Claimed By her Daddies by Laylah Roberts


So this was weird.

And that was saying something considering her life. But here she was, sitting in her boss’s bed, while he worked at the small seating area across the room.

“You don’t have to stay with me,” she told him.

“I know. You have told me several times.”

Whoops. She should probably be quiet and let the man work.

“I mean, if you’re worried that I’m going to rifle through your undies drawer, I promise I won’t.”

Um, did I really just say that?

“Well, I wasn’t worried about that before, but now . . .”

“Did you . . . was that a joke?”

He raised his gaze to hers. “You don’t think I can joke and tease?”

“Oh, well, no, of course not. I mean, I’m sure you could be a stand-up comedian if you wanted to.”

“I wouldn’t go that far,” he mused.

He’d brought her stuff back with him, including Cranky. Being able to brush her teeth and change her panties was freaking heaven. Although he’d insisted on carrying her to and from the bathroom. But now that her teeth were clean and drugs working their magic, well, she was bored.

And a bored Pippa wasn’t a good thing. Nope.

She needed her cartoons. And maybe a cupcake. Perhaps a coloring book.

But she still felt shy about showing her Little to Kassim.

“Maybe I should go back to my cottage, give you some privacy.” She really wanted her things around her.

Kassim studied her, putting his papers aside. Oh drat.

“I’m sorry,” she told him hastily. “I know I’m being a pain. I’ll shut up now.”

“You’re bored.”

“A teeny tiny bit. And kind of out of my comfort zone. I’ll be fine at home. My head hardly hurts.”

“What if you get light-headed when you try to move around?”

“I won’t move around.”

“And how are you planning to go to the bathroom?”

“If I don’t eat or drink I’ll be fine.”

“You’re not making a good argument for me letting you return home.”

“So you were thinking about it?” she asked.


She pouted. Darn it. “I could go back to the room I was in before.” Then she could watch some TV without annoying him.

“What is it that you need?” he asked quietly.

“What?” She gave him a startled look.

Standing, he stretched.

Oh, holy hotness, Batman.

His button-down shirt was untucked, which was relaxed for Kassim. And when he reached up, he flashed her a hint of tanned, muscular stomach.

Yes, please.

Easy, girl.

Then he strode over to her. Well, prowled towards her. Sitting on the bed facing her, he placed his hands on either side of her body.

What was happening right now?

Well, she knew what was happening. The guy practically proposed to her and now . . . he was . . . shit. Would he kiss her again?

“I brushed my teeth,” she blurted out.

His eyebrows rose. “I know.”

Of course he knows that, you idiot.

“Oh, right. Yep.”

“Now, why would you be telling me that?” he wondered.

She was bright red. Damn it. She felt like an oversized tomato. So attractive. Then there was the fact she hadn’t had a shower today.

Yep, really attractive.

“Never mind,” she said, her voice embarrassingly high-pitched.

“Oh, but I do mind. I’d very much like to know why you thought it was so important to tell me that you had brushed your teeth.” He leaned his head in towards her. “Do you want me to kiss you, Miss Jones?”

Yikes. Why was it so sexy when he called her Miss Jones now?

“Um, maybe.”

“Only maybe? What can I do to make that a definite?”

“Nothing. You don’t have to do anything to make it a definite.” She closed her eyes. “I know I’m not very attractive at the moment—”

A low noise interrupted her and she opened her eyes to gape up at him.

“You are very lucky that you’re injured right now.”

“What? Why?”

“Because otherwise you’d be over my knee for that.”

Her mouth dropped open. What would it be like to be over his knee? She could see herself with her pants around her ankles, her ass bare as she kicked and squirmed and he’d scold her in that deep voice of his. Then afterward, he’d kiss it all better and give her the world’s most earth-shattering orgasm.

“Your breathing just grew faster, are you imagining yourself getting a spanking?”

“What? No! That would be weird. Okay, maybe, just a little bit.”

