Love, Ally by Hannah Gray



Jenn gives me one final hug good-bye before we leave to head back to Georgia. I told them my truth about Dave, and the rest is in their hands. I know I’ll have to make a statement, but other than that, she promised she’d take care of it. Apparently, she’s a hotshot private investigator, and Dave and Marion aren’t going to know what hit them by the time she gets done with them.

When Matt approaches Cole, he simply tucks his hands into his pockets and dips his chin down. He isn’t ready for hugs, handshakes, or anything of the sort. And I don’t blame him. He needs to do everything on his own time. He just found out that the man he’d thought was just an adoptive father is actually his brother. It’s a lot to wrap my head around, never mind his.

Releasing me, Jenn moves to Cole. “Y’all let us know when you make it back, please.” She wraps her arms around him. “I know you need space, and I know you have boundaries, but damn it, we’ve grown to love you in the short time we’ve had together. You are a part of this family”—she moves her eyes to mine—“both of you.”

“Thank you.” I smile. “Cole will text you when we make it back.” When she watches me, I widen my eyes and laugh. “I promise.”

Hand in hand, Cole and I walk to his truck.

I don’t know what the next few days, weeks or months will hold. But I know I’ll be here, by his side, through it all.

They say love makes you do crazy things. Well, I’d have to disagree. Cole’s love, though it might make me act insane at times, has calmed my soul. Bringing me to a place of self-acceptance and security.

I only hope that I can bring that to him too.