Taken By the Stranger by Jenna Rose



I should be in tears.I should be terrified or suffering from some kind of feelings of emotional abuse.

But I’m not.

In fact, after Phoenix brings me dinner and leaves, I have the best sleep of my life and wake up the next morning feeling happy and refreshed. Maybe it’s the unbelievable sex we had yesterday, but I don’t think so. I mean, of course that’s part of it – I’ve got endorphins and dopamine or whatever running around in my brain, but it’s much more than that. It’s mostly the fact that I know, even if Phoenix doesn’t, that he doesn’t want to give me back. Not really.

And I sure don’t want him to.

After all of this, going home would be the biggest let-down in the world. It would be worse than the torture he put me through the other night when I had to put on a show for him at the dinner table and then be denied his touch. To be put through the most incredible, life-changing experience of my life only to be returned to my parents and Ken, to their plans…I don’t know how I would survive that.

I’d honestly rather stay in this room, without a window, cuffed to the radiator, wondering each night whether Phoenix would come to me than face that life again.

I’m sure most girls would call me crazy. I have a huge house, I’m an heiress to a massive estate, have a husband lined up who is ready to spoil me rotten, and here I am falling for a man who kidnapped me, keeps me cuffed to a radiator in a cell in his garage and whose mood changes like the weather, who forces me to cook for him and pleasure myself in front of him. Who treats me like his personal fuck doll and says the most degrading things imaginable while doing so.

But I guess maybe I’m just not most girls

I’m lying there smiling to myself when I hear his footsteps approaching. He opens the door, and I look up and flash him a provoking smile.

“So, am I going home today?”

Phoenix shakes his head. “Not today. Your dad just will not learn.”

“Ahh.” I nod, but for some reason, I get the feeling he’s lying to me. He hasn’t made the call today. I’m not sure how I know, but something in my gut just tells me he’s jerking me around.

“So I figured since you’re here, I’d use you.”

My heart leaps in my chest, and the usual heat flares between my thighs. I sit up and let my legs spread slightly.

“Whatever you want, Daddy.”

But to my surprise, Phoenix shakes his head. “No, not like that. I’d use you for your woman’s touch. My house, it’s in need of one. I thought we could go out, and you could help me pick out some things to spruce the place up. Think you could do that for me, Sophie?”

Wait, did he just ask me instead of telling me what we were doing?

Yeah, there’s no way he called my dad today, and that alone causes a deep, warm ache to form in the center of my chest.

“Yes, sir.” I smile. “I think I can.”

“Good. And while we’re at it, we’ll get you some clothes. Some real clothes that actually fit.” He tosses something at me. A blindfold. “You have to wear it until I say you can take it off. Can’t have you knowing where I live, can I?”

“You think I’d tell anyone?” I ask as I slip the elastic band around my head.

“You’re a Madison, Sophie,” he replies. “In my experience, Madisons aren’t to be trusted.”

“What – what does that mean?” Phoenix stops and looks at me hard. I can tell by the look on his face that he just said something he didn’t mean to say. “Phoenix?”

“You know much about how your dad makes his money, Sophie?” he asks.

“A little.” I shrug.

He chuckles, and not in a nice way. “Well, one of the ways is real estate development that involves buying up land and property below market value, evicting everyone who lives there, then developing it and gentrifying it and making money hand over fist at the expense of the people he just exploited.”

I swallow hard as his eyes narrow down on me. Is he saying what I think he’s saying? I really hope not.

“Phoenix, did…”

“Come on,” he says. “Let’s get some stuff.”

“Oh, so because I’m a Madison you only trust my girlie opinion on how to decorate your house?”

Phoenix smirks. “You want to put that blindfold on? Or you want me to put it on for you?”

“Okay, okay,” I reply, quickly tying the bandana over my eyes. I think for a second about tying it loosely so I can steal a glance from time to time when we’re leaving, but decide against it. He’d probably see it coming anyway, but I also don’t want to prove him wrong about me not being trustworthy. I’ll blind myself just to spite him.

I reach out a hand, expecting him to take me by the wrist, but this time he takes me by the hand, which surprises me.

“What a gentleman,” I tease as he leads me from the room and helps me into the car.

“Don’t get used to it.” His tone is mostly flat, but I can hear the hint of a smile on his lips as he speaks.

I keep quiet as we drive. Eventually we park somewhere, and I feel him reach behind me and undo the bandana. I blink a few times as my eyes readjust to the sunlight, which I realize I haven’t seen in days, and look up to see us sitting in the Target parking lot.

