Claimed By her Daddies by Laylah Roberts


Daddy was sneaky.

She let out a huff of annoyance as she woke up and stretched. It had been nearly three days since she’d fallen over and hurt herself. She’d slept in Kassim’s bed for two nights. He’d kept the other guys away from her, telling her that it was the only way he could ensure she stayed quiet. Most of yesterday, she’d stayed in Little mode.

Last night, after coaxing her to eat some dinner, Kassim ran her a bath full of bubbles. Was there any point in having a bath if it wasn’t full of bubbles? Of course, he’d insisted on helping her into it, with his eyes averted, which was pretty cute even if she was certain he’d gotten more than a little peek at her.

And then afterward, he’d lain beside her, massaging her head and shoulders until she’d drifted off to sleep. She hadn’t even missed her pacifier.

“Trickery, it is,” she muttered, opening her eyes.

“What is?”

She sat up with a gasp then groaned as the room swum. Shoot. Suddenly, he was there, supporting her head and easing her back into a seated position.

“You move fast, big guy.”

Matek didn’t reply as he fluffed up her pillows. Who’d have thought that such a scary-looking guy could be so good at taking care of others?

“You know, if the whole prince thing falls through, you could get a job as a pillow fluffer.”

He snorted. “I only pillow fluff for you.”

“Aww, that’s cute. Does Kassim know you’re in here? What time is it?”

“Nearly nine and I don’t need his permission.”

“This is his room, right?”

“Yes. But you’re in it and you’re mine.”

Matek’s feelings for her should have been the scariest right? Because he was so dark and broody. But he was also totally hers. Sure, he might be a bit intense. But he was also so confident in his feelings for her that it made her feel safe.

As though nothing could tear them apart.

“Um, I really need to pee. Alone.”

He eyed her. “I’ll carry you. And leave you,” he added. “But call if you need me.”

Fair enough.

After peeing and brushing her teeth, she let him carry her back to bed.

“Where is Kassim?”

“Work. Eat.” He put a tray of food on her lap. She picked away at it.

Wasn’t it Sunday? Sheesh, she knew he was a workaholic, but not this bad. “He left me alone?” That didn’t seem likely.

“I am here.” Matek gave her a reproachful look. “You think I’d let anyone harm you?”

“No. But I’m not really expecting anyone to hurt me.”

A funny look crossed his face and again, she felt something tug at her mind. There was something she needed to remember.

“I mean, unless you let Satan’s bride in here.”

“Adele,” he spat out the word like a curse.

“Yeah. Her.”

“Say the word, she’s gone.”

“She is gone, right?” Or had she already made her way back into Kassim’s good graces? She wasn’t with him at his office, was she?

“Yes, but I meant gone-gone.”

“Oh. Ohhh. Kassim warned me not to tell you if anyone was hassling me.”

Something cold and calculating entered his gaze, making her shiver. But the weird thing was, it was a good shiver.

It was official. She was losing her mind.

“He did?”

“But only because he thought you would go around killing everyone who looked at me funny and I know you’re not going to do that.”

Amusement filled his face. “Wouldn’t I?”

She swallowed heavily. “Oh shit. You wouldn’t, because I don’t want to be visiting you in jail for the next twenty years.”

“You would visit?”

“Of course I would visit, you killed for me! I mean, hypothetically.” Still, best she make sure not to complain about anyone in front of him. She didn’t need people disappearing. She lifted the tray and gave it to him. Even though he frowned at how little she’d eaten, he took it.

“I won’t go to jail.”

“Because you won’t make people disappear?” she asked hopefully.

“Because I am a prince and a billionaire. I won’t be sent to jail.”

“Matek! I think it was better when you didn’t talk.”

He raised his eyebrows. “You want me to be silent?”

“Um, that was just a joke.” She didn’t know what that look in his eyes meant.

“If my mouth was full, I would be silent.”

“Full of what?”

He sat on the bed and leaned in. “You.”

