Summer Time Sweets by Alexa Riley

Chapter 8


Ilaugh as Liam throws me over his shoulder and walks into the Mermaid. I can’t stop smiling. With everything that’s been happening in my life lately, today has been one of the best of my life. Hell, I think it might be the actual best day of my life. After spending the day with Liam I’m coming to terms with what’s happening. He’s serious about me and wants to keep this going. The thoughts of a weekend fling are long gone now and he’s talking about our future.

When he reaches the porch he slides me down his body and puts me on my feet. I wrap my arms around his neck, not wanting him to let me go. Maybe I should be looking at this differently. One door is closing and another is opening. In fact, I keep thinking I’ll lose everything from my family if this place is taken from me, but maybe I’ll be starting another one with Liam.

I know it sounds crazy. We’ve only known each other a short time, but this feels right and I know he’s feeling it, too. With time we’ll get to know each other better, but I know he’s it for me and I’m not letting him go.

“Did you really mean that you wanted me to move in with you?”

“I want you with me at all times.” He leans down and kisses me. I love how he can’t keep his lips off mine.

It’s slow and lazy, like we don’t have to decide anything right away. It’s like we have all the time in the world. I actually feel pressure rising off of me and making me feel lighter. He swooped in and took away all my worries.

“I just want to make sure you weren't asking because you overheard Sammy and me today,” I admit.

I don't want him to feel guilty and I don't want a handout. I want him to ask because he can’t stand the thought of being without me. Because that’s what I’m starting to feel, too. He has a life somewhere else, so how could I ask him to stay? The Mermaid isn't going to be here for much longer. It will break my heart to lose it, but I think Liam will have no problem putting me back together.

“I asked you because this can't end. I think we both feel what’s happening. What we have is nothing like I’ve ever felt, and I don’t want to let you go.” I smile up at him. Hearing that is going to make selling this place so much easier.

“Okay. I’ll come with you. I mean, I have things to settle here and I need to make sure Peter will be okay, but I’ll come with you. If you promise we’ll visit here as much as we can.”

He stares at me for a moment and his face is unreadable.

“Hey, Nikki, you got a call.” I glance in through the front doors and see Peter sitting behind the front desk holding the phone up for me. I let my hands drop from around Liam and smile up at him.

“Give me a second,” I tell Liam and walk into the lobby.

Liam follows me and watches as I take the phone from Peter.

“Thought you might want to take it. It’s the mayor,” Peter tells me.

I glance over at Liam, whose eyes widen in surprise, reminding me he was talking to the mayor today.

“Hey, Mark,” I say, putting the phone to my ear.

“Nikki, I meant to stop by your tent today, but I got held up. I wanted to see about meeting up tomorrow to talk about the Mermaid. I’ve been made aware of a few things and I want to get this all straightened out.” I hear a shuffling of papers before he continues. “We know the place is going under and I’m sorry about that, I really am, but, well, you know what the Luxury Resort does for this island. No need to smack the hand the feeds us all around here. In time it will come to happen anyway.”

“Yeah,” I agree, because what else is there to say? I don’t really want to get into it with the mayor right now. Plus, I've already decided to sell. “Come by tomorrow around noon if you like and we’ll talk.”

“See you then.” With that, we both hang up.

Peter and Liam are watching me, and they look worried. I reach out and grab Peter’s hand. “I don’t want you to worry about anything, I’m going to sell the Mermaid. I promise that you’ll always have a place to stay and we’re getting you into college.”

“It’s okay, Nikki,” he says and pulls me into a hug. “I don’t want you to worry about me. I’ll figure it out. I’ve kinda known this was coming. I mean, I run the desk. I check some of the emails, too.”

Liam cuts in before I can. “We’re all going to figure this out. Look—”

“Mr. Armstrong! You’ve had us all so worried,” a woman cries from the entryway.

We all turn to look see a woman in a suit that’s way too hot for this weather. Her black hair is pinned up in a tight bun and there’s not a hair out of place. She looks like she belongs in a boardroom and not standing in the lobby of the Mermaid. That’s when I look behind her and see Sheriff Cyrus coming up the steps, too.

“She’s been in a fit. Tried to report your city boy missing. When she showed me a picture of him I brought her on over,” Cyrus says, looking annoyed.

“What was I to suspect?” she wails.

“Kathy,” Liam says in warning. “I talked to you this morning.”

His body is tense and I can tell he’s pissed. It’s a side of him he shows to everyone except me. With me he’s always soft and sweet. But when it comes to everyone else he’s direct and comes off as cold.

