The Billionaire’s Surprise Baby by Lisa Kaatz



Nate shoves me back on the bed and takes my mouth with his. Kissing him feels new and familiar all at the same time. He still attacks me with that same hunger he always had, the kind that makes me feel like he's going to rip my clothes off and eat me alive. But with the hunger there's also tenderness, like I've never felt before. Like he's afraid I might break if he pushes me too far.

Maybe the tears on my cheeks have something to do with that.

This isn't what I brought him back to my bedroom for.

Not at all.

I brought him here to confess.

To tell him he's the father of my son.

But he's caging my body with his and grinding into me in a way that makes me forget every thought in my mind except for a growing need to have him inside of me. Wetness is growing between my legs and my nipples are hard, poking through the thin fabric of this dress.

I picked out this dress with him in mind.

I knew when I put it on tonight that he would see me in it at the party and crave me. I wanted that. I crave him too, crave his attention just like I always did. It's as though the break up never even happened. It's like he never stomped on my heart all of those months ago, right before I found out the news that would change my life forever and decided not to tell him.

Would he understand why I did it?

Would he hate me?

I kiss him back, hardly able to keep up with his hunger. His hands are all over me, pushing the straps of my dress down and exposing my breasts to the cool air. My nipples are hard little nubs and I gasp as he tweaks them in his fingers before taking one in his mouth.

"Nate," I gasp. "Please - the party."

"Fuck the party."

"Allison and Thomas - "

"You'll just have to be quiet," he hisses against my skin. "Or - maybe I'll need to gag you?"


He pushes the hem of my dress up my thighs and over my hips.

"No underwear," he says. "Just like I thought. You're a bad little slut, you know that? Don't you think you should wear something that covers you up a little more?"

"Not for you," I breathe.

"So this is for me?"


My cheeks blush furiously. I can't believe I'm actually admitting this to him.

Cocky Nate. He doesn't need any more confidence and assurance. He already thinks he's god's gift to women and now he knows without a doubt that I want him just as much as he wants me. He'll never let me live that down.

"You're blushing," he says, kneeling next to me on the bed and stripping his jacket off. And then his tie.

He starts to unbutton his shirt at the collar and I savor every inch of hard, sculpted muscle as he does.

"You always blush like that during sex, Sydney. And especially when you come. I'm going to make you come. It's been too long since I've seen you twisting around on the bed with my face between your legs."

"Nate," I groan. "Please."

I don't know what I'm saying please for. Please keep going? Please lick me? Fuck me? Please stop this so I can put my dress back on and tell you what I meant to tell you before you attacked me and pinned me on the bed?

I can't think straight when it's like this. Nate has this effect on me. He makes me lose my mind. Makes me surrender completely and give my body up to him. Whatever he wants, I'm willing. I lose myself in him and the bliss that he gives me, the earth shattering orgasms that feel like they last forever.

He kneels on the bed between my thighs and takes my pussy with his mouth, licking my clit in slow, soft strokes until I'm bucking my hips against him and raking my fingers through his hair, pushing him closer to my core greedily, unable to get enough.

"Don't stop," I gasp. "Don't stop. Please."

His strokes get harder and faster and at the same time he's sucking on me, drinking me in, his hands on my hips and holding me in place, close to him.

"Quiet," he growls against me. "Or I'll muzzle you before I fuck you."

I grab a pillow beside me and hug it to my face, groaning into it and writhing around on the bed. The only thing that keeps me here are his strong hands and their firm grip on my hips, digging into my ass while his mouth devours me. I come hard and scream into the pillow while he laps up every last drop, sucking on my clit until I can't take the sensation anymore.

When he finally releases me, I'm shaking.

"You taste just as good as you always did," he says with a grin. He pulls the pillow away from my face. "I want you to watch me while I fuck you, Sydney. I want to see your face while I enter you. Don't close your eyes, baby girl."

He grips the base of his cock and presses it against my wet slit. I'm still trembling from my orgasm and just the gentlest touch sends my neuro-receptors into overdrive. Then, all at once, he plunges into me.

"Eyes open," he growls, gripping my chin in his hand and forcing me to look at his face. "You're such a good little fuck, Sydney. I forgot how good you feel. You're so responsive, too. You like this, don't you? You like having my cock inside of you, don't you?"

"Yes," I groan.

I do. Sex with Nate Madison is the most addicting thing I've ever tried. More than alcohol or any drug. Somehow he makes everything in my life, all of the problems, fall away. Like it's just me and him and my only worry is how to please him, how to submit to his every desire.

He picks up the pace of his thrusts and fucks me so hard and fast that the force is pushing me upwards on the bed. I reach above my head and grip the headboard for balance while his strong body works above me, pushing me closer and closer to the edge.

