How to Rope a Loyal Cowboy by Anya Summers


What the fuck had Noah been thinking?

That was the problem. He hadn’t been thinking, at least not with the right head. All he had wanted to do was comfort Morgan last night. He’d never expected that the moment he held her in his arms, everything inside him would chime: mine. Nor had he been prepared for the powerful punch of lust with the breadth and scope of a massive avalanche to swallow him whole the moment she pressed her lush lips over his.

When she had crushed her tight little body up against his, between the feel of her ripe tits smooshed against his chest, and her lush mouth sucking on his bottom lip, he’d had absolutely no restraint against her. No barrier in place he could use to force her away.

All the control he used to pride himself on as a Dominant had given him the proverbial finger. And he had drowned in the feel of her, in her honeyed taste, and never wanted to come up for air.

It had taken everything inside him to stop.

But that didn’t mean she hadn’t starred in his illicit fantasies overnight. He’d jacked off so many times last night, his dick was sore today. He couldn’t remember the last time that had happened.

“Dad!” Wade hollered his name like a war cry as he launched himself onto Noah’s bed.

Zack was right behind him, bellowing like a lunatic.

Noah’s eyes snapped open. He laughed at their antics as they wrestled with him. It was a Sunday morning tradition. And they were tough, considering it was two against one.

They ended the wrestle session because Zack declared, “I’m starving. When is breakfast going to be ready?”

“I can make you guys some worm pie, like Morgan did.”

“No!” they replied with horrified laughter.

“Or maybe some bear scat pies?”


“Okay, well let’s go see what we have, and maybe I could make some pancakes,” Noah said. It was one of the few dishes he could make, and make well.


He ushered them off his bed that he would end up making at some point today. “We should be quiet and let Morgan sleep.”

Noah needed a little distance from her today to get his head back on straight. He couldn’t be fantasizing about her, or jacking off to those fantasies about her. She was too young. It didn’t matter that the potency of their chemistry had flattened him. Separation would be good for them both. She probably was feeling a little self-conscious over last night, and he wouldn’t do anything to make her feel bad.

But when the three of them waltzed into the kitchen, they discovered Morgan at the stove. She was trying to give Noah a heart attack. She stood there in this flimsy, ivory nightgown. It skimmed her lithe form, ended at mid-thigh, and was almost see-through.

Jesus Christ!

Morgan had a fucking killer body, and she was all woman.

Another part of his anatomy thought so too. Noah stood frozen to the spot, attempting to remember the formula for Lucky Stake’s vitamin regimen in order to deflate his greedy dick. He couldn’t walk around with a hard-on all the time. Nor was he going to let himself be led around by his cock.

“Morning.” She gave them a sunny smile over a slim shoulder. Her hair was down today. The dark chestnut locks fell to her mid back. He imagined it spread over his pillow as she gazed up at him with hunger in her eyes.

Son of a bitch.

“Morning. You didn’t have to get up so early.”

“I figured I would get breakfast on for you guys before I took my bath. I’ve got cinnamon rolls in the oven. They should be ready in a minute. There’s bacon and fruit on the table. You can start helping yourselves. The scrambled eggs are almost done too. Wade and Zack, your cups with milk are on the table already. And the coffee just finished brewing, if you want a cup.”

What Noah wanted, was to back her up against the counter and do very bad things to her. See if her skin tasted like honey too. Lift the hem of the nightgown up, discover if she wore any panties beneath or was bare. Discover if her cunt was slick with dew.

But he couldn’t do any of that, and not only because they had an audience. He would be taking advantage of her. He never wanted her to think her job and the roof over her head revolved around whether she was spreading her thighs for him.

Grunting, shoving the image of her on his bed with her legs spread away, he headed over to the coffeepot. There was a mug she had already set out for him on the counter. He poured himself a full cup of the dark brew, and took a long sip.

With his steaming mug, he went over to the table. Wade and Zack were already seated. He served up the bacon and fruit for his boys.

“Watch out. I’m coming in with a hot pan,” Morgan warned.

Noah turned around, and his tongue nearly fell out.

Holy shit!

If he thought the back of the nightgown was bad, the front was even worse. He could discern the outline of her nipples through the material. They were a dark rouge, round, and large. His mouth watered at the thought of sucking on them. His dick jerked at the thought.

What was she doing to him? Trying to give him a heart attack?

But she didn’t pay him any heed. She just scooped up eggs onto plates before heading back over to the stove. She placed the frying pan on the back burner, grabbed a pair of pot holders, and removed a dish from the oven.

The scent of the cinnamon rolls wafted in the kitchen.

