Virgin Marriage by Alexa Riley

Chapter 9


Ismile when I see her walk into my office and come right to me.

“That wasn’t a long enough bath,” I say as she sits down in my lap.

“Do you have my phone?” she asks, and when I look into her emerald eyes I see she’s got her mind made up.

“You want to talk to him, don’t you?” I ask, and she nods.

Shit. I’ve wanted to keep this pain from her, but I know it’s something that she needs to face. I open my desk drawer and take her phone out. It’s turned off, but I knew it was a matter of time before we needed to set things straight. I’m not worried that we’ll end up right back here and in our bubble of love, but I wish there was a way I could protect her from the hurt I know her family is going to inflict. They will never give her what she needs. They don’t deserve her.

“And you know I’m going with you, right?”

“I was hoping you’d say that,” she says, reaching out and touching my face.

“Princess, nothing could keep me away.”

I stand up with her in my arms and carry her to the front of the house. We grab our coats and then go out to the garage and she begs me to take the truck.

“We’re not going far. It should be okay to make the trip,” I say.

She climbs in the cab and I go in after her. “I’m nervous,” she says after a long silence.

“Don’t be. I’m going to be right here with you the whole time. There’s nothing he can say or do to separate us.” I wink at her. “Besides, I’ve got something on him that will keep him in line.”

“Care to tell me what that is?”

“Let’s wait and see if he’s willing to play ball first,” I say, and she nods.

When we get to her parents’ house, long-stored-away memories rattle as I park the truck and get out. I was never invited over to Savannah’s house, but I rode over here a few times with Aiden when he had to drop his sister off. It was hard on everyone when he lost her, but I know how hard that hit Savannah. There were so many nights I drove by here in this very truck and wished I could go in and give her a hug. But I knew her father looked down his nose at me and I heard the rumors about how controlling he was. It didn’t take long for me to see it for myself and then realize what I was going to have to do to make her mine.

I help her out of the truck and before her feet have hit the ground the front doors are thrown open. Her mother is in a silk robe with feathers around the sleeves and neck. It’s a bit like a soap opera as she stands there waiting on us to walk up the stairs to the front door.

“Mother,” Savannah says, and I squeeze her hand in mine.

“Where the hell have you been, young lady?” she says, as if Savannah isn’t a grown woman. “Your father has been worried sick.”

“And you? Have you been worried, too, mother?” Savannah straightens her spine and I want to fist pump that she’s not letting her mother run the show.

“How dare you speak to me like some common stranger.” Her mother places her hand on her chest like she’s been physically attacked. “The scandal the two of you have caused has turned this house upside down. I haven’t been able to show my face anywhere because of it.”

And here we are, back to how this affects everyone except Savannah. I roll my eyes and I hear her mother make a tsking sound.

“Get in the house before the neighbors see you,” she orders. She peers around suspiciously and ushers us in.

“When will father be home?” Savannah asks as we step inside the foyer.

“I called him when I saw that vehicle in the driveway.” She looks like she’s swallowed a bug when she references my truck. I’m even happier I brought it now. “He’s finishing up at work and he’ll be here soon.”

“Good,” I say, and her mother looks over at me with a sour face.

“I’ll have Matilda bring drinks to the lounge. I need to lie down after all you’ve put me through,” she whines as she puts the back of her hand on her forehead and pretends to be unsteady on her feet.

Savannah lets go of my hand and I want to grab it back, but she walks towards her mother. For a second I’m worried she might push her over but then to my surprise Savannah wraps her up in a hug.

“I feel so sorry for you,” she says, and her mother’s eyes widen in shock. “You have no idea what it’s like to be loved, and I forgive you.”

“Forgive me?” her mother asks, and Savannah releases her and takes a step back. “For what?”

“For being a shitty mother and all-around terrible person,” Savannah explains. She squeezes her mom's shoulder and comes to stand beside me.

The woman looks like she’s just been slapped in the mouth as she stares openly at the two of us.

“We’ll see ourselves to the lounge,” I say, pulling Savannah in my arms and we walk right past the frozen woman. “How did that feel?” I whisper to Savannah as we walk into the room and close the door behind us.