She shivered. “Oh hell.”

He drew back then stared down at her lips.

“You want to kiss me?” she asked breathlessly.

“Need to.”

“Wow. Are you going to?”

He almost looked like he was in pain. Did the idea of kissing her hurt?

“I’m worried if I start, I won’t stop there.”

“Who says you have to stop?”

He raised his eyebrows. “Me. You’re injured. Hurt.” A finger ran down her cheek then along her lips. Back and forth. She parted her lips and nipped at his finger.

His eyes flared, lips parting. Did he like that? He pressed his finger into her mouth and she tongued it, watching as his face filled with heat.

Another finger was added. And she sucked on them both, wishing like hell it was his cock. She loved giving oral. More than receiving it. More than anything, if she was honest.

Slowly, he drew his fingers free of her mouth. Then he reached down and lifted up her pajama top, pushing his hand underneath to cup her breast. She arched into his hand.

“Matek, please.”

He rolled her nipple between his finger and thumb. “I want you.”

Her breathing deepened. Oh, she needed this. She had to come. Her clit throbbed. “I want you too.”

“You’re not ready.”

“I am.”

“You’re ill.”

“I am not! It’s a concussion.”

He made a low grumbling noise. “You’re hurt. I don’t like it.”

She stared up at him. “Me either, big guy. But I won’t be concussed forever. It’s mild. I feel much better. Only, now I’ve got this other ache.” She smiled at him.

He huffed out a breath. “Me too.”

“I could take care of that for you.” She moved her hand towards his dick.

“No.” He grasped hold of her hand and hurt filled her.

He released her hand and took gentle hold of her chin. “My need for you will wait.”

“Until when?”

“Until you are fully better.”

Damn it, she guessed she was going to have to wait another day or two.

“And until you are mine.”

The possessiveness in his voice made her heart race.

She licked her lips.

“When you say the words. Then I take you. Own you.”

She could feel the words on the tip of her tongue. Wanting to give in to his claim. Acknowledge it.

He pulled at her nipple, making her whimper.

“You like pain?” he asked.

“A little,” she told him.

He pinched her other nipple, making her cry out again. Her head jolted, and she hissed in pain for an entire other reason.

“Fuck.” He stopped playing with her nipples. “I hurt you. Shouldn’t have touched you.” He almost looked panicked.

“Hey, I’m all right. Matek, I’m fine. I just have a small headache.”

His breathing eased as he stared down at her. “I hurt you.”

“You didn’t. I . . . I liked the way you touched me. Really. I just need my medication.”

He was grumbling as he grabbed the bottle of pills, read what the label said, then poured two out and picked up the glass of water.



“Mouth. Open.” Seemed when he got upset, his sentences grew shorter.

But the command in his voice was clear and the submissive in her recognized that tone and opened her mouth. He placed the two pills in there then held the glass of water to her lips.

She reached for the glass but he scowled at her.

Right. No holding your own glass, Pippa. Silly you.

Only problem was, she could barely keep from spilling stuff down her front on a good day, let alone when she was half-reclined and not holding the glass herself. So inevitably, water dripped down her chin.

To her surprise, Matek simply grabbed a tissue and cleaned her up.

“You’re good at that,” she told him, feeling a touch of jealousy. “Taken care of many dribblers?”

“No. Just you. Need bib.”

“I’m not a baby.”

“Knew from the moment I saw you that you were mine.”

She sucked in a breath. “You did? Why did you never say something?”

His pale blue eyes met hers. “I’m rough. Dark. Intense. If you’re mine, it’s for life. No divorce, no leaving. I’d just follow you. Always.”

She sucked in a breath. “Right.”

“Thought I’d scare you.”

“But now you’ve realized that I’m tougher? That I’m not fragile?”

He pressed her hands to his, palm-to-palm to indicate how much smaller she was. Holy shit, how had she never noticed how large his hand was?

