought of it.

“Already ruined it, Kitty.” He smiled as I took the first sip.

They passed the goblet around the room once more and then the dagger for each man to refill it with their blood. They didn’t stay wounded from their cuts, but then they weren’t human or from this world.

The cup was handed to me again, and I drained it as the chanting reached a crescendo. The coppery tang of blood danced on my tongue, flavored with musk, wine, sage, and a hint of frankincense. Dark erotic magic rushed through the room, forcing my body to pulse while the chanting continued.

Spyder lowered himself between my thighs, doing just as Lucian had done last time. One quick lick through my arousal, and then he turned his head and bit into my thigh. I screamed, coming from the moment his teeth pierced my skin. The other men moved forward to do the same; then, everyone changed places. Lucian kissed my shoulder, sliding his lips over the mark where Spyder’s scar had once been.

Several sets of teeth broke through my skin, severing flesh as fangs marked my body. I screamed out in agony, crying as the magic in the room intensified. Blood pounded like a drumbeat in my ears, and the men stepped back. Spyder slipped from the bed, and then Lucian was in front of me. I peered up at him as he positioned himself against my opening.

He pushed into my body, and I winced at the pain it created. His hands set beside my head with his knuckles pressed into the mattress, and he growled, lowering his heated lips to mine. A dangerous smile played on his mouth, which whispered against mine. “Do you know what’s even hotter than watching you get fucked, Magdalena?”

“No,” I whispered, achingly sore. Lucian’s girth hurt inside of me, but then I’d taken Spyder and him so many times that I wasn’t sure how it hadn’t swollen closed, with an out-of-business sign placed at the opening.

“Reclaiming you,” he purred huskily, gently moving against me. “Reminding you why you belong to me. From now on, you’re only mine, sweet girl.” His eyes held me prisoner.

He rocked against my body as the magic slowly pulsed around us. My eyes slid to Spyder, finding he was the only other person inside the room. Enormous, black leather wings spanned the width of his back, produced from his shadows. Spyder smirked as I watched the shadows swallow him from sight.

“Thank you, Kitty,” Spyder’s voice whispered against my ear as his presence left the room.

“I am yours, Lucian. Even if I hadn’t been created for you, I’d still want to be your girl. I never wish to be shared again. You’re enough. You’re my world, and I was yours from the moment you kissed me. I love you.”

He watched me, sliding his gaze over my face. “I would destroy worlds for you.”

I blinked, frowning as he started moving against me. He fucked me hard, using me in every way possible. Every way imaginable. He didn’t go easy on me. He went hard and harder. He left no part of me untouched, working my body in ways that would have made most immortals blush. When we were finished, we were both nothing more than a pile of mangled limbs, lost in the dreamless sleep of stasis.

When I finally woke, it was inside our bedroom. I lifted from the bed, peering at Lucian, who sat beside it in an oversized chair. I smiled sleepily, stretching my limbs as he walked toward me, pushing me down to claim my lips.

“Morning,” I whispered against his hungry mouth.

“You’re absolutely gorgeous, Magdalena. I can’t believe you allowed me to take you all night after what Spyder and I did to you.”

“It was only you. I can never get enough of you, asshole. Where is he?” I asked, watching as Lucian backed up, giving me room. “Did it work? Please tell me it worked, Lucian.”

“The bond is severed, but the mating link is still there.”

“But he doesn’t have to be reborn, right? We can figure out how to end this shit, and he can be free of me, of us.”

“We figured out a few things after you finally passed out. I don’t think it was you who claimed Spyder as your mate. We believe the furies did, and they did it to punish him. They have tried to make him atone for events that happened in the past a few times. They weren’t strong enough to get to him before. I think they found a back door through the magic we’d used, which gave them access to him. You were bonded with Spyder when you claimed him, allowing the furies to claim him, too. He isn’t mated to you, Lena. Not in the way we assumed. He’s mated to the furies within you. They’re vengeful beings that ensure those who do wicked deeds pay for them in blood. Spyder has escaped them before, and now that we know what we’re dealing with, he will do it again, somehow.”

