Summer Time Sweets by Alexa Riley

Chapter 4


My breath hitches as I realize what I’d just said. I lost my cherry. I want to die of embarrassment, but I try to play it cool like I was flirting and not complaining about losing the mixed drink.

“It’s really just cherry limeade with a splash of vodka,” I tell him. His eyes go to my lips and I can’t stop myself from licking them.

Then I look to his and notice for the first time how full they are. Then I imagine what they’d feel like against mine…on my neck. I realize I’m staring at him when his mouth forms a half-smile and I’ve been caught lost in a fantasy.

Luckily at that moment Dolly sets my drink down and I reach out and grab it. I take a long sip of it as I try to give myself something to do. I peek over the top of the glass at him and can’t help but think he’s the most handsome man I’ve ever seen in my life. He’s big, but damn, that doesn’t even begin to cover it. He’s not only taller than me, but double the width. I’ve always been tall for a girl, and I’m used to men being my height or shorter. But with this guy, he somehow makes me feel small when I’ve never had that feeling before. I fit nicely in his lap and it makes me feel delicate and feminine.

“I’m really sorry about your shirt,” I tell him again.

I can’t believe I did that. The first guy who’s snagged my attention in forever and I spill my drink all over the both of us. This is why I never go out with Sammy. Something like this always happens to me.

“I don’t mind. I ended up with you in my lap, so I’d call this a win. Feel free to dump a drink on me anytime if it ends like this.”

He’s good looking and charming, which is apparently exactly what my lady business is interested in.

“You’re sweet,” I say, but he looks taken aback by my words. As if he doesn't believe me.

Most men would probably be pissed if I ruined an expensive shirt like this one. I’m not into labels, but I know the logo on his shirt and it’s certainly more than I could afford to replace. For him to brush it off so easily is more than I expected.

Dolly snorts and I glance over at her. “Sweet, my ass,” she mumbles as she walks by us to get someone else’s drink order. It makes me wonder what she knows that I don’t. Or maybe she’s just being Dolly. She likes poking at the tourists.

“God, you are beautiful,” Liam whispers, as if he didn’t mean to say it out loud.

“You’re not so bad yourself,” I admit.

He’s got honey-colored eyes that remind me of the sand at sunset. His blond hair is at that sexy length where it’s not short but not long. It’s got glossy waves to it, and he’s got one side tucked behind his ear. I reach out and run my fingers through it, surprised by how bold I’m being. I’m usually so shy when it comes to men that it consumes me. I’ve also never been this close to a man so damn hot before, so maybe my body doesn’t know how to react.

Right about now the only thing I can think about is that Sammy’s idea of losing it to a tourist doesn’t sound so bad. Though this one looks like he could break my heart by the time he left the island. But for the first time since I lost my grandparents, I feel something other than sadness. Excitement and something else I can’t quite place are flowing through me. I drink a little more of my cocktail and decide I’m going to soak up this moment for all it’s worth. I haven’t felt this good in a long time, and so what if he breaks my heart? I’ve decided that I can’t spend my entire life on edge worrying about losing the hotel and mourning the loss of my grandparents. They wouldn’t want me to live like that.

Warmth spreads through my body and I don’t know if it’s because I downed that last drink quickly or the fact that I’m in this gorgeous man’s lap. But either way my hormones are sparking like fireworks and I don’t want it to stop.

Liam starts to lean in towards me and I can’t take my eyes off his full lips as they get closer to mine. He’s going to kiss me, my body screams as I close my eyes and hold my breath.

But before his mouth meets mine I’m plucked right out of his lap as hands come around my waist. I’m tossed into the air and I squeal from shock. I see Derick’s face laughing right as he catches me easily.

“You out causing trouble?” he asks, but I don’t have a chance to answer before I’m being pulled out of his hold.

I feel Liam’s hard chest against my back as he pulls me flush against him. There is tension in his arms as they wrap around me, but it’s not painful. I can just tell by the way his muscles flex that he’s got me in an unbreakable hold. I’d almost swear he’s staking his claim on me. Derick’s eyes narrow and his jaw tics. I know that look. It’s the face he makes right before his fists start flying. To be honest, I always bet on Derick, but having felt the power coming off Liam, there’s no match. They’re both big guys, but what Derick has in attitude, Liam makes up in height and build.

