Billionaire and Nanny Secret by Lauren Wood



When I woke up in the morning, I was overwhelmed with heat. My room was hotter than usual, and I let out a groan, remembering just how much I hated to be hot. I was about to push the covers away when I realized that there was something—someone—in my arms. I frowned before I remembered Quinn. My mind began to flash back to everything that had happened between the two of us the night before.

Nothing had stopped us, and we’d gone all the way. I was so relieved, so relaxed, and yet, for some reason, I wasn’t satisfied, not nearly as sated as I would have wanted.

But when was the last time that I’d woken up with a woman in my arms? Quinn was supposed to be a one-night stand, yet I wasn’t treating her like one. With my one-night stands, I stayed awake just to make sure that they left and didn’t spend the night. But with her, I’d gone to sleep, keeping her in my arms.

What in the world was I doing? Why was I treating her like she was different when she wasn’t supposed to be? This was supposed to be a one-night thing, just a one time thing, yet it felt like it was meant to be so much more.

I was completely aware of how I should feel. I should push her away, remind her that this was only going to happen once and never again, that we couldn’t allow this to mess up the great work relationship that we’d come to have. Sleeping together was just supposed to get us back on track.

Other than this, there would never be an actual relationship between us, not one that she wanted, anyways. I wasn’t going to settle down, especially not with a woman that was working for me. And firing her wasn’t exactly an option, considering that Paige enjoyed her so much. Firing her would probably break my daughter’s heart. She had never done so well with one of the past nannies before.

I needed to wake her up so that she could get out of my bed. Paige would be home soon, and Quinn needed to start on breakfast. After all, that was her job, and that wasn’t just going to change just because the two of us had slept together, whether that was a good or bad decision. Ultimately, it had been the only decision that we’d had.

But I couldn’t wake her up. Everything about her seemed peaceful. She lay in my arms, snoring ever so lightly. She looked so docile. When was the last time that I’d ever seen her so carefree and relaxed? Not to mention that she was so irresistibly beautiful, I didn’t want to bother her.

As whipped as it made me sound, she just looked perfect, and I didn’t want to mess that up. However, it wasn’t exactly my decision.

Even though I knew that it could be another mistake, I found myself turning ever so slightly and moving my arms so that I wasn’t holding her, but facing her, looking at her beautiful features. And my hand slowly, against my will, gently touched her hair, feeling the silky strands. I let out a deep breath. Everything about her pulled me towards her, and it was like the more that I tried to push her away, the more that she became a bigger figure in my life.

She moved, slightly, and I paused. But her snoring soon started again. She was so cute while she was sleeping, and I found myself slightly wishing that I could wake her up and see her like this every morning. What was going on with me? Why was I having these types of thoughts, and why about her, of all people?

My hand rested on her face, as I thought about how soft her skin was. I let out a small breath, knowing that I shouldn’t, but unable to stop myself. I leaned down, slowly, about to press my lips against her before the sound of the doorbell echoed throughout the house. A small sigh left my lips as I thought about the fact that every time I did anything or tried to do anything, I was always stopped.

The doorbell didn’t wake Quinn up, and I thought I could continue. But the doorbell wouldn’t stop, and I knew that whatever moment there had been was long gone now. With how persistent it was, I knew that it could only be one person.

The sound of the repetitive doorbell slowly began to rouse Quinn. I watched as her eyebrows knitted ever so slightly, and she frowned before turning over, her body moving. She looked adorable as she tried to hide from the sounds, even dipping her head under the covers before she finally gave in.

Her eyes opened and I looked into them. There was something about looking into her eyes that immediately gave me an erection, as bad as that sounded. Her eyes were just so beautiful and unique, although I could have been a bit biased, considering that I had slept with her the night before.

“What’s happening?” she asked me, her voice tired and lazy. She sounded completely exhausted and tired. Then she looked at me with shock in her eyes. Quinn sat up quickly, using the blanket to cover her body. “I’m naked,” she stated, and she sounded a bit skeptical. “And you’re naked, and we…”

“Had sex?” I finished for her. “Yes, we did. How do you feel?”

“Good,” she answered quickly, her lips perked in a smile. “Really good.”

“And are you happy?”

“I think so?”

“The thirst quenched?”

Quinn just stared at me, for a moment, but right as she was about to answer, the doorbell began to furiously ring again, then my phone. It seemed like Klaus was getting a bit impatient. He could wait. I wasn’t finished with what I was doing. I wasn’t finished with Quinn, just yet.

Before I could talk myself out of it, I leaned down and connected our lips. She let out the cutest little squeak which quickly turned into a moan. Her hand came to hold behind my ear, and her kissing became insistent quickly, as we ignored the sounds of the doorbells ringing. She slipped her tongue into my mouth.

Quinn straddled me, and I sat up so that I could lean against the bed frame. The cover fell far away from her body, and I found myself groaning, as I got to see that body that I’d worshiped the night before. How a woman could be this incredibly attractive wasn’t fair.

“You’re so fucking sexy, Quinn,” I told her while she moved her lips to my neck, leaving a trail of butterfly kisses.

“Thanks.” Her lips trailed down my body until she was at my dick. She looked up at me with those green eyes before her lips wrapped around my cock, making me thrust my hips against her. My breathing became heavier although I tried to hold it in, not wanting Quinn to know just how much I was enjoying her.

My hand found her hair and pulled it, as she continued to suck. Once, I found myself getting close to coming, I pulled her away from my dick, looking into her eyes before I forced a kiss on the beautiful, plush lips. And there was nothing she could do but take it, although she was far from unhappy with it.

“It was supposed to be a one time thing,” I reminded her.

