Claimed By her Daddies by Laylah Roberts


“Is there a reason why Miss Jones isn’t sitting in her seat with the belt secured?” Kassim asked as he climbed into the back seat of one of the palace cars.

She’d barely seen him since yesterday afternoon. She guessed he had a lot of work to do before they could leave. Especially now that they were staying longer to have some time alone with her. She felt bad about not helping him.

Jameson had given her the okay to fly. And for other things, although she still blushed remembering Aric asking if she was clear for punishment. Now they were all headed to the airport. Five nights alone with them, away from the palace was both amazing and scary.

Be brave, Pippa. You got this.

She didn’t. She really didn’t have anything. But maybe she could bluff her way through.

Of course, first she had to get through the plane ride. Maybe she should have told them that flying kind of freaked her out. But she was hoping that she could get through it okay. If not, she’d packed her sleeping pills.

“She’s safe on my lap,” Aric argued.

“No, she’s not. Own seatbelt. Now.”

Aric didn’t reply, but he did put her down on the seat beside him, pulling her belt over her and buckling it up. She sent him a smile of thanks.

Matek climbed in beside Kassim then Tavi next to her. Kassim’s phone started beeping and he worked away on it as they drove to the airport.

“Is there anything I can do to help you, Sir?” she asked Kassim.

“What?” He looked up at her, distracted. “What was that?”

“She wants to help you,” Aric told him.

“Sorry. I was concentrating. No, I don’t need any help. Thank you.”

“But you’re obviously busy, I could answer emails or—”

“You’re on leave, Miss Jones.”

She slumped back. It was hard to be on leave and have fun when he was so busy working. Aric picked up her hand and threaded his fingers through hers. “What do you want to see first when we get to London, Poppet?”

Excitement filled her. She might not like flying, but she had always wanted to travel.

“The first thing she’ll do is rest,” Kassim ordered.

Her excitement deflated.

“And you will need to speak with Judd before going anywhere. He has to approve all trips.”

“Kassim,” Tavi said sharply, surprising her.


“If you’re going to be distracted with work, then maybe you shouldn’t be involved in this conversation.”

Kassim frowned, trying to work out why Tavi was being so sharp with him.

“It’s okay,” she soothed. “I’m sure I’ll want to rest first. Then go see a few things. But only if it’s all right.” She could always go by herself if having one of them with her was going to be a security issue. The last thing she wanted was to get on Judd’s bad side. That man was a grouch.

Kassim narrowed his gaze at her then set down his phone. “I’m sorry, Miss Jones. Tavi is right. My attention should be on one thing at a time.”

“I know you’re busy because I’m on leave.”

“He’s busy because he can’t delegate,” Tavi said sharply. “Nothing to do with you.”

“Quite right,” Kassim agreed. “It has nothing to do with you being on holiday.”

It was nice of him to say, but she wasn’t so sure.

“What sights would you like to see, Miss Jones?” Kassim asked her.

“I don’t want to be a hassle.”

“No hassle,” Matek told her.

She started to list them off. “Buckingham Palace, The London Eye, the Wax Museum, the Tower of London, I want to see Big Ben, of course and maybe go to Harrods.”

“That’s quite a list.” Kassim gave her a smile. “We’ll see what we can do. But I don’t want you tiring yourself out. We’ll come back to London. This won’t be your only trip.”

She went to answer but the car stopped. Tavi was out quick. Aric undid her belt and Tavi reached back a hand to help her out.

Okay, that jet looked small. Slime balls. She wished she had Cranky. At least he was packed in her cabin bag. She wished she’d thought to put her pacifier in that bag too. Not that she was brave enough to bring it out in front of the others. Especially not with Judd and the rest of Beta Team with them. She wished that Caleb, Aleki and Wolfe could have come. Then Vivi would have come too.

Tavi led her up the stairs of the plane. She tripped, not watching where she was going.

“Careful there, darlin’,” a deep voice drawled from behind her. “Don’t want you hurting yourself before we get on the plane and adding another bump to your noggin’.”

She turned to give Hux a smile. He was easily the most charming of all the members of Beta Team. Judd could be gruff and unyielding, although he was well respected by his team. Beck and Owen were quieter. She hadn’t spoken to them much. Hux was definitely the outgoing one.

“I have her,” Tavi growled.

She stared up in shock at the possessiveness in his voice. Why was he going all caveman on her? Then she realized that Hux had grabbed hold of her hips to steady her.

