Summer Time Sweets by Alexa Riley

Chapter 6


Iglance over at the clock sitting on the nightstand and I know I need to get up. There are things I have to do, but right now all I want is to lay here. I don’t want to think about anything else but this moment with this man wrapped around me. I feel like I’m lying on a fluffy, warm cloud without a worry in the world.

I still can’t believe that I took a man home from the bar last night. I slide my hand up his broad chest, loving every ridge. It’s nice to wake up with someone next to you. God, I don’t even know Liam, but I’m scared of what’s going to come next. He’s clearly not from here, and last night was so good I don’t want it to end. My heart aches at not getting to do this again with him. I try and push all those thoughts away and focus on living in the moment. I want to enjoy this slice of fun while it’s here.

Leaning over, I place a kiss on his chest before I slide out of bed.

My body is sore in the most wonderful way as I stretch. I stare down at my handsome stranger, hoping that he’s going to be here another night. I’m not ready for this to be over. Though it might be a very bad idea. I could fall even more for him and get my heart broken.

Picking up my clothes, I steal his shirt and slip it on. I sneak out and walk towards my room, but I don’t make it far before I run right into Peter. I feel my whole face heat and he just shakes his head at me.

“I got the front desk. Take your time,” he tells me as he tries to hide his smile.

When I get to my room I drop my clothes and lean against my closed door. I should feel more embarrassed about being caught doing the walk of shame, but all I can do is laugh. I can’t remember the last time I felt this excited about something.

Maybe I could make him breakfast in bed. That’s what people do, right? I jump in the shower and pause when I see the remnants of last night still coating my thighs. Streaks of blood and cum stain my skin, and I curse. How did I not even think about using protection? A baby is the last thing I can afford right now. Worse, Liam might be gone already.

He could have pretended to be asleep and then slipped out moments after I left his room. But he didn't seem the type. He was so sweet and possessive last night. I can’t see him ditching me, but what do I really know about this whole dating thing? My track record is pretty much zero.

I go about getting myself ready for the day. I know it’s going to be hot, so I put on a pair of jean shorts over my bikini bottoms and a tank top over my swimsuit. I pause when I realize I didn't go for my morning swim. I haven’t skipped it in forever. It completely slipped my mind for some reason. Damn. Liam has me all over the place, and while I might be off-balance, I think I like it. It’s different from the anxious nerves I’ve been feeling for the past few months with all my worries.

I brush my hair out knowing there’s no point to style it. I’ll end up in the water at some point today. When I’m done I grab my coconut sunblock and put it all over me.

“Where is she?” I hear someone yell as I open my bedroom door.

I start to hurry towards the front desk as I hear Liam making a scene. His deep voice instantly fills my body with need. I rush down the hall, and when I spot him he’s all worked up.

He has his hands braced on the desk and he’s shirtless. I almost forget what I’m doing for a moment as I just stand there and stare at him. Jesus, they sure don’t make men like him around here.

“I’ll leave her a message that you stopped by. She’s busy right now,” Peter tells Liam. His chest even puffs out a little and I have to fight a smile at the kid being protective of me. Even with Liam towering over him.

“I’m here,” I call out before anyone starts beating their chests.

Liam swings around to face me and he’s got a pissed-off look on his face.

“You just ran off like that?”

His words are filled with accusation, as if he has a claim to me or something. He’s acting like I should have told him where I was going. I’m not opposed to something of that nature, but as of this morning it was only a one-night stand. He could be leaving this afternoon for all I know. The thought makes my heart squeeze tight. There were no promises made between us. I might just be one in a long string of many.

He clears the distance between us, scooping me up in his arms, and I let out a small squeal.

“What are you doing?”

“Putting you back in my bed,” he grunts.

“Nikki?” Peter says, the question clear in his voice. He’s asking if I’m okay with being manhandled and should he call the cops.

