Claimed By her Daddies by Laylah Roberts


Present Day . . .

It wasa quick get in-get out mission.

Moving stealthily, she snuck her way into his private rooms using the key she’d pilfered. Then she tip-toed through the suite, even though she knew he wasn’t here. She’d waited until he left for his morning run to break in.

She tripped over a pair of shoes, but she managed to stay on her feet.

Stupid shoes. Where had they come from?

She stepped into the bedroom and shook her head. There were clothes thrown everywhere.

She strode through his bedroom, trying not to take in his scent. It was hard.

He might be messy, but he smelled sooo good. It was enough to make a girl’s panties melt. That combined with his devilish good looks and cheeky attitude meant that women threw themselves at his feet.

Don’t think about that right now.

It would just make her mad. There was no point in crushing on Prince Aric of Escana. He was wealthy. Gorgeous. Charming. And one of her only friends. So, yeah, that would just lead to disaster.

Besides, she had a prank to pull off. She slipped into his connected bathroom and moved over to the shower. Dismay filled her.

Slime balls. How had she forgotten that the man had so many shower products? He looked after his hair and body far better than she did.

Huh, she should probably start doing a bit more with her appearance.

Maybe then he’ll notice you’re a girl.

Stop it, evil voice. I can’t get involved with him. It’s too complicated.

Because he wasn’t the only brother she wanted. Not that anyone would blink twice about her being involved with more than one man. Here in Escana, reverse harems were basically the norm.

What made it impossible for her to have her own harem is that the men she wanted were way out of her league. They were the Princes of Escana.

And she was the secretary.

She let out a snort then covered her mouth and nose with her hand. Now that was not a noise that a future princess would make.

Haha. Like there was any way that would happen. Princess Pippa. Sounded cute. The reality would be anything but. She was a walking disaster. Not princess material.

Okay, so which bottle of shampoo to put this green dye in? She picked up one then sniffed it. This one smelled like Aric. Opening the top, she poured the dye into it then shook it up.

She wondered how much this shit cost. A tingle of guilt ran through her until she remembered what that slime-bum had done to her shoes.

Do you know how hard it was to clean flour out of your shoes? Or what it felt like between your toes when you put your new ballet flats on without realizing you’d been pranked?

So nah, she didn’t feel guilty about ruining his shampoo.

Tucking the dye into the pocket of her yoga pants, she made her way back out of the room. She’d dressed for stealth this morning. It was still early. Aric rose before the sun every morning for his run.

All that running meant he had a fit, muscular build. He was slimmer than the others. Kassim was the tallest and most imposing. Serious and stern. Tavi smiled on the outside, but he had a darker inner core that few knew about. Matek was by far the scariest of all the brothers. The man barely spoke, but she swore he saw and knew everything. Then there was Aric. The joker. The flirt.

She reached the door, squelching all thoughts of how much she wanted them out of her mind. No use lusting after what she couldn’t have.

Sliding out of the door, she stifled a giggle with her hand over her mouth. She danced from foot to foot with excitement as she relocked the door.

Turning, she let out a small scream as she came face to face with Matek.

Oh shit. Oh shit. Oh shit.

Matek barely spoke to anyone, but just his presence in a room was intimidating.

Was it against the law to break into one of the princes’ personal suites?

More than likely.

Her life flashed before her eyes. Years spent wasting away in a prison, wearing bright orange, a color she looked terrible in, by the way. She guessed that was why they chose it. Did anyone look good in that color?

“I wasn’t doing anything,” she blurted out.

Matek raised one eyebrow as he just stared at her from those pale blue eyes. His hair was nearly as long as Aric’s at the moment.

Oh, slime balls. Why did he have to be so freaking gorgeous? And so coldly terrifying? Seriously. One half of her was close to peeing herself, and the other half wanted to throw herself at him and see if he tasted as good as he looked.

How long had it been since she’d had sex?

Far, far too long. Maybe she needed a new vibrator. Something larger. Sturdier.

Matek cleared his throat and she felt herself going bright red.

It was the curse of pretty much every redhead the world over. Sure, there were the odd few that could safely tan. Not her. She was pasty white, so when she blushed, she looked like an overgrown tomato.

Not attractive.

Matek looked at the door then to her.

“I wasn’t in his rooms,” she managed to get out.

Liar. Liar.

Oh crap. What if he told Kassim? Kassim was a stickler for the truth. He hated liars. She could lose her job. Panic started to take hold.

“I was, umm, just looking for Aric. That’s all. Nothing else. Nothing to see here. Be on your way.” She made a shooing motion with her hands.