Hux let go of her slowly and stepped back. “I didn’t mean anything by it. Just didn’t want her to get hurt.”

“No touching. Ours.”

That was the sort of declaration she might expect from Matek, not Tavi. But the look on his face told her he fully meant it. Reaching down, he pulled her up into his arms so her front was pressed against his chest. She wrapped her legs around his waist and stared at Hux with big eyes over Tavi’s shoulder.

Hux, the cheeky bugger, just grinned and gave her a big thumbs up.

Okay, so the private jet might look smaller on the outside compared to the passenger plane she’d flown in to get here, but the inside was surprisingly spacious.

The front was set up more like a normal plane with ten large seats. Four seats faced each other with a table in the middle while the others were in pairs down the other side.

Tavi set her down then led her towards a door at the back. “There are toilets at the front of the airplane, but there’s also a bathroom back here off the bedroom.”

The bedroom held an enormous bed that could easily sleep four people. “When you need to sleep, you can come in here.”

“Wow, it’s amazing.” She didn’t know planes could be this opulent.

“Glad you like it.” He turned her towards him, cupping her face between his hands. “Are you sure we’re okay?”

“Everything is fine between us. I promise. But you know what? I have an idea of how to rid you of any lingering guilt.”

He gave her a suspicious look. “Oh yeah? And what’s that?”

“Maybe I should show you. It’s the only way, really.” She gave a decisive nod, barely able to hold back her giggles.

He raised his eyebrows. Oh, he wasn’t buying this at all.

“I’m just going to need to borrow a belt.”

His eyebrows rose. “A belt?”

“Yep. And are there any closets in here?”


“Aww, poor thing, can’t you keep up?”

“Keep up?”

Oh dear, he did look confused. She’d feel sorry for him if it wasn’t so funny.

“Poor Tavi.” She patted his chest with a sigh. “I know it’s hard to stay focused, but try? For me?”

His gaze narrowed, his face growing stern. There he was. Just a bit more of a push.

I’m having trouble focusing?”

“Yeah. Seems you’re having difficulty understanding what I’m saying. Have you had these problems before, Tavi?”

He crossed his arms over his chest. “Actually, it seems that I’ve just developed them recently.”

“That’s odd. I wonder what could be the cause?”

“I wonder. Maybe it’s a bratty little redhead with more sass than good sense?”

“Well, I don’t know anyone like that. Is it your imaginary friend?” she mock-whispered.

“No, brat. It’s you.”

“Me! Now, that’s not very nice. Calling me a brat and sassy and a redhead.”

“You are a redhead.”

“I know, but what has that got to do with anything? You don’t see me calling you a blackhead. Although I could try to squeeze you. See what comes out.” She stared down at his dick.

“Little one,” he growled.


“Eyes on mine.”

“Yes? What? Oh right, I forgot we were talking about your guilt and how to get rid of it. All we need is a belt, a closet, and for you to bend over.”

His eyes went so wide that she was worried he was having some kind of seizure.

“You . . . you want me to bend over?”

“Uh-huh, that will make it easier for me to spank you. With the belt.” She gave him a wide smile.

His face went kind of blotchy. Hmm. He reminded her of a volcano about to explode.

“You are not spanking me,” he said in a low, firm voice. Although she could hear the tightness. Was he close to exploding? “The only one who will ever be getting spanked in this relationship is you, understand me?”

She stuck her lower lip out. “Is that negotiable?”

“No, brat. It certainly isn’t.” He groaned. “You are so naughty.” She giggled as he drew her close. “Are you missing our closet time, little one?”

“Maybe a little.”

He bit her lower lip. “I heard you’ve been forbidden from orgasming without one of us with you.”

“Matek is a big meanie.” She looked up at him, pleading. “I don’t really have to stick to that rule, do I?”

“Oh, you do unless you want a spanking that makes the ones I gave you feel like love taps.”

“No fair. You guys don’t give me nearly enough orgasms.”

“My poor little one. Do you need to come?”

He kissed her, his hand moving down to her ass. His other arm was wrapped around her back, his big hand cradling her head gently as he laid five stinging smacks on her ass.

Drawing back, she scowled up at him and rubbed her ass. “Hey! What was that for?”

“Just a reminder of who is in charge.” His face was filled with his usual arrogance, his movements confident. He was back.

She would have patted herself on the back if she could have reached it.

“But if you’re a good girl, I’ll eat you out before your nap.”

Okay, she knew how to be a good girl. Or to pretend that she was.