“You can’t just pick me up and carry me where you want me to go.” The testosterone is growing thick in the room. But instead of answering me, he just looks at my mouth like he wants to kiss me.

“Hey, caveman. Put her down. We’ve got work to do today,” Sammy says, strolling in the front door.

“Crap! I forgot!” I sigh. “Is the farmer’s market still going on today?” The storms were pretty rough last night. I think. It’s hard to recall after spending most of the night in bed with Liam. He’s capable of providing pleasure I didn’t even know was possible.

“Yep! Tell him to put you down. If he wants to lift shit we can put him to work and Peter can man the desk. Besides, l think your man candy will draw more attention to our booth.”

Liam makes no move to put me down. In fact, his hold on me tightens even more.

“We need to get the booth up and then get all your shit moved over. Those jars can be fucking heavy,” Sammy adds.

She’s right about Liam. Not just about helping with the heavy lifting. Still, I don’t like that every woman in town is going to be checking him out. Hell, Vicky tried to crawl all over him last night. I’m sure the gossip is already hot all over the island.

“I’m sure the sheriff will help,” I say, and Sammy shoots me a look that could kill. Then her eyes run over me like she’s seeing me for the first time.

“You dirty bird!” she says in a teasing voice.

I wiggle to get out of Liam’s hold and he reluctantly lets me down.

“Don’t.” I point at her and shoot a look over to Peter. She’s not going to bring up what Liam and I did right now.

“I already saw the walk of shame,” Peter says, and I can feel my face burn.

“There wasn’t any shame,” Liam says, but we all ignore him. Well, the best that I can ignore him. That deep rumbling sound in his voice is making me tingle.

“You staying around today?” Sammy asks him. She sticks her hip out and puts her hand on it.


“You’re only booked for one night.” Peter flips through the reservation books like we are booked solid. I stifle a laugh at the hard time he’s giving Liam.

Liam reaches into his back pocket and tosses a credit card down. “Book me indefinitely for now.”

Peter picks up the credit card, “Is this thing even real?”

I look over and Sammy mouths an oh my God because I’m pretty sure it’s a black Amex, but that can’t be right. I’ve heard those things are impossible to get.

“Get dressed, Daddy Warbucks. Your ass is working today,” Sammy says.

“Fine,” he tells her, but not before he leans down and plants a kiss on my mouth right in front of everyone. He pulls me to him and his hands go to my ass, giving it a squeeze. All too soon he’s breaking the kiss and leaving me breathless.

“Don’t go sneaking out of bed without me knowing next time.” I want to say something smartass, but my mind blanks as he turns and strolls back towards his room to get dressed.

“Bossy. I like it,” Sammy says from beside me, then leans closer and whispers, “He acts like he has the right to be. You so gave it up and now he’ll never leave you alone.” She shakes her head but has an evil grin on her lips.

I’m not sure I want him to leave me alone, but I keep that to myself, not wanting to sound needy. I don’t even know him. I can’t stake a claim on him.

“You finally give it up to Cyrus?” I throw back. She narrows her eyes at me. “I know he followed you out last night.”

“He’s never getting into my pants.” She shrugs, making her dark ponytail bounce.

“Are you two going to tell me what’s going on?” Peter leans forward on the desk, clearly wanting to hear this, too.

“I have enough alpha male in my life. I don’t need another,” Sammy says.

“He doesn’t seem like that. I mean, Cyrus is bit bossy at times, but he’s the sheriff and a former Marine,” I say. Besides, I think she needs an alpha male.

“You only see the good old boy routine. I’ve seen other sides of him.” Her jaw clenches and I can tell from the look in her eyes this isn’t something she wants to talk about right now. I don’t get why she’s fighting this, but I know I’m not getting anywhere right now on the subject. Plus, if I push her she’ll have reason to push me about Liam. So I let it go. For now.

“Come on. We’re already behind. Man the fort, Peter,” I call out and head toward the pantry in the kitchen.

