Claimed By her Daddies by Laylah Roberts


After delivering his orders, Kassim disappeared.

Tavi took her hand and led her into the bathroom. Grabbing her around the waist, he lifted her onto the counter. She was always shocked at the way they casually carried her around. As though she weighed nothing.

She watched as Tavi opened her toilet bag, which was yellow and covered in Batman symbols. Because she had an obsession. He drew out her yellow toothbrush.

“I can do that.” She reached for her stuff, only to have her hand gently smacked.

“Uh-uh, I’m taking care of you. Now, open up.”

“Are you . . . you’re not really going to brush my teeth?”

He raised one eyebrow.

Okay, then. Seemed like he was.

“I’ve got to learn to do that eyebrow thing,” she muttered. “It’s like it’s got some sort of special power.”

“Is that so?” he murmured. “And what sort of power is that? Does it make your insides heat? Does it make you want to instantly obey me?”

She snorted, although that was close to the truth. It definitely made her rethink whatever she’d been about to do or say. “You wish, buddy.”

“That’s Daddy to you. Or Tavi.” The way he moved, the way he spoke, it was so elegant. Although that word felt wrong too. Everything about him was smooth. She bet he never tripped over his own feet or spilled his coffee down his front or snorted juice out of his nose.

Yes, that really did happen once. Not her finest moment, that was for sure.

“Now, open.” That was his Dom voice. She opened her mouth, letting him brush her teeth before rinsing. It was weird, but kind of sweet, too.

The door to the bathroom opened and Aric carried in a pair of blue and white striped pajamas.

“Are these men’s pajamas?” Aric grumbled.

She shrugged. “They’re comfy.”

“We’re buying you more pajamas tomorrow.”

“I’m sure you’ll be buying her more of everything,” Tavi murmured as he wet a cloth and started gently washing her face.

Oh, that was so nice. Especially when he wiped her neck then both her hands. It was soothing. A wave of exhaustion ran over her, making her sway where she sat.

“Poor Poppet, so tired. She’s gone to the toilet?”

“Not yet,” Tavi replied. “Let’s get her stripped and into these pajamas then she can go before getting into bed.”

“You don’t need to strip me,” she squeaked, reaching for her top to prevent them from pulling it off her.

“Hush,” Tavi told her. “You’re exhausted and we’re helping you.”

“Besides, it’s nothing we haven’t seen before.”

Tavi slapped Aric around the head and she couldn’t help but giggle as Aric glared at him. Tavi winked at her before they quickly got her into the pajamas.

“I don’t like these pajamas,” Tavi complained.

“Told you. Men’s pajamas.”

“You should have gotten her one of our T-shirts,” Tavi complained.

She rolled her eyes. Seriously. It was pajamas. What was their problem? It wasn’t like another man had worn them. She’d bought these brand new.

When she was finally dressed, she yawned. “My hair is a mess. I need to plait it.”

“We’ll do it,” Tavi told her. “Toilet.” He steered her towards the toilet.

“Nobody is staying in here while I pee,” she commanded.

He raised both eyebrows this time. Uh-oh. “Who is in charge around here, little girl?”


He gave her a wink. “We’ll be waiting in the bedroom for you.”

Small miracle they were going to be reasonable.

After using the bathroom, she stepped into the bedroom to find only Matek was there.

“They’re getting ready for bed,” he told her. He was wearing a pair of black pajama pants and nothing else.

She ran her gaze over his bare, muscular chest. All that bronze skin and a small trail of hair that went down his stomach to his cock. Gulp.

A throat clearing had her gaze moving up to his eyes. She blushed at the amused look on his face.

“My eyes are up here.”

“Sorry,” she said in a ridiculously high-pitched voice.

Get it together, Pippa!

“You’re just so gorgeous.”

He smiled at her. “That should be my line.”

“Oh no, you’re way more gorgeous than I am.”

His smile disappeared and he stepped forward to cup her cheeks between his large hands. “No, Pippa, you are the gorgeous one.” Leaning in, he kissed her forehead, nose, then her mouth. The kiss deepened, his tongue slipping between her lips to play with hers. She whimpered, trying to get closer to him, wanting him to devour her. His leg went between hers and she rubbed herself against his thigh with abandon.

“Do you think we should interrupt them?” Tavi asked.

“I dunno or we could just join in,” Aric replied.

