Virgin Marriage by Alexa Riley

Chapter 6


Ipaced all night thinking about her. It’s not unlike every other night since we met, but now that I’ve had a taste of her I can’t stay away. I’ve got to learn to control my urges or I’m going to cause her to run from me. I want her so much, but I know I’ll only push her away if I keep doing what I’m doing.

We spent the afternoon at my parents’ house with everyone hitting me with questions. Luckily my newly engaged sister was a welcomed distraction and Gia ended up being the center of attention. Everyone was focused on her and Marco and the upcoming nuptials. They don’t want to wait to get married, so they needed to finalize things immediately for a quick wedding.

As I sat there and thought about Sky, I wondered what our wedding would be like. It was never if we got married but when. Even when I was keeping my distance I’d jerk off to the fantasy of her walking down the aisle to me in a white dress, her belly big and round with our baby and a diamond on her finger. Having her tied to me in every way possible is the only thing that can make me cum and the only difference about last night was that I knew what her pussy tasted like when I touched myself.

I take the stairs two at a time because I can’t wait any longer. The sun isn’t even fully up, but I’ve brought breakfast and coffee to help smooth it over.

When I get to her door I knock and when I don’t hear anything I knock again, louder. After what feels like an eternity I hear movement on the other side of the door and I see the light change through the peephole, letting me know she’s there.

“Jason?” Her voice is hoarse from sleep and the vision of what she must look like when she first wakes up warms me.

“Yeah, I just want to talk.” It’s a white lie because although I do want to talk to her, I want to eat her pussy again too. “I brought breakfast.”

She opens the door just a little and narrows her eyes at me. When she recognizes the bag from her favorite bakery, her eyes widen and she opens the door all the way.

“I really shouldn’t let you in after all the pie I ate last night.” She steps aside and I place the bags on the kitchen counter as she locks the door.

“Did it make you think of me?” I ask when I turn around, and I’m pleased when I see her cheeks redden.

Her hair is over one shoulder and messy from sleep. She’s not wearing any makeup and she’s heartbreakingly beautiful. The small sleep shirt has ridden up to show a strip of her soft belly and her shorts are tiny and rolled down at the waist. Everything about her makes me want to cuddle her back under the warm covers, yet my need for her is outweighing all the other carefully planned thoughts I was going to say.


I cut her off as I lunge for her and cover her mouth with mine. I pick her up and have her pinned to the wall in half a breath, and it only takes that much longer before her legs are wrapped around me. She moans into my mouth and I rock against her softness until the hard ridge of my cock is grinding on her pussy.

“I had a plan,” I growl as I kiss my way down her neck and push her shirt up. When I touch the edge of her bare breast, I surge forward, desperate to find her nipple. My fingers graze the tender peak and I pinch her slightly until she gasps. “I was going to be better at this.”

“I think you’re doing pretty great right this second,” she moans and rubs her pussy on me.

“We have to talk, but I need you too badly.” Both of my hands are on her breasts and plucking at her nipples under her shirt. I grit my teeth and let them go, grabbing her ass instead. “You need to get on your back.”

I hold her to me as I carry her over to the day bed sofa where she sleeps and lay her down. Her lips are already swollen from my desperate kiss and the first light of day streams in across her body.

“I’ve never seen anything so beautiful,” I confess, rubbing the pad of my thumb across her bottom lip. “I’ve never felt so much at one time and I don’t know how to control it.”

“Maybe you shouldn’t?” she says, touching my wrist gently and placing a kiss on my thumb.

“Don’t tell me that.” I lean down and bury my face between her breasts and press my ear to her heart. “Don’t give me permission to become an animal. I need to figure out how to save you from what I want.”

“Tell me, Jason.” I feel her fingers run through my hair. “Tell me what it is you’re so afraid of?”

I look up into her eyes and my body settles. She calms me in a way I never knew was possible. “When we met you awoke something inside me. I don’t know how to control it or how to explain it, but I’m scared I’ll smother this light you have inside you. It’s what calls to me like nothing else and all I want to do is be by your side.”

“And that’s why you disappeared before?”

I nod and place a kiss over her heart. “But I can’t do that again. I tried living with you at a distance and I was a zombie but worse.”

She smiles and cocks her head to the side. “How was it worse?”

“I was grouchy.” That gets me a small laugh before I run my hands down her sides and under her ass. “A grouchy zombie with only one thing to satisfy me.” I kiss my way down her stomach and move between her legs. “Thank god I’ve found it.”

