How to Rope a Loyal Cowboy by Anya Summers


By the time Friday afternoon rolled around, they still hadn’t discussed what had happened the other night.

In fact, Noah hadn’t mentioned it at all. Morgan would think she had dreamed it if it wasn’t for the sensual heat in his eyes every time his gaze landed on her. Those dark hazel eyes held the memory of her taste, along with a wicked desire, and silent promise there would be more.

Only, she had no idea what he was waiting for. Did she need to make the next move?

After lunch, she drove the boys over to the stable for a riding lesson. Wade and Zack were geared up for it. It was something they talked about all day on the days they had lessons. It was what they talked about first thing in the morning over breakfast and getting ready for school. It was the first thing they mentioned when she picked them up from school and drove them back to the house.

She had a feeling they were going to follow in their dad’s footsteps and work with horses. Once she got them inside the stables, she found Noah talking to Amber Anderson. Amber had made some pretty big waves as the first woman to run Silver Springs Ranch once her brother left the ranch to be with his wife. Amber had been a few years ahead of Morgan in school, but she had always been nice.

“Hey Morgan, how are you?” Amber asked her with a kind smile. The woman was gorgeous, and dressed to kill. She looked like she should be on Rodeo Drive and not in backwater country in Colorado.

But at her unadulterated friendliness, Morgan couldn’t help but return the smile. “Good. You?”

“I see these two rascals are keeping you busy,” Amber said, nodding toward Wade and Zack.

“They definitely are.”

“Any issues?” Noah asked.

“No. Well, nothing for you to worry about. No animal attacks or any mischief, nothing of that nature.” In fact, when she thought about it, Wade and Zack’s antics for getting into trouble, while still present, had begun to diminish more the longer she was around. It kind of made her wonder if their shenanigans had been tests for the other nannies, ones that they had all failed—all but her.

“We’ll talk later.” Noah indicated.

“You know, Morgan, if you’re free tonight, Grace, Bianca, and I are having a girls’ night at my house. You’re welcome to join us,” Amber offered.

“I don’t know. I have the boys to take care of,” Morgan said as a knee jerk response, when what she really wanted to do was shout yes from the rooftops. It bowled her over that Amber would even think about inviting her, much less do it. For Morgan, it was like being invited to attend an exclusive country club.

“You should go. I can handle the boys. Besides, I owe you the time off. Take it,” Noah stated with a nonchalant shrug.

“All right. If you’re sure?” She didn’t want him to think she didn’t take her job seriously.

Noah nodded. “Absolutely. Go. Have fun. The boys and I will be fine on our own.”

Amber grinned and clapped her hands in excitement. “Great. We’re meeting at seven. I will have plenty of food and stuff on hand.”

“Can I bring something?” Morgan asked, thrilled that she was getting invited to a grown-up girls’ night. She hadn’t been to one of those since she was a young teenager.

“Only your appetite.” Amber scribbled something on the notepad in her hands, tore it off, and handed it to Morgan. “That’s my cell number, in case you get lost, and directions.”

“Great. I’ll be there.”

* * *

Morgan wasn’t quitesure what to expect when she pulled her aging truck into Amber’s driveway. She arrived just as Maverick was dropping Bianca off with a wave. She had met the Brit a few times in the spring when she had stopped at the gas station and at the grocery store. But this was the first time she would be hanging out with her on a friendly basis.

Morgan was glad she had changed into a pair of jeans and frilly tank top, because Bianca was freaking gorgeous in her mint green slacks and a fashionable blouse that screamed not off the rack, but custom made.

They met at the door, their hands full, and smiled at each other.

“It’s Morgan, right?” Bianca stated, ringing the bell.

“Yeah, it is. It’s nice to see you, Bianca. I appreciate the invite.”

“When it comes to living out in the boondocks, us ladies need to stick together,” Bianca replied with a saucy wink.

A moment later, Amber answered the door, looking fabulous in jeans and a blouse. “Ladies, come on in. Have you two met before?”

“A few times,” Morgan said, and let Bianca enter first.

“Perfect. Come on in… you didn’t have to bring anything,” Amber said, looking at the container in her hands.

After the invitation, Morgan had gone home and made chocolate chip cookies. She’d left some wrapped on a plate in the kitchen for her guys but had brought the bulk of them with her tonight. It was a bit of a thank you gift for the invite. She still didn’t know why Amber had asked her to come.

And wasn’t it odd how quickly Noah’s place had become home? She shook the thought off as she followed the hostess.

The Anderson house was richly furnished, with glossy hardwood floors, and tan walls with ornate artwork. The rooms they passed were all handsomely decorated. But Morgan found that she liked Noah’s house more. His place was homier, and more lived in.

Amber had them set up in the living room, with a sideboard full of delicious offerings, and a bar in the corner.

“I’ve got margaritas for tonight. I figured we could all use something fruity and fun,” Amber explained.