“Your hand is enormous.” What would it feel like against her ass? And when could she find out? She squirmed. Her clit was still throbbing. If he wouldn’t get her off then maybe she could get some alone time with Mr. Buzzy. Unfortunately, Mr. Buzzy was back in her cottage.

“You’re still fragile. I could break you.”

“Do you want to?”

“Never.” The word was a vow and she completely believed him.

“I need you. To breathe. To be happy. I can’t settle if I don’t know you’re safe. Want you nearby always.”

“That’s why you’ve been, um, following me around.”

He nodded. “When my brothers said they wanted you then it was like I was given permission to be close to you. I know they won’t let me hurt you. I . . .” he trailed off, looking almost ashamed. She reached out and wrapped her hand around his thick wrist. “What is it?”

“Don’t want to scare you.”

“Tell me.”

“Watched you for a while.”

She swallowed heavily. “You mean you were watching me before I even knew?”

He nodded.

“How long?”

He wouldn’t meet her eyes.

“The whole time I’ve been here?”

He let out a shuddering breath then seemed to force himself to meet her gaze. A single nod.

Wow. She didn’t know what to say. “Why?”


“Right. Did you, I mean, how didn’t I see you?”

He shrugged. “Only sometimes. I was careful. And . . . I used cameras.” He stiffened, waiting for her to berate him.

“Inside my house?” Oh God, he hadn’t seen her while she was in Little headspace, had he? And what about in her bedroom, when she was masturbating? Humiliation filled her. Tears welled. Her breath grew fast. Did the others know? Had they watched?

He cupped her face between his huge palms. “No. Never.”


“Never. Promise.”

She forced herself to calm down. To ease the panic that had built inside her.

“I . . . I didn’t want to invade your privacy but . . .” His teeth ground together. “I don’t cope well when you’re out of sight.”

There was such pain in his voice and sincerity. She couldn’t help but cup the side of his face. “It’s all right.”

“It’s not. It’s wrong.”

“It’s only wrong if we say it is.”

“Not normal.”

She shrugged. “Most people think the fact that I like to dress up in a Batgirl outfit and like coloring in and cartoons is weird.”

“You’re not weird.”

“Neither are you.”

“Might suffocate you,” he warned.

“I get a safeword, right?”

He frowned, but nodded.

“I could also use it if I need a bit of me time. I imagine having four men could be a lot. Lord, if my father ever heard me say that he’d have a heart attack.”

He was watching her with those intense blue eyes. “Okay.”

“All right, if I say hapuka then back off and give me some space.”


“Hmm, it’s the Maori word for groper. The fish.”

His lips twitched. “Right.”

“Yeah, didn’t think that one through.” She gave him a small smile back. “And no cameras anywhere that I don’t approve of. I’m not against it if it’s what you need, I just want to know they’re there.”

He nodded.

“If you need to be close to me then tell me. You don’t have to follow me around, okay? It’s no hardship to be with you. I mean, if I’m working it might be a bit difficult.”

“Working? You will still work?”

“I want to.” She braced herself for an argument but he simply nodded.

“Your choice.”

Okay, this was good.

“So any chance I could have like ten minutes on my own right now?”



His gaze moved over her. “What are you going to do?”

“I don’t want to tell you.”

He just waited her out. Damn him. He was so much more patient than she was.

“I need to change my panties.”

His breathing quickened. “I can change your panties.”

“You . . . no . . . that’s okay.”

“Like doing things for you.”

“Would you like to do other things? Or are all things out until I say I’m yours?” she asked, hardly believing she was being this daring.

“Other things?”

“Uh, yeah, other things. Like the things you just started? That have made my panties all wet.”

Don’t blush. Don’t blush.

Too late.

His eyes widened. “You want to come. That’s why you want privacy.”

“Oh God, I can’t believe I told you that. Let’s just forget we had this conversation.”

“Let’s not.” He frowned. “You’ll hurt your head.”