I play with the edge of her little sleep shorts and the soft material stretches nicely. She raises her hips in invitation and my chest swells with hunger. I want to be so goddamn big for her that she never knows fear. That she looks to me for comfort and security because I’m the one that will stop everything before it touches her.

“Jason,” she moans as I gently pull the material to the side and reveal her glistening pussy.

“My pretty virgin,” I say, leaning down and separating her lips with my tongue.

She gasps as I take my time and savor what I need most.

“But not for much longer.” She spreads her legs wider as I push two fingers inside her.

She’s so fucking tight and my cock aches for his turn, but I need her right on the edge when I take her. I’ve been a good man for too damn long and I’m tired of trying to do the right thing. I’ve found the woman I want to be with for the rest of my life, so it’s time to stop pretending I can live without her. Because I can’t.

“I need you, Sky,” I say against her soft skin. “I can’t stay away, and I won’t try anymore.”

She cries out when I suck on her clit and then rub that tender spot inside of her. Her back arches and I work my fingers faster as she approaches her climax.

“You’re it for me, and I’m not going anywhere ever again.”

Between my touch and my words, she cries out my name as her body falls over the edge and into paradise. I feel her release and the clench of her pussy around my fingers as I slide them lazily in and out of her to draw her orgasm out. I want every bit of pleasure from her I can get and I don’t stop. Her body moves with my fingers and against my mouth and already she’s working towards another climax.

“Not yet,” I whisper against her pussy and she whines as I slip my fingers from her tight cunt.

I lick them clean, sit up and pull the shorts and small T-shirt off of her. I tug off my own shirt and toss it on the floor beside us and she reaches for me as I fall on top of her. I move my hand between us and push down my shorts until my hard cock springs free. It bounces bare between us, thick with need as it drips cum onto her waiting pussy lips.

“I’m never letting you go,” I say, rubbing my cock into her juices and coating my shaft. “I love you, Skyler.” Her eyes widen and when she opens her mouth, I shake my head and put a finger over her lips. “You don’t have to say anything right now. Just know that I’ll always be with you, and I’ll always take care of you.”

I slide an inch of my cock into her as I lean down and kiss her lips gently. As her legs spread wider and her hands move to my ass, she pulls me into her and I thrust all the way home. She cries out against my mouth and I grip the blanket tight to keep from moving. She’s the tightest thing I’ve ever felt and I have to remind myself to breathe so I don’t pass out.

Her breath catches in her throat and I kiss her neck and touch her nipples to try and distract her from the pinch of pain.

“I can’t keep this from hurting, but I promise you I’ll make it good.” I feel her relax just a bit at my words and little by little she melts into me.

After what feels like an eternity her hips move hesitantly and then she’s rocking against me and demanding I thrust.

We smile at one another as I rub my nose against hers, and then I give us what we both want. It’s slow and tentative at first because as much as it feels like absolute heaven inside her, I don’t want to hurt her.

“Hard, Jason.” She raises her hips and I feel her nails on my back as I plant my hand on the mattress next to her and thrust.

This time it’s deep and purposeful, and her grip tightens around me. “Fuck.” My back clenches and my cock swells as I surge forward.

My body won’t let me wait much longer and I have to cum. Her walls are squeezing me up and down my shaft and her cream is coating my cock. With my other hand I brush my thumb against her clit and that’s all it takes for her to release.

I praise God that I don’t have to fight it anymore and I grab her hips as I hold myself deep. Cum pours out of me and into her waiting warmth. The heat rolls over my body and I cum even harder with the knowledge that’s she ovulating and I’m bare inside her. I wasn’t lying when I said there wasn’t anything I didn’t know about her and I’m using it to my advantage. I need her tied to me in an unbreakable way and that’s going to be with our baby. She’s my everything and I will always take care of her, and that includes the family we make.

I wrap my arms around her tightly as I roll us over so she’s across my chest. My legs move around hers, and I stroke my hands up and down her back as I kiss the top of her head.

“Is it always like this?” she whispers, tracing the delicate tips of her fingers across my shoulder.

“Not for anyone but us,” I answer, looking into her eyes. “This is different, Skyler. We’re different.” I kiss her softly before she lays her head down on my chest.

“I know,” she agrees right before I close my eyes and finally let sleep take me.