A Daddy for Benito by Joe Satoria


Harry filled the bathtub with warm water and bubbles. It smelled like oranges.

“For me?” I asked, as he presented the bathtub.

Smirking, I caught his reflection in the mirror. “Well, you’ll need to rest that hole,” he said, “how is it feeling?”

It had been fifteen minutes since he’d tried to stuff me like a Christmas chicken. I missed it, I liked the feeling of him inside me, my insides ached after wanting more of him. That’s how it mostly happened, I always wanted more of the person in my life. I wanted to take every part of them into me. I only hoped Harry could handle it.

“You might have to kiss it better,” I said, reaching around, my fingers gently pressing into the lube residue around my hole.

“You’ve already had your reward,” he said, “you have to stay a good boy to get more.” His finger brushed along my shoulder, pulling at the dress from my shoulder. “I want to make sure you get nice and clean.”

“And are you going to clean me?” I asked as the maid’s outfit dropped from me, leaving me bare and exposed.

He was already naked. “It’s big enough for the both of us.” It was, surprisingly. He climbed in first, sitting with his back at the bottom of the tub. He splashed his hand in the bath. “Come on.”

Dipping a toe in the water, Harry yanked at my hand.

“I didn’t take you for a bubble bath guy,” I said, sitting inside his legs, my back to his warm furry chest. “But it’s nice.”

With a wet hand, he swiped it down my back. “I figured we could conserve water and bathe together,” he said, “and maybe talk about what happened today.”

I snickered, remembering what Alexi told me today. “Alexi wants to be friends,” I said, “and Pink Paws is hiring, but—”

“Oh, no, Grant didn’t ask if you wanted to join the pet playroom, did he?” he sighed. “I mean, I don’t mind, but I didn’t peg you as that type of guy.”

“Pegging?” I chuckled at his emphasis.

Harry wrapped his arms around my torso, pulling me close. “Grant asked me to run a couple numbers, he’s Warren’s friend, do you know him?”

I shook my head. “No, and Alexi said he wasn’t going to tell Warren until I wanted to.”

“And you didn’t tell him about us.”

“That’s what I texted you.”

He chuckled, his scratchy beard on my back. “Ok, well it’s his birthday on Friday and I want to tell him then.”

“I don’t think he’ll like that.”

“Blindsiding him a little, but it will be just a note, like hey, I think I’m seeing your ex, Benito.

My only worry was it affecting my friendship, and then this—wait. “So, we’re seeing each other?”

“Well, you’re living here, we’re fucking, and for the better part of my day, I see you,” he said, placing a kiss on the side of my neck. “So, yeah.”

“It’s all backwards, really,” I chuckled, “first you start seeing each other, then you move in, and before long—”

“Nothing about this is typical,” he said, “and I’d argue that night in the hotel was seeing each other for the first time.” He had an answer for everything. I was silent. Seriousness was usually my downfall. “Ok, close your eyes. I’m going to pour water over your head,” he said in the silence, reaching around me to fill a small jug with bath water.

I screwed my eyes shut as he poured the warm water over my head. The sound of it trickling over my ears like my head was inside a vacuum.

“So,” he said, two hands massaging at my scalp. I hadn’t felt him squirt shampoo on my head, but I saw the foam as it trickled from my chin into the bubbles. “I can probably talk to Grant about getting you a job, if that’s where you want to work.”

“He said they’re having interviews for part-time staff,” I said, “it’s not somewhere I want to work forever, but it would be a nice place to start.”

“I’ll see how Friday goes,” he said. “Is that why you cleaned up?”

“I figured it would be the only thing you would respond to,” I said, “I know how you are when you see clean things.”

“And not because I asked you before I went out?”

It crossed my mind that I would be following his rule, of which, I believe now he had made up and was making them up on the spot. “Well, I wasn’t going to,” I said, “but then I saw the outfit, and I figured, I should at least put it to some good use. Oh, by the way, while in the bath, I’m still on the clock, so you’ll be charged for this.”

A gush of water dropped over my head. “Sorry,” he said, “I didn’t hear what you said.”

No warning, I could’ve been blinded by the shampoo suds. “You did that on purpose.”

“Did I?” he chuckled. “I thought having a nice bath with me would be payment enough, not to mention the direct deposit I just made—in you.”

Slouching, I sank against his chest. “You have to watch Sailor Moon with me now,” I told him, “and you have to make me food, that we eat in the living room.”

“Because I rinsed your hair?” he asked, combing a hand through my wet hair. “Nope.”

“Noooo,” I whined. “Because what if I’m really really sore, and I can’t sit properly on the dining chair. Maybe I can only sit on the sofa now.”

He kissed at the side of my neck. “If you’re looking for a seat, you can always sit on Daddy’s lap.”

“You’d like that, wouldn’t you?” I asked, although tempted to take up the offer. “But I’d be too scared you’d get excited with me like that.”

“I might be,” he whispered. “And then not only do I have my eyes on you, but I have my hands on you too.”

As much as I enjoyed and wanted for him to try and actually tear my hole, I couldn’t go another round. I wanted to sit on the sofa with my yoghurts and watch Sailor Moon. Maybe also sporting a little Sailor cosplay to go with it. But I didn’t want to get him too excited. I could already feel his cock snaked up my back.

“I think I’m over it,” I said.

“Over it.”

“Yeah, your dick,” I told him, smacking my lips. “I mean, it was good, but if it doesn’t let me watch my show and eat on the sofa, I don’t think I can entertain him in future.”

He tugged at me by the waist, pulling me in. He kissed my neck. “You wish you could be over it,” he said, sending a warming shiver down my back. “You’re not getting your way this time.”

“I ate on the sofa earlier,” I said. “Think I got crumbs in the side of it too. It was an accident.”

“Wait,” he let go of me. “Did you clean it?”

I leaned back onto him. “It was one of those pastries, and they get everywhere.

He tssked. “You’re just trying to wind me up.” He chuckled, squeezing his hands in at my side. “You’re not as much of a brat as you’d like to think you are.”

I scoffed at the accusation. “I am.”

“You’re just trying to poke the bear,” he said as I slowly slipped down his body until my head was resting on his belly. Looking up at him. Smiling to himself. “You won’t poke this bear.”

“But I will bite,” I said, snapping my jaw. “So, just remember where my mouth goes, and that I’m really good at not letting my teeth get in the way.” Speaking of, I could feel it even more now. If I sank into more, he’d have his dick resting on my shoulder.

“You wouldn’t do that,” he said, “I know you wouldn’t jeopardise any opportunity to suck on your favourite lollipop.”

I hummed. “That reminds me, they have these really nice cat lollies at the café.”

He chuckled. “Trust you to change the topic.”

Looking up at him, I nodded. “You said it yourself, I probably won’t be able to take that cock again today.” Smirking in his face as his eyes lit up.

“Well, that mouth hole does wonders when you’re not talking,” he said, placing a hand over my mouth. “Also, my turn to change topic.” He removed his hand. “How much of this do you want me to tell Warren?”

That was the question. And I didn’t know if that would feel like a betrayal to Alexi because I hadn’t told him about Harry. I’d have to think about it.