“Not if I keep my head nice and still.”

“I’ll watch.”

Watch? Wait what? No. That’s not what she meant.

“Um, no, I didn’t mean for you to watch. I meant for you to do something or to leave me to do something. On my own. No watching. Nope, that’s not going to happen.”

“I watch or you don’t get to come.” His face was stern as he gave her that edict.

Oh fuck. Was he for real?

“That’s not fair.” She gave him a stern look back. Yeah, he was shaking in his boots.

He leaned over her, brushing his mouth against hers, then he flicked his tongue across her lips. She whimpered, squirming around. It was like she could feel his tongue against her clit, driving her insane.

Please. Please.

“You are forbidden from coming without one of us with you.”

Her gaze shot to us. What the fuck did he just say?

“Nooo, that’s not fair.” Pippa was a twice a day orgasm kind of girl. Sure, she only ever came with Mr. Buzzy and her own fingers. But she couldn’t go without.

That was just cruel. Who would make her do that?

Or you could come with him here . . . watching. Fuck. She didn’t know if she could do that.

That would be too embarrassing, right?

“Either you come with one of us with you. Or you don’t come at all.”

“But I don’t know if I can come with you here. Having you watch me . . . I’m embarrassed.”

“I’m hot.” He grasped hold of her hand and pressed it to his erection.

Oh, holy hotness, Batman.

“So, um, you’re big all over, huh?”

He grinned and leaned in to whisper in her ear. “And I’m pierced.”

“Mama have mercy,” she murmured. She licked her lips. “Can I see?”

“Good girls can.”

“Am I a good girl?”

He grinned. “What do you think?”

She dropped her lower lip and he tapped it with his finger. “Put this away. Eyes.”

She raised her gaze to his obediently.

“No pouting.”

“Why not?”

“Can’t resist it.” He grimaced after saying that and she had to hide her grin. Aww, poor guy.

“Can’t I just have a few minutes to myself? Just a small orgasm. Please.” She fluttered her eyelashes for good measure.

He turned his head away, not looking at her. “Don’t try it, brat.”

A giggle escaped and he spun back to give her a stern look.


He pointed a finger at her. “You’re not in charge.”

So he thought. Now that she knew he found her pout irresistible and that he’d kill for her . . . well, she was feeling pretty good about herself.

She licked her lips, slowly. If she was going to be in pain, then so was he.

“Please, Matek, if you won’t touch me then just leave me for a few minutes.”

“No dick until you say you’re mine.”

“A finger is okay, though, right?”

He looked like he was wavering when the door opened. Aric popped his head in and glanced around. She glowered at him. Damn it. Matek had been about to give in. She could feel it.

“Good morning.” Aric strolled in, carrying a tablet. He came to a stop when he noticed her scowl.

“What is it, Poppet? You don’t look very pleased to see me.”

“I’ve been meaning to ask, why Poppet?” she asked.

“It suits you. It’s cute and sweet. Like you. Well, usually.”

Her scowl deepened.

“And it’s what my Grandpa called Granny.”

Oh, that was sweet. She knew that their mother was from England, so she guessed he was talking about that side of the family.

“Is that my tablet?” she asked, trying to cover how his explanation affected her.

“Nope. You’re not allowed screens.”

“That’s just a guideline.”

Aric waved a finger at her. “Nuh-uh, you’re not going to trick me into getting what you want.”

“She is very tricky.” Matek crossed his arms over his massive chest.

“Yeah? What did she try to trick you into doing?” Aric asked.

“I didn’t try to trick him into doing anything,” she said firmly. “I just wanted some privacy.”

“Privacy?” Aric asked, like it was a foreign thing. “What would you need privacy for?”

“Nothing,” she muttered. “Can you both leave?”

“Nope. You’re not to be left alone. Kassim’s orders. He left for his meeting looking very happy, by the way.” Aric wriggled his eyebrows. “Actually smiled for the first time in ages. Want to tell us what happened?”