This is the place where I keep all my extra inventory of preserves and jams. Sammy thought it would be a good idea to set up a stand at the farmer’s market this week. She’s selling her pastries and small cakes and I’ll sell my jams. I’m down to do anything that could make a little extra money. It slipped my mind last night.

I start lifting the boxes but suddenly they’re taken right out of my hands.

“I’ll get them,” Liam says, carrying the boxes out the backdoor for me and loading them into the truck.

“You know you don’t have to do this, right?” I tell him. “You can hang here until I get back. I mean, if you want to hang out later that is. Or if—”

“I want to spend the day with you,” he says, cutting me off. “Plus, I’m not letting you run around by yourself with that on.” I glance down at what I’m wearing. This is what I always wear.

“This is a beach town, you know that, right?” I laugh. Strangely, I like his jealousy, though I really shouldn’t. In fact, I should be getting pissed, but all it’s doing is making me wish we were back in bed. I don’t even care that I’m still a little tender between my thighs. The reminder makes my nipples tighten and heat floods my lower half.

“If you don’t get that look off your face we won’t be going anywhere today,” Liam’s deep voice rumbles, reminding me what I’m supposed to be doing. I shove another box at him and he smiles.

“You really staying for a while?” I hedge as I peek up at him.

“How could I leave right now?” He leans in, brushing his lips against mine.

“We should probably talk about last night. That we didn’t use any, um, protection.” I feel my face heat at the admission.

“We’ll worry about that later,” he says, before turning and taking another box out. I’m a little surprised. I thought he might freak out or something. I was sure he’d realize the magnitude of slip we made, but he doesn't even seem surprised. As if he already knew.

Shaking my head, I move a few more boxes over for us to take and grab some loaves of fresh bread to bring along, too.

“Is that all of it?” Liam asks, picking up the last box.

“I think so.” I glance around to make sure I got everything.

“I got us shirts made!” Sammy says, tossing one at me, and I catch it midair.

It’s a bright pink shirt with Have A Taste written across the front.

“She’s not wearing that,” Liam says before I can.

“Of course she is. It’s her favorite color.” Sammy looks at Liam like he’s crazy and should know this.

“Let’s go, guys. We’re already late,” I remind them. I take the shirt with me but don’t put it on. I have a feeling the shirt is more to poke at the sheriff than anything.

Grabbing my purse, I check to make sure I have my cell. “I’ll drive,” Liam tells me. I toss the keys to my truck to him. He opens the passenger door for me, but not before taking the shirt from my hands. Once I’m situated he closes the door and heads around to the driver’s side.

I smile over at him. His hand goes to the back of my neck and he pulls me to him and gives me another one of those kisses that feel so natural. Like we’ve been doing it forever. It turns from sweet and soft to something more when his phone rings.

He curses and then pulls it out of his pocket as he starts the truck. He puts the phone to his ear and I point down the road. “Center of town,” I tell him so he knows where we’re going. He nods and takes off.

“No, I won’t be leaving today,” he says into the phone, making me wonder if that was his plan but now he’s changed it for me. “I haven’t even checked my emails, so I’m not worried about it right now,” he adds a moment later. “Of course I’m fine.” This time I can hear that it’s a female on the other end of the line. “That’s nobody’s fucking business. I’ll get to it when I get to it.” Then he ends the call.

When I steal a peek over at him he gives me a soft smile with a wink. He’s nothing like the man who was on the phone moments ago. I’m started to notice that. He can be hard and clipped with others but not me.

“Is there somewhere else you’re supposed to be? I don’t want you to get in trouble or something.”

“I promise I’m right where I want to be,” he tells me, making a flutter hit my stomach. We drive into town and I have to tell him where to turn a few times.

“You never been here before?” I ask. Our town isn't big, and if you’ve been here once you should really know where the center of town is.

“Yeah, a few times,” he says after a long pause.

“And you don’t know your way around here? Are you that bad with directions?” I tease.

“I normally stay at the resort here.”