“What will it hurt if it’s a two time thing?” She asked me, biting into that bottom lip which made me lose all control that I’d had.

I flipped her over so she was beneath me and thrust my hard dick into her pussy, watching as her back arched against me, and she let out the sexiest little moan. This was probably the last thing that she had imagined would happen this morning, which was another reason I wanted it so bad.

Last night was supposed to be a one-night thing, and I knew that it couldn’t be more than twice. This would be the only chance that I got to get another taste of her, to feel her against my dick one more time. And there was hardly anything that I wanted more.

My hips were fierce and hard, as they pounded into her, getting her closer and closer to the edge. I could tell she was about to climax by the way her hips were bucking, and her fingernails were digging into me. Was it a bad thing if I actually liked the small bite of pain that it provided to me?

She let out a loud scream, as she toppled over the edge. Once I got her there then I was quick to pump into her faster and find my own orgasm, letting out a slight groan when I did, my head buried in her hair.

All of this had been worth it.

Quinn moved to the side of me and lay beside me, her chest rising and falling continuously. She was tired, and that was something that made me happy. I had exhausted her, and for some reason, I felt proud of myself, as weird as that sounded. I lay beside her, knowing she was, by far, the best woman that I had ever slept with.

For a second, the thought of how many men she’d been with entered my mind before I turned it away. Even if I was curious, it shouldn’t matter to me because it wasn’t like we wanted to be in a relationship. So, her previous sex life didn’t matter to me.

The door began ringing again, and this time I knew that we couldn’t ignore it. I had to get up and let my brother and daughter in. They had been out there longer than twenty minutes after all.

It was a good thing that Klaus had decided to become more insistent and force one of us to answer the door because this thing between us needed to stop. It shouldn’t have happened this morning, and, maybe, it shouldn’t have happened last night. But it had happened, both times, and now we needed to do the important part of the proposition that I’d offered her. We needed to forget about this and pretend that it had never happened.

As much as I wanted to continue, we both knew that it was time for this thing between us to end.

I scooted out of bed and looked around, trying to find where we had managed to throw the clothes. They were all over the place, both of our clothes mixed. Once I finally found them, I picked up Quinn’s clothes and threw them on the bed beside her so that she could put them out and get out of my bedroom. I didn’t want to have to say the words out loud, and thankfully she seemed to get the hint.

Had I not been rushed on time, I would have taken a shower, but instead, I reached into my drawer and grabbed a pair of grey sweatpants and a plain t-shirt before slipping them on, feeling Quinn’s eyes on me, admiring me. I didn’t say anything, and even if I had, she probably wouldn’t have been able to hear me because of the doorbell.

I walked down the stairs, not even sending Quinn a look. The doorbell was getting annoying, and when I opened the door, Paige ran inside while Klaus let out a groan before looking at his cell phone.

“It took you half an hour to answer the door?” he asked, looking me over. “Seriously?”

“I was busy,” I answered.

“With what?” Then he smirked. “Or should I say, with who?” He knew. There wasn’t a doubt about that.

“Shut up,” I snapped and nodded towards Paige. I didn’t want her to hear any of this.

“Daddy!” Paige exclaimed and jumped towards me. I knew that she wanted to be caught and hugged, so I caught her and rested her against my chest, hugging her tight against me just like the way that I knew that she loved. She had her little arms wrapped around my neck and rested her head against my chest. “Good morning.”

“Hi, baby,” I greeted her while Klaus closed the door. “Did you have fun with your uncle Klaus?”

She stretched out her legs which was her way of saying that she wanted to be put down. I set her down, and she grinned at me. “I did!” she exclaimed. “We got ice cream and fast food, which you never let us do!”

I sent a pointed look at Klaus. He knew how much I hated her having fast food, but then again, he did like to do things just to get a rise out of me.

“Well, I’m happy that you had fun,” I told her.

Her attention turned away from me, and I looked to see that Quinn had come downstairs. She had changed into one of my shirts and a pair of her own shorts. Her hair was messy, and she’d attempted to pull it into a bun. My eyes widened when I saw her because she was in my clothes. That would give Klaus a clear picture of what had happened, why he’d had to keep Paige, and why it had taken me so long to answer the door.

Klaus sent me a pointed look this time, and I swallowed. I hadn’t wanted him to know.

“Quinn!” Paige exclaimed and hugged her before she backed away and looked at what she was wearing. “Is that daddy’s shirt?” she asked with her little head cocked to the side. I sighed. This was exactly what I hadn’t wanted. What had Quinn been thinking? Obviously, she had known who would be at the door.

“Have you had breakfast, Paige?” I asked her, and she shook her head. “Then how about you go help Quinn make breakfast?”

“Okay!” She grabbed Quinn’s hand, completely forgetting about the question that she asked. “Come on, Quinn, we’ve got to go.”

“Quinn,” Klaus greeted.

“Klaus.” And then she looked at me, but I didn’t say anything. We would talk about her discretion at a later time.

“You hit that!” Klaus exclaimed, his voice low so that the ladies wouldn’t be able to hear.

“Klaus,” I said, exaggeratedly.

But he wasn’t going to let it go. “You did,” he reiterated. “How did it feel? Was she any good?”


“Just answer my questions, and I’ll let it go.”

“Yes, we had sex,” I told him, evenly. “Is that what you wanted to hear?”

“I can’t believe it,” he told me. “My brother is sleeping with the help. A new chapter of his life.”

All of my life, I’d been forced to learn how to tune my brother out because of all of the nonsense that tended to spew from his lips. Usually, he was wrong, but this time he was right, and I just didn’t want to admit it. I didn’t have to tell him everything, after all.