“Who, me?” I put my hand to my chest. “I’d never,” I tease, trying to break the tension.

I pretend a fight isn't about to break out and that all is well. Maybe if I fake it long enough it will come true. Sammy’s brother gives me a look that says bullshit right before his eyes snap back to Liam.

Liam’s arm is wrapped around my waist protectively, and I place my hand on the back of his. I stroke it softly, trying to show Derick that it’s all good and let Liam know that I’m happy to stay in his arms. Derick might be Sammy’s big brother, but he acts like mine as well.

“She’s mine.” Liam’s deep rumble catches me off-guard.

I’m surprised by such a caveman statement, but I’m more surprised by how much I like it. I had no idea he was going to be so possessive, but the warm slide between my legs tells me he should keep doing that. Yeah, this guy has heartbreak written all over him.

Derick chuckles. “You and Sammy. Y’all are always getting those tourists to chase after you,” he says, looking up at the ceiling. “You going to get a bra up there tonight?”

I make a face like I’m grossed out, but really I’ve always wondered what it would be like to be one of those couples who couldn't control themselves. The type that had to have one another so badly that they couldn’t wait to get home. I can’t imagine what it would feel like to not care that you’re in some bar bathroom. But the part afterward is my favorite. Watching the guy come out like a warrior who just claimed a kingdom as he tosses her bra up on a nail is always fun. I’ve seen it happen a few times and everyone always cheers. It’s a little barbaric, but to me it’s like the men are claiming their women as their own and telling everyone else they’re taken. It might seem silly, but I love the tradition.

Though I know I’ve probably romanticized this all in my head. We all know they are mostly likely one-night stands with sloppy sex that leave the woman wanting more. But still, a small part of me hopes that it could be true. That it’s always a happily ever after.

Liam pulls me behind him, taking a step towards Derick. “Don’t disrespect her.”

I poke my head out from behind Liam’s giant body to see Derick smiling. I try and step around Liam, but he isn't having it. His arm shoots out, blocking me from leaving his side.

“It’s all good, man,” Derick replies, before his eyes come to me. “Where’s your evil half?”

“Right here.” Sammy waves her hand in front of her face. “The testosterone in here is stinking up the bar.” She scrunches her face. “Can’t you boys go outside and beat on your chests? Come on, Nikki, I wanna dance.”

Her small hand goes to my hip. People make the mistake of letting her size fool them. She is the definition of though she be but little, she is fierce!

“I only came to make sure you weren't driving my friend insane.” Derick levels Sammy with a stare and she rolls her eyes.

“The sheriff's not here,” she fires back. I can’t tell from her tone if she’s happy about that or not.

“Yeah, right.” Derick looks around the bar. I follow his eyes when his gaze alights on someone. Yep, there he is in his uniform and everything. His eyes are on Sammy.

“Whatever,” Sammy huffs before tugging on me. “Come on. I just loaded up the jukebox.” She looks up at Liam. “You can enjoy the show.”

She winks at him then pulls me from him. Before I can stand straight, Liam tugs me back against him and his mouth comes crashing down on mine. The kiss is so passionate it knocks the air right out of me. I moan when I feel his tongue touch mine and his hand goes to the small of my back. But all too soon he’s breaking our connection and pressing his forehead to mine.

“It might not be your bra, but now everyone in here knows you’re with me,” he says against my lips.

Sammy laughs and tugs my hand as once again I’m being pulled in another direction.

“Damn. That man wants you,” she says.

My heart flutters as I glance back over my shoulder. Liam’s eyes are trained on me, and he’s following us. Not too close, but enough to stay in sight.

“You should have seen his face when Derick plucked you right out of his lap. I thought we were going to have a serious throwdown in here. It’s been a while. Might have been fun to watch,” Sammy jokes.

Bar brawls are not super common, but they do happen every now and then. Mainly when the tourists get too handsy with the local girls. The last one involved the sheriff and some guy who was laying it on extra thick with Sammy. I wasn't sure if she was into him or not. Either way, Sheriff Cyrus wasn't having it.

