Love, Ally by Hannah Gray



Twisting my spaghetti with my fork, I take a bite and wipe my mouth. Whatever this restaurant is, it’s fucking delicious but also stuffy as hell, and I feel like I stick out worse than a sore thumb.

“So, Ally, what are you studying?” Jenn asks sweetly.

She seems nice enough. And Jesus almighty, she’s beautiful.

Both look awfully young to be the adoptive parents of a teenage boy, in my opinion. I’m guessing they are in their late thirties.

Her blonde hair is cut in a perfectly styled bob. And she has honey-brown eyes that are warm and comforting. But I know more about them than I’ve ever let on. Like how they paid just to have Cole in their family. Shady.

“Music technology.” I smile, trying not to sound nervous. “I’d like to be a songwriter.”

“Do you sing too?” Matt asks.

He’s the same height and build as Cole. His hair is dark brown, and his jawline is sharp enough to cut the steak on his plate.

Turning toward this complete and total DILF, I nod. “I do sometimes. But I’m not sure if I want to be directly in the limelight. I care more about getting my words out there.” Suddenly feeling like a dick, I shake my head. “Not that I’m good enough to even make it big time. I was just—”

“Oh, you’re good enough,” Cole says. “Future Halsey right here.” He grins, jerking his head in my direction.

They both laugh at his completely ridiculous comment.

“Well, whatever you decide to do, I’m sure you’ll do great,” Jenn says. Suddenly, her eyes grow misty. “The fact that you two are as good of kids as you are is crazy. You’re both an inspiration. Rising above isn’t an easy thing to do.”

“Jenn,” Matt warns.

She shakes her hand in front of her. “I know; I know. I’m not trying to make anybody feel uncomfortable. It’s just how I feel.” She looks between Cole and me. Sorry, she mouths.

“It’s all right,” I say before taking a sip of water. “And thank you.” I offer her a small smile.

Cole doesn’t respond. Instead, he stands up. “I’m going to use the restroom. Be right back,” he says, looking at me and me only.

I give him a nod, letting him know I’ll be fine. I’m sure, knowing Cole, he probably just needs a minute. I know he was anxious for this dinner. He has no idea I was more so than he was.

Making sure he’s gone, I look at the perfect couple seated across from me.

Leaning forward, I waste no time. Dropping my voice lower, I say, “I know you paid our foster parents, so you could adopt him. I haven’t told him. But I’ll tell you this right now: you will not use him for his talents.” Looking between the two of them, I snarl, “Or else I promise you, I will have both your asses arrested. Are we clear? Because if we aren’t, I’ll have you know that I have evidence against you.” I’m lying. “Hard evidence. Jenn, you’d be looking at years in a cell next to a brute chick named Norma, and, Matt, you’ll have to worry every time you shower, constantly gripping the soap extra tight.”

I don’t actually have evidence to back it up. But I found out about their arrangement with Dave and Marion while Cole was away at camp, and I needed to get to the bottom of it. Because I can tell that even though he avoids them, Cole cares about them a little. If they hurt him, I’ll hurt them harder. Guaranteed.

Both of their faces pale, which only brings a smirk to my lips.

“Ally—” Matt starts to say, but his wife holds her hand up.

“No, let me.” She turns toward him, her eyes filled with sadness along with what appears to be shock. “Please?”

Reluctantly, he nods.

“I promise you, it isn’t what it seems.” Reaching over, she takes my hand, causing me to flinch. “Just allow us a little more time, and then we can explain it all to him. And to you.”

“Explain what?” I glare at her. “And why should I grant you more time before I tell him?”

Glancing at Matt, she sighs. “We know things. A lot of things. And while I’m sure we look like we’re the bad guys, we aren’t. We just … need more time.” Pulling her hand away, she wipes her eyes. “We aren’t dumb. We know he’s an adult now. He could cut us off at any point.”

“He could,” I say sharply.

“But he hasn’t,” she points out. “And we thank God for that. We enjoy time with him so much. We aren’t ready for it to end.” Her eyes stare right into mine, and fuck me sideways, I believe her.

“And, Ally?” she whispers.

“Yeah?” I say dryly.

“For what it’s worth, we wanted you too, Ally. We knew how much you meant to him. But when we came back for both of you, they told us you had left to be with another family.”

I’m blown away by her words. If they are even true. How the hell would I know?

“I-I don’t … I’m—” I stutter over my own words. My brain feels fuzzy and overwhelmed from this conversation.

“Just trust us.” She touches my hand again. “I know it’s hard to do. I understand this is an astronomical thing for me to ask of you. But we’re begging you—I’m begging you for a little longer. Please, just trust us.”

“Fine,” I answer, pulling my hand away. “But figure it out soon. Time is ticking. I don’t keep secrets, especially from Cole.”

They quickly look at each other before nodding.

“Thank you, Al—”

“Don’t thank me. I’m only doing what I think is right for Cole,” I cut Matt off.

“Right. Okay,” he murmurs, eyeing me nervously, like I might take his steak knife to his nutsack.

Trust me, motherfucker, you hurt Cole, and it’s on.

My phone vibrates in my pocket. Checking it under the table, I see it’s a message from Cole.

Cole: Tell them I’m upset and I need a few minutes. Come to the door next to the restroom. It says Staff Only. Knock six times.

Holding my phone up, I offer them an apologetic smile. “So … Cole’s been having a rough few days.” Pausing, I shrug. “With personal stuff,” I lie. “He just needs to talk to me for a few minutes. Why don’t I go help him, and once we get back, we can all order dessert?”

I’m nice to their face so that they don’t follow me, but truthfully, if Cole says he wants to get out of here, I’ll drive the getaway car. And I’d do it with a smile, if that’s what he wanted to do.

They both look nervous, and Jenn’s eyes widen. “Are you sure he’ll be all right?”

I nod. “Oh, yes. Please just allow me to go talk to him. Be back in ten minutes.”

They look at each other and then to me. “Okay.” They both nod in agreement.