Claimed By her Daddies by Laylah Roberts


Matek was sulking.

Okay, it wasn’t a good look on a grown man. He knew that. But fuck. He hated this. He felt so fucking helpless. And right now, one of his brothers likely had Pippa in their bed. They’d be curled around her, sleeping. Or maybe they were fucking her.

Whatever they were doing, he was fucking jealous.

With a sigh, he threw down the TV remote. Yeah, he knew he’d acted like a prick with Tavi today. And yesterday. And now he was being punished by them all keeping their distance.

But, fuck it. They’d be grouchy too if they were him.

Suddenly, the door opened. There was a flash of red hair before the door slammed shut and she was across the room, climbing onto the bed.

His heart raced, adrenaline flooded him. Something had happened. She was scared. What the fuck? It was nearly midnight. What was going on? He hadn’t heard anything, but that didn’t mean something hadn’t happened.

“Pippa?” he asked sharply. “What is it? What’s wrong?”

He sat up then flung the blankets back. Whatever was wrong, he couldn’t sit in bed and just wait. He had to defend her.

“Daddy! Don’t leave. I need you to protect me.”

He turned to find her huddled under the blankets. Only her eyes and the top of her head peeked out.

“What’s happened? Where are the others?”

“Aric’s sleeping in his bed. He doesn’t know. But I saw it. It’s there.”

“What’s there?” Had someone snuck into the house? Fury raged through him.

“The monster.”

“Right, I’ll get . . . wait, a monster? You’re here because of a monster?” he asked incredulously. “You nearly gave me a heart attack over a monster?”

“Monsters are real, Daddy!” Her eyes filled with tears.

Fuck. She’d probably had a nightmare then woken up in a fright. Then she’d run to him . . . even though he had a broken leg and could do fuck all to protect her.

Except, he’d been prepared to fight, broken leg or not. He’d do anything for her. Stand between her and danger. And any monsters.

She was sniffling now, thinking he didn’t believe her.

“Baby, don’t cry,” he soothed. “Are you scared of the monster?”

She nodded her head. “Are you mad at me?”

He sat back and tugged the blankets away from her, pulling her into his chest. “Of course not. Why would you think that?”

“You sounded mad when you heard I was scared of a monster.”

“Sorry, baby. Thought it was something else. Why didn’t you wake Aric?”

“Because you’re the monster hunter, Daddy Matty. When there are monsters around, I only feel safe when I’m with you.”

Damned if he didn’t just puff up like a rooster.

“Baby, not much I can do to help you at the moment,” he said regretfully. “You should wake Aric.”

“But you’re the big, bad monster hunter. Besides, you sent that message back to all the monsters, remember? So now, if I’m with you there won’t be any monsters.”

Fuck. He was such a goner for her.

“Can I sleep with you tonight?”

He should say no. Not just because she’d been with Aric and he might wake up and worry to find her gone. But also because he was a grouchy bastard at the moment. Although the truth was, he was exhausted and having her in his arms might just be the one way he’d get some rest.

“All right, baby.”

The door opened just as they settled under the blankets. Aric stumbled in and moved around the other side of the bed, climbing in. He snuggled up behind Pippa.

“Remind me to scold you in the morning for leaving the bed without waking me,” he told her.

“Yes, Daddy A.”

The brat winked up at him as Aric started sleeping.

Yeah, she wasn’t going to remind Aric of anything in the morning. But he could.

He wouldn’t, though. This was their secret. Their thing.

Big bad monster hunter. Yeah, he’d take that title.

* * *

The doorto the bedroom slammed open, making her jump. She and Aric had just finished in the shower. He’d pressed her up against the wall, one leg up around his hip as he fucked her. That was after making her come already. Twice.

They’d gone into Aric’s room to get ready, leaving Matek sleeping in his bed. He needed the rest. But now, Tavi was standing in the doorway, looking stressed. “Matek’s room. Now.”

Turning, he strode away. She glanced over at Aric, who shrugged. He took her hand in his and led her down the passage.

“What do you think is wrong?” she asked, concerned.

“Whatever it is, you don’t need to worry.”

Ha! Like that would happen.

