Feuds and Reckless Fury by K. Webster



Athousand questions sit on the tip of my tongue, but I swallow each and every one down. The last thing Alis needs is for me to demand answers from him.

No, he just needs me.

Alis is a lot of things—aggravating, competitive, mouthy.

He’s not weak.

Seeing him wilt and completely shut down under that man’s stare scared the shit out of me. I’d never witnessed anything like it. Like he was triggered. The last time I saw him like that was when he lost it on me before on the track. Back when I thought I hated him and took a swing at him.

Alis flipped his shit.

This time rather than tackling me, he folded in on himself, grabbed the lid of the mental box he’d climbed into, and slammed it shut.

Colin—his real father—is clearly a fucking monster. He admitted to shooting the man who attacked Alis. Didn’t even bat an eyelash at such a brutal statement.

It’s obvious Colin is a bad man. Alis’s mother wouldn’t have brought him to her brother if Colin was a good parent. Whatever he did or whoever he was is not someone you want to fuck with. As much as I’d wanted to knock that asshole out, I refrained. If he didn’t blink at murdering someone on the front porch, I seriously doubt he’d have a problem with shoving a gun in my face.

Dad and Quinn aren’t stupid. They’re not reckless either. It’s clear Colin stayed away all this time for a reason. Quinn’s loaded and could lawyer up in a heartbeat. If Colin really is the piece of shit I suspect he is, he would’ve never won in a courtroom with Quinn. Now that Alis is graduating this year, though, it changes things. He seemed convinced that Alis would actually choose to go back with him.

As soon as Alis is not in his zombie state, I’m going to make him block that prick’s number. Hopefully, Dad and Quinn can figure out how to make that man stay away.

“They won’t go to the police with this,” Alis murmurs when we reach his room, reading my thoughts without me having to say them.

“He admitted to killing someone.”

My argument earns me a scoff. “Do you know who he is? What he is?”

I shut the door and lock it behind me. Alis strips down to his bright orange briefs before climbing into bed. The muscles in his back and the swell of his ass have my mouth watering, but I ignore the heat making my balls tingle. After also undressing and flipping off the overhead light, I lie down beside him.

“No, but you’re going to tell me,” I finally say, pulling him to my side.

He wraps his arm and leg over my body, clinging to me in a manner that makes my chest hurt. It’s as though he thinks if he glues himself to me, he’ll never have to let go. Like maybe if he relaxes, even for a second, Colin will materialize and steal him away.

“I can’t tell you because I don’t know,” he whispers. “Not really. I can tell Dad really knows, though.”

“He’s gone now. Your dad isn’t going to let him come back.” I run my fingers over his arm. “Why are you afraid of him?”

“When I was a child, he was always threatening my mom because she was screwing him over in some way or another. I think he’s a drug dealer,” he says softly. “Not like some dude selling coke on the corner downtown. Like big time. Supplier even. I’m not sure. He’s changed since I saw him last. More put together. More established. Back then, though, he seemed to be working his way up the chain. He’d come over, rough Mom up a bit, and then terrorize me some.”

“He hurt you?” My body thrums with anger, pulsating through me like an electric bass. “Alis, did he?”


I smile despite my fury. “Did he, Wonderland?”

“Nothing terrible,” he admits. “Mom always earned a smack by provoking him. He said some stuff that scared the shit out of me plenty of times and shoved me at times.”

“Why are you afraid of him then? You shut down…” And had a fucking panic attack. “I wanted to kill him.”

He sits up, straddling my waist, and strokes his fingers over my abs. My stomach clenches at the soft tickling sensation.

“Tell me,” I urge, squeezing his thighs.

“I’m afraid he’s going to take me away for good. My biggest fear…” He trails off and dips down to my mouth, capturing my lips in a hungry kiss. My palms slide to his perfect ass, and I squeeze each cheek over his briefs.

Fuck, I love his ass.

“Your biggest fear?” I murmur against his lips, trying like hell not to get distracted by his hot mouth and hard body.

“My biggest fear is that Dad will kick me out or disown me or encourage me to leave the nest. I…” His voice cracks, and a tremble quivers through his body. “I don’t want to be alone. I don’t want to have to go live with Colin.”

“Never,” I growl as I grab his throat, running my thumb over his pulse that’s throbbing wildly. “You’re staying here.”

“But if Dad ever—”

“With me,” I reiterate. “You’re staying with me.”

“And if they find out about this?” His hot breath against my lips makes me achingly hard. “What will we do then?”

“Whatever it is, we do it together.”

“Come on, Canyon. Be real.”

A grunt of frustration rumbles through me. “I’m being serious.”

“You don’t even know what I want to do with my life. Now, suddenly, you’re ready to make plans?”

Despite the challenge in his voice, I hear the crack of vulnerability. He wants me to choose him. To make promises. Lay out a plan that includes him. Alister Sommers needs to be tethered to this world, or else he feels like he’ll float away, somehow ending up in the black void that is his biological father.