She was spoiling them. Making it so that he would do anything to keep her. Noah sat down at the table—because it was either that, or he would do something foolhardy, like toss her over his shoulder, take her to his bedroom, and spend the day learning every nook and cranny on her sweet form, regardless of whether his sons were outside the door asking to come inside.

A bite of egg lodged in his throat when she returned to the table with the hot pan of cinnamon rolls coated in icing, and dished them out onto plates. She had to bend down slightly as she served them. Just enough for him to catch a glimpse of her creamy, pert mounds.

Shaking with lust, Noah distracted himself with the food and his boys, ignoring the way his dick strained and pointed in her direction like a damn dowsing rod.

When she finally joined them, he was supremely glad the table covered and hid his erection. The damn thing liked her a lot, and was rather pissy that it wasn’t getting what it wanted.

Morgan talked with Wade and Zack. His boys had really warmed up to her, and in just a week. At this point, most of the nannies he had hired had usually taken off with a lose my number message, and middle finger salute.

But Morgan was sticking around.

He wouldn’t get his hopes up that she would stay, though. None of them ever had, but perhaps it was because they hadn’t found the right person until Morgan.

His cell rang. The sound disrupted the conversation around the table. He closed his eyes for a minute. This meant that Daisy Duke wasn’t going to make it. Fishing the device out of his pajama bottoms pocket, he answered, “Hello.”

“Noah, it’s Carl. I think you’d better get in here.”

“How bad is she?”

“I’ve already called the vet for you,” Carl stated, leaving the rest unsaid. Mainly because they both knew what it meant.


It was part of running a ranch, part of being a Horse Master—being able to do the right thing, no matter how hard it was on him, and put the horse out of its misery. Daisy Duke was twenty-two, and had spent the majority of her life on this ranch.

“I’ll be there shortly. Don’t do anything until I get there.” He hung up and looked at Morgan.

Concern and understanding shone in her slate gaze. She jerked her chin. “Go. I’ve got them.”

“I know this was supposed to be your day off.” He would pay her double for today, and not only because he was feeling guilty about last night.

“Noah, don’t worry about it. Go take care of the horse. We’ll be fine, won’t we?” She smiled at his kids.

After being on his own for so long, having her here, knowing he could leave to take care of things at the stables and that she wouldn’t hightail it out the moment things got hard eased a burden he hadn’t even realized he had been carrying on his shoulders.

“Thanks. I appreciate it, and owe you an extra day off.” Noah left the table and didn’t waste time.

He pulled on jeans and a tee shirt, grabbed his wallet and keys, and was out the door in under five minutes. He drove like Satan had unleashed hell hounds after him. Daisy Duke was one of his girls, a chestnut quarter horse with a calm and sweet nature. For years, she had been one of the mares they would have ferrying young kids because of her sedate character.

Noah had feelings for each and every horse under his care. But there were some, like Daisy Duke, with her gentle nips on his shoulder, who managed to tunnel their way inside his heart.

At the stables, he flew out of his truck and raced inside to her stall. All the stable hands were there standing sentinel. His assistant Kate was in the group of cowboys. Even the guys, Maverick, Emmett, and Tanner, stood by solemnly. Duncan was on a camping trip, teaching survival skills to tourists. Lincoln was in New Jersey, dealing with his mom’s estate. And Colt was down in Houston. So Noah understood why those three weren’t here. But he slapped his best friends on the shoulder and squeezed as he passed.

But his eyes widened in surprise when he spied Colt’s sister, Amber.

“Carl called me. We all wanted to be here. Daisy’s been a part of this ranch since I was a kid,” Amber explained with a sheen of tears in her eyes.

He nodded at her. Unable to speak because he was too choked up, he went into the stall where Daisy Duke lay on her side, her breathing labored.

“Doc,” he said to the vet, Eric Thorton, as he knelt down and positioned himself so that Daisy’s head was in his lap. Once he had her settled, he nodded at the vet.

“It’s time for you to rest, old girl. We’re all going to miss you something fierce.” He stroked her head as the vet administered the injection that stopped her heart.

Some days on the ranch were harder than others. This was one of those days when it was at its hardest. Losing Daisy Duke was like losing a best friend. There wasn’t a person present who didn’t have tears in their eyes, himself included. But he just continued to stroke the mare’s head as everyone paid their respects.

Someone broke out a bottle of whiskey and passed out little Dixie cups filled with a shot for those who wanted it. They toasted Daisy. Those who were working today, headed off to start on their duties. But Mav, Emmett, and Tanner remained, along with Amber.

“She should be buried out in the horse yard,” Amber said, wiping at her tears.

They had a graveyard for horses on the ranch. Not all of them ended up there, only the ones who were with them the longest.