“So the bond is broken. No more sex, right?”

“You almost sound afraid,” he chuckled, lifting a brow and running his nose against my jawline. “Or is it disappointment I hear?”

“No offense, but my vagina and pretty much all of me never wants to experience that again. Once was enough for me, thank you. I don’t feel like anyone should ever do that more than once. You guys are fucking savages. I need to bathe in holy water, and I need that bath to be inside a room with sage burning and a priest to baptize my ass.”

His lips curled into an unguarded smile, and he leaned over, kissing my forehead gently. “Good. Once was too much for me, and I wanted to murder him for making you scream in pleasure. I don’t like sharing you with anyone, after all. Not that I didn’t like it or enjoy watching someone else fuck you, but I prefer you only get fucked by me.”

“Was he here?” I asked, swallowing down the uneasiness at the idea of Lucifer observing us inside that bedroom. Lucian had created a glass wall from a special material that only allowed the Devil to see what happened in the bedroom. The glass had shattered when even the furies had reached their limit at being between Lucian and Spyder.

“Lucifer was here last night, but he only saw what you allowed him to see. He watched us with you, and we let him witness our pleasure until we needed to begin the spell requirements. That means he may become unhinged if he really wanted you for his bride. From now on, you don’t leave here without an escort. Not even to step outside. You’re either with Spyder or me. We’re the only ones here who can fight the Devil to protect you.”

“But without the bond, Spyder won’t be able to find me now.” I swallowed past the emptiness where the bond had been. I’d known releasing him had downfalls, but more benefits, too.

“You’re still his mate.” Lucian’s tone had changed, growing angrier with the words. “Even if you aren’t responsible for claiming him, the results are the same. He can find you if we need to, and so can I. With the Hell Gates open, Lucifer can’t hide you from us. There’s nowhere he can run with you that I cannot follow, Lena. I will always find you and protect you.”

I shivered as my heart clenched. I’d told Lucian I loved him again. And, while he hadn’t run away or moved out of our room this time, he hadn’t said it back to me. It hurt deeply, considering everything we’d been through together. I didn’t need some huge declaration of love, but I needed to know where we stood. Why was it so difficult for him to say the words back to me?

“Don’t do that, little one. It was just sex,” Lucian growled, lying beside me to pull me against his body, enveloping me in his heat. “You can’t feel shame for what you enjoyed, and I know you. You liked it, and I don’t regret allowing you to experience it once. I’ve always pushed you to be open about your needs and your pleasure. You’re mine, and that’s all that matters. We severed the bond, and we figured out where to start, freeing Spyder from the furies who claimed him.”

That much was true. I couldn’t regret releasing Spyder. He once wanted to slit my throat but ended up embedded into my soul as my friend. Sex with Spyder wasn’t something that would ever happen again. I refused to let it affect us or our friendship.

Life was too damn short to let something like that place a wall between us. I felt relief knowing I hadn’t personally claimed him. It was one less guilt that I had to carry around. Less baggage I’d need to unpack.

“So, I won’t feel the need to be with him ever again, right? The compulsion that Spyder and I had is gone?” I clarified, watching the way Lucian’s eyes narrowed on me.

“Yes. Unless it wasn’t the bond creating your sexual fantasies about him,” he murmured against my ear. “If that is the case, I will have to kill him after all.”

I chuckled, smiling, only to realize he wasn’t joking. “I’m certain it was the bond. I never wanted to even be in the same room with him before we did the spell. You and I are together, and I’m not craving Spyder anymore. That’s all that matters, right?” I waited, and he smiled, kissing my cheek without returning my sentiment.

“You should get up and shower. The club is preparing for another party. After the results and feedback of your first one, you are now in charge of the lower club, just as you requested. I am impressed by what you did, Lena. It was an erotic show that received rave reviews from the clientele. I’m also considering your color-coded outfits for the other levels of the clubs.” He moved from the bed, grabbing his jacket before turning to smile at me. “Come on, get moving. Haven’t you heard? Hell is empty, and all the devils are here. Tonight should be interesting, especially if Lucifer comes to challenge me for you. After last night, I expect his challenge to come promptly.”

