Virgin Marriage by Alexa Riley

Chapter 7


Ismile as I lie in bed next to my husband. God knows how many times I’ve dreamed of being like this with Wyatt. I’ve been drawn to him since the moment I saw him and I’ve decided to stop fighting it.

I had hoped yesterday that maybe I’d be able to break free of him, but Wyatt had other plans. He’s the most predictable unpredictable person, yet he still manages to surprise me at every turn. I should have known that he was playing the long game.

I thought I knew what sacrifice was when I was doing what my family wanted. I tried not to rock any boats because I thought by giving my father what he wanted he’d love me. It was pathetic.

If what Wyatt said to me last night is true, and that he loves me, then he knows sacrifice more than anyone. Thinking of him married to another woman makes me want to vomit. My heart hurts thinking about what it was like for him that day. He waited for me and I wonder if he would have come for me if not for the divorce. How long did he know it was fake? Maybe if I looked at my annulment papers or the prenup, I could see something there. I didn’t pay any attention to it because it never mattered. The day my father made me marry Aiden, I thought I lost everything. I signed what I was told because what else could have been taken from me?

But as Wyatt holds me in his arms I’m reminded that it doesn’t matter. I’m here now, and there’s nothing ever coming between us again.

For the first time in my life I want to thank my mother for making me always do those stupid exercise classes. I can keep up with my husband and his appetite for me. I might have passed out first, but I’m wide awake now.

I look over at him and see him sleeping with a smug look on his face. I used to tell myself I hated that look, but that was a lie. I’ve wanted to kiss that smirk for years and last night I’d done more than that.

I’m draped across his big body and his arms tighten as I press my lips to his.

“Where are you going?” he asks with his eyes still closed. “Are you trying to get away from me already?”

“I was going to kiss you but—”

My smart-mouth comment is cut off when he rolls me over and his mouth comes down on mine. I moan, enjoying him taking control. It’s something I never in my life thought that I would want, but maybe it’s because Wyatt is different. It’s sweet and endearing and I love how much it’s about us. This has nothing to do with the rest of the world or what our obligations are.

I raise my hips in invitation, needing him inside of me again. I lost count how many times he made me cum last night and into the early morning. I still want more. I’ve never felt this close to anyone and this is different on so many levels. The way I feel with him right now is everything and I don’t want it to stop.

“Princess.” His warning tone doesn’t stop me. In fact, I think it has the opposite effect. I know with him he’ll let me get away with anything.

“Wyatt,” I beg, as everything about him pushes me to plead for more.

“I’ve got you, but only with a kiss.” I pretend to pout, which I’ve noticed it turns him on. Before I can say a word, he slides down my body and between my legs. “You’re sore. Let me take care of you.”

He kisses my tender skin and it’s so gentle and sweet I want to cry. Not only because he loves me but because I get to see this side of him, a side no one knows. We both have this part of us hidden from the rest of the world and it makes the bond between us stronger.

He licks me slowly as he pushes my pleasure close to the edge. I dig my fingers into his hair as his swift tongue gets me there so quickly. Maybe this why I’ve never been drawn to another man. My body has always known it belongs to him. He controls it with ease and I yearn for every touch.

My body comes undone and I cry his name. I release my grip on his hair and melt into the bed. I open my eyes and realize he’s still there on his knees between my legs. His eyes lock with mine as he presses the tip of his cock into me. I watch the muscles in his arm flex as he jacks himself a few times. I gasp when his warm release shoots inside of me and fills me up again. He groans my name and the sight of my husband overtaken by pleasure is the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen.

He wasn’t joking about the pregnancy and he was making it clear. I can see it in his eyes when he lets go of his cock. I lick my lips when I see a small bead of cum at the tip and I want to taste it.

“No,” he tells me, moving over my body and planting his hands on either side of me. “Don’t ask me to cum in your pretty mouth.” He brushes his lips against mine. “I’ll do it, but not yet.” He brushes his big hand against my stomach.

“Something to look forward to,” I say, leaning up a little to touch my mouth to his. I let out a small, happy sigh when I taste myself on him. I never thought the day would come when this would happen and he was mine.

“Food,” he tells me before pulling me from the bed. He kisses me then walks over to open the curtains.

The sun pours into the bedroom and I glance around for a clock thinking it has to be late morning. I freeze when I see I’m in the master bedroom. I don’t remember coming up here. I mean, I knew we came upstairs but I was a little distracted while being carried to bed.

My things are here and my heart races when I see all my art notebooks stacked up together with my drawing table. I kept them in a spare room at what I guess is now my old place.

“You kept them locked up. So I did the same.” He shrugs, explaining why the door was locked.

“Because I didn’t want my father to find them,” I admit.

It’s silly, because my father didn’t come to my house, but the moment I got space of my own I rushed out to buy supplies and a lock. I told myself it was the one thing that was for me, but I was so scared he’d take it from me again. I put two locks on the door to try and reassure myself. Aiden never asked why because he never invaded my privacy. We were close in some ways but private in others. It wasn’t until recently that I saw how distanced we were in parts of our lives.

“I moved those myself,” he says as he walks towards me. “I moved a few other things I didn’t want anyone else touching.” He cocks a smile and I know he’s talking about my underwear.

“You broke into my room?” I tease.

“Yep,” he says easily before kissing me and walking his naked ass towards the bathroom. “I’ll do anything when it comes to you,” he throws over his shoulder. “Feel free to do the same. I’ll enjoy it. I’m going to shower and make you something to eat. Join me if you want.” With that he disappears into the bathroom, leaving me standing there with my mouth open. I know I should be mad but I laugh.

“You don’t have to lock the door,” I say more to myself since Wyatt can’t hear me over the sound of the running shower.

My father thinks he can do as he pleases, but I don’t think Wyatt would stand for anyone walking into his home uninvited. Our home. I could tell if Wyatt made his move yesterday then he was ready for battle. Though I don’t think he has any intentions of telling me what his plan is or what he has on my father.

My hand slides over my stomach and I wonder if I could be getting pregnant right now. I still feel Wyatt’s cum between my thighs, so it’s a possibility.

I’m always left out of the plans and I swallow, suddenly feeling unsteady. I don't want to be on the sidelines anymore. It’s how my parents operated and I hate their marriage. If I’m honest with myself, I can admit to hating them, but I still hold on to a small piece of hope that one day they’ll see reason.

I’m not going to ask for permission anymore. I’m going to become a woman of action. Maybe I can stop whatever the blow-up from this might be. I can try and make my father see there’s no reason for a war with Wyatt. Maybe he could get in a few jabs, but what would be the point? Wyatt has not only made a name for himself but he’s built up his own stack of cash. That’s what my father holds most dear and he can’t wrap his mind around others not feeling the same.

This could turn into a bloody war and it’s one Wyatt wouldn’t let me get involved in. But I’m not standing by this time like some pretty thing to be put on the shelf.

I’ve had a taste of what a life with Wyatt would be like and I want it. I also want him to see I can fight for this and that I want to fight for us. I want to stand beside him and build this family together, a family so different from my own.

If I had to guess, Wyatt let me go because he wasn't ready. He knew that somehow I could get hurt because his plans weren’t fully in place. One of the things I love about him is the passion and the fight inside of him. I’m guessing he thought back then I might get hurt in the fight. It’s clear to me now that Wyatt is the exception to the rule.

He always has been.