“Nothing like that.” She blushed.

“Oh good. I was getting rather jealous. ”

“Where’s Tavi?” she asked.

“I sent him to get some of your favorite snacks. He was moping, he needed a task to do.”

“What sort of snacks?”

“Jelly-filled donuts, chocolate croissants, jolly ranchers, the green and red ones only. I told him he had to pick through them all to separate them out.”

“Hey, those aren’t my favorite snacks, they’re yours!”

“Oh, really? So they are.” His smile dropped. “Tavi feels really bad about what he said, Pippa. He never thought about the fact that you might think we were making fun of you or anything. We’d never do that. We’re all very serious about you.”

“I know that now. But I didn’t then and I felt kind of cheap.”

“You are precious to us,” Aric told her. “I know I might joke around about stuff, but I am deadly serious about you. Understand?”

“I’m beginning to,” she whispered.

“Now, I’ve brought this over so we can do some shopping for our trip to England.” He held up the tablet.

“Should I still go if I’m not working? I mean, we could start dating back here.”

“Of course you’re going. It’s a holiday. Do you really think we’d leave you here alone? Matek can barely function when you’re out of his sight. He would break out in hives if you were a whole ocean away from him. And that really wouldn’t be a pretty sight. He’d likely make me rub cream all over him. I can’t be traumatized like that.” He shuddered dramatically. “Tavi and Kassim would be complete messes too.”

“And you? Would you hold them all together?” she asked.

“No, I’d be sobbing daily into scones and cream.”

She rolled her eyes at him.

He sat on one side of her on the bed while Matek sat on the other side with her snuggled between them.

Her head spun as their scents surrounded her. Her heart raced, her clit throbbed.

“Umm, wouldn’t you two be more comfortable sitting on an armchair?”

She pressed her legs together to try to alleviate the ache.

“Why are you wriggling around? You’re supposed to be staying still. Do you need to pee?” Aric asked.

“No, I don’t need to pee.”

“She peed already,” Matek told him.

Wow, big guy, thanks for updating everyone. She held the sarcasm in. Barely.

“Then what’s the matter?” Aric stared down at her, his gaze going to her nipples. Which were hard and pressing against her top. “Now, if I didn’t know any better, I would say you were turned on. Wouldn’t you say that, Matek?”

Matek made a low, grumbling noise in the back of his throat. Again, she needed some sort of translator. What was that in English? Neanderthal speak was damn hard to decipher.

“I . . . I . . . Matek won’t touch me until I say I’m his.”

“I touched you,” Matek countered. “Won’t fuck you.”

“Oh, so you’ll give me an orgasm?”

“Once I start, might not stop.”

“Ahh, I see the problem,” Aric said. “Matek wants you, but he wants to make sure you’re his before he fucks you so you don’t run away screaming when you see the size of his pierced dick.”

“Aric!” she squeaked.

“And you want to come, but he’s afraid if he starts touching you, he won’t stop.”

“Thanks for the recap, Captain Obvious.” That time, she couldn’t hold it back.

“Watch it, Poppet,” he said in a low, warning voice.

Oh God, they had to stop using that tone of voice on her. Her panties were now completely soaked through.

“Sorry,” she whispered.

“Sorry, Aric,” he told her. “Or sorry, Daddy.”

“I’m not in Little headspace.”

“I don’t care. When you address me, you call me by my name or call me Daddy.”

“How did I never see this side of you?” Other than Kassim, she’d spent the most time with him.

“Because I only show it to the people who are closest to me. My brothers and now you.”

“I don’t call you Daddy,” Matek muttered.

Aric grinned over at him. “Aww, did you just make your first joke?” He put his hand on his chest dramatically. “I’m so proud.”

Matek glared at him. She laid her head on his shoulder. “It was a good joke.”

Matek muttered something under his breath. She patted his thigh, the back of her hand brushing against his dick.

Oh shit. He was so hard.