Sammy says the sheriff is worse than her brother when it comes to protective mode. Which is true. Derick is pretty laid-back about her dating and hooking up. Cyrus, not so much. He’s got that good old boy thing running through his blood. Southern charm and all. I think it’s kinda cute, but it pisses Sammy off.

She pulls me onto the dance floor and we weave through the crowd until we find a spot.

“He’s watching,” she says and winks at me.

I suddenly feel self-conscious about what he sees when he looks at me. I move my body to the beat of the music and try not to feel shy. I’m not skinny like a lot of girls that run around on the island in their bikinis. I have curves, but they are toned from all the swimming I do. The ocean calls to me every morning, and I spend over an hour in it each day. Some people need coffee, I just need the waves.

I lick my lips, still feeling his mouth on mine. It’s been too long since I’ve been kissed. I didn't realize how lonely I was until he touched me. I wish he would have pulled me against him. I wanted the heat of him all over me. I wonder if I’d need the calm of the ocean if I woke in the mornings with him in my bed. My breath hitches as an image of his naked, muscled body on mine flashes through my mind.

“You can’t be that flushed from dancing already,” Sammy says as she tosses her head back and laughs at her own joke.

I look over my shoulder to see if he’s still watching. He is, but now the resident hussy Vicky has slid up beside him. My eyes narrow. She’s the welcome wagon on the island. Every new man who comes here gets a warm welcome from her. Not that I blame them. She’s beautiful. I also can’t blame her for locking her sights on Liam. He’s unmissable in a sea of people. But I already feel like I’ve laid claim to him, and suddenly I feel like she’s trying to step on my territory.

Vicky is talking to Liam, but I’m not sure he’s listening to her. He’s got his eyes on me until she touches his arm to get his attention. I watch as he jerks back and looks down at her and his eyebrows scrunch together. He presses his full lips together in a straight line like he’s trying to stop himself from saying something.

“Fuck her,” Sammy growls. I look at her and she’s giving Vicky a deadly stare.

“What’s your beef with Vicky?” I ask.

I’m the one who should be pissed. He kissed me just moments ago. I don’t even want to turn and look back to see if Vicky has got his attention. It never takes her long. I wish I had some of her confidence with men. Then maybe I wouldn’t spill my drinks on them.

“Nothing,” Sammy says, but I can hear the bitterness in her voice. “Forget them all. We’re here to have fun.” She starts dancing again and I decide to join her.

I’ve never let a man stop me from having a good time and I’m not going to let it happen tonight. We get lost in the music for so long that we don’t even realize how much time has passed. Soon the dance floor is packed and two guys I’ve never seen before come sliding up to us.

I turn around to face away from them, but when I do I run right into Liam. He’s looming over me, but he's not looking at me. Instead he’s got his eyes on the guys behind me.

“Fuck off,” Liam orders the guys and then dismisses them as he looks down at me.

The music is loud, but I can feel the possession rolling off of him. Somehow it’s not suffocating. Instead it’s pulling me closer to him. He puts his hand around my waist and pulls me closer to him. He leans down and I can feel his warm breath in my ear.

“I want to finish the drink you owe me.”

“Oh, you’re not busy with someone else? I thought…” I trail off when I realize I’m shouting.

The music has been switched off and I look towards the jukebox to see the sheriff standing there. He’s got the cord in his hand and he’s glaring in our direction.

“Fire hazard. Too many people on the dance floor.”

He drops the cord and glares at the guy standing next to Sammy. She crosses her arms over her chest and huffs.

“You’ll never get re-elected at this rate!” Sammy shouts at him, and I hear a few chuckles from the locals around the bar.

“Here they go,” someone in the crowd says.

The two of them fighting is a normal scene around here. Well, I’m not sure if it’s fighting. Sammy is the only one who yells. Cyrus just hands orders and stands there not one bit scared of her bark. Normally when she gets worked up everyone runs. Sammy is sweet as apple pie when she likes you, but get on the other side of that and you’ll curse the day you crossed her.

That’s when you end up with your car wrapped in saran wrap or wake up to your white fence painted Barbie pink. I still can’t believe he hasn't painted it white again. It’s been seven months.

Cyrus makes his way towards us and I decide I’m thirsty.