But when they stepped into Matek’s room to find almost everyone inside, her worry doubled. The only ones missing were Beck and Ian, one of the ex-MI6 guards.

Kassim was over standing by Matek who was in one of the chairs in his seating area. Both of them glanced up as she entered. Her heart raced at the looks on their faces.

“W-what is it?” she asked.

Kassim held out his hand. She walked over and took it. He led her to a chair then had her sit while he crouched in front of her. This wasn’t a normal way for Kassim to act. Usually, she was the one kneeling in front of him. And that’s the way they both liked it.

“Okay, now I’m really worried. Someone spit it out. Please.”

“There’s been a development,” Kassim began.

“Did you find out who hurt me? Who hit Matek?”

“No, we’re still coming up with nothing on that,” he said. She noticed that he had a tic by his right eye. Uh-oh, that only happened when he was really pissed.

“What is it then?”

“Seems that bitch physical therapist spilled her guts to the press,” Matek snarled.

“Language, Matek,” Kassim scolded.

“Wait. What? Matek’s physical therapist? Fiona? The woman we fired?” she asked.

“Yes,” Kassim said grimly. “She signed an NDA so we can go after her in court. Unfortunately, the damage is done and going after her might give her more power. As well as giving the tabloids something more to run with.”

“And the tabloids here are ruthless and relentless,” Tavi said grimly.

“Shit,” Aric said, running his hand over his face. “What do we do then?”

“We’re going to pack and leave. They’re already at the gates. I’ll prepare a statement to be released while you all pack up.”

“I don’t understand. Why do we have to leave? What did she tell them?” she asked. She was missing something.

“She told them about us, tamiya,” Kassim told her gently. “That we’re all involved with you.”

“The way she told them or they spun the story, it makes it sound like we’re having multiple orgies, like we’re all having sex with you.” Tavi ran his hand around the room to encompass everyone. She noticed that only Judd and Hux were left in the room and both were on their phones.

“She also told them that we had rooms filled with sex toys,” Kassim added.

“Damn, I wish,” Aric said, attempting to lighten the mood in the room.

“I can’t believe this. Why would she do that?” she asked, bewildered.

“Revenge for firing her?” Tavi guessed.

“Maybe she always planned to do this,” Aric suggested. “She was always walking into rooms without knocking, trying to catch us doing something.”

Kassim nodded. “Unfortunately, as well as dragging us into the tabloids, they’ve also pulled up old things on our parents. This is why we try to keep out of the public eye while here. There are too many people who are curious about the way we live. And we don’t want them trying to dig deep.”

“So we’re heading home? What about Matek?” she asked.

“I’m fine to travel,” Matek reassured her. “I’m more concerned about ensuring your safety.”

“With the press at our gate, they will hound us now. The sooner we get home, the better. Perhaps we never should have come here.” Kassim frowned, looking worried.

“Hey, it’s all right. None of this was your fault. And so what if they’re saying we have orgies, we know better, right? Although I guess princes aren’t meant to have orgies,” she tried to joke.

“It’s not our reputations we’re worried about, little one,” Tavi told her. “The press has a habit of vilifying women in this situation.”

“I will not allow anyone to speak badly of Pippa,” Kassim said grimly. “I’ve already started getting our lawyers to put pressure on different publishers. If I need to, I’ll buy the whole lot of them and fire every journalist who published something nasty about her.”

Ouch. She could imagine what they were saying.

“I don’t care,” she said bravely. “Why should I? It’s just their opinion.”

“That is brave of you, baby,” Matek said. “But we care.”

Matek’s hands were clenched into fists and he looked furious.

“Yes, we all care,” Kassim agreed. He lightly touched her thighs.

“There is one thing we could do to help mitigate what they’re saying,” Aric said, pacing the room.

“Yes?” Kassim asked.

“What do people love even more than a scandal?” Aric asked them all.

They gave him blank looks.

“A royal wedding.”

Kassim looked over at Judd and Hux. “Leave us, please.”

When they had left the room, he glanced back at her. “Aric is right.”

“But we don’t want to ask her like this,” Tavi said. “It’s not fair or right or, fuck, romantic.”

