Summer Time Sweets by Alexa Riley

Chapter 9


One week later…

“I’m not doing this for you. I’m doing this for her,” Sammy says as she glares at me.

“I know. I just want to make things right.”

She clenches her jaw like she’s trying not to curse me straight to hell. I wouldn't blame her if she did. I already feel like complete shit, so anything she has to throw at me can’t possibly make me feel worse.

“She’s acting like someone died,” she says as she looks away. “She’s worse than when she lost both her grandparents. I don’t know how to pull her out of it.”

I was wrong when I thought I couldn’t feel any worse. “I’m going to fix this. I know I can.”

Sammy drops the basket of food on the ground at my feet and turns to give me her back. She starts to walk away, but before she does she stops and lets out a long sigh.

“You better. Or I’ll cut your heart out and give it to her for Christmas.”

“If she doesn’t forgive me, I’ll hand you the knife.”

That causes her to look back at me over her shoulder. “You really do love her, don’t you?”

“Yes,” I say simply, because it’s the truth. And I swore that’s the only thing coming out of my mouth from now on—the truth.

“She’ll be here soon,” she says, then walks through the palm trees and back toward the Mermaid.

I’ve been staying at the lagoon since Cyrus marched me to my plane and kicked me off the island. As soon as my plane touched down on the mainland I paid a guy in a boat to take me back over at night and drop me off on the opposite side of the island. Then I hiked back in and around the high cliffs that line the lagoon. Nicole was right, no one would dare come this way unless they knew where they were going and what they were looking for. I didn’t have much in the way of supplies and I needed help with making things right.

When I snuck up on Sammy while she was getting into her car one night she wasn’t happy with me. But before she could scratch my eyes out I told her my plan and how I was going to win Nicole back. It wasn’t easy. I thought she was going to shoot me the first time she saw me, but when I explained to her my plans she helped me put them into action. She met me by the palm trees near the Mermaid because I wasn’t going to tell her about the lagoon. This is a sacred spot for Nicole and I’ve already taken so much from her. I couldn’t take this secret, too.

I grab the basket Sammy dropped and head back past the trees and walk the mile through the bamboo to get to the lagoon. Everything is finally in place and now all I have to do is wait. I couldn’t figure out a way to get her alone where she’d be forced to hear me. So, I’ve done my best to be patient and wait for her. I know in my heart she’s coming. I can feel the pull of this place just like I feel the way my heart is connected to hers. Today is the day.

I was devastated when I watched Nicole walk away, and I knew I couldn’t live if she didn’t love me. I’ve done everything in my power to fix this mess and to hopefully turn things around. I’m nervous as I dig my toes into the white sand and wait for her to appear. I glance over at the little campsite I’ve been living in for the past week and think about how hard it’s been. But it’s been nothing compared to the pain of missing Nicole. I’d live out here for the rest of my life if only she would forgive me.

I hear the sound of leaves crunching and I hold my breath as I wait to see her appear. When she walks through into the sunlight I’m so angry with myself that I’ve caused the sadness on her face. There are dark circles under eyes and it looks like she’s lost weight. I don’t imagine I’m any better, but her light has gone out and I can’t stand the sight of it.

She walks to the water but doesn’t look up and notice me yet. The sand muffles my steps as I approach her, and my arms yearn to reach out and pull her against me. But I clench my fists at my side to keep myself from reaching for her and step closer.

“Nicole?” I say softly, and she spins around so fast that she trips over her own feet.

I dart out and catch her just before she falls, but the momentum pushes us both off-balance and into the warm water. I come to the surface with her cradled in my arms and shake the water out of my face.

“Are you okay?” I ask, looking over her body to make sure she didn’t somehow hurt herself.

She looks into my eyes and for a second the clouds that were there moments ago have lifted. Her arms are around my neck and she squeeze me until her mind catches up with what’s happening.

“Put me down,” she says as her arms drop and she looks away.

“No,” I reply, and she looks back at me in shock.

“I said put me down, Liam. You don’t get to make me do anything anymore. What are you even doing out here? This was my secret place.”

“It’s our secret place, blondie.” Her eyebrows furrow in anger at the nickname. “You’re going to listen to me. And I’m not going to let you out of my arms until you damn well do it.”

“Fine. Say whatever it is you’ve got to say and then get out of here. There are enough painful memories of you in this special place. I don’t need another one.”

“It’s not like that,” I say, and she crosses her arms like a defiant child. “You can be angry at me, but you’re going to hear me out. And if you still don’t like what I’ve got to say, I’ll swim back to the mainland and never come back here again.”

She doesn’t answer, only shrugs like she could care less.

“I’m sorry,” I begin, and she rolls her eyes. “I am, Nicole. I never meant for it to get so out of control so fast. I came to the Mermaid the night I met you to talk to the owner and convince them to sell it to me. I never knew who you were when I met you at the Red Din. And then I got so swept away by you and how I felt that I forgot all about taking over your hotel and began trying to figure out how to make you fall in love with me.”

She won’t look at me, but I can see the anger in her face begin to soften.

“I don’t know how else I can convince you that it’s the truth, but it is. Kathy was my secretary and she helped me schedule the deals and acquisitions.” Nicole grinds her teeth at the mention of Kathy’s name, so I rush to put her mind at ease. “I never, not even in a friendly way, touched her. She was only ever my employee, but now she’s nothing to me. She disrespected you and overstepped her place. I fired her the second we left the Mermaid.”

Nicole bites her lip like she’s thinking it over.

“So, with her gone I had a lot of work ahead of me, but with Sammy’s help it’s all done.”