My stomach tightens at the reminder of that place. It’s bittersweet having it here. It’s been good for the town but bad for me because they want my land. And it’s becoming clear to me they are going to get it. They’ll rip down the place I’ve called home. Then I would really have nothing left of my family.

He glances over at me. “I like your place better,” he tells me with a smile.

“Thanks.” I don’t tell him if he ever comes back he likely won’t get to stay there again. I shake those thoughts away as we pull up to the farmer’s market. I don’t want to dwell on the negative today. I’m going to enjoy this time I have with Liam.

I go to open the door, but he stops me. “Let me.”

Before I can respond he’s out and around the truck, opening the door for me. Then he pulls me to him, kissing me right there. My face flames for a moment. The whole town will know about this now. But that slips my mind as the kiss deepens and I fall into him, forgetting everything else.

“Do I need to get the hose?” Sammy asks, breaking the moment. Liam sighs as he pulls away and I laugh.

“Where do you want the boxes, blondie?” He wraps his fingers around a lock of my hair, giving a playful pull, making me smile.

“There.” I point over to where our tent is already set up, along with our tables. He nods and starts grabbing the boxes and taking them over for us.

“I like him. He’s all over you. It’s hot,” Sammy says as she lays down a tablecloth emblazoned with our logos. We take stuff out of the boxes and set up our display.

“You got some stuff in your car, too?” Liam asks Sammy.

“Yeah, it’s over there.” She points to her Jeep but drops her hand when we see the sheriff heading our way. I see he’s carrying some of the stuff from her Jeep already.

“Morning, sunshine,” he says to Sammy like she isn't giving him a death glare.

“Sheriff, isn’t it illegal to break into someone’s car?” she throws back at him.

He smiles down at her as he places her stuff on the table. He gets in her personal space, knowing she won’t back up. “You hear Minni is selling her bakery? Putting it up for sale real soon.”

“What?” Sammy gasps.

Liam pulls me to him as I watch the show in front of me. Now I understand why Sammy finds what’s happening with Liam and me so entertaining.

Sammy has wanted to open her own bakery but thought it might never be possible. Our town already has one, so it would never work. Now it looks like she might get what she wants.

“Just thought you might want to know.” Then Cyrus leans down and kisses her, shocking us all.

Sammy doesn't push him away. In fact, she melts into him for a moment. Then after a second he pulls away, leaving her stunned.

“I’ll leave you to it, sunshine.” He grabs the hem of the T-shirt she made and pulls it off over her head. She’s left standing there in a white tank top like mine with a swimsuit underneath.

He doesn't say a word and neither does she as he strolls away with the shirt in hand. Sammy looks dazed and I can’t help but laugh.

“There anything else I can do for you?” Liam asks me with a chuckle in his voice.

“Coffee?” I suggest, wanting a moment with Sammy. He kisses the top of my head before heading off to find us some.

“You could open your own bakery!” I pull her into my arms for a hug. “No more stupid talk about having to move somewhere else to open one.”

“Yeah,” she responds, still looked shocked. “He stole my shirt,” she finally says, making me giggle.

“Let’s set this place up. We can show everyone know how good your stuff is so you’ll be crazy busy when you land Minni’s place.” I nudge her.

“It seems too good to be true,” she sighs. “I don’t want to get ahead of myself and think of it as mine before it really is.”

“You’ll get it,” I try to reassure her.

“Why is your man being all chummy with the mayor?” Sammy says, looking over my shoulder.

The sudden change of subject catches me off-guard and I glance up to see Liam chatting to Mayor Mark Short. They look like old friends. I watch them for a few moments until they shake hands and part ways and Liam goes back to his pursuit of coffee.

“First that black Amex I saw this morning and now this. Who is this guy?” Sammy raises an eyebrow, but she’s wary of everything and everyone. I try and dismiss it, but for some reason there’s a niggle in the back of my mind I can’t put my finger on.