“Amazing,” she says as she turns in my arms to look up at me. “I didn’t think I could do it, but I really do forgive her. After what we shared last night I know that she has no idea what it’s like to be loved like you love me.”

“To be fair, I don’t think anyone on this earth does,” I say, tucking her hair behind her ear. I lean down and press my lips to hers.

“I love you,” she whispers against my lips and I pull back to look at her.

“Say it again,” I demand. I take a step closer to her and she takes a step back.

“I love you, Wyatt. I don’t know why I hesitated last night because I’ve only ever loved you my entire life. And right now I feel brave and free, and I know it’s because you’re here with me.”

I keep walking towards her until her back hits the door we just walked through. “Say it again.”

“I love you.” She bites her bottom lip as she looks up at me through her lashes.

“Pull that dress up.” I demand, reaching down to undo my jeans. I pull my cock out and it springs free hard and thick between us.

“Wyatt,” she whispers and looks down at it. “Here? Now?”

“I’ll have you anytime, anywhere,” I say, reaching under her dress and yanking down her panties. “Now hold your dress up and get on my cock.”

She doesn’t hesitate when I grab her ass and lift her up. Her legs wrap around my waist as I sink into her and I put my hand over her mouth.

“Shhh, princess. We don’t want daddy to hear you getting fucked.” I have to hold my back my own growl of possession as I thrust into her over and over. “Then again it might do him some good to hear that he’s not in charge anymore.”

She moans against the palm of my hand as her pussy squeezes me tighter. Just then the doorknob jiggles, but I shake my head at Savannah and keep on going.

“Ms. Savannah, your mother told me you’d like some refreshments,” I hear on the other side of the door.

I slip my hand away from her mouth and smile at her as she glares at me.

“I think we’re fine, Matilda, thank you,” Savannah says while I thrust hard and make her voice catch at the end.

“Alright then,” Matilda says on the other side of the door and I hear her walk away.

“Wyatt,” Savannah hisses at me, and I smile, burying my face in her neck.

Her arms wrap around me and we move together. Her pussy tightens and slicks my cock.

“I love you so much,” I say against the tender place below her ear. Her body shudders and clamps around me when her orgasm rolls through her body.

I press my lips to hers as my cock swells and then begins to release. Together we find our peaks and I don’t want it to end. This isn’t the best place to make love right this moment, but I couldn’t help myself. Hearing her say the words I’ve always wanted to hear was too much for me to take.

I press my forehead to hers and smile as I hear her say it once again. “I’ll never get tired of hearing you say that.”

“Good, because I have no plans to stop.”

I slip my cock from her warmth and tuck it back into my jeans, then kneel down in front of her and help her put her panties back on. I’ve just got them in place and her dress pulled back down as the door comes flying open.

“Shit.” Savannah curses under her breath when she sees her father stands looming in the doorway.

“What’s going on here?” he says as he glares between us. His eyes lower to my crotch for a second and then back up to me.

I look down and realize my fly is open and I zip it up and wink at him. “Just passing the time until you got here,” I say, and he’s so angry his face turns red.

“I came to talk to you,” Savannah says, interrupting him before he can say anything about me having sex with his daughter. “I know what you’re going to say—”

“Oh, do you? How could you know that after days of not answering my calls or emails? I didn’t know where the hell you were and it’s all over the news that you and Aiden's marriage has been annulled!” he yells as he takes a step closer to her.

“Watch your tone,” I warn, stepping between them. I want Savannah to stand up for herself but I’m not going to sit by and watch her get bullied while she does it. “I think you need to be careful how you speak to her, Mr. Matthews.”

“I always knew you were trouble,” he says as he looks me up and down. “I should’ve had that school throw you out the second I laid eyes on you.”

“That’s enough,” Savannah says. “You can say whatever you want about Aiden and me splitting up, but you knew I didn’t love him. It’s been Wyatt since I was fourteen and you tried everything to make sure I didn’t end up with him or anyone else that didn’t check all the boxes you had for me.”

“Of course I did,” he says without apology. “I didn’t want you to embarrass this family. But I guess it’s too late for that.”

“The only thing that’s embarrassing are photos I have of you in the Ritz,” I say and cock my head to the side.

Mr. Matthews pales and looks over his shoulder to make sure there’s no one behind him. “What are you talking about?”