That gets her attention. “You’ve seen Sammy? What did she do?” Her eyes narrow.

“I’ve sold my controlling shares in all my hotels. I’ve kept my stocks and investments, but I got rid of my condo on the mainland and sold pretty much everything I owned. Except for some camping equipment,” I say, nodding over to the waterfall.

“You’ve been living out here? For how long?”

“Since the second I was forced out of here by Sheriff Cyrus.”

That causes the edge of her lips to twitch, but she immediately realizes it and straightens up. “What do I care if you sold everything and have been camping out here for a week? It doesn’t change anything.”

“I’ve sold all my hotels except one. The Luxury Resort is still here and still operating as usual, but now its new owner is you,” I say, and her eyes widen in shock.

“Me? Why would I want your hotel? I can’t even handle the one I have that’s being foreclosed on.”

“That’s where I come in handy,” I say and run my hand down her back. “If you’ll hire me, I’d like to manage the Luxury Resort for you. And I’d also like to manage the Mermaid. I’ve paid off all the debt you had and transferred everything into your name. Now you’ve got the collateral of both hotels and you can choose to do with them whatever you want. But what I was hoping for is that you and I could run them together.”

“Why would I trust you? You broke my heart, Liam.” There’s real pain her voice, and I can’t stand it.

I turn her in my arms so she wraps her legs around my waist to keep her from going under, and she twines her arms go around my neck.

“Because I love you, Nicole. You’re it for me. I never, ever meant to hurt you. I was obsessed with building an empire and making money. I wanted to conquer the world until I met you. Then the only thing I wanted to do was to belong to you.”

“And now suddenly you’ve given it all up for me? What if you change your mind? What if you grow to resent me for keeping you here?”

“I sold the hotels and put everything in your name for you. I created an unbreakable trust so that you’ve never got to worry about money again. I did that for you. But I came back for me. I’m just like you said I was, a selfish asshole. I can’t breathe without you. I can’t function without you by my side. I don’t know how to wake up or go to sleep without you in my arms. So yeah, it’s selfish, but I want to be here so that my heart beats again. Because without you, I’m dying inside.”

“Liam,” she whispers as tears form in her eyes. She reaches out and runs her fingers through my wet hair. “I’m scared.”

Her words are honest, but they give me the first glimpse of hope I’ve had since I left her.

“I’ll never hurt you again, and I’ll spend the rest of my life making it up to you.” I press my forehead to hers and hold her close. “I love you, Nicole. Please don’t send me away again.”

“I love you, too, Liam.”

The words are barely out of her mouth and my lips are on hers. It feels like years since I’ve kissed her instead of days. But the feeling of her body against mine is sunshine after a monsoon. The clouds are clearing and the only thing I feel is her ray of light in my heart.

“I missed you so fucking much,” I say as I carry her out of the water while kissing her. My lips move to her jaw and then to her neck before I lick the shell of her ear. I lay her down on the white powdery sand and pull off her soaked jean shorts. “I’m dying for you.”

She yanks off her wet tank top and I pull aside the triangles of her bikini top before I’m on her like a hungry lion. I suck on her nipples as I unbutton my shorts and pull my cock free. I push aside her bikini bottom while she struggles with the ties on either side and slip into her warm, wet pussy because I can’t wait a second longer for it.

Her fingers give up trying to undo the knots and I thrust in and out of her. The hot sun beats down on us as she wraps her legs around me and we cling to one another. It’s making love, but it’s furious like we’re starved for one another. She scratches me down my back and I graze my teeth along her nipple. Her pussy squeezes me as I growl on top of her like an animal that’s found his mate. And maybe I have.

“I love you,” I whisper as my hands dig into her ass and I thrust harder. I say it over and over again because I knew it the day I met her and I should have told her right then.

“Don’t stop,” she breathes as I go deeper. “I love you, too.”

I can’t kiss her enough or hold her tight enough, and even as I feel my release approaching, I know it won’t be enough. I’ll have to have her again right after this and even still I won’t be sated. I know in my soul this is exactly where we are meant to be. Together forever.

Her climax hits and I have no choice but to follow her over the edge. Her pussy pulses and massages my cock like it’s begging me to fill her up. I have no doubts that if she isn’t already pregnant, in this moment our baby is conceived. My body is heavy on top of her, but I try to hold myself up as I cum inside her and try not to black out. It’s so powerful and feels so fucking good that I see stars when I look at her. It’s overwhelming and I have to catch my breath so I don’t pass out.

I put my weight on my elbows and kiss her softly, but I don’t pull out. I’m nowhere near finished. I love the feeling of being in her with no rush and skin on skin. I’ve dreamed of her every night and all the things I would do to her if I just had one more chance. I rip away her bikini bottoms so that there’s nothing between us.

Nicole giggles and I look down at her smiling face. “You’re crushing me,” she says.

I wrap my arms around her back and pick her up, then I stand and walk us back into the water. “Is this better?” I ask as she moves up and down on my cock while in the lagoon.

“I didn’t say I didn’t like it before. But this is good, too.” She kisses me playfully, and then her stomach growls so loud we both stop kissing and laugh.

“I had Sammy bring food,” I say, pointing to the picnic basket.

“Were you so sure I’d forgive you?”

“No. But I like to always be prepared,” I murmur, kissing her neck.

“There’s so much to talk about,” she says, but I shake my head.

“There’s time for that later. Right now, we’re going to make up for lost time.”

“I hope she brought a lot of food,” she says with a smile.

“Me too,” I say, leaning in and kissing her once again.