Taken By the Stranger by Jenna Rose



This is humiliating.

Being treated like a slave, forced to cook for my kidnapper, the man who had his way with me like I belonged to him, and then groped as though I am now his property.

What an absolute misogynist.

What a pig.

And it’s not like he’s doing it regretting what he’s doing either. He’s enjoying it. His cock is rock hard beneath his pants as he eats the steak I cooked for him. I can see it – the outline of every single inch that was buried inside me less than an hour ago.

And I’m still sore…

At least I didn’t mess up the steak. It’s medium-rare, just like he told me he wanted it to be. I can’t even imagine what he would have done if I’d overcooked it.

He grins at me as he takes another bite, and for some reason, I feel myself blushing.

This is absolutely humiliating…and yet…I want him.

What is wrong with me?

I’ve read plenty of posts on The Dungeon, plenty of people with extreme kink and non-consensual fantasies, but that’s what they always were: fantasies.

But this…this is real.

This actually happened to me – is happening. And it went far beyond anything I read, anything I imagined. But it wasn’t enough. Not nearly. I want more. I want to fully submit to this man, this stranger whose name I still don’t know, who has so far treated me as nothing more than his sex toy and his personal cook. I imagine it’s only a matter of time before he has me cleaning his house in a sexy maid outfit, and you know what? I’m actually okay with that.

There’s something incredibly sensual about watching him eat. Something primal. It’s like watching a hunter consume his kill. He’s enjoying it, and knowing I had a part in that gives me pleasure. I’ve seen girls post on The Dungeon about wanting to be subs for men, live with them and perform domestic duties for them without any kind of sexual compensation. And I never understood until now.

I’d gladly do something like that for this man. But I can’t say I wouldn’t want anything in return. Because I know that after being in his presence for even a short amount of time, I’d be aching for his touch. Aching to be used by him.

“You know what, Sophie?” he asks, swallowing a mouthful of steak. “There’s something else I want you to do for me.”

“Yes, Daddy? What is it?”

The submissiveness in me is at an all-time high. I didn’t even know it was possible to feel this way, but this man, this stranger, has brought it out in me.

“I want you to take those shorts off and play with your pussy for me.” He grins, and my heart begins to race. That is not what I was expecting. “Give Daddy something sexy to look at while he eats.”


I was expecting him to tell me to get up and get him another beer or some more potatoes, or to do the dishes for him or something. But to strip down and…touch myself in front of him? I’ve never done that in front of another person. But I guess that goes without saying, doesn’t it?

“Daddy, I…”

“Don’t even think about refusing me, girl,” he says threateningly. “This is my house, and when you’re in my house, you do what I say. Understand?”

I can only nod.

“Good.” He smiles, dragging his eyes hungrily between my legs. “Then do what I tell you. Oh, and lose the shirt too. I want to see those eighteen-year-old tits of yours.”

He sits before me like a king and eyes me with the expectations of one. He’s threatening. There’s no question about that, but I’m past the point of being worried that he’ll hurt me. Still, I know that I must obey him.

My mind is whirling with thoughts, and my chest is overflowing with emotions. My body is pulsing with heat as I slowly take my shirt by the hem and lift it up, revealing my belly. I hear the strange man make a low, guttural sound as I do, and as it sticks at the base of my breasts, I know I have to ask something before I go any farther.

“Your name,” I say.


“I need to know your name,” I tell him.

He cocks his head to the side, amused. “You need to know? You don’t need anything, little girl. You only get what I choose to give you. Nothing more.”

I bit the inside of my upper lip and hold his gaze, as hard as that is to do. He’s as cold as ice, this man. Cold as the pale blue of his eyes. But after a few painful seconds tick by, he grins.

“Okay, little girl. Phoenix. My name is Phoenix. But you will address me as Daddy or sir. Understand?”

I nod as a cool relief funnels through me. “Yes, sir.”

“Good. Now continue.”

