The Viscount’s Darling Adventure by Maggie Dallen


One month later...

The church doorswere opened wide as the happy couple burst out into the sun.

It was the perfect day for a wedding.

Clarissa held onto Leo’s arm watching as her sister Tabetha greeted her guests as the new Duchess of Walton.

“Wasn’t it beautiful?” Clarissa sighed softly, her cheek coming to rest on Leo’s shoulder.

“It was,” he answered, staring at the couple. “I hope the day we wed is just as pretty.”

Clarissa wrinkled her nose, looking up at her soon to be husband. It wasn’t the weather that had her heart atwitter today. “It could be pouring rain for all I care.”

He looked down at her, his brows raised. “Is that so?”

“It is,” she said with a smile. “What I meant when I said today was beautiful was the emotion I could feel between Tabetha and her new husband.”

“Oh,” Leo chuckled, pulling her a touch closer. “You’re right. That was wonderful.”

Mariah fell in step behind them. “I’m certain your wedding will be just as lovely.”

“As will yours,” Clarissa answered, giving her sister a long glance. Truth be told, she was just a touch worried about Mariah. As the middle sister, she should have wed before Clarissa. Not that her family cared about such traditions. They didn’t. Except that Mariah had been increasingly quiet. “Your turn will come.”

Mariah didn’t answer as she watched Tabetha and the duke. “To think. Both of my sisters married to lords.”

Clarissa stopped, turning partially back toward her sister. “Is that what you want as well?”

Mariah shrugged. “I don’t know. Likely not. A simple life would suit me just fine.”

Simple life? Clarissa’s brows drew together. It wasn’t that she didn’t understand her sister’s sentiment. Clarissa, just a month ago, had not wanted much to do with society. And Mariah, of all the sisters, participated in society the least. But if Clarissa had learned one thing over the past several weeks it was that a person should not close off any avenue to happiness. “Don’t make that decision yet.”

Mariah raised a single brow. “I appreciate your concern, but I promise I’ll be just fine.”

Clarissa patted her fiancé’s arm before she let go and waited for Mariah to walk with her for a few minutes. “That sounds like you know something I don’t.”

Mariah gave her a shy smile. “Can you keep a secret?”

“I can,” Clarissa whispered, leaning closer. Her sister had met someone.

“A few days ago, I was painting in the park when I happened upon another artist.”

Another artist? “Go on.”

A shy smile pulled at Mariah’s lips. “He was handsome and talented, and he asked if I’d like to paint with him again.”

Clarissa’s gaze widened. “I see. What was he like, this fellow artist of yours?”

Mariah smiled. “A lot like me, actually. Very quiet. Unassuming. We sat together in silence, and it was quite lovely.”

“I see,” Clarissa said again. Her lips tugged down, but she forced them back up into what she hoped was a smile. “How exciting that you’ve met someone.”

Mariah nodded. “It is. I think it is.”

Who was Mariah attempting to convince? Clarissa or herself? Clarissa opened her mouth to protest. Mariah was talented, there could be no doubt. But somehow, Clarissa had pictured a man more like Leo for her shy sister. Well, not like Leo exactly, but a man who complemented Mariah’s personality just as Leo complemented hers.

They were opposites in many respects, but in a way that balanced each other perfectly. She’d rather hoped Mariah would find the same. “Just try to keep yourself open. You don’t need to rush.”

Mariah nodded. “You’re right. With both of you so well matched, I hardly need marry at all. But it was nice to have someone notice me and like me for what I am good at and not just for my…” Her sister trailed off with a shrug, but Clarissa understood.

Despite her shyness, a fair number of gentlemen had expressed an interest in Mariah. She was exceptionally beautiful. None of those men, however, really knew her. “Well, if this artist of yours sees you for you, there isn’t much more you could ask for.”

Darius came to stand next to them, helping Mariah down the stairs even as Leo held his elbow out to Clarissa once again. “Tabetha looks so happy, doesn’t she?”

Evelyn smiled from his other side. “She does.”

Darius glanced over at Mariah. “Your turn will be soon.”

Clarissa opened her mouth to say that their sister’s turn had already begun when Mariah’s elbow landed in her soft side. She let out a whoosh of air as Mariah continued to smile and promptly changed the subject by turning to talk to Leo. “It was nice of your family to come to the wedding today.”

Leo chuckled. “A duke’s wedding? They wouldn’t miss it.”

“It’s unfortunate that Walton’s friend Lord Havercrest couldn’t be in attendance,” Evelyn said. “Especially as it was his request that set Walton and Tabetha on their path to romance.”

Clarissa drew in a deep breath, clearing the pain from her sister’s jab. “Why couldn’t he attend?”

Darius grimaced. “His father has passed.”

Silence fell about the group as they all gave a moment of sympathy to Lord Havercrest. They’d lost their own parents, and it was a loss they understood well.

“But,” Darius finally continued. “He’s invited us all to come for a visit this summer.”

His gaze settled on Mariah once again, and Clarissa’s eyes narrowed. What was Darius about? Did he have some plan in mind? But she didn’t have the opportunity to ask.

Leo spoke before she had the chance. “When is this visit to happen?”

“July, I believe,” Darius replied. “Why?”

Leo gave a wince of regret. “Clarissa and I won’t be able to attend, I’m afraid.”

Clarissa looked at her fiancé then, confusion marking her brow. “Why is that?”

He gave her a secret grin, the sort that still made butterflies beat in her belly. “Because we are going on a trip.”

“A trip,” her voice grew high and tight as she squeezed his arm. “Where?”

His smile widened. “Wherever my bride wishes. Europe? America? Africa?”

“Oh,” she gasped, bouncing on her heels. “Really?”

“For you,” he whispered, leaning close to her ear. “Anything.”

Clarissa wished she could kiss him. Leo was her perfect match. Her soulmate and the man who made all her dreams come true.

“I love you,” she whispered.

“And I love you,” he said as his cheek quickly brushed hers. “Wherever in the world we go, I’ll always be home with you.”

* * *

Thank you for reading!Be sure to turn the page for a free sample of Mariah’s story, up next in the novella, The Marquess’s Darling Match.