“Just a little bit? From your reaction, I’m guessing you like the idea.”


“Hmm, but you’re not supposed to enjoy a punishment, are you? Do you like being spanked? Tavi has spanked you, hasn’t he?”

“I . . . yes, sometimes.”

“Did he put you over his knee? Did he pull down your pants and panties so your bottom was bared before he slapped your ass?”

She shook her head, her breath coming in raspy gasps. “No, he, umm, he would usually press me against the wall and then smack my bum. Sometimes, he’d pull my skirt up or my pants down.”

“Really? So have you never been over someone’s lap for a spanking?”

“N-no.” This was not the sort of conversation she ever thought she’d be having with him. But she couldn’t deny that she was turned on.

“Well, make another derogatory comment about yourself, and as soon as you’ve been given the all-clear by Jameson, you’ll be getting one over my knee.”

Oh yes, please.

She was tempted to say something then and there, just to see what it would be like. Screw getting the okay from Jameson. She was fine.

But she managed to scrape together enough good sense not to. After all, he was talking about a punishment spanking.

He cupped the side of her face then moved his hand behind her neck. Ooh, that was nice. It was possessive. Claiming. She didn’t get why that made her insides want to melt.

“Tell me. What is it you need?”

“You to kiss me, please,” she whispered. “Even though I’m probably stinky from not having had a shower all day.”

Slime balls!

“Shit! I mean, shoot! I mean, why can’t I control my big mouth?”

To her shock, instead of being embarrassed or surprised, he laughed. Like a full-on laugh. It was something she’d never heard from him before and she stared at him before a smile curved up her lips.

“That’s a good look on you,” she told him.

“What is?”

“Laughing, being happy. It’s sexy as fuck.” She winced. “Sorry, I’ll try not to swear.”


“Why will I try not to swear?”

He nodded.

“Well, because you never swear. I figure it’s not very ladylike.” Or princess like.

“I tell you what, when we’re alone you can swear. But when we’re with other people, you cannot.”

“And if I mess up?”

“Hmm, that might just necessitate me reddening that ass of yours. Oh, and you won’t be allowed to swear while in Little space either. But we were talking about what you need. I’m going to kiss you gently, if it hurts you then let me know.”

“I will.”

He brushed his lips across hers, gently at first then more deeply. His tongue slid into her mouth, playing with hers. A murmur of pleasure left her mouth. She placed her hands behind his neck, trying to draw him closer.

“Easy, stay still,” he warned.

“I want more.”

“Well, you can’t always get what you want.”

“I know,” she said forlornly. It was a sad fact of life she’d already learned.

“Don’t look so sad. If you’re a good girl and rest today, I’ll give you another kiss.”

She brightened at that.

“Now, that wasn’t actually the reason I came over here. You distracted me.”

She had to bite her lip to stop herself from smiling.

“You need something to do?”

“Ah, yeah. I can’t watch TV because that would annoy you. But do you know where my phone is?” Her handbag wasn’t with her stuff.

“You’re not allowed on screens remember? That includes your phone.”

She pouted. “But isn’t that more like a guideline? Not like a rule that you have to follow. See the way it works?” If he didn’t, she was happy to enlighten him further.

“Unfortunately for you, I like to follow guidelines. And that means no screens for you for at least another day.”

“That sucks.”

“What about something else to do?”

“Video game?” she asked hopefully.

“No, also a screen.”


“Also a screen.”

“Why don’t you just give me a rock and a stick to play with,” she said dramatically.

Um, whoops.

“Not that I need, uh, anything to play with. I mean, why don’t I do some work? You could let me read over some of those reports.”

“That’s not happening. You’re not working for at least two weeks,” he told her in a stern voice.

Two weeks!

“I can’t take two weeks off.”

“I looked at leave. You’ve never had one day off. Your boss should be shot for letting that happen.”

“My boss is a real hardass. He wouldn’t like me taking two weeks off.”


“No, and let’s face it, he’d be completely lost without me.”