“Oh, I think you know,” I reply, pulling out my phone and scrolling through the pictures my private investigator snapped. “This looks just like you and a very prominent state judge trading payment, doesn’t it?”

“You can’t prove anything,” he says, but the beads of sweat forming on his head are telling me something else.

“I can prove enough to cause suspicion and enough to take you to court. I can make an entire jury have doubts on your credibility when I drag out your tax evasion and the stack of regulations you’ve broken by taking money from lobbyists.”

His face pales and he takes a step back as I pull Savannah closer to me. He lives in a house of cards. No wonder he was gasping for the Clark’s family money.

“You were right, Mr. Matthews. I was trouble for you from day one. And I plan on being for the rest of your life.” He swallows and I lean in closer to him. “But I’ll leave you and your illegal business deals alone if you learn how to speak to my wife with respect.”

“Wife?” He nearly chokes on the word as he looks between us.

“Oh yes, I didn’t waste a second getting her tied to me. And congratulations. You’re going to be a grandpa.”

He’s unsteady on his feet as he stumbles back and falls into the nearby chair. Savannah steps around me so she can look down on him.

“I’m finally going to live the life I want without a say from you or Mother. You can’t control me or my trust any longer because I don’t care. I’m with the man I love and if you both want to be a part of that then you’re welcome to try, but I’m done doing what you think is right.”

She looks back at me and I nod, letting her know I’m here when she’s finished.

“Take me home, Wyatt,” she says and I’m by her side instantly.

I turn to her father and lean in close to him. “If you ever try to interfere with her happiness I’ll do more than expose you as a fraud. I’ll fucking end you,” I whisper. I straighten and take Savannah’s hand.

We walk out of the room without a backwards glance but once we get to the front door Savannah stops. She turns and looks back at the staircase and I follow her line of sight to see her mother standing at the top of it. For a brief moment I think she’s going to come down and talk to her daughter, but with a sad look in her eyes she turns and walks away.

I put my arm around Savannah as we walk out to the truck and I get us out of there as fast as I can.

“I’m so sorry,” I say when we’re almost home.

“I am, too. They’re going to miss out on their grandchildren's lives because they’ve decided that controlling me was more important than loving me.”

I pull her to me and kiss the top of her head as I drive. “Do you want me to cause problems for them?” She laughs and it warms my chest. “You know I’m serious, right?”

“I know, and that’s why it makes me so happy.” She sighs as she looks up at me. “Not yet, but maybe one day when I’m feeling extra petty.”

“I’ll be waiting.”

When we pull up to the house I put the truck in park and turn to look at her. Her bright emerald eyes are so soft right now and all I want to do is take her to bed. But I need to make sure that she’s okay and that this can’t touch her anymore.

“I know I didn’t go about it the traditional way,” I say, reaching over to open the glove box. I take out the small black box. I take her hand. “I got this ring after I won my first case.”

“The Salinger trial?” she asks, and my chest swells with pride.

“You remember?”

“I followed all your cases,” she says, her cheeks blushing.

“I didn’t have much in the way of a home, or really anything other than a win under my belt. But I’d been saving for a while and I wanted to get you the ring you deserved.” I open the box and inside is an emerald surrounded by diamonds on a platinum band. “I looked at it every day and it reminded me of your eyes.”

“It’s so beautiful,” she says as she looks up at me with tears in her eyes. “I love you so much.”

“I love you too, Savannah. And I promise to give you the family and the life that you’ve always dreamed of. I promise to make sure that you never know a day without love, and acceptance, and all of your dreams made into a reality.”

I slip the ring on her finger and then kiss it before I look up and press my lips to hers.

“Yes,” she says and then we both laugh because it’s not as if she had a choice.

There are lots of things I should have done differently, starting with making her mine when we were fourteen. But living and learning is a part of life and in the end all our roads led to this moment. I should have stolen her away the day she married Aiden, but would she have found the courage to stand up to her family back then? It’s easy to look back and pick at the pieces, but it’s more important to live in our moment now.

“Do you want a wedding?” I ask, and she shakes her head.

“No, I’ve got all I need right here,” she says and wraps her arms around me.

“Me too,” I say. I pull her into my arms and carry her into our home.

It’s the start of our forever and I can’t wait to see where it goes.