“You know, with me here, you could play with her without worrying about it going too far,” Aric told Matek. “Of course, we’d have to be careful of her head. But I’ve heard orgasms are good for headaches.”

Oh Lord. It had been so long since she’d been with one man and he’d been an idiot who could barely find her clit on a good day. With these two, she was certain that wasn’t going to be a problem.

“If that’s what you want,” Aric told her seriously. “There’s no pressure. You know this isn’t about sex, right?”

“I know,” she whispered. “It’s still hard to wrap my head around it, though. That you guys want me.”

Matek made a grumbling noise.

“That’s him saying he wants you.”

“Oh good, you’re a caveman translator then?”

Aric grinned and looked over at Matek. “Sometimes. When it comes to you, I know we’re all on the same page. You’re ours. We’re yours. We’ll prove to you that we mean what we say then you can have as much sexy time as you like. Unless you’re naughty and denied orgasms as punishment.”

“I already feel like I’m being punished.”

“You do? Why?”

“Because someone forbade me from touching myself if you guys weren’t around.” She glared at Matek.

Aric grinned slowly. “My, my, that is an interesting rule. Good job, brother.”

Matek just grunted.

“Wait, are you congratulating him for torturing me?”

“Torture would be not letting you come. This way, we own all your orgasms, even if we’re not giving them to you personally.”

She was blushing bright red. “I can’t touch myself with you both here. I’ve never done that in front of anyone.”

“I think watching you make yourself come would be fucking hot,” Aric told her.

“Really?” she asked.

“Oh yeah,” he drawled.

Her breathing increased at the heat in his gaze.

“But you’re still recovering from a concussion, so we should calm things down a bit.”

She groaned. No. Not cool. “I’m not calm though. I can’t be calm until I come. Make me come.”

Yes, she was whining. No, she wasn’t proud of it. Was she going to stop? Um, also no.

Aric gave her a firm look. “Are you in control here, Poppet?”

Well, she should be, right?

“I’m sorry,” she said, figuring an apology would get her what she wanted more quickly than arguing.

“Do you believe she means that, Matek?” Aric asked in a low drawl.

“No. She’d say anything to come.”

“That’s not true!”

They both stared at her.

“Fine. I’d say anything to come.”

“Naughty girl, trying to top from the bottom. Now, under normal circumstances, I’d punish you for that.”

“Would you spank me?” she asked breathlessly.

“Oh yeah.”

“Matek, would you let him spank me?” She gave him a pout.

“Uh-uh, nope.” The smile on Aric’s face disappeared.

“What?” she asked

“You don’t get to play us off against one another, Poppet,” he told her in a stern voice. “That’s not how this works. If I say you’re getting punished, that’s what will happen. No one else is going to stop me.”

“What if they think you’re being mean?”

“Then we bring that up in private with the other person. But for you, we’re a united front. Now, Matek might be the soft touch when it comes to you, which is odd considering he’s a hard ass with everyone else. Doesn’t mean he’ll let you use him to get out of being punished.”

“Okay,” she said in a small voice.

“You owe Matek an apology.”

Damn, he sure knew how to make her feel guilty. But she turned to Matek obediently, because she did feel bad. Being a bit bratty was okay, being a manipulative bitch? Not cool. Tears filled her eyes.

“Sorry, Matek.”

Matek nodded, then alarm filled his face. “Don’t cry.”

She sniffled.

“Don’t cry. Aric.”

“It’s all right,” Aric told him. “Sometimes tears are fine.”

“Not fine. Don’t cry,” Matek commanded.

“Matek, you know sometimes it’s a form of release,” Aric explained.

Matek just growled.

“Poppet, look at me,” Aric directed gently.

She didn’t want to. She felt ashamed.

“Poppet,” he repeated warningly.

Sighing, she raised her gaze to his. “Yes?”

“There’s no reason to cry. You made a mistake, I corrected you. Now it’s over.” He ran a thumb over her cheek.