“Tavi! Pippa!” Aric called out as he walked into the bedroom. “Ooh, is it cuddle time? I love cuddle time.”

Racing in, he pressed himself to her back, sandwiching her between them. She was completely squished.

But damn, she didn’t want to be anywhere else.

“Cuddle time is the best,” Aric told her, nibbling at her neck. “Almost as good as fucking time.”

“Aric,” Tavi warned.

“Sorry,” he said, sounding anything but and making her giggle. “You’re so delicious. I want to eat you all up.” He made growly noises like a bear.

Tavi sighed and she glanced up to find him shaking his head, but a small smile lurked on his lips. “Is there a reason you came looking for us?”

“Huh?” Aric asked as he bit the place where her neck and shoulder met. A shiver raced through her and Tavi stared down at her with knowing eyes.

“Focus, Aric,” Tavi warned.

“Maybe he needs some time in the closet,” she teased.

“I’m there if you are, Poppet,” Aric told her, drawing her back against him. He cupped her breasts then ran his thumbs over her taut nipples. She was wearing a white skirt that went to her calves and a tight, yellow T-shirt with a daisy on the front. She didn’t think she had any suitable clothes for someone who was dating four princes and just hoped she could find some clothes in London.

Clothes shopping. What did a princess even wear? You’re not a princess yet. A pre-princess then. She didn’t have any fashion sense. Clothes were worn to ensure she wasn’t arrested for nudity or to keep her warm. Or because they were super cute and comfy. Like her Batman onesie. She wished she could wear that now.

Not very princess-like.

“I think we’ve lost her, brother,” Aric said.

“Hmm,” Tavi replied, staring down at her as though he was contemplating something. “I feel like it’s a grave offense to ignore your Doms when they’re in the same room as you. Especially when they’re touching you.”

“I think you’re right,” Aric said with a sigh filled with mock-sadness. “Does that mean we have to punish her?”

Punish her? That wasn’t fair, right?

“Perhaps we need to teach her what happens when she forgets we’re in the room.”

“Grab her attention. I approve, brother.”

“Good. Pick her up.”

Wait. What? Before she could voice any objections, Aric grabbed her under the knees and lifted her. She was held up in the air, her back to his chest, her legs spread out.

“Now, this won’t do. How am I meant to teach you a lesson with all this material in the way?” Tavi pondered. He pushed the skirt up, revealing her panties.

“What are these?” He gave her panties a look reserved for dog shit. “Panties when you’re wearing a skirt? Haven’t we had this talk before?”

“I can’t go around without panties on, Tavi!”

“You will if we command it,” Aric murmured in her ear, the note of playfulness replaced by a dark possessiveness. “Won’t you?”

“Yes, Aric,” she replied. “But um, aren’t I getting heavy for you? You should put me down. We’re about to leave.”

As she spoke, Tavi tucked her skirt into her waistband then grabbed hold of her panties as though he was about to rip them.

“Tavi, no!”

“Is that your safeword?” he asked,

Was she going to say her safeword? Over him ripping her panties? No.

“It would be if they were my Batman ones,” she muttered.

“We’ll buy you more panties, Poppet,” Aric soothed.

Tavi ripped her panties.

She’d kill them. No, better yet, she was going to get Matek to kill them.

“What if someone walks in?” she asked desperately. “Aren’t we about to leave?”

“Small delay,” Aric told her.

“And the only people who will come in without knocking are Kassim and Matek,” Tavi said. “Would you like them to watch me eating your pussy?”


“That’s a lie. Aric.”

Aric drew her legs closer to her chest, exposing her ass and Tavi applied five smacks to each cheek.

“Fuck,” Aric said. “Her whimpers are delicious.”

Dear Lord. They were both killing her. She needed saving before she melted into a pile of aroused goo.

Tavi sat on the bed and Aric moved closer so he could rest her legs on Tavi’s shoulders. Now her pussy was right in front of his face, her torso supported by Aric.

Slime balls. Tavi was going to see just how aroused she was. He leaned in and took a long lick of her. “I can’t believe I’ve never tasted her.”

“A definite oversight,” Aric said. “Matek said she’s the sweetest thing he’s ever tasted and that small sample I had . . . fucking delicious.”

“Can the two of you stop talking about how delicious I taste? It’s weird.”

Slap! Slap!

She groaned. Christ. Seemed she wasn’t going to be sitting comfortably during the flight.

“Stop sassing, brat,” Tavi commanded. “You’re not in charge here.”

