Billionaire and Nanny Secret by Lauren Wood



Work went by much slower than it usually did. Typically, I was so immersed in learning and helping the animals that the time flew by. But that wasn’t what had happened this time. Instead, I found myself looking at the clock every five seconds, trying to see how long it would be until I was finally back home.

When Ezra offered to take me to work, I should have known that something was up, especially when he asked if Klaus could watch his daughter. For the most part, Ezra refused to be a part of my life outside of Paige. So, him showing an interest and being invested should have told me that there was so much more to the story.

Should I have said yes to his proposition? What was this going to do to our relationship? Was Ezra right to think that quenching this thirst, having one wild and passionate night was enough to make us never think about this again? Or, was there a chance that he was wrong? Couldn’t doing this, if it were good, make us want more of each other? Make the cravings even worse?

But when he had asked me, I knew that there was no way that I could refuse him. Ezra had been right about one thing. There was a very obvious attraction between us, and if we didn’t try this out then I would keep wondering how he felt. We needed to do this, and more than that, we wanted to do this.

“What is going through your mind?” Pierre clapped a hand on the desk, making me jump, as I looked up. I was sitting down, doing some paperwork for the veterinarians, and I was completely zoned out. I hadn’t even noticed that he was right there. It was a good thing I wasn’t working on animals today otherwise I might have made an accident by now and hurt one of the animals.

“What do you mean?” I asked and closed the folders of paperwork that I was working on. After all, I hadn’t gotten that much work done anyways. My mind was far from where it should be. “I’m just working.”

“You’re daydreaming.”

“No, I’m not.”

He smirked at me. “Is it about that boss of yours?” He asked. “Don’t think that I didn’t see him kiss you before you came in.”

I gasped. “You saw that?”

“The entire office saw that.”

I looked at the clock. “That was six hours ago. Nobody said anything?”

“What were we supposed to say?”

“Where’s Morgan?” I asked, changing the subject. If anyone knew where Morgan was then it was Pierre considering they were sort of in a relationship. They would be a great couple if my friend wasn’t so obsessed with playing hard to get. But it was just the kind of person that she was. Besides, hadn’t she told me that they had gone on a date a couple days ago? Maybe he was finally breaking through her walls.

Pierre sat down on the desk and sighed. “She’s mad at me.”

“So, she didn’t come into work?”


“What did you do?”

“Nothing!” Pierre exclaimed, pushing a hand through his hair. “She’s being dramatic.”

“Well, her name is Morgan.”

“Yeah,” he snorted. “I guess so.”

“So, what happened?”

Pierre stared at me. “Did she tell you that we went out on a date?” He asked me.

“She sure did.”

“It didn’t go so well.”

I gave Pierre my full attention at the mention of any drama. I had more than enough drama myself, and it was nice to be able to push that aside and think about something else for once. Besides, watching the two of them was like turning on my favorite television show and getting immersed in the drama.

“Go ahead,” I told him. “Tell Quinny what happened.” I didn’t get off of work for the next hour, and I needed something to keep my mind off of what was going to happen when I got home.

“I took her out to a nice restaurant, and one of my ex-girlfriends happened to be there.” My eyes widened, and I swiveled my chair. Oh, this story was about to get spicy and fast. When had all of this gone down? Morgan had never called me to tell me about any of this, and I felt a little bit left out that I was hearing from Pierre and not her, considering she was supposed to be one of my good friends.

“Your ex?” I questioned.

“Yes, her name is Lily.”

“And why did you guys break up?”

“Because I cheated on her.”

My jaw dropped. “Please don’t tell me that she told Morgan.”

“Oh, no, she didn’t just tell Morgan about the cheating part,” Pierre told me, and my eyes widened while I realized where this was going. “She told Morgan about every single aspect of our relationship, from our sex life to the kinds of dates that I’d taken her on, anything and everything that she could think of. And oh, do you want to know what the worst part about it all was?”


“She told Morgan that I’d taken her to that exact restaurant every week, and that it was our place. Lily told her that I was just reusing ideas for dates from when I’d been dating her.”