“I’ll get it done,” Noah said, knowing it was going to eat up more of his day off but he didn’t care. It was the least he could do for the old girl.

“We all will,” Emmett added solemnly.

“Bianca knows I’ll be gone most of the day,” Mav said, talking about his fiancée.

“I’d like to help,” Amber stated. For once, she wasn’t dressed in heels and skirt but outfitted like a cowgirl.

“Actually, if you could deal with all the paperwork, the boys and I will get the grave dug,” Noah said. Colt would take a whip to each one of them if they allowed his baby sister to dig a horse grave. It didn’t matter that she was the boss now. There were just some things that were for the men on the ranch to do. And he didn’t care if it ruffled her feathers and was considered anti-feminist. Amber wouldn’t be digging the grave.

Amber studied them, like she was trying to find a chink in the male wall of dominance. Then she conceded with a nod, her stormy eyes full of emotions. “Fine. I will take care of the paperwork and get the vet squared away. I’ve got my cell on me. Call if you need me. And when you four are done, you’re done for the day, understood?”

“That we do.” Noah nodded, even though getting Daisy buried would likely take them all day.

It took them almost an hour to get Daisy’s body loaded into the back of his truck before they set out with water and shovels to bury her.

At the horse graveyard, nobody spoke as they went to work—at least, not for the first hour—with anything more than grunts and nods.

“How’s that new nanny working out for you?” Maverick asked at length, wiping a forearm across his brow.

“Wait. Why haven’t I heard about this? Who’s the new nanny?” Tanner asked, and shot Noah a questioning stare.

“Morgan Davies,” Emmett answered for Noah with a grin.

“Ed’s daughter is your new nanny? Get the fuck out?” Tanner stated, and Noah could practically see the wheels turn in his mind before he asked, “She’s not seeing anyone that you know of, is she?”

“Dude, you’re like a decade older than Morgan.” Noah sighed and dug the shovel in the dirt. Sweat poured down his back from the heat.

Tanner shrugged, with a grin. “So? She’s in her twenties, legal and, in case it missed your notice, hot as hell.”

“Leave her the fuck alone,” Noah growled, seriously considering whether he should dig another grave beside Daisy’s for Tanner.

A sly grin spread over Tanner’s face, and he chortled. The prick laughed so hard, he bent over and slapped his thigh. Emmett and Mav weren’t much better, with their stupid grins.

“What?” Noah asked the three of them rather testily. Today had been a motherfucker of a day, and he wanted to get it over with.

“You’ve got a thing for the nanny?” Tanner howled with laughter.

“I do not!” he denied but oh, did he ever. Good thing they didn’t know about the kiss last night. Or the way she had looked this morning in her nightgown. Or how every time he got near her, he had a hard-on.

“Denial. I remember this stage, don’t you, Emmett?” Mav asked Emmett with a lopsided grin.

“Sure do. It’s going to be fun to watch him get his ass handed to him, I’m thinking,” Emmett stated, surveying Noah like he was a late night comedy sketch about to unfold and leave them in stitches.

“You know what? Fuck you guys.” Noah went back to shoveling dirt, trying to ignore the lamebrain idiots he called friends.

Mav chuckled. “I do believe you’re right.”

“I don’t have a thing for Morgan,” he growled, and shot them all an evil look.

“Oh, it’s Morgan, is it? Not Miss Davies, or the nanny, or Ed’s daughter,” Tanner stated with laughter in his voice.

“It’s her name, asshole.”

“Then you wouldn’t mind if I asked her out?” Tanner inquired with a raised brow.

Noah saw red. He clenched the handle of the shovel so hard, he was surprised the wood didn’t snap in two. He growled, “Touch her, and I will dig your grave beside Daisy’s. Try it, and see how far you get.”

“I was wrong. He’s not just in denial, he’s moved into territorial. That means he’s either slept with her already or… he’s thinking about it.” Mav chuckled darkly.

Noah exploded with exasperation. “I haven’t slept with her. She’s twenty-three. I’m thirty-five.”

“And? You’re not dead. While you might have acted like it for the last few years, you aren’t. Maybe it’s time you started living,” Tanner stated.

“Guys, I think we should back off him, at least for today, in light of Daisy’s passing. Besides, Noah’s too uptight to have had sex recently. It’s likely the reason he’s so tightly wound. He wants her but he’s arguing with himself about wanting her. I’ve been there. But I also pried my head from my ass in time though, too.” Emmett shrugged and chugged a bottle of water.

“She’s too good for me. I would be a corrupting influence,” Noah said, realizing he was admitting he had considered her in the biblical sense.

“Well, there’s no doubt that she’s out of your league. But how do you know if you would corrupt her, when you might just corrupt each other, and the both of you will be better for it?” Mav shrugged.

