Revealing the Monster by Amelia Hutchins

Chapter Sixteen

You never know true pain until it rips into your chest and tears out your soul. ~Lena

I walked silently through the empty hallways. My heartbeat thundered deafeningly in my ears, growing louder with everything step I took closer to the upper floor and bar area. Fear of how far Lucian had gone to protect me made it worse, knowing that he didn’t even think as humans did. Lucian had no limits. His ethical compass pointed south of the border, and it never moved.

Lucian knew how much my family meant to me, so if he’d done this, it could destroy us. I didn’t think he would do this to me. Not after everything I’d already sacrificed for him. Right? My life had been altered; my world changed because of Katarina and Lucian and the game they’d enjoyed playing. Everything about me and my life was burned to the ground, and I had no one but Lucian now.

I entered the club’s main level and scanned the people seated around the bar, searching for Lucian. He sat beside Spyder, who turned, studying me through narrowing ice-blue eyes. A blush heated my cheeks as his lips twisted into a wicked smirk, slowly turning back to say something to Lucian. Lucian turned, speaking to Spyder as I made my way toward them. 

My body tensed, still sore as shit from the things they’d done to me. Not that I regretted it one iota. I’d enjoyed all the dirty, twisted shit immensely. I wasn’t ashamed of being a sexual creature or bothered by anyone knowing.

The furies inside me drove that desire and created a never-ending desire to be fucked, hard. They may have believed they were judge, jury, and executioner, but they were also sex, need, and lust. Their needs slithered through me, making me feel like I was perpetually in heat.

I shoved that thought away from my mind, focusing on what was important. Walking to the bar, I clenched my fists tightly and squared my shoulders. I prayed Lucian would tell me Luc was lying and that he hadn’t done what the Devil had said. If Lucian had, he’d admit it because he didn’t care about keeping secrets other than who he was, which I now knew. Pausing behind him, he spoke without turning to look at me.

“You’re needed below. The staff is waiting for you to decide what sort of show they’ll be performing tonight.” Lucian pulled out a piece of paper to hand it to Bane, who gave me a curious glance.

“Lucian,” I whispered through trembling lips, and he turned, taking me in.

“You’re not dressed to entertain,” he grumbled, peering down at my clenched fists, narrowing his eyes before dragging them back to mine.

“Did you barter my family’s souls for mine?” I asked, unable to prevent my fear from entering my voice. He didn’t flinch or even blink at the question. Lucian didn’t move, holding my gaze in silence. “Why aren’t you saying no?”

“You should leave it alone for now, Magdalena,” he warned.

“Tell me you didn’t do it.” I all but begged him to lie to me. My words came out thick as tears pricked my eyes, burning them. “Tell me you didn’t barter my family and my coven. Why don’t you deny it, Lucian?”

My stomach clenched as my heart dropped to the floor. I felt sick, physically sick, as Lucian held my stare, not even bothering to look upset at my accusation. Tears ran down my cheeks, and I shook my head slowly. My words got stuck on the lump at the back of my throat, coming out brokenly.

Why didn’t he deny that he’d done anything to them? My family and my coven had been turned into demons, and Lucian had put down my grandmother himself, removing her head because he wouldn’t have been able to remove the demon possessing her. My bloodline was wiped out—only Makenna remained.

I stared at him, struggling to get words out past the swelling in my throat. His jaw ticked, and he held my eyes without looking away. My head continued to turn one way and then slowly moved the other as it shook, needing him to deny it.

I’d never even considered how it would have been possible for them to be possessed because I had placed the devil trap marking on them. That meant someone had to have intervened to remove the marks, and whoever had done that would have had to have been very powerful to do so without the coven realizing it.

“Please say something,” I whispered, despising the pain that was ripping me apart from inside.

“Go to your room.”

“Gods dammit, Lucian! Say you didn’t do this! Tell me you didn’t allow those monsters to slaughter my family,” I snarled, hating the tremor of agony that filled my words.

“I can’t tell you what you want to hear,” he stated, watching me through unfeeling eyes. “I see you and Luc spoke this morning.”

“No. You don’t get to turn this on Lucifer,” I whispered as a sob escaped my chest. “What did you do? Tell me, Lucian. Make me understand what the fuck could have been worth sacrificing the souls of my entire line. Tell me it wasn’t to spare me from having to relive the death echo or from you forced to watch it. Tell me why.”

“Bane, Layton, take Lena back to our room and lock her inside. She’s not to leave until I say otherwise,” he said, studying me as I backed up.

“I’m leaving,” I announced, barely above a whisper, only for Lucian to laugh coldly at my words. He carefully undid the cuffs of his dress shirt, rolling up the sleeves. Dismissing him, I started for the doors.

I didn’t care if the Devil himself was waiting outside for me. I needed to get away from here, away from him. Lucian hadn’t even cared enough to tell me why he’d done it. They were my family. The coven hadn’t needed to die to protect him or me. Innocent lives were lost so that we wouldn’t be inconvenienced? Fuck that!