“Well, was she being honest?” I asked.

“Well, yes.”

“Pierre!” I exclaimed.

“I’m sorry!” he apologized, his voice an exclamation. “I didn’t know what else to do.”

“You can’t recycle date ideas,” I told him. “What did Morgan say?”

“Nothing.” He sighed.

“Nothing?” I questioned. “That sounds very un-Morgan-y.”

Pierre nodded in agreement. “She stood up, looked at me, and then just walked away.”

“When did this happen?”

“Two nights ago.”

“Have you talked to her since?”

“No,” he answered, sadly. “She didn’t come to work today, and she hasn’t answered any of my calls or texts.”

“What are you going to do?”

“I thought, maybe you could help me figure that out?”

I raised an eyebrow at him. “No!” I exclaimed. “I can’t help you. The heartwarming part of making it up to a woman is that you thought of it yourself, not with the help of her best friend!”

“Ugh, fine!” he growled. “I’ll leave you to work.”

“Bye, Pierre.”

Pierre left, and I managed to get my head in the game and actually get some work done, which was much harder than I would have thought. I spent a majority of time fighting my brain to think about animals rather than the mind-blowing sex that I was sure about to happen the second that I was picked up from this office.

When my eyes finally darted to the clock, I realized that it was finally time for me to be off. I let out a sigh and stretched more in my chair. Just as soon as I realized the time, my phone began ringing.

I reached out and grabbed, not surprised that it was Ezra. He was a punctual man, and I wasn’t surprised that he would be there, right as I got off of work. I answered. “Hello, Ezra,” I greeted, unable to hide the nervousness that I felt just to talk to him.

Maybe, I needed to be a little bit more confident. This was just sex, right? And it wasn’t exactly like this was the first time that I’d ever had sex. This was all about being relaxing and a stress reliever, and that was exactly what I needed to think about. He wanted me. I wanted him. Everything was perfect.

“Quinn.” His greeting was short and simple, something I’d come used to when it came to him. “I’m waiting outside for you. When are you going to come outside?” Regardless of the fact that Ezra was a businessman, he was the farthest thing from patient. And he had always been that way.

“I’ll be out there within five minutes.”

“Good.” The phone line went dead.

I gripped my hand in my hand and groaned. This man could be so infuriating, and I wanted to scream or throw my phone, but I managed to stop myself. I finished getting all of the paperwork in one folder and closed it before pushing it aside. I’d gotten a good bit done, although not nearly as much as I should have.

I pulled my backpack on and walked out, stopping by Pierre.

“Out so soon?” He asked me.

“Well, I am off the clock.” I looked at my phone. “It’s five.”

“Lucky. I’ve got another hour.”

“Good luck,” I told him. “With work and Morgan.”

“I have better luck with work.”

“Bye, Pierre.”

“Bye, Quinn.”

I walked outside to the car, and Ezra was leaning against the passenger door. He looked up when he saw me and opened the door. He was staring at me passionately and I knew that this was going to happen. Nothing was going to be able to stop him, and I was perfectly fine with that. I wanted to be all that he was thinking about.

He grabbed me and kissed me, again, his tongue slipping into my mouth before he pulled away. “Are you ready for tonight?”

I was breathing a bit heavier, but I nodded anyway. “Yes.”


The car ride was quiet as we drove back to the house. I was burning up with the anticipation of being able to feel Ezra touch me, kiss me, lick me, bite me. I wanted all of him, and I had wanted all of him for a long time. This was finally happening, and there was nothing that I had ever wanted more. If I didn’t feel him, tonight, I didn’t know what I was going to do. I didn’t just want Ezra. I needed him.

Once we finally arrived at the house, he opened the door for me, and I realized that this was a habit to him. Regardless of the fact that he wasn’t the kind of guy to date, he had all of the qualities that a woman would want in a guy. How could he be so good at something that he didn’t do?

We walked inside together. I was looking around for a while, surprised when Paige didn’t come running towards us the way that she always did. And, speaking of which, I hadn’t seen Klaus’ car outside. Where were they?

