The Viscount’s Darling Adventure by Maggie Dallen


Leo caught sight of Clarissa on the edge of the dance floor and he inadvertently tightened his grip on Lady Penelope. Or was it Lady Patricia? Lady Patience?

“Your hands are so strong, my lord,” the girl gushed, her lashes batting in a frantic pattern that he could only assume was meant to be appealing. It looked more like she’d gotten a large bug in her eye.

“Thank you,” he replied, his gaze returning over her head as he searched for Clarissa once again. Beautiful as ever, he couldn’t help but note, even from this distance that she’d appeared pale. Distressingly so.

He gave a growl of frustration, sounding far more like the Earl of Darling than he was accustomed to. But in this moment, he understood the other man a bit better. Clarissa needed him. And he’d been his irritatingly meddlesome aunt.

Apparently, his little speech about marrying a woman of his choice had the opposite of the intended effect. Rather than accept that he planned to woo and marry Clarissa Rutland, his aunt had decided to toss every eligible woman in front of him in the hopes that one would catch his fancy.

She’s arranged dance after dance, trapping him with his manners into accepting them. If he didn’t, he’d embarrass both himself and the ladies in question.

But who could blame Clarissa for thinking the worst? Wait, was she thinking the worst?

If he’d had to watch her dance with a parade of men…

A growl rose in his throat again.

“Are you all right, my lord?” Lady Prudence asked. “Are you catching a cold?”

“A cold?” he asked, his brows rising. “Yes. I do believe I am. I hope you don’t mind but I may have to sit the rest of this dance out and possibly the next several. I’m feeling dreadful.”

She nodded sympathetically, and Leo had a moment of regret. Pansy was likely a nice enough person, and he appreciated her understanding. He truly did. But right now, he needed to secure his future...their future. His and Clarissa’s.

“Of course, my lord,” she murmured. “You wouldn’t want your cold to turn into an infection of the lung. Dreadful business.”


She placed a hand on his arm. “I believe my sister Pearl is your next dance. I shall tell her what’s happened.”

“Most kind,” he said with a solemn nod as inwardly he rolled his eyes. How many dances had his aunt secured for him, and did she truly believe that this strategy would work?

After years in society, after a single dance, he’d just fall in love?

But then he nearly burst out laughing because, well, that is actually what had happened. With Clarissa.

Of course, there had been conversation too, and subtle touches that had led to that kiss and now…now he was hopelessly ensnared by her bewitching blonde hair and sweet smile. And he wouldn’t have it any other way.

When Lord Darius had sent word that the family would be in attendance at the ball, he’d also apologized for his behavior at the dinner party. And more importantly, he’d stated that he’d like a chance to explain what had happened between their cousin and Major Ainsworth.

To Leo, that was all the assurance he’d needed.

Clarissa’s family intended to support the match. Which in Leo’s mind, gave him all the more reason to ask for her hand. Tonight.

But his aunt was insisting on being the final fly in the ointment with this ridiculous scheme to fill his evening, keep him from Clarissa, and attempt to match him with someone else. Didn’t she know him better than that?

If there was one thing he was not, it was fickle.

He left Pearl or Paisley—what was her name again?—with her family and started for the corner where the Earl of Darling had gathered with his sisters.

But he hadn’t made it halfway about the room when his aunt stopped him. “What did you think of Lady Phoebe?”

Phoebe.Of course. “She was lovely,” he answered.

His aunt beamed. “Good. If I’m not mistaken, you have a dance with her sister Pearl next.”

He levelled his aunt with a long glare. “You are mistaken.”

His aunt had the decency to flush. “Now Leo. We mustn’t be rude. We’re better than that.”

He cocked his head to the side, letting the silence stretch out a bit so that his aunt might consider her words. “You’re right. We are better than that.” Then he held out his elbow. “Which is why we’re going to give another crack at mending fences with the Rutlands.”

He watched as several emotions flitted across her face. Shock, anger, worry, and finally...irritation. “You can’t be serious.”

“I am,” he answered as he held out his elbow a little further. “This is happening. The question you should ask yourself is how will it appear when I choose my Rutland bride over my Ainsworth family rather than us making the move to mend fences together.”

His aunt’s mouth thinned. “You’re trapping me.”

“And what, dear aunt, have you been attempting to do to me all evening?”

She sniffed but did not comment further as they passed by his uncle. Leo gave a brief nod that the man should follow. And as a former military man, his uncle understood when an order was being issued and he ought to follow.

It took nearly a quarter an hour to make it over to where Clarissa and her family were stationed.

Darius stood with Evelyn, blocking his sisters from view. He gave a silent nod of acknowledgement as they approached. Leo returned the gesture. “She’s in the ferns with Mariah,” Darius muttered, giving his chin a jerk back toward a clump of potted plants.