The moment Layton pushed me forward, the doors opened, and Lucian grabbed me and tossed me over his shoulder. I screamed, gasping as the air was sucked from the room. Power rushed through me, forcing my hands to slide together by my wrists behind my back. I struggled as a throbbing started in my chest, burning my lungs. Shadows slid against my lips, and then air slowly filled my lungs while Lucian continued walking to the hallway with me awkwardly flung over his shoulder, my hands still locked behind me as if held in chains.

I couldn’t move, and the more I tried to break free of the magic holding me, the more painful the throbbing in my chest became. When we were out of the bar area, he dropped me to my feet, slamming me against the wall. His fingers curled around my throat, forcing my gaze to meet his.

“I do nothing without a good reason, Lena. Do you think you get to run away from me now? You don’t. Lucifer told you that to hurt you, so don’t start assuming he’s your fucking savior,” he snapped, his eyes glowing blue as he glared at me. “Now walk, or I’ll make you walk. It’s your choice. Decide now.”

“You fucking killed them! They were my family, Lucian!”

“I didn’t kill them. I just didn’t stop them from dying. Now walk, or you can get where we’re going thrown over my shoulder,” Lucian growled, stepping back to glare at me.

I stared at him, shaking with anger, while he waited for me to choose. I lifted my hands to shove him away, but his magic wrapped around me, preventing me from forcing him away from my trembling form. I fought against it, screaming with frustration and rage at being denied the ability to move. I felt his hold tightening, and then I broke free with a smile curving my lips. He grunted, biting his lower lip as his eyes began glowing with liquid blue flames.

His entire body vibrated with power, sending his magic directly at me until I dropped to my knees, crying out. Lucian kneeled, lifting my chin with a single finger, surveying my face. His lips curled into a devilish smile, and he spoke in a strange language that had me rising to my feet with his fingers still on my chin.

Lucian’s massive body crushed mine against the wall hard enough that my teeth clattered together. A groan slipped from me as he cradled my jaw, stroking my lips. He lowered his mouth, brushing it against mine before nipping my bottom lip while his power wrapped around me, enveloping me in the sheer force of it.

I couldn’t move a muscle or push him away as he held total control over my mind. He touched his forehead to mine, still speaking in the foreign language that held me silent, awaiting his command. Numbness filled me, consuming my mind, and his voice soothed me from within, as my eyelids grew heavy and my body grew pliant against his.

“You don’t get to leave me, Lena. I warned you. You are mine, and that which slumbers within you was created to stand beside me—only me, which makes you mine regardless of how you feel or what you want. Stop thinking with that useless human heart of yours before I rip it out and remind you that you no longer need it. Now, move your sore ass back to our bedroom, where you will wait for me in our bed. Move, woman,” he snapped harshly, his voice layered as if the souls within him spoke at once.

My body obeyed, jerking forward and immediately walking toward the staircase that led to our bedroom below. I could feel Lucian’s stare burning my back. Anger rushed through the air between us as magic forced me to do as he’d commanded, with no control over my mind or body.

I was nothing more than a mindless toy, marching to my master’s orders. Hot tears continued to roll down my cheeks as his betrayal burned through me. Anger pounded in my head, and even though I struggled to take control, I couldn’t break whatever spell he’d placed on me.

The furies within me were eerily silent, and yet I knew it was them who he controlled. I had only a sliver of a soul left, which should have made it impossible for him to use against me. That meant he was once again using the furies against me.

The door opened before I reached it, and I continued walking until I was seated on the bed. My spine arched and my legs parted slightly. There was no heat burning in his gaze, only anger and a look that promised me he was in full control right now.

He exhaled slowly, studying me while I waited silently. “Lie back on the bed, and spread your thighs apart.”

My body complied, lying back onto the soft mattress that reeked of his scent. My feet lifted flat on the bed, sliding apart before my knees parted and dropped open. He stared at me as tears trickled down my cheeks.

Lucian stepped closer, his fingers pressing against the tender flesh of my pussy. He held my face, continuing to stare at me. The sound of fabric ripping reverberated through the room before cool air touched my pussy. His long, slender finger grazed the tender flesh of my sex, already sleek with arousal for him.

“Tell me to fuck you, Lena.”

“Fuck me, Lucian,” my voice echoed out in layers, bouncing off the walls. It sounded creepy and sad. It wasn’t me replying to him. It was them. They answered to their master, and I was merely along for the ride as their vessel.

“Is your pussy sore?” he asked, pushing two fingers into me.

“Yes,” I whispered, unable to close my eyes against the intensity of his gaze. His body continually pulsed with magic, creating an actual quiver that was currently vibrating against my aching pussy.

“Turn over, and get on your knees,” he demanded, watching as I complied.

When I was in position, he lowered his mouth to drag his tongue through my apex. Lucian licked and kissed my swollen entrance, preparing it for him to use. He chuckled as a husky moan escaped my throat. I could not ignore the pleasure he made me feel, even if I wanted to stab him at that moment. He lifted, ripping the shirt I wore from my body. My chest heaved, but the pain was momentary and was quickly gone.

I whimpered as he pushed something into my pussy, kissing me there again. A vibrating sensation started, and he shoved me back onto the bed, and I rolled over to spread my legs for him. My hips bucked, moving wantonly for him to use me.