Kassim stared down at her for a long moment. “He certainly would.”

Oh. Be still her beating heart, that was sweet.

Then he stood and moved to the door. “But unfortunately for you, your boss is now taking a bigger interest in your welfare. Which means, you’re on vacation.”

She groaned. “I’m going to get bored.”

“I don’t think you’ll have enough time to get bored.”

“I’m bored now.”

“Because you’re on sick leave. Would it help to have more of your things with you?”


He crooked an eyebrow and reached down to gently tap at her nose. “Well, don’t go all shy on me now.”

“I know, it’s just, well . . .”

“What would you like? There are three idiots just sitting around outside that door, waiting to serve you.”

“What? They’re out that door?” Why would they be just sitting around? Surely he was wrong.

“Yes, but don’t worry, they won’t come in until you decide you want to see them.”

She bit her lip. “Okay, I’m not ready yet.” She knew she had to see them, but between Tavi’s behavior and Matek’s hulking out and the changes in Aric’s personality . . . yeah, even though Kassim was surprising her with all this, he was still acting like him. Just a more hands-on, lips-on him.

“Umm, well maybe Vivi could get me some of my things.”

“You know that you don’t have to be embarrassed, right? Nobody will make fun of you. They were all delighted to learn that you’re a Little.”

“You told them?”

He gave her a chagrined look. “I’m sorry, Pippa. I’m so used to telling them everything. I didn’t even think—”

“No, no, it’s fine. I’m actually relieved you told them.”

“You are?”

“It makes it easier for me not to have to do it. And to know they’re glad, that eases my worries about their reaction.”

“I still should have checked with you.”

She shook her head. “It’s okay, really. I turned the second bedroom in my cottage into a playroom. It’s um, it’s locked. But the key is on the keyring holder inside the front door. It’s on a Batman key ring.”

“All right. What would you like?”

“Um, some coloring books and pens. My Batman blanket. And my pink Batman onesie.”

“I sense a theme. I’m surprised you don’t have a toy Batman.”

“Oh, I do. Sometimes I sleep with him as well as Cranky, but Cranky gets jealous,” she mock-whispered.

“Ahh, does he?”

“Yep, and Batman gets a bit worried about him biting him in the night.”

“Cranky does have very big teeth,” he agreed. “He looks well-loved.”

“My dad bought him for me on the only holiday we ever took to Australia. He’s very special.”

“Of course he is. Now, would you like anything else?”

“Not right now. Are you sure they won’t think I’m odd?”

“I know they won’t,” he reassured her, cupping the side of her face. Then he stood and walked out of the room.

Damn, she wouldn’t have minded another of those kisses. He returned quickly and had just sat when a screeching noise reached them.

It sounded rather like a pterodactyl.

So Satan’s bride was here then.

“Get out of my way. I wish to see Kassim. I know he’s in there!”

“What on Earth? Is that Adele?” Kassim stood and looked at the door in shock.

“Matek! Move!”

There was a low rumbling noise in reply. Oops. Matek sounded pissed.

“Excuse me,” Kassim muttered politely. Standing, he moved to the door and slipped out, leaving it open a crack.

“Oh, Kassim, there you are,” Adele said in a silky-smooth voice. Obviously she didn’t know that the bedroom wasn’t soundproofed or she wouldn’t have made those screechy noises.

Wouldn’t do to let Kassim see her true colors.

“What do you need, Adele?” he asked her.

“I heard you were working from here today and I wanted to come and check that you were well. Can I get you something? Do you need help? Perhaps I should work in your bedroom with you?”

“That won’t be necessary,” Kassim replied. “I don’t believe we had anything to discuss today.”

“But Kassim, we do. It’s about your assistant.”

“Pippa? What about her?” Kassim asked quietly.

Damn it. She could hardly hear them. Climbing out of bed, she steadied herself by holding onto the headboard before making her way over to the door.

“Could we talk in private? Away from Matek? I’m not sure why he’s glaring at me. Perhaps we could go into your bedroom.”