Oh God, Pippa! Did you just shoo a prince? What is wrong with you?

Seems like she was going to have to get used to wearing bright orange. Matek raised his other eyebrow. What was he thinking? Why did he never talk? What was up with that?

Then he stepped close, his hand reached out, brushing against the back of hers. A shiver ran through her.

Holy. Shit.

Then he was gone, leaving her leaning back against the door.

Damn. That was . . . so . . . freaking . . . hot.

And all he’d done was brush his hand against hers. Now her clit was throbbing and her nipples were hard and pressing against her bra.

But was he going to tell on her? It was just a prank.

And Aric started it. Well, their prank war had been going on for a while now, so she wasn’t sure who exactly started it. But Aric was hardly an innocent.

Yeah, if anyone was at fault, it was Aric and she was the injured party.

That was her story and she was sticking to it.

She high-tailed it back to her cottage. It still shocked her that she had her own little house here. Most of the staff lived off-site, but a few of them, like the security teams, herself, and the house manager, all had their own cottages on the estate. The princes even provided golf carts for them to get around. She was walking this morning, though. Giving heart beat a chance to slow.

When she reached her small, two-bedroom cottage, her heart was still racing though and her hand was tingling from where Matek had touched her.

She ran into her bedroom and fell back on the bed, trying to catch her breath. Grabbing Cranky, she pulled him against her face, breathing in the familiar scent. Then she drew him up, so she could have a serious conversation with him.

Well, as much of a serious conversation as you could have with a toy crocodile.

“Cranky, that was seriously close. Maybe we should give up this pranking stuff. Yeah, I know he started it. And the flour in my shoes was just mean. Does he even know how long that took me to clean up? That was way beyond me putting salt in his coffee. But Matek caught me. Yeah, the scary, silent one. Uh-huh. Okay, maybe it is time to ease up. I’m supposed to be a professional. I’m an adult. I should act like one.”

God, it got so boring sometimes though. Being an adult. It felt like she’d been an adult her entire life. When her mum died, she’d had to step into her role. Her father had worked constantly, meaning she’d been in charge of everything else.

Sighing, she spread-eagled across the bed. Slowly, she slipped one hand under her pants as she recalled Matek staring at her. Those intense eyes stripping her of every secret.

Well, hopefully not all of them.

Why did she sometimes get this feeling that Matek knew everything?

She shook that off. There was no way he could.

Did she have enough time to get off before she had to get ready for the day? Rolling, she checked her clock.

Except for Cranky, nothing in her room would indicate that she was a Little. But that was because she had all the good stuff tucked away in her spare bedroom. It had a lock on it, so no one could get in there but her. It was her safe place. The rest of the cottage was all about appearances. As personal assistant to Prince Kassim, the oldest of the brothers, she needed to pretend to be a calm, level-headed professional.

So she looked at her very boring, grown-up clock and grimaced. She was already running late. No time to get out Mr. Buzzy.

With a sigh, she jumped up to get in the shower.

Yep, being grown-up and responsible sucked.

But still, at least she got to look forward to Aric’s reaction. She giggled to herself in the shower.

As long as Matek didn’t tattle.

* * *

An hour later,she looked up and nearly groaned.

Great. Satan’s bride was here.

That was probably a bit mean. To Satan.

Because Adele no doubt had him beat in the evil department.

“Good morning, how can I help you?” she asked politely.

As if she didn’t know. Adele wanted to get her claws into Kassim so badly it would be sad if Pippa didn’t suspect that she’d succeed. Why wouldn’t she? She was beautiful, accomplished, rich. She was born in Escana. Graceful and perfect.

So, nothing like Pippa.

“Oh, Penny, I didn’t see you there,” Adele said snidely. “You blend into the background in that outfit, don’t you, dear?”

Condescending, rude bitch.

Smile, Pippa.

“Oh good, that’s what I was going for. I wasn’t sure I’d pulled it off.”

Adele sent her a confused look. Pippa just widened her smile.

Bitch. Don’t mess with me.Not this morning. Not when she was waiting for Aric to walk through that door. Or Matek, to come to arrest her. Except he wouldn’t do it himself. He’d probably send security.

Please send Aleki and not Wolfe.

“Cupcake?” She held up the plate. She’d made them first thing this morning, before setting off on her mission. They were rainbow cupcakes with vanilla icing and sprinkles.

Full of fun.

“Oh my goodness.” The other woman put a delicate hand to her chest and took a quick step back, as though Pippa had offered her up a plate of germs.

