Claimed By her Daddies by Laylah Roberts


Smell of antiseptic.


People rushing around.


Voices. Someone touching her. Asking questions.


Demands. Police officers. More questions.


Couldn’t they all see that she didn’t matter? That she didn’t care about their questions?

She just wanted Matek.

Her breath came in sharp pants. She couldn’t just lie here, waiting. Where was he? What was going on?

“Matek. Matek.”

“Poppet, listen to me. I’m here. Matek will be fine.”

She shook her head. “Going to die. My fault. My fault.”

“Aric!” a voice demanded.

That sounded like Kassim. He was going to blame her. All her fault.

“What’s wrong with her? Has she been looked over? What about Matek?” Tavi fired questions as he suddenly appeared in her vision. She closed her eyes and curled into a ball on the bed.

“What is going on? Is she injured?” Kassim demanded.

“No, she’s fine. Matek threw her out of the way and I caught her before she could hit the ground. The doctor checked her over because she’s in shock.”

“Matek?” Kassim asked.

She whimpered. Dead. He was dead.

“They’ve taken him into surgery. Worst injury is a fractured femur. He’s also very bruised. The car clipped his side and sent him flying. Lucky his head is so thick.”

“But he’s going to be all right?” Tavi asked.

“Yeah. He’ll be fine. He’s going to hate being a patient, but he’ll live.”

“Then why does she look like this?” Tavi asked.

“She’s in shock. She keeps saying things about it being her fault he was hit,” Aric explained. “I can’t get her to listen to me. She’s terrified he’s going to die.”

“How could this be her fault?” Tavi asked.

Because she’d broken the rules.

Aric sighed. “I think because she ran into the road when she saw him across the street instead of waiting for me and Beck. But that car came out of fucking nowhere.”

“What?” Kassim asked. “What sort of car? Have the police found the driver?”

“No, they’re going to check cameras, but it just took off. Kassim, I think it was deliberate.”

What? Deliberate?

“We will talk of this later,” Kassim said stiffly. “For now, our priorities are Pippa and Matek and looking after them.”

A hand cupped her cheek and she shivered. She wanted so much to throw herself into Kassim’s arms. To let him take over. She wanted to bury this, to forget it had happened. But the guilt wouldn’t let her.

Tamiya, I want you to look at me,” he said calmly.

But she couldn’t. She didn’t deserve to feel better. She should be punished.

“Little one, come on, let us see those beautiful baby blues,” Tavi coaxed.

“It’s no use, I’ve been trying since we got here. The doctor doesn’t want to release her in this state. He said he will admit her if needed.”

“Shit,” Tavi swore. “Pippa, you don’t want to stay here, do you?”

No. But Matek was here somewhere, if they left her alone maybe she could go find him.

“Miss Jones. I want you to open your eyes and look at us. Right now.”

That firm voice forced her to take notice. But she couldn’t open her eyes.

“If you don’t, you’re going to have to stay here the night. You won’t be able to see Matek when he gets out of surgery.”

Wait. What?

“Open your eyes,” Kassim demanded. “Right. Now.”

She opened her eyes, tears dripping down her cheeks. She stared up into Tavi and Aric’s concerned faces and Kassim’s stern one. She kept her gaze on Kassim. It was easier to look at him. She didn’t deserve sympathy.

“That’s better. Would you like to come see Matek when he gets out of surgery?” Kassim asked her.

“Yes,” she whispered.

“Then you’re going to have to stay with us, understand? No going off in your head. Or I will have you admitted myself.”

She sucked in a breath. Tavi and Aric shot Kassim frowns. But honestly, his firmness was helping. It was drawing her out of the dark well she’d fallen into.

“Yes, Sir.”

“That’s my good girl. Hux, find the doctor. Judd, have you found us a waiting room?”

She ignored everything, keeping her gaze on Kassim like he was her safe port in the storm. He was grounding her while around her the world went insane.

* * *

She tiptoedher way into the room, almost as though she was worried she might wake him. Which was crazy since he was still sleeping off the anesthetic.

Four hours of sitting around in the waiting room and finally, they were being allowed into his room. Two people at a time to begin with. She and Kassim had come in first.

Staring down at him, lying in the bed looking so helpless and small, she felt herself start to tremble.

“He’s going to be all right, tamiya,” Kassim soothed.

He was back to speaking to her like she was breakable. She thought she would rather have the stern Dom back, bossing her around. Telling her to drink when she’d refused to earlier. Ordering her to stop pacing. Threatening to admit her if she didn’t lie down on the sofa in their private waiting room to rest.

At least then she’d been able to keep her emotions under control, because Kassim had taken charge. Right now, they were rioting out of control. A sob worked its way up her chest. She just stared at Matek, unable to move. She was frozen.

She could have lost him.

He could have died.

Any of them could die on her and then where would she be? Sure, she had four men, but that didn’t mean that any of them were disposable.

Kassim gently wrapped her up in his arms. “You have to stop this, tamiya. Punishing yourself isn’t helping anyone. This wasn’t your fault. It was the person who drove their car into him. It’s their fault. Not yours. Understand?”