“Language,” Kassim said mildly. But he was still watching her. “You are right, it is none of those things. Yet, Pippa knows what is in our hearts, how we feel for her. You were always going to be ours, tamiya. Just as we were always going to be yours. Fate brought you to us, and we would be fools to ever let you go.”

Actually, Gary fucking her best friend had kind of led her to them, but now was not the time to say that.

“I would have stolen you the moment my brothers mentioned being interested in you,” Aric told her.

Matek nodded. “You’ve always been mine.”

And they were hers.

Tavi gave her an apologetic grimace. “I wanted to give you something grand, something to tell our children.”

“What? You mean the British tabloids calling me Slutty McSluttypants isn’t a good story to tell our children for how you proposed to me?” she teased.

“You are right. This is wrong.” Kassim climbed to his feet. “I will take care of this without announcing that you are our intended bride.”

“What? No. Sorry, I didn’t mean to make that sound like I didn’t want this.” She grabbed his hand. “Truth is, even though the circumstances are crap, I’ve never wanted anything more than to be yours.” She turned to Matek. “And yours.” Then to Aric. “Yours.” Then to Tavi. “And yours. I don’t care that this isn’t some grand gesture or whatever. As far as I’m concerned, this is just a formality, because I know what is in my heart. The four of you.”

Kassim knelt once more and pulled her close, kissing her gently. “You are in my heart.”

He stood and Aric took his place. “I love you.”

Tavi hesitated then knelt in front of her, placing his hands on her thighs. “You are certain, little one?”

“I’m certain.”

He clasped her hand, pulling it to his chest. “My soul.”

She glanced over at Matek as Tavi stepped back.

“Come,” he said gruffly.

She walked to Matek and knelt in front of him.

“Mine,” he told her.

“Yours,” she whispered as he cupped the side of her face.

“All right, I will make it official. I will need to call our parents and the council. The elders will wish to speak to you, Pippa, as soon as we return. Make sure that this is not something we are pressuring you into.”

“Will we have a Marjarsom period?” Aric asked.

“Isn’t that only if you steal a bride?” She gave them all a surprised look.

“Usually, yes. But it can occur when the harem would like some time together before marrying,” Kassim told her. “Since there is no divorce in Escana, it is something that is encouraged before an official marriage. However, I don’t think it’s a good time for us to go into a Marjarsom, between this and someone trying to hurt you, as well as our duties.” Kassim gave her an apologetic look.

“It’s all right,” she told him. His dedication to others was one of the things she loved about him, so she couldn’t very well complain. “I understand.”

He grimaced. “You shouldn’t have to understand, but thank you, tamiya. Now, if all of you could pack, I have some fires to put out and others to light.”

“You okay, baby?” Matek asked her, staring down at her.

“Yeah. But if I was one of those people who wrote something bad about me, I’d be shaking in my boots with Kassim coming for me.”

“They deserve everything they get,” Matek told her grimly.

* * *

With the rushof having to leave, including getting their cars out through the pile of people at the front gates with their cameras, yelling at them, she’d kind of forgotten she’d have to fly again.

Thankfully, though, this flight was much easier. She crashed into bed after take-off and didn’t wake up until they were close to Escana. Poor Kassim and Tavi looked like they’d been working the entire flight. Judd was so grim that if he’d dyed his skin green he might have resembled the Grinch.

Hmm. That gave her an idea. It had been a while since she’d done a prank. Although Judd probably wouldn’t take it as well as Aric.

They’d just stepped into the palace when someone called out.


They all turned to find Caleb hurrying towards them. He looked slightly stressed and she grew tense, wondering what the heck could go wrong now.

“I’m glad I caught you. I would have called, but they just arrived—”

“There they are!”

She turned at a feminine voice, her eyes widening in shock as a gorgeous, dark-haired woman walked towards them. It was hard to judge her age; her face was unlined and her stunning dress showed off her slight curves.

Her pale-blue eyes were familiar, though.

“My sons!” she called out.

Sons? Wait. This was their mother?

Holy. Hell.

And then Pippa caught sight of the person walking behind her. She ground her teeth together, letting out a small growl.

Satan’s bride. What the fuck was she doing here?