“I just feel bad.”

“I know you do. Under normal circumstances, a punishment would take away that guilt. But I’m not spanking you with your sore head. I suppose you could go into timeout, but I don’t think giving you time to think is a good idea.”

“I really am sorry.”

“Shh, you’re learning. It’s a lot, I know. We’re all going to make mistakes. We just have to learn to be patient, to communicate, and be forgiving.”

She leaned her face into his shoulder and he rubbed the back of her neck.

“What happened to prankster Aric? You sound so mature.”

He laughed. “I have my moments. But I’m still getting you back for the green dye, brat.”

“I can’t get spanked for that, right?” She pulled back to look up at him.

“No. Not when I already pranked you first.”

“Oh, because that would mean I would get to spank you. Hmm, now that sounds like fun.”

“Not happening, Poppet, so get that look off your face.”

She grinned up at him teasingly.

“Now that’s what I like. A smile on your face.” He traced a finger across her lips. “So pretty.”

He bent and pressed his lips to hers. There was nothing soft about his kiss. It was hard and hot and hungry. She whimpered as he drew back, needing more.

“Damn, you’re beautiful.”

She forced herself not to beg him to touch her, take her.

“Poor thing, you do need to come, don’t you? Are your panties soaked?” he asked.

She groaned. Did he have to ask her things like that?

“Yes,” she said.

“Aww, we should probably change them for you, don’t you think, Matek?” he asked.

“What? No! I can do it,” she replied hastily.

“No, it’s our duty as your men to make sure you’re comfortable and dry and happy,” Aric told her. “We should strip those wet panties off and clean you up.”

That sounded awful. Then she noticed a glint in Aric’s eyes. Oh, right. Clean her up with . . .

“Your tongue,” she squeaked. Oh shit! She hadn’t meant to say that out loud.

A grin filled his delicious face. His slightly messy hair fell over his forehead as he leaned down to kiss her lightly. “Now she gets it.”

She couldn’t resist brushing that hair back. It was freaking adorable. In a totally sexy way. She felt kind of bad that she’d temporarily turned it green. But not bad enough to apologize.

“But do I get to come if I’ve been naughty?” Wait, why did she say that? She wanted him to take care of her need, right? Then why was she pointing out why he shouldn’t give her an orgasm?

Because you’re an idiot.

“Not usually, no. But you weren’t that naughty. And you’re still learning. Plus, you’re supposed to be resting and not stressed. It wouldn’t be fair to leave you like this. Right, Matek?”

“Her head,” Matek said.

“We’ll make sure she’s careful. I’ll hold her, while you eat her out.”

Oh Lord. Oh Lord.

“Matek’s a big guy and intense,” Aric said to her. “But he’d never hurt you.”

She figured he was saying that more to reassure Matek than her.

“I know he wouldn’t.”

Matek huffed out a sigh at their words.

“Are you used to sharing?” she asked, unsure she wanted to know the answer.

Aric shot her a wary look. “We haven’t been monks. Well, Matek and Kassim are close to it. Especially Matek.”

The other man just grunted. She sent him a smile and his face lightened slightly. She liked that he hadn’t slept around a lot.

“You haven’t slept with anyone since I arrived?” she asked Matek.

“None of us have,” Aric told her, shocking her.

“What? Really? But . . . what about the nights out with your cousins? You must have . . .”

“Nope. None of us have been with anyone since soon after you arrived, Pippa.”

Okay. There went her mind again. Blown into pieces.

“I’ve only been with one man,” she confessed. “My ex-fiance. And he said I was like a dead fish in bed.”

“That bastard,” Aric snarled. “More like he was a bad lover.”

“I’ll hurt him for you.” Those words came from Matek and she glanced over in alarm as he climbed off the bed.

“No, wait. That was a long time ago. You can’t hurt him.” She grabbed his hand.


“Please, no, Matek.”

He stilled, glancing down at her. “Hurt you.”