“No, I do not. You don’t eat those, do you?”

“Of course not,” Pippa replied. “I just spend hours creating them to stare at them, then I throw them all out. Much better than eating them.”

Adele blinked. “Are you making a joke?”

“Yes. I am making a joke,” she said in a completely bland voice.

“Don’t you know about the dangers of carbs and sugar? Mind you, I suppose you don’t worry too much about your figure, do you?” She ran her gaze over Pippa’s body critically.

Pippa straightened her shoulders then reached for a cupcake, taking a huge bite. Adele looked like she was about to faint.

You shouldn’t be doing this.

Urgh, but this bitch just riled her up so much it was hard to behave. Which is how she ended up with a mouthful of rainbow goodness and a smudge of icing at the corner of her mouth. She darted out her tongue to lick it off.

“Yum. Delicious. What were you saying? Something about sugar and carbs?”

Adele grimaced. “You know, as Kassim’s personal assistant, you should show more professionalism and manners. I’ll be letting him know about this.” With her head held up, moving gracefully, she strode into Kassim’s office.

Pippa didn’t bother to try to stop her. She’d long ceased attempting to keep Adele out of Kassim’s office. All she’d do was complain that Pippa was manhandling her or being rude or something else ridiculous.

Quickly, she chucked the rest of the cupcake in the rubbish bin. The sweet taste had somehow turned sour.

“How dare she insult my cupcakes, so what if they’re filled with sugar? They’re pure heaven on a plate. Not that she’d know, she probably hasn’t eaten since nineteen-ninety-three,” she muttered as she grabbed some salt from her drawer and flung it over her shoulder. “Not today, Satan’s bride.”

That woman left bad juju wherever she went.

Pippa stood and moved into the small room off her office that held the copier. She stepped up to the photocopier, letting out a gasp as a large body moved in behind her. She stiffened as two hands landed on the machine on either side of her, pinning her against it.


“That was very naughty,” a voice murmured in her ear.


Oh, she was so fucked.

“W-what was?”

He stepped away from her then slap! His hand landed with a sting on her ass. She jumped.

“You know what was naughty.”

After giving her sore bottom a small caress, he moved back into position, cradling her from behind. He tugged at her ear with his teeth and she knew exactly what he wanted. She tilted her head to the side, letting him kiss down her neck.

God. She still couldn’t believe she was doing this with him. It had started a few months ago, he’d given her an order and she’d sassed him back. She wasn’t sure why. She’d never sassed any of them. Well, Aric, sure. But Aric didn’t count.

She’d expected Tavi to laugh it off. Instead, he’d commanded her to meet him in the storage room for her punishment.

That was the first time she’d ever been spanked in her life. But it had been hot. Her butt had burned for the rest of the day, and so had her clit. She’d had to race back home at the end of the day to use Mr. Buzzy.

Since then, they’d danced around this dangerous game. He’d find some reason to have her meet him in one of the closets or storage rooms, where he’d either get her off or punish her. Sometimes both. Although she only got to come when she’d been a good girl.

It was fun and naughty. And it made her hotter than hell when he used that voice on her. But each time it happened, she told herself it couldn’t happen again.

Because to him, this was a game. To her, well, let’s just say her feelings were starting to get involved and if she wasn’t careful, she was going to end up very hurt when it ended. When they found their princess. And it all stopped.

Damn it.

She opened her mouth to end it.

“You know what you did. I heard what you called Adele. That was rather naughty, wasn’t it? Speaking about a friend of Kassim’s like that. Not very professional.”

Had he heard what that bitch had said to her? A stab of hurt hit her that he didn’t care that Satan’s bride had been a bitch to her.

Get over it, Pippa. This is a game. He’s not your boyfriend. He’s a lover. Your temporary Dom.

They’d never even really spoken that much about what they did. He’d asked her if there was anything that she didn’t want him to do. And that was it.

Maybe she should have asked more questions in the beginning, but she hadn’t wanted to scare him off.

Wow. That sounded so pathetic.

She trusted him to not hurt her physically, that wasn’t an issue. Escanaian men were raised to protect women, to cherish them. Sure, Tavi might like to spank her, but he’d never harm her.

But emotionally, she was so screwed.

“Are you wearing panties, naughty girl?” he murmured.

“Tavi, we can’t do this here.” It was one thing to sneak into a closet, but anyone could walk in on them here. Kassim in particular. The door wasn’t even properly closed.


Fuck. She closed her eyes.

“Someone is in desperate need of a spanking if she’s arguing.”

“I’m working.”