Oh, Pippa knew she’d just love to go into his bedroom, and maybe strip him of his clothes, then feed off his lifeforce until he was a dried-up, shriveled shell.


“No, whatever you wish to say, you can say here. I don’t allow people into my bedroom.”

Except her. Warmth flooded her. Oh, he was just earning all the brownie points, wasn’t he?

“But I’m not just people.”

Gag. Get a clue, lady. He doesn’t want you.

He wants me.

That was weird. Adele was everything she thought he would want. Tiny, elegant, sophisticated and smart.

Then again, she was a raging bitch.

“Adele, I have work to do. If you have something to tell me, I would appreciate you doing so.”

“Always so conscientious. It’s one of your best qualities. But not the best.”

Wink-wink. Urgh. Gag.

She better not have touched him with her filthy hands. Or Pippa might just chop them off. She could do that as princess, right?

Well, no. But it was fun to think of.

Hmm, when did she get so bloodthirsty?

“Fine, well, it’s about your assistant. I gave her a number of tasks yesterday and she didn’t do any of them. I heard she left early, too.”

Where had she heard that? Her facts were wrong. She hadn’t left early. How dare she make Pippa look like a slacker.

What would Kassim say? He wouldn’t believe her, right?

“I’m certain that’s not true,” Kassim replied.

“Are you calling me a liar?” She added a tinkling laugh that sounded horrible and fake.

Okay, fine, it sounded sweet and lovely, but Pippa wanted it to sound like an evil cackle.

Life just wasn’t fair sometimes.

“Of course not. But Pippa is more than entitled to leave early with how often she works overtime.”

There. Take that, bitch.

“But she didn’t do all the jobs I gave her. And they were very important and now I’m behind. Perhaps we should hire a new personal assistant. One who can actually do all the tasks assigned to her.”

Oh, this cow. Important jobs? Like making her beauty appointments for the next month? And believe her, there was a lot. Not that Pippa begrudged anyone going for beauty treatments, but why was it her job to make the appointments?

“What jobs? I can’t think of anything that was pressing on the agenda. But if you send them through to me, I’ll go through them.”

“Nothing that is important enough for you to do, darling.”

Eww. Really?

Jealous anger bubbled inside her. In her mind, she stormed in there and gave this bitch a piece of her mind.

In reality, she just stood here and listened.

“Then I’m sure they can wait.”

“But don’t you think it would be a better idea to hire someone new? She really is incompetent. I have someone lined up. Years and years of experience. She’ll be perfect for us.”

“Pippa is my personal assistant, not yours,” Kassim said coldly. “You shouldn’t be giving her any tasks to do that don’t go through me first. And I will not be hiring anyone new. But you go ahead and hire this person you have lined up. It sounds like you need the help.”

“But . . . but . . .”

“Kassim, Tavi and I went and got the stuff that Pippa wanted,” Aric said loudly.

“What? What do you mean the stuff that Pippa wanted?”

Another screech filled the room. Ouch, that really hurt her ears.

“Is she in there? Now? Why is she in there?” Adele demanded.

“That is none of your business, Adele,” Kassim told her calmly. “Aric, will you show Adele back to the main part of the palace?”

“What? Why! You can’t want that uneducated, clumsy, chub—”

“You will cease now,” Kassim said in a voice that thundered.

Holy. Shit.

She’d never once heard him sound like that. As though he was on the cusp of losing his patience.

And she was so glad she wasn’t at the other end of his temper. Actually, the fact that he was close to losing it in defense of her . . .

Yeah, that was hot as fuck.

“You will leave the palace now. Do not return until you are given permission.”

“But . . . but we work together! For the foundation!”

“Perhaps it is time to revisit that,” he said. “Aric, call security and make sure she is escorted off the premises.”

The stupid woman screamed and cried. But then she grew quieter and Pippa moved back as she realized that she was gone.