I don't look away from his face, obeying his command not to close my eyes. My moans are growing in volume and soon after, he clamps a hand over my mouth.

"Loud, as always," he says. "I love the sound of your screams, Sydney, but you have company over. So be a good little slut and stay quiet."

I groan against his tight grip. His hips keep slamming into me and I can feel another climax building.

"Come with me, Sydney," Nate says, detecting it too. "Come on my cock, Sydney. Come on my cock and belong to me. You are mine Sydney. This pussy is mine. Come for me, Sydney."

I explode around him and his cock hammers me even harder than before as he reaches a climax of his own, growling my name and pinning me down hard against the pillows. I wrap my legs around him, pulling him in even more.

"You're mine, Sydney," he hisses in my ear. "Only mine. Say it."

He releases my mouth.

"Say it."

"I'm yours," I gasp. "I'm yours, Nate."

Reality comes back to me quickly after the high of the double orgasm with Nate comes down.

For one, we're definitely going to be late to the party together. Although Nate doesn't seem to care about events like that, I do. Or at least, my big brothers do. And for their sake, I try to do the minimum requirements of being a partial owner in the family business. And I try not to be late.

The other fact of reality that comes hurtling back to me is that Allison is alone with Thomas and knows that I've been back in my bedroom with Nate Madison for at least half an hour now.

She's bound to be suspicious and even though she's a professional and doesn't seem like the gossiping type, the last thing I need is some write up in a tabloid about how Nate Madison is getting it on with his business partner's little sister. Especially before I've had a chance to tell my brothers about us.

And lastly, not only have I not told Nate about Thomas's paternity, but now we've had sex. Unprotected sex. What are the odds that I could get pregnant from a man with a vasectomy twice, though? I try to shake this worry off. I have enough to think about without fretting about lightning striking us twice.

"I've got to go," I say, pushing him off of me and pulling the straps of my dress back on me. "The party. I'm late."

"I'll drive you," Nate says. "We can ride together."

"That's the last thing that I need," I say, getting off the bed and finding my heels. "My brothers seeing me show up to a company event with you."

Nate grins.

"Come on now," he says. "It's not like I'm a threat to their business anymore."

"You may have charmed Jax somehow," I say. "But I doubt his newfound respect for you extends to you fucking his little sister."

Or knocking her up.

"This is ridiculous," he says. "Let me drive you. There's no need for us to go separate."

"I'll get an Uber," I say. "Nate, you should go. I'll see you at the party, okay? We can talk there."

Nate shakes his head.

"When are you going to tell your family about us?"

"Us?" I ask. "What 'us'? I don't even know how I'd explain this to them. What are we, Nate?"

He starts to answer.

"No, never mind," I say. "I can't believe I just asked you that question. God, that's embarrassing. It sounds so desperate."

"I'm willing to make it official if you are," he shrugs.

I stare at him.

"Who are you and what have you done with the real Nate?" I ask.

"I'm just saying, if that's the hangup then fine," he says. "I'll walk up to Jax tonight and tell him we're dating. Not hooking up. Not just friends. Dating. And if he wants to punch me in the face for banging his sister then that's fine. At least we get it over with and we stop having to pretend."

"We're not dating though," I laugh. "I mean, I don't even know what to say to this."

"Say yes," he says.

"To what?"

"To being my girlfriend."

I want to cry. The words I wanted to hear so badly from Nate, for so long. Here they are and yet we're still separated. This time by a lie. My lie.

"I....need to think about this," I say. "This is a lot to take in. You came by out of the blue and now you're talking about being my boyfriend as though this is a totally normal thing for you to say."

"If you need time to think about it, that's fine," Nate says, closing the distance between us and taking my hand. "I don't. But I'll wait for you to think it over. I know I don't deserve for you to say yes. You have no reason to trust me, Sydney. Not after how I acted. But I'm telling you, I'm ready and I want you. I want to be there for you and for Thomas. It sucks that his dad doesn't want to be around but I do. I'll step up. I'll be the man he wouldn't be and I'll take care of both of you. If you just give me that chance."

"Nate..." I say. I feel like my heart is shattering right now. He's finally giving me everything I ever wanted from him. But will he want any of this when he finds out that 'I've been keeping something like this from him?

"Think about it," he says. "I know, it's a lot to put on you like this. Maybe I'm moving too fast, I don't know. But I know what I want. And I think you want the same thing."

"I do, but..."

"But what?" Nate asks. "What's stopping us, Sydney?"

"I need you to go," I whisper. "I'll talk to you later, okay? Right now I need to check on Thomas and then go to the party before Jax kills me."

He releases my hands and backs away.

"That's fair," he says. "Go. I'll go. I'll see you at the party though, okay Sydney?"

I nod, and he turns and leaves.