I sat up, holding the blankets against my chest while Lucian walked toward the door. He paused, turning to look back at me with a grin playing on his lips before disappearing through them. Every part of my body ached, and some parts that I hadn’t even known could hurt—did.

Where did I fit in now? I’d been so sure that Lucian had wanted me here. I thought he loved me, yet he still hadn’t said the words or even hinted at how he really felt. It may be a moot point to him, but I needed at least some confirmation other than he’d destroy worlds to keep me. Sure, that was sweet, but it also made me feel like he was only claiming ownership and not anything beyond that. Love might be a human emotion, but he’d made the furies turn that shit back on, not me.

I laid back down, staring at the door he’d vanished through before a weightless feeling took hold of me. My eyes closed, and the scent of brimstone burned my nose. Opening my eyes, I gazed around the room, finding Lucifer leaning against the wall. He was dressed in jeans and a tight shirt that looked enticing against the mass of muscles I knew lay beneath the material.

“I should fucking kill you,” he snapped, watching me through narrowed eyes as his mouth pulled into a tight line. “I guess I should be impressed that you survived them, right? I offer you love, a womb, and children, Lena. And you settle for being their whore? I thought you were different. What do they have that I don’t?”

“Heart, Lucifer. They have a heart, whereas you have a black hole.”

“Did he have a heart when he bartered for you to never live through losing your son again? Do you know what he gave in return?”

“No, Luc, I don’t. Why don’t you tell me?” I snapped, irritated at everything and everyone today with the emotional overload unfolding within me.

Lucifer pushed off the wall, strolling closer as his wings expanded behind him. His violet eyes glowed a mix of blue and violet while he smiled coldly. Studying me, he placed his hands on the altar, where he kept putting me during our visits. “Your entire bloodline, Lena,” he laughed chillingly, surveying my face. “He bartered their souls for you. Even if Makenna hadn’t killed Kendra, your sister would have died. Your bloodline was the cost he paid without your permission.”

“You’re lying, asshole. If Lucian had done that, then Makenna would have also died, and she is very much alive.”

“Makenna lives because part of her soul belongs to me. Therefore, Lucian couldn’t claim her in his bargain. I am what saved Makenna from the reaping.” 

“Lucian wouldn’t do that to me, ever,” I chided, swallowing past the swelling in my throat as I laughed soundlessly. “He knows what my family meant to me.”

“Then ask him, Magdalena. Ask Lucian what the cost was to free you. You don’t experience your death echo anymore, do you? You haven’t since the day you lost your beloved family. They’re not able to be summoned from their graves, are they? You’ve asked witches to try, and they fail every single time. You know that something happened to their souls even if you won’t admit it, fearing you’ll never see them again. You just didn’t think Lucian would be the one to do something so horrifying to you and to those you loved. I may be the bad guy, but I didn’t kill your fucking family, Lena. Why don’t you ask the monster you love what he paid to free you and him from ever having to watch you slit that pretty throat of yours again? I get it; I’m the Devil. You won’t believe me, so go ask your precious Lucian.”

I sat up on the bed, blinking, the heavy scent of brimstone and sulfur clinging to my flesh. Frowning, I peered around the room before grabbing clothes to head into the shower. Lucian wouldn’t have done what Lucifer claimed. Right?

Sure, Lucian had said he would destroy the world for me, but kill my family to free me from the death echo? He wouldn’t dare. They were my family, and he knew how much they’d meant to me when I’d been alive.

Showered, changed, and with my emotions all over the place, I left the apartment to search for Lucian. If he had done those things, what would I do? What could possibly have given him the idea that our relationship would ever be okay if he had?

Lucifer hadn’t held his usual cockiness this time. He hadn’t cared if I believed him or not, which told me I had to ask Lucian. The implications caused my heart to pound painfully against my chest as worry consumed me. Why wasn’t Lucifer concerned about me asking Lucian unless he didn’t fear me doing so, because he’d spoken the truth?