Feuds and Reckless Fury by K. Webster



Our dads are on us the second we walk in the door. Word spread like wildfire about the accident. If they hadn’t seen us on the news in the background of a broadcast covering it, they would be a lot more worried. Though we’re okay, it still doesn’t stop them from drilling us with questions.

“Who was it?” Dad asks at the same time Quinn says, “Do they know who died?”

I cut my eyes to Alis. Just as he was at practice, he’s withdrawn and lost inside his head. If we were alone, I’d kiss him and bring him back to the now. But we’re not. Kissing him, or showing any sort of affection toward him, would be blatantly obvious. And as much as I’ve wanted to hurt Dad, I can’t do it through Alis. Not exploit the very thing I promised him I wouldn’t.


Because things have changed.

I’ve changed.

I fill them in on everything I know, which isn’t much. The police didn’t release the person’s name, but liquor bottles were found in the front seat of the car. It was pretty evident the person was shitfaced.

Dad and Quinn are too busy discussing how awful the situation is to notice Alis is sinking further into himself with every passing second. I’m desperate to get him alone because he’s unraveling fast.

“Can we take a raincheck on my birthday dinner?” I ask, interrupting their conversation. “We’re both a little shaken up over the accident.”

Dad nods, pride shining in his eyes that makes me want to simultaneously shy away from and run toward. “Understandable. I’ll order in barbeque from Stoney’s.”

My heart twists painfully inside my chest. I’m reminded of any time Mom didn’t feel like cooking and Dad would save the day by ordering Stoney’s. It’s such a small, stupid memory, but it punches hard enough to knock the breath out of me.

While Dad orders over the phone and Quinn grabs his wallet so they can pick it up, I motion for Alis to head upstairs. He goes straight to his room, but rather than dropping his bag and violin case in the doorway like a normal human would, he stows them both neatly away in his closet. Because I’m not OCD as fuck, I do drop my bag in the doorway and walk over to him, more eager to hold him than anything else.

“You’re sweaty,” he complains as he clings to my shirt, inhaling me. “You smell like ass.”

I smile, kissing the top of his head. “And you’re into that shit, which is why you’re sniffing me like I’m a snack.”

Our playfulness fades as Alis sighs heavily, sinking into my arms as though I can hold him up forever. I’m in no hurry to let him go, that’s for damn sure.

“Come on. Let’s shower,” I murmur, giving his ass a smack.

“I already showered.”

“And I dirtied you up.” Stepping back, I take his face in my hands, tilting his head up so I can peer into his captivating mahogany eyes. “Let me take care of you.”

His Adam’s apple bobs hard as he swallows, and his nostrils flare. He’s barely holding his shit together. It makes me want to do it for him. Just gather him up and keep him close, whispering assurances until we both believe everything will be okay.

Because it will be.

It has to be.

I pull away from Alis to grab more clothes from my room and check to make sure our dads left to pick up the food. Once it’s clear, I follow the sound of the shower running. Alis stands under the steamy spray, shoulders hunched and staring at the ground. Even though I give him shit about being smaller than me, he’s always seemed larger than life. Bigger and better. Right now, he’s so fragile. It hurts seeing him so wrecked. All I want to do is fix it.

Stripping out of my sweaty clothes, I join him in the shower. Since he’s seemingly lost, I grab a bar of soap to lather him up. It pulls him out of his trance, once again bringing his magnetic eyes to mine. With the water plastering his white hair to his forehead and droplets running down his face, he’s downright lickable. I pause in my efforts to clean him to press my lips to his wet ones. Our kiss is soft. I try to convey to him with my lips and tongue that I’ll make it better. Somehow. I don’t know how to undo his mood, but I want to try. I’m determined to do so.

A small moan escapes him, tossing a match on my desire for him. Fire licks a path down my spine, into my balls, and down the length of my dick as it thickens. One of his hands wraps around my cock, squeezing and stroking. I nip at his bottom lip, unable to keep from thrusting into his hand.

“I’m supposed to be taking care of you,” I murmur against his mouth. “Not the other way around.”

“You are.” He pulls back, dark eyes intense and probing, no longer filled with agonizing loneliness. “Just by being Canyon fucking Voss.”