“This discussion is closed. I want to get this done before dark today,” Noah said, applying himself back to the task.

“Yeah, likely so he can run home and have the nanny tuck him into bed.” Tanner snickered.

The fucker.

Digging a grave in ninety-five degree temperatures, even in the mountains, was brutal, back-breaking, sweaty work. By the time they had dug the grave, got Daisy’s body into it, and then covered her back up with the dirt, the sun was setting.

Noah headed home just as the summer sun disappeared behind the mountains and the world descended into darkness. Were his friends right? Was he just delaying the inevitable? He couldn’t deny that he wanted Morgan.

But he worried that she was his employee; that she was so achingly young, with a full life ahead of her. And he wasn’t relationship material. He wouldn’t be the long-haul guy for her. Because he had made himself a promise, standing over another fresh grave three years ago, that he would never marry again.

When he arrived home, he found the three of them snuggled up on Zack’s bed in the boys’ room. They were all asleep, with Morgan in the middle and the boys curled up against her.

Before he touched any of them, he headed to his room, stripped, and showered. He donned his pajama bottoms and a tank. Barefoot, he silently padded back into the boys’ room. First, he moved Wade into his bed. Then he went back for Morgan and lifted her sleeping form into his arms. She was in another thin nightgown, this time in a light blue that made her tanned skin glow.

He ignored the sensation of rightness and the feeling that his arms was where she belonged. He shut the light in the boys’ room off as he carried her out and ferried her to her room. She really was a slight thing. Probably didn’t weigh more than a buck twenty. But there was no doubt she was all woman.

She hadn’t been locking her door. But then, Wade and Zack had been better behaved with her than they had with the other nannies. Perhaps it was because she had called their bluffs—and rescued them from a bear.

In her room, he switched the light on and laid her on the bed. As he did so, her eyes fluttered open. It took a moment as she focused on him.

“Noah?” she questioned with sleep filling her gaze and her luxurious hair spread over the pillow.

“Hush, it’s all right. You can go back to sleep,” he murmured, but didn’t move away. It felt like he was rooted to the spot, and couldn’t leave. Gorgeous didn’t even begin to describe her.

Morgan placed her palm on his cheek. That simple touch razored through him to the depths of his soul. “I’m sorry about your horse.”

Fuck it.

He was likely already hell bound anyway.

Noah did what he had been thinking about doing again all day. He leaned down and sealed his mouth over hers, needing to know if the same explosive energy would be there a second time.

It was, and then some. Lust barreled through him like a bullet train derailing. He wanted to sink into her softness, feel himself encased in her slick heat, and discover if she rivaled his fantasies.

Morgan gasped as he thrust his tongue inside. Then she wrapped her arms around his neck, drawing him closer, and kissed him back. And he was fucking thrilled over it.

As he moved his mouth, drinking her moans down, the battle he’d been fighting subsided. Who cared if it was the right thing to do? Or how severe the consequences could be? He wanted Morgan in a way he didn’t fully understand. It was wrong of him, but fuck did she feel right.

And after the day he had had, there was nothing he wanted more.

Her little mewls of ecstasy she made in her throat drove him wild. He leaned down further, caressing a hand down her side. His hand slid over the firm swell of her pert breast, over her ribcage, and along the slim indent of her waist to the curve of her hip.

Noah snaked his hand beneath the hem of her nightgown and groaned at the silky sensation of her skin, drawing it up until he was cupping a pert breast in his palm.

Jesus, she had fucking great tits!

Noah fingered the beaded point of the nipple. He craved a taste of the bud in his mouth. Wanted to suction it deep between his lips and watch her writhe with ecstasy.

And her uninhibited response, moaning against his lips and clutching at his shoulders, when he pinched the taut bud, almost made him bust a nut.

But he couldn’t seem to get enough of her mouth. It was silky and seductive. Her honeyed flavor washed over his tongue as he ate at her mouth, like he wanted to imprint himself on her being.

“Daddy? Can I have a drink of water?”

“Me too.”

The sound of both his boys’ voices broke them apart. Morgan stared up at him, breathing heavily. Her eyes were full of worry. Shame flooded Noah. He was taking advantage of her.

He turned and smiled at Zack and Wade, shielding the part of her body he had exposed with his hand beneath her nightgown. “I can get that for you. You two have worn Morgan out today. We should let her get some sleep.”

He cast her a glance packed with an apology. Then he rose from her bed, ushered his boys out of her room, and shut the door behind him.

With a deep sigh, he wondered whether, if his kids hadn’t interrupted them, he would have had the strength to stop. Or would he be availing himself of her sweet flesh?