“Let’s get a drink,” I chirp as I grab Sammy’s hand and pull her off the dance floor.

I can feel Liam right behind me. He’s so big and intimidating, but I’m not nervous about his size or what he’ll do to me. There’s kindness in the way he looks at me. Tenderness in his touch. I don’t know anything about the guy, but I’ve been around my share of assholes. He may seem like a big bear to other men, but I can feel that he’s different.

I lead us over to a table in the back where Sammy’s brother is sitting. When we get there Liam slides into an empty chair and guides me onto his lap smoothly. I don’t fight it because that’s where I wanted to be the whole time I was on the dance floor. His big body molds against mine and I have to stop myself from moaning at how good it feels.

Sammy plops down next to us, waving to Dolly for some drinks.

“Told you she was here to give him a hard time,” Derick says as he takes a pull of his beer.

I feel warm lips against my neck as Liam kisses down my neck and to my shoulder. It feels intense yet natural. Like he’s done it a million times. Who is this guy and why don’t I want him to ever stop?

“Hey, tourist,” Derick says to Liam. “She’s like a sister to me, so if you fuck her over I’ll fuck you up,” he says with a smile on his face. “And I’ll get away with it, too, because the sheriff will help me.”

As if on cue, Cyrus slides into the last chair at the table. “Ditto,” he says before turning his sights on Sammy. He leans in close to her and the two of them have a private conversation. I can’t make out what they’re saying, but Sammy is still pissed and Cyrus is just poking the bear.

The image of Liam with Vicky pops up in my head and I can’t help myself. “Were you having fun at the bar?”

“Who are you talking about? The woman I’m after was pretending to ignore me while giving me a show.”

He nips my shoulder and I have to bite my lip to keep from smiling. Of course it makes my insides warm to hear him deny wanting her. But I knew he was watching me. That may have been why I put a little bit more sway in my hips.

“Blond, big tits,” I add and turn back to look at him. His eyebrows pull together and he shakes his head.

“Still no clue.”

“She was talking to you while we were dancing.”

“That woman who smelled like a perfume factory? I asked her to step away and not touch me.” He makes a face like he’s smelling something foul. He shakes his head and leans down to press his nose to my skin. “I like the way you smell. Like the beach and coconuts,” he whispers, and my whole body heats up.

I look back over my shoulder at him and our eyes lock. I glance down at his lips and I want to kiss him again. Everything in my body is telling me to go for it, and just as I lean in there’s a loud screech as Sammy slides her chair back and stomps off.

I was so lost in what Liam was saying that I missed what they were talking about. Cyrus starts to go after her, but Derick grabs his arm to stop him. It’s probably just more drama between the two of them. I wish they’d just admit they’re in love already and have a dozen babies. It’s only a matter of time.

We watch as all three of them exit, leaving Liam and me alone.

“Did you really ask that woman not to touch you?” I say as I turn in his lap to face him.

“I don’t like when people get in my space.”

“I’m in your space,” I say, wiggling in his lap, then realize the hard ridge against my ass isn’t the chair. It’s right between his legs and bigger than anything I could have possibly imagined. I gasp audibly as he groans and his hand on my hip flexes.

“Sorry.” My cheeks heat, but I don’t pull away. If anything, I lean into his hard length, trying to get closer.

“Never be sorry for that.” His voice is rough and his eyes seem to darken.

“Do you wanna get out of here?” I blurt out the words before I have a chance to change my mind. I feel bold and turned on and I want to do dirty, bad things with this hunk.

“Damn straight I do.” He stands up and grabs my hand. “I’m really close. It’s a place called the Mermaid. Do you know where it is?”

“I think I might. I have a room there, too.” I smile as I tease him. I lean in and press my chest against his, wanting to touch every part of him.

“I thought you were a local?” His eyes lower to my chest and I watch as he licks his lips. My lower body clenches and I don’t know if I can get him out of here fast enough.

“I am. I own the place.” I always feel so much pride when I get to say that.

His smile falters for a second and the hand he has in mine twitches. He blinks and then he’s smiling again so quickly that I think I might have imagined it. Before I can ask him what that was about, his lips are on mine and all thoughts of work evaporate.