Eek. If she didn’t want to get caught eavesdropping, then she should probably get back into bed.

Turning, she made her way back there.

“Freeze,” a deep voice said.

Drat. So close. If this room wasn’t so darn big she would have made it too.

“Eavesdropping, tamiya?”

He appeared in front of her, one of her bags in his hand.

Pippa bit her lip. “Um, would you believe I needed to use the toilet?”

“The toilet is that way.” He pointed over to the side.

“Hmm, so it is. All right, maybe I was eavesdropping, just a little.”

“How do you eavesdrop just a little?”

“Not sure, but it’s got to be better than eavesdropping a lot, right?”

He gave her a stern look. “You’re not supposed to be getting out of bed without someone here. I’m going to have to start a naughty notebook.”

“A naughty notebook.” Now that was something she might be interested in, if he was talking about the fun kind of naughty.

Unfortunately, she was pretty certain he wasn’t.

“I don’t need a naughty notebook, Daddy.”

Okay. Where the heck had that come from? She stared at him wide-eyed. He just stared back. Before his face lightened into a smile. She let out a relieved breath. She’d worried that was too soon. “I like that.”

“The notebook?” she asked.

“You calling me Daddy.”

“Me too,” she said shyly, staring down at her feet. Reaching out, he tucked some hair behind her ear.

“But you were still naughty weren’t you? Getting out of bed on your own to eavesdrop. What if you’d gotten dizzy or ill?”

“Sorry, Daddy.”

“Right, let’s get you back into bed.” He helped her climb up and tucked the covers over her as she lay back against the pillows. Strange, but she did feel knackered.

He placed the backpack next to her then leaned over her. “You heard what she said?”


“What jobs did she give you to do?”

“Um, things like booking her beauty appointments.”

His jaw clenched. “That’s what I thought. Don’t worry, you won’t have to put up with her any longer.”



“Yay. Bye-bye Satan’s bride.” She opened up her bag. Yes! Aric had gotten her favorite animal coloring book.

“Satan’s bride?”

“Yeah, that’s what I call her. I also throw salt over my shoulder when she’s been around. Stops her evil from lingering.” She drew out a coloring book and pen. Attempting to focus on coloring in between the lines might give her a headache.

But she never colored in between the lines, so that wasn’t a problem.

Grabbing out a red pen she used long strokes to color in an elephant’s face.

“You think she’s evil?”

“Well, she’s super mean.” She stuck her tongue out slightly as she chose her next color. Black, she thought.

“How is she mean?”

“She pretends that she never knows my name. She’d always calling me Penny or Parcy and stuff. I mean, what kind of name is Parcy? Do you know anyone called Parcy, Daddy?”

“I do not,” he said in a quiet voice.

“And she’s always making rude comments about the way I look.”

“Like what?” he asked.

Distracted, she was searching through her coloring pens for a blue one that hadn’t dried up.

Tamiya?” he questioned.

“I like when you call me that. Makes me feel special.”

“That’s good. Because you are special.”

She could feel her emotions bubbling up. “I’m not special.”

“Yes, you are special,” he said firmly. “Look at me.”

She kept her gaze down. She didn’t want to look at him. Looking at him meant he would win the argument, because how was she meant to argue with him when he looked so gorgeous?

“Miss Jones,” he said warningly.

Drat. Drat. Don’t cave.

Two seconds later, she caved and raised her gaze to his.

“When I say eyes on me, I expect you to do so immediately, understand?”

Oh, Batman, save her. That stern tone just did things to her. It was wrong to be aroused right now. She just hoped he didn’t realize or she was going to be in trouble.


“Yes, what?”

“Yes, Daddy K.”

“Daddy K?”

“Well, there’s lots of you, huh?”

“Yes, but you called me Daddy first,” he said smugly

“You could be maybe big boss Daddy. King Daddy. No, that would be weird.”

“Yes, that would be weird.” He gave her a warning look. But she didn’t heed the warning. She was having too much fun.