Sure. Uh-huh.

“Miss Jones, are you listening to me?”

She was listening but she didn’t believe any of it.

“Eyes on me,” he demanded.

She raised her gaze. “I will not have you blaming yourself. Matek will be fine. So will you. I am going to ensure that. Now, breathe. Calm. If you keep getting upset then I’m going to take you out of here for your health. Understand?”

“I don’t want to leave him. I have to stay. He needs me.”

For what? What could you do?

“Matek would want me to do what was best for you.” He ran a thumb over her cheek. “I’m going to send Tavi in next, then Aric. You may stay with Matek, but only for another two hours. Then you are going back to the hotel to rest.”

Nope. Not happening. But she nodded to keep him happy. When he let her go, she moved to Matek’s side and took his hand in hers. Why did he look so small? She hated seeing him this way.

A chair was pushed up for her to sit on. And even though it wasn’t comfortable, she sat and just watched him.

For some reason, she had a feeling that if she didn’t take her eyes off him then he’d be all right.

* * *

“How long arewe leaving her in there with Matek?” Tavi asked.

Kassim looked at his watch. “I said two hours and it’s been close to three.” Exhaustion threatened to overwhelm him. “We need to get her back to the penthouse to rest. She’s been through a trauma too.”

He’d just finished talking to his parents, who were understandably very upset. He’d also been in touch with the police and he had spoken to his cousin, Ryiad, to update the council.

“Do you think this has anything to do with her being attacked in Escana?” Tavi asked the question that had been digging through his brain.

“I don’t know.” He’d thought she would be safe here. This was his fault. He hadn’t put enough protection in place. And he should have told her about the threat. She would have been more careful. “The police said that the car’s plates came up as stolen and none of the cameras were able to capture the person’s face.”

“But it’s too much of a coincidence, right?”

They were in the private waiting room while Aric and Pippa sat with Matek. He hadn’t awakened yet, but the doctors had reassured them that he’d handled the surgery well. He expected nothing less from Matek.

“He’s going to be a complete bear recovering from this,” Tavi remarked with a grin.

“I know.” Kassim stood with a sigh. “I’m going to go in and get both Pippa and Aric to return to the penthouse. You and I will stay overnight. Judd, you and Hux go home with them. Once Matek is out of hospital, we’ll all go to the country estate as planned. I spoke to Ryiad who is happy to remain in charge for a longer period if necessary.”

“Would you like Alpha team to come over as well?” Judd asked.

“Not currently,” Kassim said after a moment’s thought. “Security will be easier to control at the country estate. As long as Matek’s recovery goes as expected.”

* * *

Tamiya, tamiya, wake up.”

She raised her head, blinking as she looked around. Where was she? And why had she been sleeping sitting up?

“You’re at the hospital,” Kassim said. “Matek was hurt and you’ve been sitting here for hours. You fell asleep and it’s time to go back to the penthouse.”

She sucked in a breath and turned towards the bed, groaning as her neck protested. Matek was on oxygen and a drip. Apparently, that was normal. But she was still worried that he was still sleeping.

“How could I have fallen asleep,” she muttered, berating herself.

“Because you’re exhausted, tamiya,” Kassim told her. “Come. Aric is going back to the penthouse with you. Take a shower or bath and then go to sleep.”

She was shaking her head before he finished. “No. I can’t leave.”

Tamiya.” He crouched next to her. “You need some sleep. Your body had a shock. It needs to sleep to recover. You can come back after you’ve had proper sleep.”

“No,” she replied stubbornly. “I’m not going.”

Gently, he grasped hold of her chin. “You are going. Even if Aric has to carry you out of here.”

“You can’t make me,” she said stubbornly.

“Would you like to bet on that,” he replied in a stern voice. “Miss Jones, you will do as you’re told.”

“Or what? You’ll spank me? Put it in the naughty notebook. Go ahead.”

He sighed. “Pippa—”

“I can’t leave him. Please, Kassim.”

He ran his hands up her thighs then he stood with a look of regret. “I’m sorry, tamiya. I can’t let you stay here when you’re exhausted. Get some sleep. Eat. Shower. Then you can come back. And he’ll be awake and ready for you. But you’re not going to do him any good if you get ill and end up in here, are you?”

She shook her head. That wouldn’t happen.

“When is the last time you ate? Drank?”

“I drank something before,” she reminded him.

“That was five hours ago. You need to let us take care of you, so when the dragon awakens you can take care of him. Because, trust me, he’s going to be breathing fire when he realizes what’s happened.”

She looked from him to Matek.

“Come.” Kassim held his hand out to her. She let him help her up. Leaning over Matek, she kissed his forehead.

“I’ll be back soon, I promise, Matty.” Kassim led her out. She must have been more exhausted than she’d thought.

“Call me if he wakes up,” she demanded as they reached the waiting room.

“We’ll look after him,” Kassim promised as he kissed her. Tavi did the same as he said goodbye.

It wasn’t until they were in the car heading to the penthouse that she realized they hadn’t actually promised to call her if he woke up.