Claimed By her Daddies by Laylah Roberts


“What’s my surprise?” she begged as Aric led her through the house towards the room where she’d had her private concert with Arianna two nights ago.

Today, she was feeling kind of restless and out of sorts. She was starting to feel a bit claustrophobic in the house. Especially as the sun was shining today.

Aric had just pulled her out of Matek’s room where they’d been watching The Lego Movie.

She loved Lego Batman. Dude had the best lines.

“Hey, no sulking,” he told her. “Or I’ll think you need a nap instead.”

Immediately, she felt bad. He was obviously excited and here she was moping.

“I’m sorry, Daddy,” she told him in a sweet voice. “I’m a bit out of sorts today. I think I’m just feeling sorry for myself. I want to go exploring and instead some bad guy is trying to hurt me.”

“Cheer up, Poppet,” Aric told her, stopping and turning to her. He tapped her nose lightly. “Things could be worse. You could be Tavi right now.”

Tavi was currently helping Matek with the things his remote physical therapist wanted him to do.

She shuddered. “I heard Matek roaring at Tavi yesterday then Tavi raced out the door and something smashed.”

“That’s why we banned you from being there when Tavi is helping him,” Aric told her seriously.

“Matty wouldn’t hurt me, Daddy.”

“No. But he’s frustrated and it makes him grouchy. Plus, he hates you seeing him like that.”

“What do you mean, Daddy?”

“Well Matek isn’t used to feeling helpless. And around you we all want to appear invincible and strong. Not injured or weak.”

“Matty could never be weak.”

“He feels it right now.”

Oh. That made sense to her now. Silly Daddy Matty. She’d have to think about what she could do to make him feel big and strong again.

These Daddies really did need her.

“Okay, Daddy. Lead on.”

They reached a door and he paused, moving behind her. “I’m going to cover your eyes so you can get the full effect.” He must have had a scarf or something in his pocket because it went over her eyes and was tied at the back then he took her hand in his again. “I’m opening the door. Just take about ten steps in. That’s it.”

She heard the door shut then he undid the scarf. “Keep your eyes closed.” The scarf disappeared. “Three, two, one. Go!”

Opening her eyes, she gasped as she stared around her. One never knew what to expect from Aric. It could have been a room filled with sex equipment to a nightclub to . . . a playroom.

But not just any playroom. The playroom to rival all playrooms. In one corner there was a round table painted in white with yellow tulips on the back of each wooden chair. An antique-looking tea set was laid out and stuffed animals sat in each chair. There was also a huge wooden kitchen. That area was so sweet and cute. Adorable. But then there was the rest of the room.

Along one side of the room was a clothing rack, bulging with outfits. A basket stuffed with accessories. A bubble machine filled the room with bubbles. But what made her squeal was the Batman symbol coming from a projector on the floor that was flicking over the walls.

“Oh my God!” she screamed. There was also a pile of cushions in another corner with a bookshelf. Maybe Tavi would read to her like he had the other night.

The rest of the room was fairly empty, but she didn’t care. What was there was so awesome!

“It’s not finished,” Aric told her. “I didn’t have time to get everything. But I figured that this could be a space of your own and that this might be—oof!”

He caught her as she threw herself at him. “This is so awesome!”

She moved away from him and bounced around the room. She went to the kitchen and tea area, squealing as she picked up a really soft bunny and hugged it. Putting it back down, she ran her fingers over the bookshelf then moved to what she thought might be her favorite area.

She pulled out the outfits, bouncing up and down in excitement. As well as her nurse’s outfit, there were outfits from most superheroes and villains. Harley Quinn, Wonder Woman, Joker and Batgirl!

“You found a Batgirl outfit! In my size!” She moved from foot to foot. The excitement was almost more than she could take.

“Sure did, Poppet.”

There was also a mermaid, a fairy outfit, a fireman and a dinosaur.

“Where did you get all of these?” she asked him.

“At that shop we went to before Matek got hit, they had an order list.”

She ran towards him again. He picked her up and she wrapped her arms and legs around him, kissing him over and over. “Thank you, Daddy. Thank you.”

He laughed. “You’re welcome. Now, I got us water guns. How would you like to bring down the Joker? Is Batgirl up to the job?”

Her eyes widened. “Batgirl is going to whip the Joker’s ass!”

The door slammed open and Tavi stormed in. She stared at him in surprise as he let out a huge roar. That wasn’t something she’d ever expect to hear from Tavi.

“I’m going to kill him.”