He takes another casual bite of his steak and nods to me like he expects his orders to be obeyed. And I do the only thing I can do: I lift my shirt up and over my breasts and set it aside.

Phoenix may have already been inside me – may have already taken my virginity roughly like an animal claiming his mate in the wild – but somehow sitting here exposed before him has me feeling even more vulnerable than when I was lying on the bed beneath him with my hands bound behind my back and him straddling my hips.

“Goddamn,” he growls, sliding a hand between his legs and palming his bulge. “Those are some perfect tits, Sophie. You should thank your momma for those genes.”

I know it makes no sense, but this comment causes a flare of jealousy to spark inside of me.

Don’t even go thinking about my mom’s breasts, buddy!

That’s what I want to say, but I know better and keep my mouth shut.

But something must read in my eyes because the corners of his lips curl into a knowing smile.

“Now lose the shorts and touch that pussy for Daddy.”

His words start my fire blazing once again. This man could make a fortune doing dirty audiobooks online. Even though I know it’s wrong, and I’m gripped with an almost unbearable shame as I undo the ties on the shorts he gave me, I’m still filled with an undeniable need to fulfill his wishes.

To obey.

To please.

I lift my hips and let the shorts drop to my ankles. Phoenix shifts in his seat and pops the top button on his pants. His legs are spread wide, but mine are still together. I can feel the wetness between my thighs. Oh, I’m beyond aroused, so much so that he’s going to be able to see it when I finally open up.

“As they say at the dentist’s office,” Phoenix says, “open wide.”

There is a moment’s hesitation as I lean back in my chair. I already crossed one threshold with him downstairs, when I was face down on the mattress, being stretched by his thick sex, but now I’m about to cross another, by fully and willingly exposing and presenting myself to him. By putting on a show.

Trying not to tremble, I open my legs and watch his face, my heart overflowing with anticipation. I watch as those pale, cold blue eyes of his drag down my body to my most secret and private of spots that no man has ever seen…

And then there’s another long moment as he stares.

It’s all I can do not to cry out.

Finally, he licks his lower lip and brings his eyes to mine. “Gorgeous. Like you, my little whore.” A wave of relief washes through me. “Now, play with it for me. Like you do when you’re at home by yourself.”

And then like that, I’m back on edge again.

“Phoenix, I—”

Sir,” he snaps, correcting me. “Or Daddy.”

“I’m sorry, sir…” I whimper. “I – I can’t. It’s too intimate.”

“You can and you will. Or I’ll punish you in ways you will not enjoy.”

When I look into his eyes, I believe him. I don’t want to be punished, but beyond that, I don’t want to disappoint him. I see the bulge in his pants, the way he’s seated to make room for his cock that is surely growing hard as we speak, and the last thing I want to do is be a firework finale that fizzles out instead of goes off with a big bang.

So I reach down slowly. Phoenix probably thinks I’m doing my best to be sexy when in reality I’m fighting back against my fear.

I try to imagine I’m at home again in bed, eyes closed, lost in one of my fantasies that I knew Ken would never be able to do with me. But I’m so far away from home, and I’m here with a man who can give me those fantasies and more, who can do things I probably haven’t even dreamt of yet.

“Look how wet you are, you little slut,” he comments as I gingerly touch my clit with my middle finger. “And here you are acting like you don’t love this.”

Just shut up and take me…end my torment.

But Phoenix doesn’t budge. He sits there and watches as I start rubbing myself in gentle circles, which is all I can bare considering just how turned on I am. Any more pressure and I’m going to come. And I’m not sure I can do that in front of him. Not on my own. Not without his participation.

And why won’t he participate? I can see how hard he is from here. Has he had enough of me already? Is he just trying to torture me now by making me do this? Am I never going to feel the sweet sting of the stretch when he enters me with his thick cock again?

If he wanted me, he would take me. He wouldn’t just watch.

I have to say something. Anything. This is torture.

“Like…like this, Daddy?”

Phoenix nods. “Just like that, little girl. Play with that smooth, pink pussy for me.”