“With how you sounded I thought maybe you were kidnapped. To top it off, I hadn't heard another word from you. You haven't even opened one work email!” She says it like an accusation. Like not opening his work emails means he’s dead. “Last I heard, you wanted out of this place as soon as possible.” She turns to look at me and raises an eyebrow. If looks could kill I’d be dead. “Are you going to sell the place already, or are we taking it out from under you?”

The urge to vomit rises in my throat. Who is this woman to Liam? The whole room goes quiet until Liam breaks the silence.

“Nicole,” he says, reaching for me, but I dodge his hand.

“Armstrong,” I say, the word tasting bitter in my mouth. “As in, Mr. Armstrong, the owner of Luxury Resorts?” I ask as everything begins to click together.

Peter makes a whistling nose. “That explains that black Amex. Wait, he’s the fucker that’s been sending you all those emails to sell the Mermaid?”

All I can do is nod because I think if I open my mouth again I’m going to be sick. But not Peter. He’s in motion before I can blink. He’s over the desk with his fist in the air and punches Liam right in the jaw. Liam doesn’t do anything. He only staggers back a step but doesn't retaliate. Cyrus runs in and grabs Peter.

“Damn it, Peter, calm down. I don’t want to take you in.”

“I’m not pressing charges,” Liam says as his eyes stay locked on me. I look away, unable to stand the sight of him.

“Get out,” I tell him.

“Blondie.” His voice is soft.

“Don’t call me that,” I snap.

“Don’t worry,” I say, looking to the woman who just barged in. For all I know she’s his lover or wife or whatever. It’s clear Liam is one good liar and I bought it all. I can’t believe I fell for his bullshit about going to live with him. He made me feel like I was safe. All of it was just to get me to sell. “Send over the offer. I’ll sign the papers.” The woman smiles at me like she's won.

I take a few steps back, and Liam tries to follow me. But both Cyrus and Peter block his path.

“Let him go right this second! Do you know who he is?” The woman rushes over.

“Yeah, and we don’t fucking care,” Cyrus retorts.

“Listen to me. Just let me explain,” Liam pleads.

I shake my head as the tears begin to form. Why does this betrayal hurt worse than losing the Mermaid?

“You slept with her?” Kathy hisses, and I can hear the jealousy clear in her voice. Great. Definitely a lover. Like this wasn't hurting enough already.

“Don’t cry.” He jerks out of the guys’ hold and ignores everyone else as he fights his way towards me. His big hands cup my face. “Please, baby, don’t cry. Just listen to me.” I jerk back from him. I hate how soft his touch is. I can’t take it. Luckily, both Cyrus and Peter are there to pull him back.

“Get your things and get out. The place isn't yours yet.”

Liam breaks the hold once again, but I put both of my hands out to stop him.

“Don’t touch me!” I scream. He doesn’t move, and I swear all the blood drains from his face. It's then I realize the tears have broken free.

“I can’t believe you slept with her. How could you do this to me? I thought…” Kathy trails off. I don’t know if I feel bad for her or want to smack her.

“Please. Please just leave,” I beg him. My voice is quiet and pained.

“He’s leaving, Nikki. Why don’t you go to your room? I’ll call Sammy,” Cyrus says in a gentle voice.

Liam opens his mouth to say something, but Cyrus cuts him off. “Don’t, or I’ll throw you in a cell for days and you really won’t see her. Get the fuck out of here and let her get herself together. You’re making it worse.”

Liam’s whole body sags and it makes me almost believe he feels some remorse for what he did. But my heart is breaking and I can’t think beyond the pain. I gave him my virginity and now I feel betrayed.

I turn around and walk to my room, and I hear him call my name from behind me. I don’t turn around. I just focus on getting away from him.

“You’re acting weird, Liam. Are you sure you’re well? You’re clearly not yourself.” Kathy carries on like nothing has happened.

I don’t stop walking until I make it to my bedroom, then I strip off my clothes. I need to get the smell of him off me. I have to erase him from my memory. Maybe that will help with the pain.

When I step into the shower my hand goes to my stomach. What if he got me pregnant? A sob builds in my throat and I shake my head. No, I don’t believe it. If this was all a plan he wouldn't have been that reckless. Maybe he can’t have kids or something. I cry so hard I have to slide down the tile and sit on the floor of the shower. I pull my legs in, letting the warm water fall over me, and I close my eyes wondering if the ache of loss will ever leave me.