She drew back, looking over at them, her breath coming in sharp pants. Then she realized she was practically humping Matek’s leg and she squealed in horror, trying to jump away from him.

But he held her hips, glaring over at his brothers. “Terrible timing.”

“Sorry, brother,” Aric said in a voice that said he was anything but sorry. He was wearing a pair of red pajama pants and a black tank-top. “Those blue balls are gonna hurt. You want to go take care of them before you climb into bed?”

“Yeah, we’ll take care of Pippa while you go take care of that.” Tavi waved at Matek’s erection. Tavi had on blue pajama pants and a white T-shirt. She was glad they were all wearing some form of pajamas.

And sad too.

Oh holy hell. She hadn’t even seen his cock and she was already feeling mesmerized by it.

Matek grunted as she went even more red. “Nice try. I’m not giving up my spot next to Pippa.”

His spot? They had spots now?

He lifted her and placed her into the bed which had already been turned down. Crap, now she was horny. She knew Matek was turned on. And she was going to have to sleep with all three of them? Torture.

“Wait,” she said.

“Don’t worry, I took care of the monster,” Matek told her as he settled in behind her and started brushing her hair.

Wow. That was so nice.

But that wasn’t what she’d been worried about. She’d been more concerned about how they were all going to fit in the bed. She’d completely forgotten about the monster.

Now, though . . .

“There was really a monster?” she asked as he expertly braided her hair.

“Uh-huh, but I took care of him.” Matek moved them both so they were lying down. He was on his back with her tucked against his side. She remained tense.

“Where is he? Did you kill him, Matty?”


Huh? What? “Well, why not?” She leaned up on one elbow to stare down at him with a look of disgruntlement.

“Because I needed to send a message.”

“A message? To who?” She glanced around as though the monster might appear out of the shadows. She was dimly aware of Aric and Tavi arguing about who was going to sleep on her other side but didn’t pay them any attention.

“All the other monsters,” he said casually.

“What other monsters? Are there more?”

“Not for you. Sent them all a message that if they try to scare you, I’ll mess them up same as I did their friend.”

Ohhhh. Well, she guessed that made sense.

“I suppose monsters only understand messages like that.”

He nodded. “Got to show them who the boss is.”

“Hmm, like you guys think you have to show me that all of you are the bosses.”

He drew her into him, kissing her again before pulling back. “I know who the boss is.” He reached down and patted her ass. “But even the boss has to obey the rules. Sleep time.”

“Do you have rules you have to obey?” she asked, snuggling into him. It wasn’t fair, her body felt like it had been electrified. She needed some release.

Tavi and Aric must have come to a decision, because Tavi snuck in behind her, spooning her.

“Number one rule, take care of you,” Matek told her.

Oh. That was so sweet.

“What’s going on?” Tavi asked.

“Matty beat up my monster and then sent him back as a message to all the other monsters not to mess with me.”

“Poppet, there was no monster.”

“Was too. Matty pounded on him really good. Didn’t you, Matty?” she asked.


“He’s my hero.”

“Hey, I would have beaten him up too,” Tavi protested.

“You’re my hero too.”

“You’ve all lost your minds,” Aric said with a groan.

“Damn it, man, will you stop poking me with that thing,” Tavi complained as Aric shifted around behind him.

“Sorry, I can’t help that it’s so huge,” Aric replied.

She started giggling.

“I think we need a rule. No more than three people to a bed,” Tavi grumbled. “I might be scarred for life, having that pressing up against my ass.”

“Don’t worry, it’s house-trained,” Aric told him.

“Would you like me to leave so the three of you sleep?” she asked.

“No,” they all snapped back.

“Just roll onto your other side,” Tavi told Aric. “You don’t need to spoon me.”

“Fine,” Aric grumbled, pulling at the covers as he shifted around.

“Thank God for that,” Tavi moaned, throwing his arm around her waist and burying his face in her hair. “Good night, little one.”

“Good night,” she whispered.

She lay there for what felt like ages. She should be exhausted. Maybe that was her problem. She was overtired. Or it could be that one man was pressed to her bottom while she was curled up against another one. Their scents were driving her insane. Sighing, she attempted to shift, to ease the ache inside her.

“What’s wrong?” Tavi murmured.

“Sorry, didn’t mean to wake you.”

“I was already awake.” His hand started to massage her tummy. “What is it? Your head sore?”