“Do you see how easy it is for me to keep you? How easily I control you? I didn’t kill your family, Magdalena; I just didn’t stop it from happening. I have never been the good guy. You keep trying to make me into your hero, and I’m not. I don’t care about your world or the humans you are hell-bent on saving.” He leaned down, slowly licking through the arousal building at my core. His deep, sultry growl almost had me begging him to fuck me. He had full command of my body, and the furies held the power of their need and mine.

“You’re not to remove that toy, and you’re not to come while I’m away. You can shower and listen to music while I’m working. If you push me, I will leave you like this until I have finished hunting down Lucifer, taking his daughter from him. I promised you Makenna would be safe. I intend to keep that promise. I vowed to keep you safe, and that nothing would happen to you. I never said the same for your family or coven. Never them, Magdalena,” he said coldly. “I don’t care about the humans because every living thing dies, eventually. You are immortal, and sooner or later, this outcome was inevitable for your bloodline.”

He moved closer between my legs, inspecting my aching pussy as it pulsed with the vibrations of the toy he’d pushed deep into my core. Lucian leaned over, sucking my swollen clit between his lips, roving over it with his tongue sluggishly.

I moaned loudly, unable to ignore the pleasure his kiss between my thighs gave me. Fingers slipped into my slit, and he made a strangled noise, as if my cunt were the most exquisite thing he’d ever tasted.

“Come for me, Lena. Come for me once before I watch the sinners in my club get fucked, knowing you’re inside my room, on my bed, being erotically tortured. Come on, sweet girl. Let me taste your arousal so that every time I imagine you tonight, I taste what is waiting for me when I return,” he murmured thickly, moving his fingers as he lifted his head, watching me trembling.

I arched for his kiss, needing his mouth back on my pussy. He didn’t help me. Instead, he allowed me to gyrate with the slow, unhurried movement to the pulsing ball that was humming inside my core. Whimpering, I closed my eyes, knowing he hated when I did so.

My lips parted on a gasp as pleasure washed through me. The short orgasm didn’t ease the need for him to fuck me. In fact, it only made me want it more. He laughed wickedly, knowing how it would affect me.

“Throughout tonight, I’ll increase the speed,” he said, holding up the remote, “So that you know I haven’t forgotten about you.” His hand rubbed over my stomach, grabbing the globe of my breast to squeeze it while he smirked. Leaning over, he clamped his teeth on my nipple, teasing the heated peak as he swirled his tongue around it, meeting my stare.

“Lucian,” I groaned, hating him and wanting him in the same breath.

“If you allow Lucifer to take you into his realm, I will punish you when I return tonight. You’re finished going to him. You wished to be part of my world, Lena. So fucking be in it and stop placing your human rules and laws on us. I’m not human, and neither are you anymore. I told you from the beginning that I wasn’t the good guy. I am the villain, and you knew that and still wanted me. You claimed me, not the furies. You took me to be yours or murder anyone else that I fuck. That was something you did on your own. You may not have understood what you were doing, but it doesn’t change that you did it.”

His lips brushed mine, and he smiled against my mouth. “Be good and take only one bath. I want to taste how wet you are for me when I come back here tonight and devour this cunt that belongs to me. You might consider adding some bath salt to your water. It will help ease the pain of me taking you again because I won’t be holding back when I return. I intend to fucking destroy you until the image of you coming all over Spyder’s cock is removed from my mind, and I know you’re still mine.

“If I smell brimstone upon my return, I won’t remove the toy before I wreck your firm ass. I now know that you can accommodate me and it together and that you enjoy being stretched as the pain makes you scream and come. Would you like that, Lena? Would you like me to stretch you, destroying these tight holes that were fucked last night and you looking so fucking hot while it happened?”

“You’re an asshole,” I whimpered, and he smirked, shaking his dark head.

“Now you’re getting it.” Lucian kissed me softly, then pulled back, standing at the edge of the bed. “Spread your legs apart, lift your back, and wait for me to return. If you’re not in the bath, then I better find you like this waiting for me to decide when I’m ready to fuck you. This is how I will keep you if you try to run from me. Do you understand why I’m doing this?” he asked, never taking his eyes from mine.

“No,” I swallowed, answering honestly.

“Because our fates are tied together, now that we’re mated. If something happens to one of us, it will weaken the other, and if I were to weaken, it wouldn’t be just your world that suffered the consequences. It will be all the worlds connected to it. You chose this for us without ever considering the outcome. I’m responsible for more than just this world. If I grow weak, there wouldn’t be one world safe from the monsters that descended on it, destroying anything and everyone they touch.”

Lucian smoothed his hand down the side of my face, tipping my chin up, forcing me to meet his eyes. “I’ll see you in a few hours. Maybe after you’ve realized that you could have this,” he said, waving his hand over my prone body, “or the life I’ve offered you with the freedom to leave this room, you’ll behave for me. Don’t make me reveal who I truly am because that monster doesn’t care if you’re a mindless being as long as he can sate his endless hunger on you. To me, though, you’re the woman I would gladly destroy anyone and everything to protect. You should choose which version of me you want before I return tonight.”