The Lion Soul by Amy Sumida

Chapter Nine

We spent another half an hour training, though it was unlike any training I'd ever had. Kaelen was a fast learner, picking up on my techniques and finding ways to counter them within a few exchanges. I also assessed and adjusted to the way he swung heavily and used his body as another weapon. In short, I had fun. Judging by his broad grins, we both did.

And so did our audience. When we finally left the training yard, I couldn't tell you who had won. We'd both given as good as we'd gotten, trading blows, taunts, and innuendos until winning and losing failed to matter. As I left the training yard, I received pats on the back and verbal compliments as well as words of welcome from both fae and human soldiers. By the time we arrived at Kaelen's tent, my sadness over being cast out had dwindled. It would likely return, that was the way of such things, but I had a good foundation to deal with it now. I had a path forward. And when you have a path out of darkness, the dark doesn't seem so bad.

“I have a bathing room in my tent,” Kaelen said as we stepped inside.

He waved a hand toward one of the smaller rooms before he entered it. I followed him into a bathing chamber equipped with a large, wooden tub, similar to those used in Nazaka, at least in depth. It was a bit wider than what I was used to, and part of me cringed at the waste of water, but the rest of me was eager to discover what bathing in it would be like. I noted the pipes coming up from the wood slat floor with surprise. Running water in a tent? Now, that was impressive.

Kaelen went to the taps and turned on the water. “Hot is on the left.” He tapped the lever. “You can adjust it to your preferred temperature. Soap, shampoo, and conditioner are just there, along with washcloths and towels.” He pointed at a table along one fabric wall. The items he mentioned were lined up on one side of it neatly and a basin sat at the other end. “Unless you'd like me to stay.” His mischievous smile returned. “I could wash your back.” His hot gaze traveled over me. “Or your hair.”

It took all my willpower to keep my expression neutral as I shook my head. “No, thank you.”

Kaelen sighed dramatically in disappointment and headed past me, out of the room. “It's all yours, Rie.”

“Kae.” I stopped him.

He turned back to me hopefully.

“I agreed to a relationship with you, but I am not a man to rush into sex. You are very tempting, and I would like nothing more than to climb into that tub with you, but I need a bit more time. I hope you didn't expect more from me immediately.”

Kaelen's expression softened. “You have already exceeded all of my expectations, Rie. I don't mind waiting. That being said, I hope I haven't misled you into thinking that being with me sexually is required of you. You are as free today as you were when you first stepped foot on Stalanian sand. We do need your help to end this war, but again, that is your decision. You can walk away from both me and the war if you want to. Or you can choose to help us without becoming anything more than friends with me. No matter what your choice is, I will accept it.”

Something not only eased inside me but also warmed. Blossomed. Respect meant a lot to me, and the Lion Lord was giving it to me in—what had Aidan said? Oh, yes—in spades. He was just the sort of man I could fall in love with. The sort of man I could love forever.

“You haven't misled me,” I assured him. “But thank you for making that clear. Honestly, I have nowhere else to go.”

“But, Rie, staying here doesn't have to mean staying with me,” he said gently. “I gave you those warnings because a relationship between us is likely—it's happened between all but one of the pairings—but it's not carved in stone. It's all right if you don't want to be with me romantically. The last thing I want is you in my bed because you feel obligated to me.”

“Kae,” I said with a soft smile, “haven't you been listening? I just told you that I want you. I desire you very much. I'm sure we will become lovers, and it will not happen because of any sense of obligation. I'm just asking for a little time to adjust to everything before we take our relationship further. I want to get to know you better before I share my body with you.”

“I want that too.” Kaelen grinned broadly. “Take all the time you need, Dragon. I'm not going anywhere.” Then he stepped out of the room, quietly drawing the door flap down behind him.