“What about big kahuna Daddy? The BKD. Hmm, or BBD for big boss Daddy. Or NOD. That’s it, you’re the NOD.”

“I’m the NOD?” he asked cautiously.

“Number one Daddy. Don’t you like that?”

He shook his head. “You’re going to be trouble in Little space, aren’t you?”

“Of course not, Daddy,” she replied innocently. “I’m trouble all the time.”

“I can see that now. Maybe I liked it better when you showed me deference as my employee.”

“But did I really, Daddy?” She grinned at him. “Or was I just pretending? I’m good at pretending.”

“I’m sure you are. But there will be no pretending with Daddy, understand? With any of us.”

“But what if I want to pretend to be a butterfly? Or a bear? Or a tree?” she asked.

“A tree?”

“It could happen, Daddy. It could happen,” she replied seriously. Sheesh, he was fun to mess with. Poor Daddy, he was so confused. Maybe she should help a fella out.

“Pretend play is fun, Daddy.”

“Pretend play is fine. Acting like everything is fine when it isn’t, is not. Lying is not. Keeping something from us is not. From now on, if someone is being mean to you or hurting you or making you feel bad, you’re to come tell me.”

“What if you’re not here?”

“Then you tell Tavi or Aric.”

“Not Matek?” she asked curiously.

“No, not Matek. When it comes to someone hurting you, he doesn’t have much tolerance,” he explained. “He’d likely kill them.”

She was pretty sure she wasn’t supposed to hear that last part. She tapped her coloring book with a green marker since she couldn’t find a blue one. Stupid blue pens.

“Okay, so only tell Matek if I want the person to die. Got it.”

Tamiya,” he warned.

She had to bite back a grin. “Yes, NOD?”

“Don’t call me that.”

She pouted. “I thought you’d like to be number one Daddy. Okay, if you’d rather be number two then I guess you’d be NTD.”

He sighed. “How about you call me Daddy K? At least when the others are around so it’s not confusing.”

“Aww, good idea, Daddy K.”

“Somehow, I think I’ve been played.” He rubbed at his temples.

She patted his leg soothingly. “Don’t think about it too hard, Daddy. It will give you indigestion.”

“It might be too late.” He grimaced and she giggled.

“Now, I actually had something important to talk to you about.”

“What I’m going to call you isn’t important, Daddy?”

“No, of course it is. Now stop interrupting, brat, before I go find a gag.”

“Daddy, that’s not very nice!”

He grunted, sounding very much like Matek and she had to stifle another giggle. It was fun to rile him up. She figured he needed more of that. Life could be so stuffy and boring for him. He needed her to bring the fun.

Yeah, she was totally the bringer of fun.

“I should get that on a T-shirt,” she muttered.

“Get what?”

“Nothing, Daddy. What was the important stuff you had to talk about, cause I’ve got to get back to work.”


She sighed. “The pictures don’t color themselves in.”

Obviously. Silly Daddy.

He peered down at her picture with a frown. “Is coloring giving you a headache?”

Lots of stuff gave her a headache at the moment. But coloring wasn’t any worse than anything else.

“Nah, I’m good, Daddy. Why?”

“Oh, I just thought that concentrating on coloring in the lines might be hurting your head and that’s why . . .”

He gestured at the picture.

“Oh, I never color between the lines, Daddy.”

“You don’t?”

“Anyone can do that,” she explained. “Why do what other people do when I can be different? I don’t create pictures, I create masterpieces.”

“I can see that,” he replied.

“Besides, I don’t have much patience for doing it neatly.”


“Well, Daddy, good talk. But you really should get back to work.”

“Ah, yes, I should.” He stood then froze. “Wait, we haven’t had our conversation yet.”

“Gosh, Daddy, you really are procrastinating. Don’t you want to get your work done? Do you need help?”

“No, I don’t need help. I need you to stop distracting me.” He sat facing her again. “Look at me.”