“Matek isn’t behaving?” Aric asked.

“Does he need a spanking?” she added. “Do you want me to tell Daddy K?”

Tavi let out a deep breath then smiled at her. “He definitely needs a spanking. But instead, I put him into time-out for the next two hours.”

“Ouch, Daddy T. That’s pretty mean.”

“He was mean to me. He called me names and threw things at me.”

She nodded solemnly. “You’re right. That’s very naughty. He should definitely be in time-out. And I think he should write an essay on being nice to his brothers when they’re just helping.”

Tavi pointed at her. “You’re onto something there, little girl.”

“I’ll tell, Daddy K. Look at my room! Don’t you love it?”

“Tavi arranged for the bookshelf and books, as well as the reading corner,” Aric told her. “Kassim did the tea area.” That explained why it looked so perfect and sophisticated.

She jumped from Aric’s arms and threw herself at Tavi. “Thank you, Daddy T!”

“You’re welcome, little one.”

“So, who wants to play a game?” Aric asked.

* * *

Fifteen minutes later,they were all dressed in their outfits and had filled their water guns.

“Why can’t I be the Joker and you be the Penguin?” Tavi moaned, looking down at his spongy stomach. Yep, the outfit had come with an in-built tummy.

“Because I found the outfits,” Aric countered as he helped her put on her Batgirl eye mask. She was dressed all in black with a black skirt and tight top, a yellow utility belt and cape and these kick-ass black knee-high boots.

“I’m a badass and I’m gonna kick your butt, Penguin,” she said to Tavi, aiming the gun at him.


“Hey!” She rubbed her butt cheek where Aric had slapped it. “What was that for?”

“No aiming the pistols inside.”

“Oh, we’re playing outside? Are we allowed to? Won’t Judd get all grumpy?”

“Judd left with Kassim,” Aric informed her with a grin. “I told Hux what we were up to and he just laughed. As long as we aren’t out of sight of the house, we’re fine.” He outlined the perimeter of where they could go. “Everyone ready?”

Her heart pounded. “I’m gonna kick both of your butts!” She ran off with a whoop and heard them following. This was going to be such fun.

* * *

Slime balls!

She had a wet backside and it wasn’t pleasant. Even though the sun was shining, it didn’t seem to be doing much to dry her. So even though she was having a great time, she also wished she could run inside for a hot shower.

Soon. She’d gotten the Joker good earlier. He was nice and wet. But the Penguin was proving to be tricky.

“No match for Batgirl,” she muttered, stepping through the house. She knew that she wasn’t supposed to be in the house, but she was certain that she’d seen the Penguin head around the front of the house so this was a quicker route to get to him. The door opened and she got a flash of a black suit.

Oh, coming inside was he? Well, this would teach him for trying to cheat. She conveniently ignored the fact that she’d already been cheating. The person was turned away, talking to someone else. She ran forward, pumping the water gun and letting the water fly. Too late, as the person turned, she realized the outfit was all wrong.

Right as the spray of water went in his face.

There was yelling and someone stepped between her and her target, taking the stream of water which then trickled down to nothing.

She stood there, gaping.

“Pippa?” a mild voice asked. “Would you like to explain why you just squirted both Judd and I with a water pistol?”

“Um, well, I thought you were the Penguin!” she told Kassim. Her gaze moved from his soaking face to Judd’s scowling one as he stared down at his wet T-shirt. “And Judd wouldn’t be wet if he hadn’t stepped in the way.”

“I’m his bodyguard,” Judd grumbled.

“You have to guard him from water?” she asked.

Judd just glared at her and she decided it might be prudent to step away from the scowly bodyguard. “You know, I hear Matek calling my name.”

Kassim raised his eyebrows, looking as put-together as always. Despite the water dripping down his face. Slowly, he took off his suit jacket and laid it on his arm.

Uh-oh. Was he really mad? She couldn’t tell, he was so calm. Her bottom clenched. He’d given her the rest of the spanking she’d been owed last night when she’d brought him that essay. And then he’d proceeded to find several mistakes in her work. She needed to brush up on her grammar, that was for sure.

Ian walked in then, carrying a wicker basket, which seemed odd. Kassim spoke to him quietly and he nodded, walking towards the kitchen.

“Hey, Kassim, have you seen Pip . . .” Aric’s voice dropped off as he took in Kassim then Judd then looked over to where she stood with her water pistol.

“I take it this was your idea?” Kassim asked Aric. “Nice outfit by the way.”

“Just a bit of fun, brother,” Aric said.