“Never mattered before.”

No, it hadn’t. In fact, it kind of added to the fun. Did that make her weird? That she got off on the idea that they might get caught? She didn’t want anyone to actually catch her.

Well, maybe if Kassim did . . . hmm, would he punish her? Push her over that huge desk of his and . . .

Okay, was it wrong to have a fantasy about one brother while the other one was inching his hand up your inner thigh?

No doubt.

Then again, nothing about any of this was normal.

Her breathing grew faster, harsher, as his hand grew closer and closer to her pussy.

“Part your legs, let me in.”

She turned her head to try and check the doorway.



“I didn’t say look behind you,” he warned.


“I said, spread your legs.”

Damn. Damn. Damn.

She should walk away. Tell him no.

All of those were sensible things to do. But around these men, her ability to be sensible seemed to disintegrate.

So she found herself parting her legs, unable not to. Denying Tavi was damn near impossible. Had she even managed it once?

No, because you like when he takes charge, when you don’t have to think.

His thick finger ran over her panty-clad lips.

“You’re wearing panties. Tut-tut-tut. That’s going to cost you, isn’t it? What’s the rule?”

She didn’t reply. It was a stupid rule and she wasn’t following it. Nuh-uh.


“You can’t,” she groaned. “Someone will hear.”

“Then keep quiet, little girl,” Tavi replied. He said something low as he drew her skirt up over her ass. Something she couldn’t understand, and probably didn’t want to in all honesty.

“This is a gorgeous ass.”

“It’s large and white,” she replied dryly.

Slap! Slap!

“Not for long, it seems,” he drawled. “Because someone is so naughty that their ass needs to be almost permanently pink. What’s the rule?”

“When I’m wearing skirts, I’m not allowed panties. But I can’t do that, Tavi.”

Slap! Slap!

Shit, she wasn’t going to be sitting comfortably for the rest of the day.

“My, we are sassy today. If you needed attention, little girl, you could have come and found me.”

She could have? That surprised her. She thought . . . well, she hadn’t thought that was the relationship they had. He always sought her out.

“Pippa?” he questioned. His hand paused on its downward sweep over her ass. He always seemed able to read her, to know when to pause and check in. He was good at reading people.

“I could have?” she asked.

He turned her suddenly, pressing her back against the copier. Um, ouch, that was kind of digging into her in all the wrong places. Suddenly he grabbed her waist and lifted then spun her. Pushing her against the wall.

Whoa, okay, she knew he was strong but that was something else. Her heartbeat might have sped up a little. Both in surprise and because that was sexy as fuck. He’d moved her around like she weighed nothing at all.

Cupping her chin, he raised her face up. “You can come to me for anything, Pippa. Understand?”

There was a fierceness to his tone that she didn’t quite understand. She licked her lips nervously. “Okay.”

“I’ve been doing something wrong if you don’t know that.”

“I wasn’t sure what the parameters were.”

“That explains it then,” he muttered to himself.

“What?” It explained what?

He shook his head. “Nothing. I’m here for you. That’s what you need to know. You need me, I’m there.”

She knew he didn’t mean that he would be there for anything she needed. Just if she needed him to dominate her or fuck her. But it was still a sweet thing to say. Nodding, she managed to smile up at him. “Okay.”

“Just so we’re clear, little one, if you don’t come to me when you need me then I will take my belt to your ass.”

She shivered. He’d only done that once when he’d caught her trying to work while she had a bad headache a few weeks ago. Back home in New Zealand, she’d have kept working unless she was having trouble breathing or had broken something. Not here in Escana. Not if you were a woman. You didn’t push through. You stayed at home and let your men or family pamper you.

If Kassim hadn’t been so busy that day, he’d likely have noticed. But Tavi sure had and he’d taken her straight back home to her cottage and put her to bed in the dark and quiet.

She’d never had anyone take care of her like that.

Two days later, he’d pulled her into one of the many sitting rooms in this palace, locked the door and had her bend over the sofa to get ten with his belt for trying to work while sick.

“Understand me?”

“Yes, I understand.”

“Now, what are we going to do with this latest infraction, hmm?”

He spun her around to face the wall and reached under her panties to run his finger along her drenched lips.

“Someone is very turned on,” he said between laying small nips along her neck. Not enough to bruise, but enough to make the skin feel like it was on fire.

“Your panties are soaked, little girl. See why it’s a bad idea to wear panties? You just end up ruining them anyway and having to sit in wet panties all day.”

Gross. Yeah, that didn’t sound like any fun at all.