“Where’s Paige?” I asked, almost hearing my echoes bounce in the quiet house.

“She’s with Klaus,” Ezra answered. “She’ll be spending the night with him.”

“Did you plan that out?” I asked even though I already knew the answer.

“Did you think that I wouldn’t take care of everything?”

“You are Ezra, right?”

“No more talking, Quinn.”

His hand gripped my chin, and he looked into my eyes. His blue eyes were so intense, so beautiful that I couldn’t believe it. I was waiting for him to make a move before I grew tired of waiting. Maybe, for once in his life, Ezra shouldn’t be the one who was in charge.

I kissed him, and it was the first time that I had ever done so. Usually, he was the one to instigate things, but it was my time to shine. My lips grew aggressive against his, and his hand gripped my waist while our tongues fought for dominance. I let out a little moan against his lips and thrust my hips against him.

Ezra grew tired of me being in charge, and he lifted me up, my legs instantly wrapping against his waist. He began walking me to his bedroom, our lips never parting, and I thought about the fact that this was going to be the first time that I had ever been in his bedroom. And I was so excited to see it.

Once we made it, he tossed me onto the bed, and I bounced up a little bit before settling. Ezra was quick to get on top of me, and our lips were back against each other, and he was quick to sit up and pull his shirt off. I couldn’t help but to look at his chest, my fingers trailing along his abdomen, his amazing abs.

“Do you like that?” He asked, and I quickly nodded my head, my fingers continuing to run along his body. I sat up and pressed my lips back against his. Our tongues tangled, and then I nipped at his bottom lip in a way that he always did to me. He groaned against me, obviously liking it.

Then Ezra pulled my shirt off, tossing it to the side, not that I cared. His eyes feasted upon my breasts before he raised an eyebrow at me. I nodded at him, giving him the permission that he needed to unclasp my bra.

When my breasts were loose, he didn’t waste time before wrapping his lips around one. I whimpered, as he nipped my breast before his tongue soothed the pain that he’d created. He began sucking relentlessly, making me claw into the sheets in an effort to not move. His mouth felt much better than it should have.

“Ezra,” I whined, my hands finding his hair, as he switched to the other boob. His mouth felt amazing, but there were other places that I would have preferred his tongue. He seemed to take the hint, when he slid my pants down my legs, his mouth following after it.

The second his tongue flicked against my clit, my thighs clenched, and I let out a moan. I’d never experienced this in the past when I’d had sex, but then again this was only the fourth time that I was having sex. And this was nothing like when I had been touching myself the night before. This was powerful and explosive.

And then he began to eat me out like there was no tomorrow. I wanted to tell him to stop, to fuck me, but at the same time, instead, I wanted for him to keep moving his tongue inside of me, nibbling and sucking and licking. Nothing felt better than how magical this man was with his tongue.

I couldn’t stop the sounds leaving my mouth, as I gripped his hair harder and harder. I felt myself explode around him, in a way that I never had before. Of course, I’d had several climaxes before, but this was bigger and better than any I’d ever managed to have before.

“Oh, Ezra.”

“That’s just the appetizer.” He growled.

My heart was beating rapidly as I watched him pull his pants down and shuck them off. Then he was leaning over me, slowly guiding himself inside of me. My fingers were holding his shoulders as he did so, and I threw my head back from the sheer pleasure.

He began moving inside of me, hard and fast, pounding into me. My fingernails were digging into his back, but he didn’t seem to care. So, there was no reason for me to care, either. I bit into his shoulder, as I tried to hold back the sounds from escaping my mouth.

“Scream for me, Quinn,” he commanded. “There’s nobody here but you and me.”

I screamed, as I climaxed once again, Ezra coming not too much longer after me. The amount of pleasure that I’d felt shouldn’t have been legal. It was so overwhelming, so magnificent, and so very different from anything that I’d felt in my life. I could see how people could get so addicted to something that felt so good. If I wasn’t careful, then I was going to be one of those people.