“Yeah, I know, princess. Target. But not all of us can afford Gucci sofas or whatever.”

I stifle a giggle. “Gucci doesn’t make sofas, Phoenix.”

He shrugs. “See, only you would even know something like that. Now come on. Oh, and by the way, you have to wear this while we’re in there.”

Phoenix reaches into a bag and pulls out the most ridiculous pair of aviator sunglasses I’ve ever seen, along with a long, curly brunette wig. I take them and give him a funny look.


“You’re a wanted woman, princess. Every cop in this town, and probably the feds, are looking for you at this point. I’m taking a risk even bringing you here and trusting that you won’t scream the second we get in there.”

“I won’t, Phoenix,” I say firmly. “I would never. I don’t want to go back there. I thought you understood that.”

He levels his eyes at me, causing a fuzzy feeling to stir in my stomach. That place between my legs that only he has touched begins to throb with a hint of wetness. Despite his roughness, the blindfold, the handcuffs, being with Phoenix feels natural now. Screaming out in the store to call attention to us would never have even occurred to me had he not mentioned it.

“If that’s true, Sophie, then you’ll keep your mouth shut and do as I say,” he replies, keeping his ice-cold eyes firmly fixed on me.

Yes, Daddy. Tell me what to do.

I put on his disguise, suddenly feeling like an undercover agent of some kind, and follow him into the store. We go straight to the girls’ section, and I pick out a few things, including a dress that I immediately change into.

“Not that your clothes aren’t flattering on me.” I wink.

He really is helpless when it comes to picking out the things he needs, but it’s absolutely adorable. I help him find some new sheets, a couple of towels, introduce him to the concept of body wash and a loofah, and manage to convince him that yes, conditioner is worth putting in your hair from time to time. I even pick out a cute little set of matching bowls and plates that he almost doesn’t buy but finally decides to before we head to checkout.

When we’re standing in line, a couple of police officers come in and walk over to the Starbucks by the door. Phoenix goes visibly tense beside me and grabs me hard by the arm. He doesn’t say anything. He doesn’t need to. I can feel every word in the tightness of his grip, the way his fingers dig into my skin, and the way he pulls me tight against his body.

“I…I won’t say anything,” I whisper as we approach the cashier. “Don’t worry, Daddy.”

It’s not just the threat I can feel in the way he holds me – it’s also his fear. The fear of being caught and what would happen to him if these two officers realized who he was here with. The entire world would come crashing down on him, and I can’t even imagine the consequences. My father would have no mercy on the man responsible for kidnapping his daughter and holding her for ransom, and it’s in that moment that I feel an invisible link of chain forged between us.

I wish I could reassure him somehow. Explain to him just how much he means to me and how much fun I’ve just had spending this time with him, picking out things for his house, teaching him about sheets and towels, bodywash and hair conditioner. Civilizing my big, tall, sexy barbarian of a man. But I can’t. Now is not the time for such words. So I slide gently around the other side of him so his body is fully blocking the police officers’ view and make myself as small and discreet as possible as the cashier checks him out.

I even pretend to be interested in one of the trash tabloid magazines by the candy until the cops have been served their drinks and are on their way out. Only once enough time has passed that I’m fairly positive that they’ve gotten back in their cruiser and are driving away do I put it down and turn to Phoenix.

“Ready to go, babe?”

For the first time since I arrived here, Phoenix’s face lights up – it actually lights up, which in turn causes a flare of warmth to spread through my chest. But as soon as it’s gone, he frowns and wipes it away like windshield wipers getting rid of the day’s first drops of rain.

“Ready to go, sir,” he corrects me.

Pretend all you want, mister.

“I’m sorry. Ready to go, sir?

Phoenix nods, and I follow him back to the car and blindfold myself again without being asked. We ride in silence, and I wait until I hear his garage door close before I remove the bandana.

“Why did you do that?” he asks.

“Do what?”

“Blindfold yourself,” he replies.

“I – I assumed you’d want me to.”

Phoenix smiles to himself. “After what you did with those cops back there, I’m pretty sure you’re trustworthy, Sophie. Come on.”

I can’t explain how I feel when I hear him say that. All this time I’ve been cuffed, held prisoner, threatened, and blindfolded, and now he trusts me? I get out behind him quickly and expect him to lead me to my cell, but to my surprise, he takes the stairs to the first floor.