This time she raised her gaze immediately. She didn’t actually want anything to get written down in the naughty notebook.

“Yes, Daddy?”

“You are very special to me, to all of us. You’re the most important person in the world to me.”

“I am?” The words were sweet, but she wasn’t entirely sure she felt comfortable believing in them. Not yet.

“You are. Which is why you’re going to agree to tell us if there is someone who is upsetting you, like Adele. You shouldn’t have kept that from me.”

“But, Daddy, I didn’t know I was special to you then.”

“You still should have told me. As my assistant, it was my responsibility to see to your care and safety.”

“Daddy, that’s not the way it works.”

“Don’t argue with your Daddy.”

“So I’m just to agree with you all the time? Do whatever you say?” she asked.

“Now, you’re getting it.”

She huffed out a breath. “That’s silly.”

“It’s silly that I want to protect you?”

“No, that’s not what I meant.” Drat, now he was talking circles around her. That was her job! Shoot. The tables were turning. “It’s just . . . I thought . . . well, she always seemed to be around and . . .”

“You thought that she and I were in a relationship?”

“Yeah, or that maybe you would end up being in one. Trapped in her fiery web of torture.”

He shuddered. “No, that was never going to happen. She’d suck me dry then feed me to the piranhas.”

She giggled. “I wasn’t sure where I stood.”

“Well, now you know. Nobody is allowed to make you feel bad about yourself. Understand?”

“Yes, Daddy. I understand.”

“You do some coloring, because soon it’s time for dinner and bed.”

“Daddy, it’s way too early for bed.”

“You’re my baby girl and you have a concussion. You’re going to sleep early.”

“Are you sure you don’t need to go to the office to work, Daddy?” She gave him an innocent look. Maybe if he went to work, he’d forget all about this silly going to bed early stuff.

He wasn’t fooled. “I’m sure.”

He sat and worked for a while in silence. She was feeling kind of bad about the others hanging outside the room, but not enough to invite them in. She was kind of enjoying this time alone with Kassim. It was soothing and restful.

She soon grew tired of coloring and started gluing on some pretty stars which had been in her pencil case. Ooh, what she really needed was glitter. Everything looked better with glitter.

“What else would she say to you?” he asked suddenly.

She had her tongue out again in concentration. “She’d just make rude remarks about my clothes, my body, my hair. She liked that. Passive-aggressive stuff like you’d be so pretty if you dyed your hair a proper color. Or about my education and how sad it was that I had to grow up in New Zealand. I don’t know why that would be a bad thing.”

“Because she sees anyone who doesn’t come from here as inferior,” he muttered.

“I don’t know why you hired her, Daddy.”

“She sort of inherited the job. Tamiya?”

“Kind of busy here, Daddy. Working with glitter is very complicated. I’m practically a glitter expert and I have to get it just right. When you think about it, dealing with glitter is similar to being a surgeon.”

“My apologies for interrupting your surgery.”

“Apology accepted if you chop-chop.”

“Is that a surgical term?” he asked dryly.


“Look at me.”

She heaved a very put-upon sigh. “Daddy, I get that you like me looking at you. I mean, you’re a good-looking guy so it’s not a hardship. But if I have to do it lots, we’re not going to get much done.”

“Enough sassiness, brat,” he warned. “Or I’ll think you need to go to bed right now.”

Well, drat. She didn’t want that. Although she was feeling quite sleepy.

“You know none of what she said is true, right? You’re not frumpy, your hair isn’t ugly and you’re not less than us because of where you grew up.”

“I know,” she said quietly. Sort of.

Standing, he moved over to her, brushing his fingers through her hair. “And if you ever dye this hair a different color, your ass would stay red until your hair was back to red, understand?”

Happiness filled her. “I understand, Daddy.”

“You’re Daddy’s precious little girl, aren’t you?”

Oh yes. She was. And she’d happily stay that way for the rest of her life. All she had to do was learn how to trust that he wouldn’t leave her.

That all of them wanted her.