“I bet I could guess.” I roll us until he’s beneath me. Grabbing his wrists, I pin them to the bed beside his head. “Just like I guessed you wanted me to overpower you.”

His hips lift, eagerly seeking out the friction my body offers. I grind my dick against his, making us both gasp with pleasure before stilling.

“You,” I murmur, nipping at his bottom lip, “want to make your art. Maybe even sell it one day. I can see you wanting to study it more, maybe traveling someplace where you can learn on your own versus some boring classroom.”

He sighs as though he likes that idea. “Sculpting makes me happy.”

“Happier than running track or playing violin.”

“I like transforming something pliable and soft, making it into something better than it was before. Changing it into something permanent and beautiful.”


I’d teased him about looking as though he was ready to move out at any second. But it’s exactly the truth. Alis is afraid to plant roots in case he gets plucked up. Planting roots and then being ripped away would hurt too much. I can understand that.

“So, we’ll go do that.” I shrug. “Go let you do your art shit.”

The bed rumbles with his laughter. “You have it all figured out, huh? You’re going to run away with your barely boyfriend, who’ll soon be your stepbrother?”

“Not run away,” I explain, kissing his supple lips. “Travel and learn.”

“What about college?” he demands. “Our dads would kill us if we didn’t go.”

“In your imagined scenario, we’re already dead. Stepbrother fucking and all got us kicked out. Disowned. Whatever. It earns us freedom.” I kiss a path along his jaw and to his throat. “In my scenario, we’ll do what we want because we can.”

He moans at the touch of my tongue dancing over his skin near his ear. I love the fuck out of teasing him. After a few small love bites that I hope will bruise because seeing my handiwork the next day is intoxicating, I smile against his flesh.

“We’re not your dumb anime porn duo,” he sasses, bucking his hips up.

Mubōna Ikari isn’t porn, fucker.” I let go of his wrists to kiss along his chest to his navel. My tongue dips into the hole, earning a gasp from him. “It’s art.”

“I beg to differ.”

“I’ll have you begging to come instead.”

His fingers fly to my hair, and he tugs at the strands. “Canyon, I’m scared.”

“Of coming?”

“No, asshole,” he grumbles. “The future. Not knowing. Because if Colin—”

“The future is certain,” I interrupt, hooking my fingers into the waistband of his briefs. “It’s certain. I’ll make sure you have one. Here. With me. And if we get run off by our dads, then it’ll be out there.” I rid him of his underwear and point toward the big window. “Still with me, Wonderland. Got any other arguments? I can go all night.”

He curses as my tongue circles the tip of his cock, toying with the piercing there. A burst of warmth surges through me at the thought of the metal rubbing at my prostate. When he’d first fingered my ass while sucking me off, I nearly lost my mind. I was apprehensive to begin with, but it quickly turned to begging for more. I’m not sure I’ll completely love a dick up my ass, but if Alis can take it, surely I can too. Usually, whatever he can do, I can do better.

“You look evil right now,” Alis murmurs, panting and eagerly trying to push the crown of his dick past my lips.

“Just reminding myself that I’m better at being gay than you.”

“That’s not a thing, man.”

“I just made it a thing.”

“There aren’t levels of gayness. You don’t get to beat certain levels and win gold coins or some shit.”

“But if you could, I’d be at least three levels above you, and you’d be begging to borrow some of my coins.”

“I’m not arguing about this with you because it’s fucking dumb.”

“You’re not arguing because it’s no contest.”

“You’ll never be at my level anyway,” he argues, because let’s face it, he has to win when it comes to the things we do together. “You’re bi. I beat you by fifty percent—”

I choke on his dick while he chokes on his words. Whatever verbal argument he thought he was winning ended the second I got his cock down my throat. I might be bisexual, but I’m all sexual when it comes to Alis Sommers. He drives me crazy in the best possible ways. Makes me forget all the stupid, terrible shit in my life and want to protect him from the stupid, terrible shit in his own life. My problems with Dad, Mom, Carrie, Damon—they all fade when I have this guy pinned beneath me, keening as I suck on his dick like it’s an Olympic sport and I’m trying to earn a fucking gold medal.

He comes so quickly, I’m pretty sure he’s won some sort of Guinness World Record. When I articulate as much, we wrestle around on the bed, tangling the sheets and laughing until he’s showing me with his perfect, extremely expert tongue that I can once again beat Wonderland.

I come down his eager throat, much quicker than he came down mine.

Fuck, I’ll never tire of how he makes me feel. It’s terrifying to be so overcome with such intense emotion and need, but it’s also exhilarating. I’ve been hurting for too long because of my family troubles.

This feels good and right and fulfilling.

I’ll give him that sense of home and the future he craves.

All he has to do is give me one thing…