“And you guys will have to drink for me.” Dr. Grace Benson rose, the rounded curve of her pregnant belly prominent in her canary yellow sundress.

Bianca and Grace hugged each other. Then Grace turned her way. “It’s Morgan, right?”

“Yes. How far along are you?” Morgan asked, trying to not act awkward with these beautiful women.

“It feels like I’ve been pregnant for years at this point, but I hit the six month mark last week, and am officially in the final trimester. Which means I’m about to become the size of a beached whale,” Grace stated with a small pout.

“Well, you look lovely pregnant,” Morgan said, and couldn’t help but wonder what it would feel like. She wasn’t ready to be a mom yet. But then again, wasn’t she sort of filling the role of mama with Wade and Zack?

“Aren’t you sweet?” Grace stated with a kind smile.

Amber passed out drinks, in margarita glasses Morgan had only seen at Mexican restaurants. But Amber seemed to be the hostess with the mostest, because she even had a virgin daquiri for the mama-to-be.

The four of them raided the food set out over the sideboard. There were cute tea sandwiches, cheese, veggies and dip, fruit, puff pastries, and an assortment of finger food appetizers. Morgan was starved, and piled food on her plate. Chasing after Wade and Zack all day, she burned a ton of calories. But she was thrilled to watch the girls all snag two of her cookies each.

“What’s it like working for Noah and living in his house?” Amber asked once they were all settled in the living room and munching on food.

“Aren’t you his boss?” Morgan asked, trying to take the focus off herself and Noah, since she was still struggling with what they were.

“Technically yes, but he’s got a lot of know-how when it comes to the horses. In many respects, it’s a partnership, even though I’m the one who signs the checks,” Amber explained.

“He’s great, really. And the boys are darling scamps. I’m loving it—the house and the boys.” Morgan left off that she loved all of them.

“But Maverick was telling me that those two boys like nothing but trouble?” Bianca stated, some of her British accent shining through.

“What would Maverick know? He doesn’t have kids. Unless there’s something you’re trying to tell us,” Amber stated with a sly grin. “Although, I have seen Noah’s boys in action. They are little balls of energy. I got tired from just watching them run around.”

“They are active. There’s no doubt about it. But I think—at least I have found—as long as I plan activities out for them, and keep each one at no more than about forty-five minutes tops, they don’t get into trouble too much. Granted, they did give me a baptism by fire over the first week or so. And I burn a ton of calories chasing after them all day, which is why I eat like a horse.”

“In what way did they give you a baptism by fire? You’re dealing with two, and I’m about to have one,” Grace said with a healthy dose of fear on her face.

“Wait, do you know what you’re having?” Amber asked Grace with an expectant grin.

Grace blushed and shifted in her seat. “Yeah. We do know what we’re having.”

“And?” Bianca waved Grace on with excitement.

Grace grasped her hands together and, with a beaming smile, said, “We’re having a boy.”

“Ah, that’s great!” Bianca said, clapping at the news.

Amber gripped Grace’s hand and gave it a good squeeze. “Thrilled for you, Grace. How’s Emmett taking it?”

Grace rolled her eyes and sighed. “Like he’s the first man ever on the planet to impregnate a woman and have a boy. He’s just puffed up, proud as can be.”

“Isn’t that just like a man? I mean, I adore Maverick, but there are days when he swaggers in like he’s the only man left on the planet,” Bianca stated with a sigh. “Not that I’m any better when he strides in that way. It’s all I can do not to jump the man’s bones.”

“And what about you and Noah?” Amber asked Morgan. Both Bianca and Grace turned interested faces her way.

“Me and Noah what?” she asked, startled that Amber would ask that. She and Noah weren’t a couple. Did people think they were?

“Yeah, what’s he like in bed?” Grace asked with a cheeky grin.

“He’s a definite lefty, and looks like he knows how to handle himself,” Bianca added with a gleam in her eyes.

“We’ve not slept together,” Morgan admitted.

All three women stared as if she had tentacles coming out of her head.

“Get out. Really?” Amber asked like she didn’t believe it.

Morgan hated to disappoint her new friends, but shrugged and replied, “Yeah, really.”

“But there’s so much chemistry between you two! I just assumed that you guys were intimate with each other,” Amber added and took a drink.

“I’m not saying we haven’t done stuff.” The night he put his hand down her pants flashed through her mind. “But, he keeps dragging his feet and changing his mind. I think it’s the age difference tripping him up. It’s giving me whiplash, to be honest. I can tell the man wants me, but he might have left the ball in my court, and I have no idea what to do about it.”

“Oh, you poor thing,” Grace said, and patted her hand.

“I know just how you feel. The only man I’m interested in doesn’t seem to want me back. Hell, the man can’t stand to be in the same room as me,” Amber stated rather dejectedly into her drink, as if she would be able to divine the answers she sought in the frozen lime concoction.