My breath catches as he sinks to his knees in the shower. This is a sight I’ll store in the spank bank for years to come—Alis naked and soaking wet on his knees staring at my dick like he wants to choke on it. A groan rumbles through me as I toss the bar of soap on a ledge to free up my hands. I want to run my fingers through his wet hair and guide him every step of the way.

“What are you doing?” I croak out, unable to keep from flexing my hips so my dick taps at his chin.

“What’s it look like?” His lips kick up on one side in a mischievous, challenging smirk that has me eager to shove my cock down his tight throat. “I’m giving you a birthday blowjob.”

I hiss as he playfully teases my tip with his tongue. Everything about Alis is too much. I feel so much with him, and sometimes it’s overwhelming. Like, I didn’t know there were all these sensations to begin with. Suddenly, I’m thrust into this life where Alis Sommers forces me to feel every damn one of them.

Now that I’ve felt what I’ve been missing, there’s no way in hell I could ever go back to a dull, numb version of it.

His pretty pink lips slide over my length, and his tongue works its magic along the way. With one hand on the tiled wall to hold myself up and the other gripped tightly in his hair, I rock my hips, needing to push deep inside him. He hums, the vibration fluttering straight to my balls, as he grips my ass, urging me to do what I want. A curse tumbles past my lips as I slowly fuck his perfect mouth. The sounds coming from him are noisy and ragged. He gags and snorts and groans. It’s all so fucking wonderful. Like him. My Wonderland. Letting go of his hair, I slide my fingertips to the front of his neck, marveling over how it bulges each time my cock drives down his throat. I’m lost in the sheer blissfulness of our sinful act. There’s no time to warn him as I come with a shocked gasp.

Jerking out of his hot mouth so I don’t drown him in cum, I finish on his face. I’m frozen at how fucking sexy he is with his swollen lips parted and tongue sticking out as he eagerly waits for the rest. The water rinses most of it away, but Alis licks my crown, clearly savoring whatever remnants he can find.

I’m in so deep with this guy.

It’s a mystery I can’t unravel—how one day I hated his guts, and now I feel as though I would do damn near anything for him.

I help him to his feet and then crash into him with a gracious, starved kiss where I eagerly taste my saltiness on his tongue. Taking his dick in my hand, I stroke him urgently while I possess his mouth with mine. It doesn’t take but a few slippery jerks of his cock to have him moaning. His heat splatters between us as his cock twitches.

Fucking perfect.

“Best. Birthday. Ever.” I grin against his lips.

He pulls back slightly. “And I haven’t even given you your real present.”

His words chase away some of the fog of our fantasy come to life. It’s weird not spending my birthday with my mom and sister. Last I checked, I didn’t have any messages from either one of them. It sucks that when I woke up this morning, the three people to wish me a happy birthday are the three I first set out to destroy.

“What’s wrong?” Alis demands, his brows furling as he studies me.

“It’s just…” My voice cracks, and I shrug, looking away from him. “Mom doesn’t care.”

He shakes his head in vehemence. “Don’t say that. She does. I’m sure she’s just going through a rough time.” He strokes his thumb over my lips. “Everyone cares about you, even when they don’t want to. But your arrogant ass already knows this.”

“I mean, have you seen me?” I take a step back to gesture at my body.

He rolls his eyes and hands me the bar of soap. “Wash up and meet me in the studio.”

After a quick kiss to my chest that makes my heart lurch, he exits the shower. It feels too cold without him, so I quickly finish up and dress. As promised, he’s waiting for me in his studio. A grin teases my lips when I see the half-assed wrapping job around something unusual on the table.

“Did you sculpt me your dick? You shouldn’t have,” I deadpan.

He shakes his head at me. “That’d be too hard to recreate perfection. I got you the next best thing.”

“My dick?”

“No, asshole. Just look.”

I approach the table and smirk at his wrapping. It earns me the middle finger, to which I laugh. My laughter dies as I stare at the sculpture in awe.

Daisuke and Chibi.

They stand like their pose on my poster, but instead of looking forward, they’re looking at each other, intense need carved into the features of their faces. Two enemies who’ve grown to be much more than words could ever express. The details are incredible. I’m fascinated by the entire thing.