I keep the pressure light. I have to or I’ll go over the edge. I can see by the look in his eyes that he’s enjoying this, and that simply drives my pleasure even higher. I’m embarrassed beyond belief and can feel the blush on my cheeks, but I’m also proud of myself too.

Phoenix is a stud. No doubt he has countless women lined up for a chance at what’s hanging between his legs. He could have kept me chained up in my room downstairs, but he chose to bring me up here and have me put on a show for him.

“Your pussy is bare,” he comments. “Why? Who did you do that for, Sophie?”

His question stuns me momentarily. “I – no one…I just like it.”

“You don’t like hair down there?”

“No.” I shake my head. “It just doesn’t feel…right.”

This seems to please Phoenix. His cold eyes take on a fire and he licks his lips again. “Good girl. Daddy likes that. Now, keep going.”

“You mean you want me to…”

“Yes.” He nods. “I want you to.”

I take a deep breath. I know I’m only a few ounces of pressure away from what he wants, but the thought of doing that in front of him with him sitting feet away from me, watching, observing so objectively, still scares me. But what other choice do I have?

I believe him when he says he will punish me if I disobey him, and that I won’t like it. So I apply a second finger and add just enough pressure.

It starts at my feet – the trembling. The warmth between my legs grows quickly, expands, and takes over. The muscles in my ankles follow, then my thighs. I reach out and grip the table with my left hand as my climax takes me. My eyes snap shut, and my mouth falls open, and I hear Phoenix growl with approval.

“That’s it, my little slut. Come for Daddy. Just like that.”

And I do. Wow, do I ever.

It’s an orgasm like nothing I’ve experienced before. It isn’t as deep as the one he gave me. It’s…different.

It’s naughty.

Kinky and wrong.

I love it, but I’m conflicted at the same time. Even as I’m going off, I’m fighting back the shameful feelings that are telling me how bad this is. Telling me that I have a good home and parents who want the best for me somewhere who are worried sick – a man who isn’t that bad who just wants to make love to me missionary style for the rest of my life, and here I am turning that all down in favor of a man who kidnapped me at knife point and then forced himself on me.

I’m sick, right? Sick, aren’t I?



But as I start to come down and manage to open my eyes, I know there’s only one cure for my sickness, and he’s sitting right in front of me.

I giggle as the aftershocks roll through me. Phoenix stares at me through eyes hooded with lust.

“Hot,” he says simply.

I twist in my seat and bite my lower lip at him. “Now fuck me, Daddy.”

I open my legs, showing him my soaked thighs, feeling more aroused and ready than ever. He stands and walks forward, my eyes fixed on his bulge. I ready myself. My core goes tight.

Here it comes…

He reaches out and takes me by the wrist and lifts me to my feet.

He’s going to bend me over the counter. Or the table maybe…Oh, God yes.

But my stomach drops as he pulls me away and toward the stairs.

“No. Not tonight.”

“I – what?” I stammer as he leads me back down to the garage and pushes the door to my cell open.

He tosses me down roughly on the bed, then quickly cuffs my wrist to the radiator.

“Phoenix, what are you doing—?”

I’m cut off by a sharp slap across the lips. It’s not hard, but it stings and is just enough to shut me up. I gasp and look up as he points down at me with a single finger.

“Let’s just get this straight, princess. I make the rules in this house. Not you. I fuck you when I want to fuck you, not when you tell me to, understand?”

My mind is racing. Did I – What did I do wrong?

“Tomorrow I’ll be returning you to your father for a big fat ransom reward,” he growls. “So don’t get any funny business in your mind. You got it?”

My surprise must show on my face, because his eyes blaze, and he nods.

“That’s right, Sophie Madison. I know all about you and your family and who you are. I knew the second you posted that photo of yourself too. An heiress like you should be a lot more careful about what you put online.”

And like that, he slams the door shut and leaves me in the darkness. A chill runs through me.

Ransom. Is that all I am to him?