“What I suggest for you—both of you, I might add,” Bianca looked at Morgan and then Amber, “is that you need to take matters into your own hands, like I did.”

“That will go over real well, considering they’re all Doms.” Grace snorted and shook her head.

“Wait, they are, really?” Morgan knew what a Dominant was. Just because she was young didn’t mean she wasn’t curious about things. She wasn’t a nun, for fuck’s sake.

Bianca nodded. “Yes. It’s what gives them that extra oomph of testosterone, I think.”

“It’s literally the best sex I’ve ever had, as you can see from the results.” Grace rubbed a hand over her belly.

Morgan needed to do some more research on Dominants and what that meant, exactly. As soon as she returned home tonight, she would sit in her bed and investigate it on her tablet.

“Thanks for rubbing it in, for those of us in the no sex category.” Amber huffed.

“Honey, if you want Lincoln, you need to do something about it,” Bianca stated kindly.

“The man would laugh at me if I tried anything.” Amber shook her head in defeat.

“And if I want Noah, want to help him move past his hesitation given the age difference? What should I do?” Morgan asked Bianca, desperate for any advice she was willing to bestow on her.

Bianca cast a small smile in her direction. “Well, I was the one who told Maverick that we should have sex. Do something in that vein.”

“Okay, but we’ve already made out. It’s hard with his boys around all the time. And I think he feels like he would be taking advantage of me,” she explained. Although, the other night, he had initiated. In fact, in all but the first kiss, he had instigated their interactions.

“You could always drop your clothes. A woman being naked tends to short-circuit a man’s brain. There was this one time with Maverick, where I showed up at his cabin in just my coat and heels. Drove the man insane with lust. It was some of the best sex ever,” Bianca explained.

Tapping her chin, Morgan said, “I could do that. But the big problem is getting his boys to sleep, and then grabbing him before he heads into his bedroom. Once he’s in his bedroom for the night, it’s like trying to enter the Fortress of Solitude. So it makes it hard to get anything started. Dropping my clothes might work, if he was around to see me without them.”

Amber rubbed her hands together. “I think I have an idea how I can help you. Just because I’m not getting any, doesn’t mean I can’t help you score your guy.”

Excitement suffused Morgan. Too afraid to hope, she whispered, “How?”

Amber leaned forward. “This is what you do. I will keep Noah late tomorrow evening at the stable. What time do the boys usually go to bed by?”

“Typically, seven-thirty, depending on how tired and worn out they are from the day. I could always make sure they get a lot of running in during the afternoon. That should tucker them out by then,” Morgan said, trying to calculate in her brain exactly what she needed to do tomorrow—and had done in the past—that got them dropping off right at that time.

“That’s doable. I could keep Noah at the stables until, say, eight. Then you text me when the boys are down for the night, and I will call it a day with him,” Amber said with a Cheshire Cat grin.

“And then what?” Morgan asked, feeling lightheaded and beyond excited.

“If you don’t want him to miss seeing you without any clothing, that’s easy. Strip and be in his bed when he returns for the night.” Bianca gave a lopsided shrug and sipped at her margarita.

“You think it will work?” Morgan asked, more hopeful than she had realized. But it was because her feelings for Noah were all twisted around with her need to take care of her guys. They needed her. Except, she might actually need Noah just as much in return.

“It can’t hurt. I know I’ve surprised Emmett a few times when he’s come home by being naked. Men can’t seem to resist a naked woman,” Grace stated.

“Especially a woman they already want but are telling themselves not to touch,” Bianca added with a laugh.

“What about you, Amber? Are you going to try it with Lincoln?” Morgan asked.

“Maybe. He’s back east, dealing with his mom’s funeral. He and I always rub each other the wrong way. I bet if I dropped my clothes, the man would have a conniption fit and tell me to get dressed,” Amber said, deflated.

“Not from the way he looks at you when you don’t know he’s watching,” Grace said.

Amber snorted. “Oh yeah, and what way is that?”

“Like he wants you to be his next meal. I’ve seen that same hunger on Maverick’s face. It means he wants to go all caveman on me and drag me somewhere to have his way with me. And you know what? I let him,” Bianca said with a self-satisfied smirk.

“I’ll think about it.” Amber sighed and popped another chocolate chip cookie in her mouth.

“And we’re going to need to have another girls’ night soon so that Morgan can regale us with tales about Noah’s prowess in bed,” Bianca stated, giving her a saucy wink.

Morgan’s heart fluttered in her chest, both from the plans she was making to seduce Noah, and the unadulterated friendship she was being offered tonight. “I’d love that. Are there any more margaritas?”

“Now, you’re talking!” Bianca toasted her.

It was more than Morgan had thought she would ever have. Her pops would be glad knowing that she was finding her place in the world, where she belonged, and fit.

And that place was full of new friendships, little boys who had stolen her heart, and a man she wanted to give herself to, body and soul.