“It’s not finished yet,” he murmurs, mistaking my silence for not liking my gift. “I still have to add the weapons and paint it and—”

Tearing my gaze from the sculpture, I pounce on him, hushing him with a kiss. “Thank you. It’s so fucking cool, Wonderland.”

We both startle at the sound of Dad hollering for us. I take his hands in mine, bring them to my lips to kiss each one, then release him. It gets more difficult each day to let go of him to hide what we’re becoming from others.

Downstairs, Dad is pulling out the barbeque from bags while Quinn fetches plates and silverware. I grab a couple Cokes for Alis and me, making sure to give him a wink that turns his cheeks pink, before sitting down. Quinn pulls out a cake from a box and sets it in the middle of the table. Chocolate with Oreo pieces sprinkled all over.

“I thought sugar was forbidden in this house,” I can’t help but joke.

Quinn gives me a soft smile. “Things change.”

Guilt surges up inside of me, infecting the happy moment. I’m having the best time with Alis and our dads, yet it feels like a betrayal to my mother and sister.

As we eat, I fall into somber silence. This time, it’s Alis who worries over me. Both Quinn and Dad wear matching pinched expressions. I feel like a dick, especially since they went through all this effort on my birthday, but I can’t shake away the melancholy. After our meal and cake, Dad hands me a gift sack.

“From Quinn and me.” He sits down at the table again, taking Quinn’s hand. “Hope you like it.”

I open the package to find a set of Mubōna Ikari manga books with the new covers signed by both the artist and writer. The pre-orders for them opened up on July 15th, and they sold out within minutes. I’m stunned that they were able to obtain a set.

“How?” I ask, confusion making my voice waver. I’d tried to buy them, even set my alarm so I wouldn’t miss out, but I was pushed off the server almost immediately since so many people were trying to get on.

“Quinn made it happen,” Dad says, grinning at me.

“No,” Quinn disagrees. “I’m not taking the credit for this.”

“Fine, it took an army.” Dad shrugs. “I offered my Gators season pass tickets to anyone at the office who could get their hands on it. Quinn offered an extra week of vacation for anyone at his company who could get them. His assistant was the one who actually got through.”

“It was hell without her that week,” Quinn grumbles, though smiling happily.

My gut twists painfully. July 15th was right after the proposal on the boat. Not even two weeks after I punched my dad in the fucking face.

I’m such a prick sometimes.

“Thank you,” I croak out. “I don’t deserve this.”

Dad scoffs, shaking his head vehemently. “Son, you deserve more than I could ever give you in this lifetime.”

The flood of emotions threatening to drown me is overwhelming. I don’t want to face the fact that Dad loves me just as much as ever because I’m still angry at what he’s done to our family. Yet, I’m also grateful for him being the parent I need in this moment. I’m mentally scrambling at how to proceed when Alis speaks up, swiftly changing the conversation.

“I think someone is stalking me.”

I lift my gaze to him, expecting a playful grin. Instead, worry pinches his brows together. He’s not talking about me. He’s talking about the texts.

“W-What?” Quinn barks out, his voice higher than ever before. “Who?”

“I thought it was a wrong number at first, but after I blocked them, they messaged from a different number. It’s like they know me.” He bows his head, his shoulders hunching. “What if that car today wasn’t an accident?”

My blood runs icy cold. I’d read the texts he received, and they could be mistaken for being threatening. But who the fuck would want to threaten Alis?

I’m clueless, but the brief, knowing, horrified look Dad and Quinn exchange tells me maybe I’m missing something important.

“What is it?” I demand, a fierce need to protect Alis making the hairs on my arm stand on end as electric fury buzzes across my flesh.

“Let me have your phone,” Dad practically growls. “I can get some tech people at the office to see if we can’t locate—”

“I already erased everything,” Alis lies. “But, if they do it again, I’ll let you know.”

At first I’m annoyed, but then I realize why he didn’t want to fork over his phone. There’s no telling what sort of incriminating evidence about the two of us secretly hooking up my dad might find. If he asked for my phone, there’s a picture of Alis’s pretty mouth wrapped around my dick. Handing over his phone would be a bad idea.

“We won’t let anything happen to you,” Quinn vows. “Ever.”

Dad and I both nod in agreement, but Alis forces a smile.

He doesn’t believe us.

Well, too damn bad, Wonderland, because it’s the truth.