Love, Ally by Hannah Gray



On my way to class, my phone vibrates in my pocket. Pulling it out, I see Jenn, my adoptive mother’s name, on the screen.

I debate on not answering, but I’ve been dodging both her and her husband’s calls a lot. Fuckers might be using me to be the next Blind Side movie or some shit, but they haven’t treated me badly. In fact, they treat me basically like their own kid. So, I guess I can’t be a complete dick to them.

“Hello?” I answer.

“Cole, hi. You picked up.” She sounds both surprised and relieved.

I’d rather talk to Jenn than Matt. He’s nice and all, but it’s easier for me to be a dick to another dude. Jenn is a sweet lady who likes to talk and bake lots of shit.

“Uh, well, you called me. So, yeah, I picked up.”

“Oh, right, right. You are absolutely right.”

How many times can someone say right in one sentence?

“Matt and I, well, we wanted to come up for your next game. If that’s okay.” She pauses. “It’s all right if it isn’t. Although we’d be so bummed. But, like I said, it would be all right. Whatever you’re most comfortable with, Cole,” she stammers and trips over her own words.

I have no idea why I hold the ability to make this woman so nervous, but all I know is that I do.

They asked to come to my other games and get dinner after, but I gave them the cold shoulder. I turned eighteen in July, so technically, they aren’t really my adoptive parents anymore. But they keep trying to stay in my life. I’m sure it’s just for the chance when I make it into the NFL and they can point and smile, nodding their heads, like, Yep, we did that. We’re responsible for making him great.

And to that, all I have to say is, fuck that. I made myself great. The coaches I’ve had made me great. Not them.

“Uh …” I scratch the back of my neck, not really wanting them to come, but also not loving the idea of having to tell her that. “Sure,” I say nervously, clearing my throat. “I, uh, I guess.”

“Really?!” her voice squeals. “Oh goodness, I’m so excited. Wait till I tell Matt. He has been dying to get out there and watch you play. I even got a jersey with your name on it!” She giggles. “But I totally don’t have to wear it if it will make you uncomfortable, I mean,” she says when I don’t reply. “I can leave it in the closet.”

“No,” I croak. “That’s fine. Thanks for the support.”

“Woohoo! We will be there!”

I think she’s a talkative lady anyway. Couple that with being nervous, and she doesn’t shut up. She and Matt helped me move up here, against my protests. Knox saw them and teased me nonstop about how hot my mom was. I didn’t correct him that she wasn’t my mother. That would have made it awkward.

He’s not wrong either. She’s young, in her mid- to late-thirties. She’s a blonde bombshell.

“All right,” I say dryly. “I have to get to class. But I guess I’ll, uh … see you guys this weekend?”

“Sure will. We’d love to take you out to dinner afterward. Since it’s an early game and all.”

“Yeah, all right, I guess.”

“I’m sorry. I’m being too pushy again. Have a good day, Cole.”

“Thanks. You too,” I mutter into the phone before hanging up.

I know one thing: if I have to sit through a dinner with two people I barely know, I’m bringing Ally with me. Best they get acquainted with her now since she’s here to stay.

She’s still keeping me at arm’s length. I can tell she isn’t letting me completely back in yet. But the sex … we’ve some kick-ass sex. And that’s a start.