A Daddy for Benito by Joe Satoria



I’d tried to get Benito to come with me, but he said it was something I had to do alone. I knew he was right, but it would’ve been nice to have him there so that I could at least have him as an example of him not being the same person he used to be.

On Wednesday, I accidentally called him, and I almost spilled the beans then. I was trying to see if he needed anything, and I was struggling for gift ideas. In the end, I got him a novelty size beer mug with Birthday Boy written on it, and a bottle of rum. It’s all he used to drink, from what I remembered at least.

I left Benito, at home, alone, he was fine though because he was planning on ordering a takeaway and watching Sailor Moon—and he was dressed for the occasion. I think he didn’t want me to go with the way he was dressed. It was an added stress to think he’d be eating on the sofa and knowing I couldn’t stay out late because I would want to be home to make sure it was clean, and then maybe have some fun.

I arrived at the café, thirty minutes before Warren. Grant and Alexi were there, they had a table with birthday banners along the edge of it. They both had pink birthday hats on. I didn’t even get a greeting before they forced one on my head.

“What time does he get here?” I asked.

Alexi’s eyes shifted from side-to-side. “Hopefully not yet,” he let out, softly, “I still have to get his surprise ready.” He looked around, hurrying off back to the bright pink desk.

Grant sat down, patting his knuckles on the table. “How’ve you been?”

Plucking at the string beneath my chin, adjusting the hat on my head, I wasn’t even sure how to answer that without mentioning Benito. “I’ve been good, busy. What about you?” I sat on the chair at the table. “I know you’ve got the upstairs lounge opening.”

He clicked his tongue and nodded. “Opening in two weeks, good call to post on that forum site,” he said.

He was talking about the forum I’d stalked Benito on, and it was a good cover for me being on there, I was doing the research to find out what was going to be good for the business side of things. “I think if you’ve got a lot of interest, then it’ll be successful.”

“Are you hiring for it?” I had told Benito not to, and I knew he wouldn’t, but if they were hiring for a none play role, like someone to take admission, then maybe he’d like that.

“Just me for now,” he said, “but I’m also trying to make sure it’s all above board. We don’t have an alcohol license, so it’s not going to be a club. But people will definitely be able to meet up, and that’s what it’ll be good for more than anything, people meeting.”

I nodded. “Something you’re interested in?”

Grant wiggled his brows. “Maybe it’s all just one big ploy for me to find a guy who wants to play.” He chuckled, but he was probably being serious. “We had someone in last weekend for an interview. Cute thing. Cosimo, but I’m not sure that’s his real name. He’s coming back next week for a shift here.”

Shaking my head at him, Grant never changed. “And I guess they only reason you’ve not tried it on with Alexi is because he’s Warren’s boyfriend.”

“Pfft. You make me sound like an animal.”

My brows rose up my face. “Well. You don’t have an argument against that.”

He wrapped his knuckles on the table.

“He’s nearly here, he’s nearly here!” Alexi said in a tizzy. His hands were fidgeting together.

As Alexi gave in to panic, and at the same time looked like he was trying to talk himself off a ledge. I wondered how I was going to even bring up the topic of Benito, and how we were seeing each other. I didn’t want to ruin his birthday, but we rarely saw each other anymore, and it was now or let him find out in a few months and feel betrayed. I wasn’t a fan of the betrayal option.

He was here, and before I knew it, I couldn’t think or plan what I was going to say, and I had been trying to think about what I was going to say to him for the last week.

Alexi greeted him, they were incredibly touchy feely, caressing at each other’s faces and arms. I’d never been into PDA much.

“Happy birthday,” I said, handing him the small gift bag from across the table. “To make sure everyone knows you’re the birthday boy.”

Alexi was still at his side. Almost like Warren absorbed all his awkwardness and all his worry. It was adorable to see, especially from Warren.

Alexi revealed his surprise was a kitten, which Warren said Alexi could choose for him. He settled at the table, putting on his party hat. Now, I was the nervous one, getting ready to divulge this big dirty secret.

“So,” I said, “I nearly told you about it the other day when I called you.”

“You still didn’t tell me why you called. I thought it was a pocket dial.”

I chewed on my tongue. I wasn’t the type of person to become lost for words. “You’ll probably hear about it sooner or later, but I actually went on a date with that guy.” Purposefully vague.

“Who? Which?” Both Warren and Grant responded.

“You know, Benito.”

Both their eyes were on me, there was a moment of silence I could cut with cold butter knife.

“Enjoy that,” he chuckled before Alexi let out an excitable screech.

While Alexi and Warren shared a moment, I turned to Grant.

“Benito is the one who stole from him, right?” he asked in a whisper.

Years ago, and I mean, he’s changed completely,” I said.

Alexi gasped, turning to me. His eyes glaring. “You’re dating Benny?” He cuddled the kitten at his chest.

“Huh?” Warren was fast on the trigger with the news.

I nodded. “Yeah, for like a week.”

“Oh,” he said. “I saw him the other day.”

“Wait, wait,” Grant interrupted, “that was him, the guy you were with the other day.”

“You saw him already?” Warren asked, eyeing Alexi. “You didn’t say.”

“Because—” Alexi paused, a wave of sadness across his face. “I wanted to speak to him.”

“Aw, baby, it’s ok,” Warren said, “I was just wondering. You don’t have to tell me. He was your friend.”

Well, now I was in the middle of it all, and Grant was at my side, trying to get an earful of everything happening.

“I’m over that time of my life,” Warren said, cracking a smile. “In fact, we should all get together.”

“Yeah, that’s—yeah—” I was, once again, lost for words. Maybe bringing Benito along with us might not have been a bad idea. “You can come over to mine tomorrow.” It came out, and immediately, I knew it shouldn’t have.

“Are you—” Warren began.

“Yes,” Alexi said, “maybe I can bring the kittens too! This one is Syrup.” He presented the ginger kitten to me.

Grant let out a sigh. “Is this an open invite or—”

“Couples only,” Alexi chuckled.

Warren shrugged, although he looked willing to switch places and get out of the obligation.

“Maybe I can come watch, I’ve got a lot of memory on my phone to record it, you know, in case it goes sideways, and you end up—” he placed a finger to his throat and rolled his eyes back.

“Shush,” Alexi said, “I think it will be perfect. Me and Warren are a family, and you are our friends, well, Grant you are, but you’re single.”

He tipped his head. “Noted.”

“So,” I began, “let’s celebrate Warren’s birthday. I wish you sold shots, because I think I might need something with a touch of vodka.”