“You thought it was a good idea to run around inside the house with a water gun?”

“What’s going on? Are we finished?” Tavi walked in behind Aric, his gaze moving around. “How did you two get wet?”

“Pippa decided to soak us. In the house.” Judd sent her a look.

He was such a party pooper.

“I was just sneaking through the house because I thought I saw Tavi move around the front. I mistook Kassim for Tavi and when I accidentally soaked Kassim, Judd stepped in.”

Judd grumbled under his breath then turned to Kassim. “If you are finished with me, Your Majesty?”

Kassim waved his hand dismissively and Judd stomped away.

“So,” she said with a big smile. “I think I’m going to go get changed.” She turned around and headed towards the stairs.

“Freeze, little girl,” Kassim told her.

“Drat. So close.”

Aric snorted and she turned to glare at him. “Hush, Joker. Batgirl kicked your butt. You should be slinking away in defeat.” Her teeth started chattering, which totally ruined the effect she was going for.

Kassim moved up next to her, turning her towards him. “Your lips are nearly blue. Anyone want to explain why they thought it would be a good idea to play with water pistols when it’s not summer yet?”

Tavi frowned. “It’s not that cold outside.”

“Yes, but Pippa feels the cold more than the two of you.”

“Shit,” Aric said, coming forward to take her hand. “Why didn’t you tell us you were so cold? We would have stopped immediately.”

“That’s w-why I didn’t s-say anything,” she told him. “I’m o-okay.”

“No, you’re not,” Kassim told her firmly. “You’re coming with me for a shower to get warm.”

To her shock, he lifted her up into his arms and started up the steps. “Bye-bye Joker and Penguin. Until we meet again.” She pointed at her eyes then at them. “I’ll be watching you.”

Aric grinned while Tavi looked worried.

“I’m okay. Nothing gets Batgirl down, not even a wet bum!”

“You’ll have a hot bum soon,” Kassim warned her.

“Good joke, Daddy.”

“That wasn’t a joke.”

Her mouth dropped open. “How come I’m in trouble?”

“Hmm, maybe for getting me with the water pistol?”

She stared at him for a moment. “Nah, you wouldn’t spank me for that.”

He raised an eyebrow.

“It was an accident, Daddy.”

“What about for using a water gun in the house?”

“I don’t think that deserves a spanking, Daddy. Do you?”

“Perhaps not. Although you were told not to, so I do think it deserves some time in the corner.”

Bummer. She didn’t want to spend any time in the corner. He carried her through his bedroom and into the attached bathroom.

“You’re strong, Daddy K.”

“You’re not that heavy, tamiya.”

“I’m Batgirl.”

“Well, Batgirl, I’m afraid that outfit has to come off for Pippa to get warm,” he told her, setting her down and turning on the shower. Then he started stripping her off. “And flattery isn’t getting you out of trouble. Any guesses why you might have earned a hot bottom?”

“Because you like spanking me?”

“I do enjoy that,” he agreed as he pulled off his own clothes, while she stood there shivering.

She sneezed and he eyed her. Drawing open the door to the shower, he climbed in and held out his hand. “Come here, tamiya.”

Stepping in, she squealed as the hot water felt like pinpricks across her cold skin. He poured out some liquid soap and started washing her back. “I’ll give you a clue. It has to do with being wet and cold.”


“But I’m fine, Daddy. And Daddy T and Daddy A thought it was a good idea too.” She was totally not above throwing them to the wolves. Well, in this case, Kassim.

“I’ll be having a word with them too. But they don’t feel the cold like you do and as soon as you started to feel chilled, you should have come inside.” He’d finished soaping her up and was now washing her off.

She sighed. “I was having fun, Daddy.”

“I don’t want to ruin your fun, tamiya. I just want you to be healthy while you have fun. Understand?”

“Yes, Sir.” She looked down.

“Hey.” He grasped hold of her chin, raising her face. “Don’t look so sad. I’m glad you were having a good time. Do you like your playroom?”

“Uh-huh. Aric said you did the tea area, thank you, Daddy.”

“You’re welcome,” he told her, kissing her gently.

After climbing out of the shower, he dried them both off. Then he dressed her in his robe and led her into the bedroom and over to the corner.

“Nose in the corner, bottom pushed out. I won’t make you do it naked since you got so chilled but normally you’d be naked or your pants would be down over your ass. I’m going to get dressed then grab you some clothes. You’re to stay there until I give you permission to move. Understand?”