No, wait. She wasn’t agreeing with him. There was no way she could stop wearing panties! Especially not at work.

Then he stroked a finger over her clit and her brain turned to mush. What was he saying? Ohhh. Her knees went weak as he moved his finger back and forth then. She leaned her hands against the wall, trying to support herself.

“Let’s just get rid of these for you, shall we?”

Yes. Yes, please.

Her panties were pulled down her legs.

No, wait. She needed those.

Back went that finger on her clit. Oh Lord.

“Step out of them, little one.”

She shook her head. She shouldn’t. There was a reason she shouldn’t do that. And if she could just finger out . . . no, figure, figure out what that reason was then she’d tell him.

It was a good reason. A smart reason. Two fingers slowly pressed their way inside her pussy.

Oh crap. Who was she kidding? She didn’t care about the reason.

She stepped out of the panties, not even seeing where they went.

“That’s my good girl,” he crooned. “Now, keep your hands on the wall and press that ass out. That’s it. Yes.”

He reached one hand around her to play with her clit while the other hand smacked her bottom several times. “Next time, little girl, you will remember not to wear panties.”

Nope, she was pretty sure she would still put on panties. Well, from now on she just might wear pants all the time.

Ahh, who you kidding?

Then he suddenly stopped spanking her and pressed two fingers deep into her.


“Shh, we don’t want any attention, do we? If someone sees me fingering your pussy then I’m not going to be very happy. Because this pussy is mine, isn’t it?”

He stopped moving when she didn’t reply. “Isn’t it, little girl?”

“Yes, yes, Sir. This pussy is yours.”

But it could be your brothers’ too.

Nope, not going to think about that right now.

He drove his fingers into her harder and faster, his finger working her clit. “Unless it’s one of my brothers that finds us. Because I think you might like that, wouldn’t you?”

She shook her head.

“No? You wouldn’t like Kassim to walk in here and see you like this? With my finger inside you, those small noises coming from your throat as you come all over my hand?”

A quiet sob escaped as she clenched down on him at those words. Truth was, the thought of it made her extremely hot. But it shouldn’t.

“Oh, I think you like that idea a lot. Come hard and fast around my fingers. But don’t you make a sound, understand?”

Her body was hot and flushed, her clit throbbing as her orgasm washed through her. Hard and fast. She pulsed around his fingers.

Slowly, he slid them free and she whimpered then pressed her mouth into her arm to stop herself from making any more noise.

“Mm, delicious.”

She turned her head to find he had his fingers in his mouth. There was a devilish glint in his eyes. Oh, he was trouble.

Reaching down, he drew her skirt back over her ass. Spinning her, he leaned in to lightly kiss one cheek then the other.

Slowly, he drew away from her with a wink then turned away.

Wait, that was it? Seriously? When the hell was he going to fuck her? She couldn’t take this much more. She had yet to see his cock. He had no problem bringing her off, spanking her ass, and bossing her around. But did she ever get to reciprocate? Nope.

Maybe she wanted to spank his ass.

Um, no, wait. She didn’t want to do that.

You’re an idiot.

She grimaced. Urgh, time to clean up before going back to work. Shoot, she couldn’t even remember what she had come in here for in the first place.

If that bastard ever got her fired because he was busy playing games with her, well, she was going to kill him.

Of course, she should probably learn how to say no. It seemed to be her weakness when it came to them. Her inability to refuse them anything.

As she walked out of the copier room, she came to a sudden stop. There was Matek, staring at her from the doorway. Was that . . . was he looking at her like he . . . with hunger? Had he heard her? Seen them? Surely not.

He disappeared as quietly as he left.

She stared after him for a long moment. Maybe it should have felt creepy, the way he turned up, how he just watched her. But she almost got this protective vibe from him.

“Don’t be silly, Pippa. He’s probably just looking for his brother. Why would he be looking for you?” she muttered to herself.

Why indeed? She stomped her way into the bathroom, feeling decidedly unsatisfied for a woman who had just been given a spectacular orgasm. It wasn’t until she got to the bathroom that she realized that she didn’t have her panties.

Damn it. She let him get away with another pair. All it took was him touching her clit and she lost the ability to think. That was like the tenth pair he’d stolen since he’d started this.

She hoped he didn’t keep panties like they were some kind of trophy.

“That would be kind of creepy.”

Looking at herself in the mirror, she tidied up her hair and took a few deep breaths.

She could do this. Lots of women wanted men they couldn’t have and vice versa. This wouldn’t kill her.

Although seeing them with the woman they finally decided to take as theirs just might.