“No, it’s fine.” But he needed to stop rubbing at her stomach. Right. Now. She sucked in a breath as his fingers brushed against the waistband of her bottoms.

“You’re not fine. You’re all tense. Do you want me to rub your head? Your back?”

“I think she might want something else rubbed,” Matek rumbled.

“Matek!” she cried. Then she buried her face into his chest. Because he wasn’t wrong.

“Ahh, I see,” Tavi said. He pushed his fingers lower, under the waistband of her pajama bottoms. “Are you having trouble getting to sleep because you’re turned on?”


Suddenly she was rolled onto her stomach and the covers were drawn back before a heavy hand landed on her ass several times.

“Ow! Ow! Tavi, what are you doing?”

“Spanking your bottom for lying,” he told her. The spanks weren’t too hard and he didn’t lower her pants.

Tavi spun her over. “Let’s try that again,” he practically purred. Oh hell. He was killing her. Her body was on fire. Her nipples were so hard they hurt.

“Do you need to come, little one? And if you lie again, you should know that I’m going to take off your pajama pants, put you over my knee and give you the spanking you deserve.”

Drat. Caught between a hard place. And another hard place. Those hard places being hot, bossy princes. She wondered if Matek would protect her?

“Don’t even think about trying to use Matek to protect yourself,” Tavi warned.

Jeez. When did he start reading minds?

“He might be wrapped around your cute little finger, but he won’t allow you to lie or to break the rules.”

“Jesus, you guys are killing me over here,” Aric grumbled, leaning up to stare over at her. “Poppet, do you need to come?”

“Y-yes,” she managed to get out through her embarrassment. This was too much.

Tavi kissed her. “That wasn’t so hard, was it? Aric, come over here and pull down her pants.”

Her breathing came in sharp pants as Aric moved over Tavi’s legs then drew the covers back off them all entirely. Then he tugged off her pants. She wasn’t wearing panties.

“Now, little one, I want you to close your eyes. Matek is going to suck on those pretty nipples while Aric tongues your clit and I fuck you with my fingers.”

Her heart raced at Tavi’s words. Who spoke like that? And were they really . . . all three of them? Holy. Hell.

“Close your eyes. This is to help you sleep and you can’t sleep with your eyes open, can you?” Tavi said. “Move back onto your side and put your leg up on Matek’s hip. That’s it. Leave space for Aric to play.”

She moved into position. With her knee on Matek’s hip, Aric managed to get between their bodies to lick at her clit. Matek bent down, undoing her pajama top to grasp hold of her breast and draw her nipple up to his mouth. Tavi moved in behind her, his finger prodded at her entrance, testing her readiness before he drove two fingers deep inside her.

“Oh. Ohhh,” she cried out.

“Hush now,” Tavi told her. “Matek, you might need to keep her quiet.”

Matek’s mouth rose from her nipple and pressed against her mouth as Aric continued to flick her clit. Tavi’s fingers moved faster. Harder. It was too much. She grasped hold of Matek, trying to center herself. She needed more. More. As though he heard her plea, Matek rolled her nipple between his finger and thumb. Then pinched. She felt her arousal wash over her. The orgasm built and built.

Then she crashed.

Thank God Matek had his mouth on hers or she knew that everyone in the penthouse would have heard her scream her release. Aric slowed his tongue while Tavi removed his fingers. She heard the sound of sucking and turned her head to find he had his fingers in his mouth.

“Uh-uh, naughty girl, eyes closed.” Smack! His hand landed on her ass and she frowned at him. “Time for sleep. Roll back over and close your eyes.”

She had to admit, she felt far more relaxed than she had before, but she couldn’t just go off to sleep, could she?

Aric drew her pants back up her legs and Matek did up her pajama top.

What the hell? But what about . . .

“Wait, what about you guys?” She knew they were aroused. She could feel Tavi’s erection press against her.

“We’re fine,” Tavi whispered to her. “This was for you. Sleep.”

“Fine, but if you don’t let me play with your cocks soon, I’m gonna start to think there’s something wrong with them. Like they’re purple with pink polka dots or they have a knot or something. Or are covered in warts.”

There was some stunned silence.

“There’s nothing wrong with our cocks,” Tavi growled at her. “But unless you want a spanking, go to sleep.”

She could hear all three of them muttering about purple, knotted warty cocks as she drifted off.

Who knew they’d be so touchy about their dicks?