“But you can always say your safeword,” Aric reminded her quietly, obviously playing good cop to Tavi’s bad. “With your mouth, you should get used to sitting on a hot ass. Maybe we should institute a nightly spanking because we’ll likely miss naughty things she does during the day.”

Wait! What? No way. They couldn’t do that, right?

“There are four of you and one of me! How will you possibly miss anything?” She’d be lucky to get time alone to pee.

“Not a bad idea, brother,” Tavi agreed.

“No way. Not happening. And here I thought you were the good cop.” She attempted to turn to glare up at Aric.

Tavi gave her thigh a slap. “Stay still.”

“And I’m definitely not the good cop,” Aric told her in a low voice.

She gasped as Tavi ran his tongue through her slick lips.

“How wet is she, brother?” Aric asked.


She closed her eyes with an embarrassed groan. This wasn’t happening. Then Tavi parted her lips with his fingers and feasted. His tongue flicked at her clit before pushing into her entrance.

And she didn’t want him to ever stop. Groans left her lips as he continued to drive her higher and higher towards an orgasm.

“I want a taste,” Aric said.

“Fuck,” Tavi muttered after drawing back away from her.

Suddenly, she found herself moving. She was laid on her back on the bed, her legs hanging over the edge. Aric knelt on the floor between her legs. His mouth immediately went to her clit, sucking strongly.

Tavi took her mouth with his, his fingers plucking at her nipples through her T-shirt, capturing her cry. He shoved her T-shirt up roughly then drew her right breast free of the cup of her bra, rolling her nipple gently between his finger and thumb.

She was so close . . . so close . . .

The sound of the door opening and closing barely registered as she screamed her release. Luckily, Tavi was still kissing her so the noise was muffled. Her hips drove into Aric’s face, uncaring if she was smothering him. He didn’t move back, instead he lapped at her. Long, slow licks as though he was cleaning her up. Her breath heaved in and out as the bed dipped.

What the hell?

Tavi drew back away from her, pulling her left breast from her bra so he could latch onto her nipple as Matek ran his finger over her right breast.

“Wondered what was taking you so long,” he muttered.

“Sorry,” she told him.

He huffed out a breath. “No, you’re not.”

No, she really wasn’t. That had been spectacular and she was still riding the high, drifting dreamily. She’d really needed that despite the orgasm Matek had given her yesterday.

“No, I’m not.” She stretched her arms up as Tavi suckled on her nipple. Arousal built low in her tummy. Matek flicked at her other nipple gently.

“I like her like this,” Aric said, popping up from between her legs. “All sated and sweet.”

“Hey, I’m always sweet.”

They all made scoffing noises.

“I am! When aren’t I sweet?”

“When someone annoys you and you make them a batch of raspberry-tabasco cupcakes to let them know they’ve pissed you off,” Aric told her dryly.

“Well, they shouldn’t have annoyed me.”

“When someone wants to get in to see Kassim and he doesn’t want to be disturbed and you stand in front of his door like a guard dog,” Tavi told her.

“I don’t think I like that comparison and that’s my job.”

“Before you get your morning coffee,” Matek added.

They all nodded.

“You’re definitely testy in the mornings,” Tavi added. “Or when Adele is around.”

“Hey, that’s totally justified. Satan’s bride would make ice cream taste sour.”

“I can still make her disappear,” Matek growled.

“Aww, thanks, Matty.”

She noticed Aric mouthing the word Matty at Tavi.

“I don’t think I like this conversation. I’m always nice and sweet, damn it.”

“Course you are, baby,” Matek soothed, kissing her forehead sweetly.

She smiled up at him. “You’re my favorite.”

Her legs were raised, exposing her ass and Aric gave her six sharp slaps.


“No favorites,” he told her firmly, although his eyes were filled with humor. Asshole.

“How am I supposed to sit comfortably for the next twelve hours,” she complained.

“Should have thought of that before you got mouthy,” Tavi told her with no hint of sympathy.


The door opened again and she let out a squeak as she realized how exposed she was. Kassim walked in and she tensed, waiting for him to tell them all off.

Instead, he shook his head. “Why does this feel like déjà vu? Am I always going to be walking into scenes like this with you four?”

“Unless you want to join in,” Aric suggested with a grin as he stood and licked his lips. “I highly recommend it.”

Kassim took her in for a moment, his gaze hungry. “Unfortunately, I don’t have time right now.”

Did that mean that later . . . her body heated. Somehow, she couldn’t picture Kassim in Aric’s position, with his head between her legs. She could see him ordering her to her knees so she could suck him.