Leo eyed the ferns with arched brows. He didn’t see her, and also… “What is she doing hiding in the foliage?”

Evelyn’s smile was wan. “It’s best if you don’t ask.”

“Right.” Leo dropped his elbow, turning so Darius was in full view of his aunt and uncle. “I believe you have some matters you’d like to discuss with my family.”

“I do,” Darius answered.

Leo only hesitated for a moment. Part of him wondered if he should stay, see his aunt through what was sure to be a difficult conversation. But as his uncle slipped an arm about his wife, Leo knew they’d make it through together.

He had his own business to attend.

He needed to speak with Clarissa before her feelings were hurt further. He looked at Darius. “We’re clear on my objective for this evening?”

“Crystal,” Darius returned with a nod. “And mine as well. I know what I have to do.”

“Thank you,” Leo answered as he started for the clump of plants.

His chest tightened as he came closer, slipping behind them. He found Clarissa with her back to him, as her sister Mariah, silently patted Clarissa’s back.


Her head jerked around, and he could see that her eyes were red rimmed. She’d been crying. His heart ached in his chest. “Mariah,” he murmured. “Would you be so kind as to give us a moment?”

Mariah’s brows went up. “I don’t think—”

“I’ve your brother’s permission.”

That made both women start in surprise. Without another word, Mariah slipped from the alcove, leaving him and Clarissa alone.

Her gaze was cast toward the wall, her arms wrapping about her own midriff.

“Clarissa,” he started stepping closer. “It pains me to see you so upset.”

Her gaze darted to his, but rather than looking upset, she appeared...angry. “Perhaps if you’d called over the past few days…”

He winced. “Please don’t misunderstand. I had some things to work out with your brother before I could come to your home.”

“Did you…work them out?” she asked, her eyes widening.

He stepped closer until he was near enough to touch her. “I believe that we did.”


“We’ve been…” He raked a hand through his hair. “Corresponding.”

She covered her lips with her fingers for a moment before dropping them to say, “I had no idea.”

He glanced out toward the ballroom where their families were gathered. “At this moment, your brother is talking to my aunt and uncle about what transpired on the day of the duel.”

Clarissa’s gaze went wide, and she peeked through the fronds. He followed suit, bending down low until their cheeks nearly touched.

He could just make out the solemn faces of his aunt and uncle as they silently nodded, the Earl of Darling murmuring quiet words meant just for them. “That can’t be,” Clarissa said under her breath.

“It can.”

“But if you’ve been working on things with Darius, why were you…” Her voice trailed off before she turned to look at him, her face only a few inches from his. “Why were you dancing with all those other women?”

He sighed and then he lifted a hand to gently cup her cheek. “My aunt’s doing. And you know me. I have a difficult time shirking rules for my own benefit.”

That made her smile. Soft and sweet and so achingly delightful that he nearly kissed her again. But he refrained. He had important things to say himself, and he’d not allow kissing her to distract him once again. That could come later. Hopefully.

“I do know that about you,” she answered, her hand finding his as their fingers laced together.

He placed his forehead against hers. “You’ve gotten to know me so well in such a short time.”

Her eyes fluttered closed. “Well enough to wonder if I am the right woman for you after all.”

He heard the pain in her voice. It ripped at his insides. “Of course you are.”

She shook her head, her soft skin moving against his. “I nearly lost my temper when I saw you dancing with another. I’m not an Ainsworth and I—”

“That’s what I love about you.”

She gasped, her eyes snapping open. “Love?”

He couldn’t help himself then. With slow tenderness, he captured her lips with his own. They clung together for a moment before he pulled back just enough to look down into her eyes. “Lady Clarissa Rutland, I love you with all my heart.”

She gasped, her eyes shining anew. “I love you too.”

He relaxed then, his shoulders curling toward her. “You complete me in ways I never imagined. You make me strong in ways I wasn’t before. You bring out the parts of me I’ve ignored for far too long. I not only love you, but I like myself far better when I’m with you.”

She pushed up on her toes, capturing his lips again. This touch was less tender and more passionate as several seconds went by. When they finally broke apart, both were panting for breath. “I feel exactly the same. You bring out the best in me, and you curb some of my worst tendencies. You’re perfect for me.”

“And you’re perfect for me,” he said letting go of her hand to gather her closer, his arm threading about her waist to draw her near. “Which is why I’d be honored if you consented to be my wife.”

She stared up at him, her mouth opening and closing, but no words came out.

He smiled, leaning down and softly rubbing the tip of his nose to hers. “Generally, it's best to answer when a man asks you to be his wife.”

She blinked several times, her heart beating wildly against his. Still holding her cheek, he let the tips of his fingers glide along her skin as he patiently waited.

For Clarissa, he’d spend an eternity waiting like this.