“Yes, Daddy.”

She stood there for hours. Seriously. Okay, it was likely ten minutes. But still, there were so many other things she could be doing other than standing in the corner thinking about all the things she’d rather be doing.

“Right, tamiya,” Kassim said sternly. “Come here, please.”

Turning, she walked towards where he sat on the edge of the bed. Her body screamed at her to run. But her brain cautioned against that. She didn’t want to add to her spanking.

Kassim patted his lap and helped her onto it. Unfortunately, she wasn’t sitting on his lap but rather lying over it, with her hands and legs dangling down on either side.

“Daddy, can’t we talk about this,” she said hastily.

“We can,” he said as he raised the bottom of the robe up over her butt.

“With my butt covered?” she asked desperately.

“Hm, no.”

Wow, he thought about that answer for ages.

“Tell me why you were in the corner,” he said.

“Because I was using a water pistol inside when I wasn’t supposed to be,” she muttered.

“And why is that bad?”

“Because I could get some of the fancy stuff in this house wet.”

He’d been rubbing her bottom but paused at that. “Do you really think I am worried about the things in this house?”

“Um, yes?” she asked, feeling like that might be a trick question. Was that not what he was worried about?

He sighed. “None of the items in this house are anywhere near as important as you are.”

Aw. That was sweet.

“If you get water on the floor, then you could slip and hurt yourself.”

Was that really what he was worried about? But . . .

“I could slip outside too. In case you haven’t noticed, I’m kind of clumsy.”

“I’ve noticed,” he said dryly.

“Hey!” she protested, even though she’d been the one to say it first.

“So you’re saying that you shouldn’t be allowed to walk around without someone to help you? That idea has merit.”

“That’s not what I’m saying.” She twisted so she could glare over her shoulder at him.

He looked down at her with amusement. Shoot. She slumped down. “I’m sorry for using the water gun inside and getting you and Judd wet. It’s just that the Penguin is really sneaky and I was trying to sneak up on him to save the day.”

“I understand how difficult your job is,” he replied solemnly. “But my job is keeping you safe. And healthy. Yes, Aric and Tavi should have thought about how cold you might get, but equally, you should have told them.”

“Sorry, Daddy,” she said in a quiet voice, knowing he was right.

“How is your bottom feeling after last night?”

She thought about telling him that it was really sore, but that was outright lying and not nice.

“It’s okay, Daddy.”

“Good. It’s going to be a count of ten.”

Ten? Okay, that wasn’t so bad.

He smacked his hand with steady spanks. Hard. But not fast. He moved his hand around so it never hit the same spot twice. By smack number six she was starting to squirm. By number eight, she was sobbing.

“Please stop, Daddy! Please!”

“Two more. These will hurt.”

He gave them to her quickly, but she still let out a screech of shock as pain flooded her. Her bottom throbbed.

Turning her over, he helped her climb onto his lap so she was facing him. Then he ran his hand up and down her back. She sniffled, but she wasn’t actually crying as she rested her head against his chest. “I’m sorry, Daddy.”

He kissed the top of her head. “I just want you to look after yourself. We’d all be devastated if something happened to you.”

She wrapped her arms around his neck and they sat there for a long time.

“I suppose I should let you get back to work,” she said, trying to pull back off his lap.

Kassim held her in place and she gave him a curious look. “Actually, I am in the mood for a tea party. What do you think?”

She gave him a wide smile. “I think that sounds like fun.”

His phone ringing made him sigh. “One moment.” Setting her aside, he walked over to the bedside table to grab his phone.

“Marcus? Everything is well?”

Her eyebrows rose. Marcus was the stuffy but kind household manager at the palace.

“It’s missing? What do you mean?” Kassim frowned.

Dread filled her. What was missing?

“Actually, I can think of an explanation. My mother probably borrowed it. No, don’t concern yourself, I will ask her. I can’t think of any other explanation. Yes. Good. Thank you.”

He ended the call.

“Everything okay?”

He smiled gently. “Of course.” Then he sighed. “Actually, no.”

Okay, that shocked her. Usually he was all about shielding her from everything.

“I asked Marcus to retrieve my grandmother’s necklace from the vault and ready it for when we returned.”

Vault? There was a vault?

Mind. Blown.

Well, where do you expect them to keep the fancy stuff they don’t want you breaking?

“But he can’t find it.”

“Oh no,” she gasped.

“It will be fine. I’m certain my mother borrowed it. I just wanted to have it ready when we arrived home. For you.”