She wasn’t against that. Nope. In fact, they could do that right now.

A throat clearing brought her attention to the fact that she was staring at Kassim’s crotch.


“Miss Jones. Eyes.”

She raised her gaze to his, knowing that she had to be bright red.

“Busted,” Aric whispered.

She quickly sat up and righted her clothing. “Sorry.”

“Nothing to be sorry for, Miss Jones. You are very beautiful.”

Just like that, her self-consciousness faded. She knew Kassim never said anything he didn’t mean.

“But it is time to depart.” He held out a hand and led her to the front of the plane, stopping in the aisle. “Would you like the window seat?”

“Yes, please.”

She slid over to the window seat and was about to sit when Matek appeared with a pillow in his hands. He put it on her seat without a word. Kassim just raised an eyebrow but didn’t say anything, turning to walk to his own seat which was across the aisle in the seating area with the table. Tavi took the seat next to her.

Reaching up on tiptoes, she kissed Matek’s cheek. “Still my favorite.”

He gave her a pleased look before taking the seat opposite Kassim. Aric sat next to Matek and Beta team filled the seats closer to the pilot.

The air hostess, who was an older woman called Jenny, introduced herself and then they were moving down the runway. Jenny had replaced the last crazy hostess who’d attempted to hurt Vivi.

This was it. Oh shit. Nerves bubbled in her tummy.

Maybe she shouldn’t have taken the window seat. Maybe it was best to pretend that she wasn’t jettisoning down a runway about to take off into the air.

“Hey. You all right?” Tavi cupped her cheek, turning her face towards his. She stared up into his calm face and felt her nerves ease. She wasn’t alone. She’d done this before. Sure, last time she’d drugged herself so she could make it to Escana without freaking out. But she’d done it.

“Just a bit nervous,” she admitted.

“Don’t worry. I’m here.”

The bubbles in her stomach started to ease.

He held out a pair of headphones. “Take these.” She looked down at them then up at him. “I made you a playlist.” He blushed slightly as he said that.

“You did?” she asked, grateful for the distraction.

“Would you like to listen?”

She nodded. She hadn’t expected something like this from Tavi. But she slid the headphones on. Maybe this would give her more insight into him. She’d expected something moody. Perhaps a bit dark. Instead, she recognized one of Arianna’s songs. She was at the top of all the charts at the moment.

She remembered Vivi telling her that Tavi loved Arianna’s music. The first song was one she’d heard before about a guy and girl meeting up. The next song was about a man worrying he wasn’t enough for his girl. Then there was a song about redemption.

Pippa leaned her head on Tavi’s shoulder. He moved his arm, wrapping it around her shoulders and drawing her in close. Then Arianna sang a song about a love that couldn’t be broken. It wasn’t one she’d heard before. By the end of it, she had tears in her eyes.

To her surprise there was one final song. Again, she hadn’t heard this one before. However, it wasn’t Arianna singing it. It was a man. The song was about a woman with skin like pale milk, with freckles on her nose and a smile that could light up the sky. She froze as he went on to sing about her red hair and her loud laugh.

She turned to him when the song came to an end, pulling off the headphones. “You can sing?”

He shrugged. “I’m no Arianna, but I think I can hold a note.”

“You can better than hold a note, Tavi. That was . . . that was amazing! And you wrote the lyrics and music?”

“Yeah. I’ve always liked music. We all learned instruments as kids. I learned the piano. Aric learned the drums, he’s crap at it. Matek, the guitar. He had no patience for it, though. He’s almost as bad as Aric. Kassim plays the violin.

“Wow. Really?” She guessed it fit him.

“Yeah, he’s really good at it. He could have gone professional if he’d been free to.”

Poor Kassim.

“Hey, don’t look so sad. I don’t think Kassim ever would have become a classical violinist, even if he wasn’t who he is. His interests lie elsewhere.”

“And you? Would you have pursued music?”

“I’ve never had much interest in creating my own music until about a year ago. When my muse came along.”

She blushed at the idea of being anyone’s muse.

“And that final song of Arianna’s? I’ve never heard it before.”

“It hasn’t been released yet,” he admitted. “She sends me all her new stuff.”

“That’s so cool,” she told him.

He sent her a smile. “Yeah?”

“Yeah. And I love that you can write lyrics and sing. That’s sexy.”

The tension eased from his shoulders. “Good, because I’ve already started composing a song about what just happened in that bedroom,” he whispered to her.


He just laughed.
