Virgin Marriage by Alexa Riley



Six years later...

Iwatch out the backdoor as all the men run around playing with the kids. Jason picks up our youngest and tosses her into the air before he catches her. Her wavy blonde hair flies in the wind and she lets out a fit of giggles that’s so infectious I laugh.

“They are good with the kids.” Gia comes to stand next to me to watch them too.

It’s any other normal Sunday dinner, but the numbers have grown substantially over the years. With Aiden and Caroline, who are Gia’s best friends, along with Savannah and Wyatt and their kids, we are a giant bunch. It’s a mini Thanksgiving dinner every week and I love every second of it. I never would’ve thought I’d thank my parents if I ever saw them again, but I would. The way they treated me sent me running right into the Fisher family: my true family and where I belong.

“They are,” I agree with a smile.

Everyone is hands on with the kids around here because it really takes a village to herd all of us. We can fight hard but we love harder. I didn’t know it was possible to love so many people and be loved at the same time until them. It’s everything.

“I can’t believe I ate so much,” Savannah sighs from behind me.

I don’t have to look to know she’s rubbing her very round belly. Her husband Wyatt is always rubbing it if she isn’t. In a lot of ways, he reminds me of Jason with his possessiveness. They’ve grown close and if men have best friends, they are it. I’m pretty sure they share stalking tips.

“I could still go for some pie,” Caroline chimes in.

All of us sigh heavily thinking about pie. The bakery is only a quick hop away. That place holds so many memories for me now, so how could I not go? Especially when everyone wants some.

I slip back as everyone starts talking about their favorite desserts, that no matter how many times we try we can never make the pies the same as the bakery. I’m pretty sure that bakery just has a little something special about it and we can’t recreate special.

I grab my bag before slipping out the front door. It’s not a far walk and I’m there in a matter of minutes. I stare up at the menu. I’ve read it a thousand times but still I ponder what I should get.

“Miss?” the man behind the counter asks and I ramble off my order and get way too many. But there’s a house full of people, so it will be fine. “That’s a lot of pie,” the man laughs and I look from the menu board to him. It’s then I realize I don’t know him.

I know the high school girl behind him named Kimmy and I see her fight a laugh while shaking her head.

“If I had you, I wouldn't need a pie to eat. I’d just eat you.”

I’m reaching into my purse and my hand freezes. I’m momentarily shocked and unsure that I heard him correctly. Do men really talk to women like that? Okay, scratch that. Do men really talk to women they don’t know like that?

I let out a small squeal when a hand slams down on the counter so hard I swear the whole building shakes.

“The fuck did you say to my wife?” Jason’s voice is low but deadly.

A yummy chill rolls over my skin, but I don’t feel bad for the guy. You don’t talk to random women that way. I also know that when we get out of here Jason is going to fuck the hell out of me. Forget the pie. My nipples go hard, ready for what’s to come.

Jason gives it to me good every day, but when his possessiveness takes over, everything goes to another level. He tries to keep it in check, but I know that won’t be happening today. I bite my lip as I try and keep my face from heating up as I think about it.

“I…I—” The man looks around for help from someone.

No wonder Kimmy was laughing and darted off. She must’ve seen Jason coming in. I don't need my husband to get himself into trouble. Not when there’s pie and crazy sex to be had. I reach down and place my hand over my husband’s to try and cool his anger.

“Pie’s free. Sorry,” he says as he steps back and hold his hands up.

“Pie isn't fucking free.” Jason’s jerks from behind me and I know he’s pulling out his wallet with his other hand.

We know the owners and we’re not taking all that pie for free because they picked the wrong new hire and got a jerk. But I’m certain he won’t have a job after today.

Jason tosses the money down onto the counter as Kimmy returns a moment later with pies in hand. I’m thankful for how fast she is. I don't need to stand between these two. I have other places to be— preferably on my back. I go to pick up the pies, but Jason beats me to it.

“Ass in the truck,” he tells me.

He tries to be stern but I roll my eyes. I can’t believe he drove here. It’s four blocks! I glance over my shoulder out the front window of the bakery and see his giant truck sitting there blocking the road and double parked.

“You’re double parked.” I point out the obvious before I smack his chest and head out towards the truck. He’s hot on my heels. As much as he wants to hit the new guy in the face, he wants me more. I fight a smile when he beats me to the truck and opens the door for me.

“You drove?” I ask when he gets in and I peek over at him.

He’s fighting his jealousy and I see his hands gripping the steering wheel tightly. This brings back the best memories and I have a feeling we’re going to reenact it right now. Pies and orgasms. This time no one will interpret us.

“Your feet swell when you’re pregnant,” he reminds me.

Yeah, they do, and walking in the heat doesn't help. He can be a caveman, but he’s so sweet too. It’s a good balance and one that I love.

He parks in our driveway, which is just down the road from his parents. I enjoy being close to them.

Jason reaches to the back seat and grabs only one pie.

“In the house,” he demands, and this time I don’t roll my eyes, I jump out of the car and do as he asks. “Get that pretty pussy ready for me.”

My panties stick to me as I walk and I don’t know why I always get so turned on when he says that.

I barely clear the door and he’s all over me, giving me all the pleasure my body can handle. He knows my body like no one else and he owns me just as I own him. At one time it scared him how much he felt for me and thought it might drive me away.

“I love you, pretty girl,” he says, thrusting inside of me hard. He wants to mark me as deep as he can but he’s already branded into my soul.

“I love you too,” I moan, as we both drown in pleasure.


Virgin Roommate

by Alexa Riley

Gia Fisher comes from a big, all-up-in-your-business family. They all love each other and they come with good intentions. She’s kept her boyfriend Marco at a distance, however, because she didn’t want them to drive him away. But she’s head over heels and tired of hiding her love.

Marco Taylor knew Gia she was the one for him the moment he met her. She’s keeping him away from her family and he can’t blame her. He doesn’t come from anything special and in the past he’s had a run-in with her brothers. He’s not good enough for her, but he can’t let her go.

Warning:What happens when the two of them finally shout their love from the rooftop? Oh, you know it’s gonna be explosive! Grab the final installment of the Virgin Marriage Series and see if these two can find their happily ever after.