“I thought it would look rather beautiful on you. And it is a special piece to me. I adored my grandmother. I can remember her wearing that necklace. She was a kind, amazing woman with a mischievous side around close family. You remind me of her.”

She doubted it. But damn that was sweet.

She threw herself into his arms. “Love you, Kassim.”

“I love you too, Pippa.”

* * *

When they walkedinto the playroom, she let out a gasp of shock as she took in the table set for a tea party.

Because now it didn’t just hold some plates and cups, there was a teapot, as well as a three-tiered cake stand holding scones with cream and jam, tiny finger sandwiches, and little cupcakes.

She clapped her hands in delight. “Daddy! How did you do this?”

“I picked it up on our way home then had Ian set it up. You like it?”

“Yes! Yes!” She danced her way over to the table.

“I hope you don’t mind this being our first date, tamiya,” he told her as he walked quickly forward to pull out a chair for her.

She gave him a sly smile. “You mean that our play in your office wasn’t our first date?”

Leaning down, he kissed her forehead. “It can be if you like.”

He picked up a cloth napkin and placed it over her lap. Then to her delight, he did the same for the fluffy bunny sitting to her right and the pink pig to her left.

“Actually, Daddy, I think this is a perfect first date.”

He smiled as he took his seat across from her. “Me too.”

She reached over for the teapot.

“Careful,” he warned. “It could be hot. Let me pour. All right?”

“Okay, Daddy. Ooh, I don’t know what to eat first.” She stared at the food.

“Well, best you choose something. I think Mr. Pig looks rather hungry.”

She nodded. “Pigs do like their food.” Reaching out, she grabbed a scone. “Ooh, this looks delicious. What do you want, Daddy?”

Most men might have felt self-conscious or weird sitting at a table with stuffed toys and sipping tea from a pink teacup, but if Kassim felt that way he wasn’t letting on.

He took a sip of tea, holding the cup perfectly. She picked up her teacup and tried to copy what he was doing, but she felt so self-conscious. As she took a sip, some of it spilled down her chin.

She was a great big mess. She reached for the scone on her plate, taking a bite and a dollop of cream fell on her lap. Kassim had already bitten into a sandwich without even leaving a crumb.

She let out a sniffle.

He froze then stared over at her in concern. “Tamiya, what is it?”

“I can’t even have a pretend tea party without making a mess,” she wailed. “I’m never going to be a perfect princess.”

“Who said you had to be a perfect princess?” he asked, setting his teacup down.

“I don’t know what cutlery to use. Every time I eat, I drop something. I’m always tripping over stuff. What am I going to do? Are there lessons on how to be a princess?”

He pushed his chair away from the table. Was he leaving? Had she scared him away?

But he didn’t stand.

“Come here, tamiya,” he commanded, holding out a hand.

Standing, she walked over and let him pull her onto his lap. He wrapped his arms around her, holding her tight.

“Tell me all your worries about being a princess.” That wasn’t what she’d been expecting. She thought he might immediately dismiss her concerns.

“I don’t know how to dress right or talk right. I’m messy and clumsy and I’m just scared I’m going to embarrass you all.”

“All right. Let’s address one thing at a time. If you don’t know how to dress then Aric will help you or we will hire someone to give you advice. Whatever you feel more comfortable with. Messy and clumsy? None of us care if you’re messy or clumsy. And if we’re with other people, one of us will always be close by. You can grab hold of us if you feel like you’re about to fall. And if you spill something, we’ll help you clean up.

“As for talking right, the way you speak is just fine. You’ve been my assistant for over a year, you handle people perfectly. You’re calm and sweet and thoughtful. You’re loyal, you care for people and you care about Escana. What more could we want in a princess? Oh yes, for you to love us. Which you do. Nobody expects perfection. All we want is for you to be you.”

She let out a small sigh.

“And there is no way that you could ever embarrass us, understand me?”

“Yes, Daddy.”

“That’s my girl.” He kissed her forehead. “Now, would you like to stay on my knee while we finish our tea party? Or go back to your own seat?”

“Well, Mr. Piggy is looking rather jealous. I’m thinking he’d like to sit on your lap, Daddy.”

“Mr. Piggy is lucky to have a seat of his own. A pig at a tea party, whatever will happen next!” he said in a scandalized voice.

She giggled then gave him a quick kiss. “Thanks, Daddy. You always make me feel better.”

“That means I’m doing my job right.”

“You must have a really good boss,” she said solemnly.

“She’s tough but fair. And cute. Very cute.”