I follow him to the bedroom where he begins to strip his bed sheets and open the new ones we just bought.

“What are you doing?” I ask.

“We bought these for a reason,” he replies.

“You have to wash them first!” I laugh, taking them from him. “And the towels!”

“You do? I never have.”

Laughing, I take them all from him to the laundry room down the hall and throw them all in the washing machine along with a Tide pod, twist the dial, and start the cycle.

“I may be a spoiled little rich girl, but even I know that!”

I ready myself for some witty retort, some dart to my heart that will level me with its brutal honesty, but it doesn’t come. Instead, Phoenix just stares at me, arms crossed over his chest, leaning against the wall, a sexy smirk on his face that instantly has me twisting my legs and shifting back and forth like I’m in the audience of a show and have just been hit by a spotlight.

“What?” I say softly. Phoenix doesn’t respond. He just keeps eyeing me with that look that causes me to squirm and melt at the same time.

“Come here,” he says finally.

His statement shocks me. Sure, he’s telling me what to do, but it almost sounds like he’s giving me a choice at the same time. It’s almost like he’s asking me. It’s such a change of pace that I’m instantly on edge. But there’s no way I’m refusing. No way I can resist him.

So I put one foot in front of the other and slink up the hall until I’m standing before him, barely eye-level with his broad chest, staring up at his strong eyes as he looks down at me with an emotion that I know…

But it can’t be…can it?

That emotion is…love.

It’s unmistakable. The coldness in his eyes is gone. His gaze penetrates me, buries itself in my chest, warms me, makes me feel owned, but not by a pair of cuffs and a locked door, but by an understanding between two people who stumbled into each other’s lives and ended up being perfect for each other.

And in that moment, the realization hits me too, hard, harder than the realization that I never wanted anything to do with my family for the rest of my life.

I love this man too.

He read me like a book, gave me exactly what I wanted and more.

I lean up and let my lips part to accept the kiss he gives me. There’s something new behind it.


He leans down and wraps his arms around me, scoops me up, and carries me to the bedroom and lays me down beneath him. His bedroom. His bed.

Hisdress, the one he bought me, comes up and over my hips with a quick and easy pull. I spread my legs eagerly as I tug his belt buckle and pull down his zipper. His hard cock springs into my hand, and I squeeze it hard, feeling its strength.

This is how badly he wants me

I ready myself to take him, but before I can, Phoenix slides his pants off and straddles my chest. He reaches down and cups both of my breasts as he looks down at me.

“Open.” His command sends a jolt of excitement through me, and I realize that even now, I still haven’t taken him in my mouth.

Salivating, I do as I’m told. To my surprise, he’s very gentle, and as I slides his inches between my lips, I realize why. Before he’s even halfway in, I feel my gag reflex kick in. I try to fight it so it’s not too noticeable, but I hear the deep rumble in Phoenix’s chest as he chuckles.

“Don’t worry, princess. It’s a lot to take. We’ll just have to get you practicing. Lots and lots of practice.”

“Yes, Daddy,” I mutter almost unintelligibly around his girth. He drives deeper, pressing his balls against my chin, forcing his musk into my nostrils, inflaming me further. The warmth between my legs flares into a desperate heat, and before I know it, I have two fingers down there and am playing with myself like I was when I was sitting on a chair before him up in the kitchen. Only this time, he’s not forcing me to do so.

“You look like such a sexy little slut with my cock in your mouth, little girl,” Phoenix growls, kneading my breasts with a vicious lust. “You know, I don’t think I’m ever going to let you go.”

If I was standing, my legs would give out from under me.

Don’t, Daddy. Never give me back.

His cock flexes between my lips, and he quickly pulls back and climbs on top of me. Hungrily, I throw my legs around his strong, muscled waist and suck a deep breath as he drags the tip of his cock up my slit. I look straight into his eyes, once as cold as ice, now filled with a passion that goes deep into my core, and as he enters me, I whisper, “Don’t, Daddy. Don’t give me back.”

We don’t fuck this time. We make love.

It’s beyond beautiful. I lose track of just how many times I come. All I know is that by the time he goes off inside of me, and we climax together, I’m spent. More spent than if I’d just run a marathon. I curl up beneath him and nuzzle up in the crook of his neck, my lungs drenched in his scent, my heart filled with his love.

Before I fall asleep, in his bed, I think back to my post on The Dungeon.

Plans...my own plan this time. But I never could have predicted this.