“Not anymore. I’m just . . . I’m worried about pleasing you guys. I don’t have much experience. I might be crap. I wasn’t enough to keep the interest of one man, let alone all of you and I . . . I . . .”

“Whoa. Whoa.” Aric drew her up onto his lap, holding her tight. “That is definitely not something for you to worry about.”

“How do you know,” she wailed.

“Because of the way you react to all of us. The way you meet our kiss and want more. Sounds to me like your ex was a jerk. He was probably selfish in bed. And he likely didn’t understand your needs like we do. You have nothing to worry about. I promise. And having more than one man just means that there are more hands and mouths to please you.”

“And how do I please you?”

“My sweet girl, you please us just by being you. But if you’re worried, don’t be. We’ll be sure to tell you what we want from you.”

She relaxed. “Good.”

“Matek, would you like a taste of our girl?”


Aric turned her carefully so she was sitting with her back to his front. “But I . . . wait, I should go clean myself up.”

“That’s Matek’s job,” Aric murmured.

“Oh, shit,” she said as Matek knelt on the bed in front of her and started drawing her pajama pants down her legs.

Was this really happening? Right now?

“I need a shower first,” she said hastily.

Aric scoffed. “You’re fine. You smell perfect. And we’re not waiting. Are we, Matek?”

“Nope.” Matek was staring down at her panty-clad pussy with a small smile on his face.

Why was he looking like that . . . oh shit! She just remembered she was wearing her black panties with lace at the back and a Batman symbol over her pussy.


“Um, I have sexy panties!” she blurted out. “It’s just Vivi didn’t pack any of them. Promise. I have very serious panties.”

“Serious panties?” Aric asked in an amused voice. “What are serious panties? What are on her panties, Matek?”

“Batman,” Matek replied.

“Ooh, got a thing for superheroes, Poppet?”

“No! Just Batman,” she muttered. “But not all my panties have Batman on them.”

Just most of them.

“Cute,” Matek said, running his finger over her slit.

Cute was well and good but she also wanted to be sexy.

“I like cute.” The heat in Matek’s gaze seemed to say that he found cute sexy.

“Bet her pussy is even better,” Aric murmured. “Take her panties down.”

She was kind of surprised that Matek was taking Aric’s orders.

“As soon as he gets over his worry about hurting you, he’ll be bossing us all around,” Aric whispered to her. “But right now, he needs this. He needs to know that he won’t harm you.”

Why would he even think he would hurt her?

“He’s a big guy,” Aric whispered. “People have made comments about his size, his roughness. And he’s very protective of you.”

Those bastards. She’d kill them all.

“Just relax. Let him pleasure you. All he needs is to be shown that he’s not a beast without control.”

What? People said that? That wasn’t true at all. Matek was completely in control. Except for the other night when he’d smashed up that room. She still needed to find out what that was about.

But right then, her attention was stolen by Matek slipping her panties down her legs.

Oh hell, he’d completely bared her pussy to his view. This was insane. What was she doing?

“You’re trembling? What’s wrong?” Aric asked.

“I just . . . Gary only did this a few times and he didn’t like it.”

Shame filled her, having to admit that.

“Gary is a dick,” Matek growled.

“I second that, brother,” Aric agreed. “Why don’t you have a taste of our girl and ease her mind.”


Before she could even say anything, Matek had slid her legs over Aric’s and the other man bent and drew them apart.

Oh holy hotness, Batman.

Now she was completely on display to Matek who lay on his stomach, using his arms to prop himself up as he spread her pussy lips.

“Are you sure?” she asked on a gasp.

“Hush,” Aric murmured. “He’s not doing anything he doesn’t want to do.” He reached around to undo her pajama top.

“Her safeword is hapuka,” Matek told Aric.

“She has a safeword? Good. You’ll use it if you need to. But don’t use it because you think we want to stop. We’re big boys. We know what we want. And what we want is you.”