Cruel Control by Candace Wondrak

Chapter Ten – Will

Juliet’s hair splayed around her head. Its blonde lengths were unkempt, her cheeks flushed with that adorable twinge of pink she wore more often than not. Her body had not an ounce of clothing on it, and that was exactly how I wanted her. Naked, writhing beneath me, her tits swaying back and forth with each thrust of my hips.

God, I could imagine it perfectly—and that’s what I did as I showered that night, before getting ready. Couldn’t get myself too worked up on the date. Had to hold back, just a little. Just enough to prove to Markus and myself I could keep it all contained, keep the thing inside of me chained up.

The warm water pelted my head as I stood there, eyes closed, picturing Juliet beneath me, taking my cock, soft moans escaping her lips every now and then. My fist stroked my length, hard and erect and ready to burst.

But then, for just a split second, it wasn’t Juliet. It was someone else under me, someone else’s eyes looking up at me with disproval in their grey depths. Blonde hair that was shorter and pink on the tips, a smaller rack, a slender, slightly anorexic body.

My jerking off stopped, and I opened my eyes, pushing the thought of her away. I should not think about her, not ever. It’d been years since then, so many years, and I’d been reborn in this house, under Markus and Stella’s watchful eyes. I was remade into their image, reshaped and molded to be what I had to be to live and survive.

Out there in the world, I would’ve died. I would’ve been caught. My world would’ve crumbled if a certain tattooed smoker had never brought me here.

The hand that had been running along my length until now moved to my stomach, where a scar sat, where she’d stabbed me. I believed with every ounce of my being that she was mine and she would always be mine, that my brother and I could share her and be happy together. Everything I did was always for him… until it became for her, and that’s when everything got so fucked up.

I messed up. I knew I did. I was too sloppy, too rushed. I shouldn’t have done what I tried to do; the logical part of me knew that now. It was hard to regret it though, because now I was here, and I didn’t believe I’d be able to say that if I was still out there.

Who knew? Maybe I would’ve self-destructed and destroyed my brother and the girl we both cared about. Maybe by now there would be nothing left of any of us.

I breathed evenly, my cock still hard. I didn’t let myself think about any of them, not really. Anytime I felt myself thinking back, reliving my old life, I had to remind myself that I was here and I was no longer that guy anymore. I was different. I was a Scott now.

A Scott who could not get that innocent little blonde girl out of his head. Juliet was not made for this place, and yet something inside her called out to me, took hold of me forcefully. Of fucking course I wanted her. Not just to have her in my bed, but to really have her. To have her depend on me, to trust me… to love and adore me.

I guess maybe not everything had changed about me, then.

Once I had my mind under control, I closed my eyes and imagined Juliet on my bed, beneath my sheets again. The way she looked up at me, how her back arched when I drove into her deeper… how tight that sweet cunt was, dripping wet for me. The sounds of our sex in the air, the smell of sweat and ecstasy around us.

My fist returned to my length, and I resumed my pace.

Juliet was perfect in every way, but I could see there was something more to her, something she tried to keep hidden beneath the surface. She might be innocent, but that didn’t mean the darkness didn’t call out to her. She was curious, and I couldn’t blame her. If she’d let me, I’d show her a whole new world.

My hips began to rock along with my hand, my chest shuddering with heavier breaths. I pictured how it would feel with her legs wrapped around my midsection, how she’d draw those soft hands down my face. And those lips… fuck, those lips, I could do a lot of things to them. Kiss them, fuck them, cover them in cum and lick it all off.

Was it wrong of me to want her so badly? After all, what did I really know about her besides the fact that Markus had Jaxon bring her here? Nothing, really. But you didn’t have to know someone to want to fuck them, to want to make them yours. Some things were just instinctual like that.

Unfortunately for me, my last instinct when it came to a pretty girl had nearly gotten me killed, so I had to be more careful this time.

My speed quickened, the hand pumping up and down my length doing so roughly. I imagined myself pile-driving her into the bed, feeling my balls slap against that ass and feeling her tight walls clamp down around my cock.

It would be bliss, pure, indescribable heaven.

I lost control, my body heaving forward with one last thrust as my balls clenched. My cock let loose its seed, cum shooting out of its tip and landing on the tile across from me. A sigh of relief escaped me, and I dropped my hand to my side, my dick still throbbing with need.

A hand was all well and fun, but it just wasn’t the same. It’d been so long since I’d felt happiness, since I’d sated the thing nestled inside of me, and I couldn’t help but wonder what she would actually feel like. I bet Juliet’s body would feel even better, so good I couldn’t even imagine it.

Being on good behavior tonight would be difficult, I knew. So very difficult, because even though Markus didn’t want me alone with her, I craved it. I craved her. Whatever it was that drew me in was intoxicating, and like an addict who had gone cold turkey for years and just rediscovered his addiction, I needed more.

So much more.

I turned the water off and got out, drying myself off. I got dressed quickly, my mind thinking up what we’d do. I already had something planned—I’d asked for Ed’s help in the kitchen for a little secret dessert. He didn’t want to make anything for me, but after fifteen minutes I reassured him it was only for me and not for anyone else.

Yeah, I’d lied. So what? We did worse things in this house, and it was almost time for another wave of marks in the basement. The Scotts had a lot of clients, from what it seemed, all over the world. Markus coordinated and sent off some guys and girls to do the job out there, but others… others weren’t so lucky. Others were brought here, their last final moments taped for the clients to see later.

Yeah, things got bloody in this house. I could never hate Travis for bringing me here. This was where I belonged, and it was where I’d stay.

Night came upon the world all too quickly, and I kind of felt nervous. I know, I know, funny, right? Considering everything I’d done to get here, everything I did in my past… everything my fucking father overlooked and tried to write off, having a secret late-night date with Juliet was nothing. It should be easy-peasy.

But it wasn’t, and it wouldn’t be, because I felt like this was the true test. I’d been reborn, but were my old habits gone? Could I be with a pretty girl and want to make her mine and not start killing people to keep her safe? I guess we’d have to wait and see to find out.

One thing was for sure: I played a very dangerous game when it came to Juliet, and it was made even more dangerous by the fact she was under Markus’s watchful eyes. Did I care, though? No, and I knew I should, but I just didn’t. Maybe that was wrong of me, maybe that was stupid, but I couldn’t change how I viewed things.

Markus was an ass. I didn’t like him, and even though I owed this family for what they did for me, I didn’t owe the man himself anything. If I owed anyone, really, it was Stella. She was the one who came to me, the one who talked with me, the one who tucked me under her bloody wing and showed me what it was like to be a Scott. Not Markus.

I waited until it was nearly midnight before I left my room, all dressed and ready to go. Had to be sure everyone else was asleep before I went to her room to pick her up. Couldn’t be strolling along with her, alone, and have someone see who shouldn’t.

No, tonight Juliet was all mine. Every part of her was mine.

My eyes were used to the darkness, so it was not hard for me to navigate the halls and the stairwell of the house with all the lights off. Seemed to be a cloudy night outside, so no silver moonlight shined through the windows to illuminate my path. That was fine. I was more than used to the darkness by now. Being here, you kind of had to be.

I had one hand in my pocket, the other hand hanging limply at my side as I walked. I tried to focus on tonight, on Juliet, but just like in the shower, my mind wanted to replay the memories of years ago. Everything I did… a better man might feel guilt over it, for surely my past was as stained as a past could be.

But that was the thing. I wasn’t a better man. I wasn’t even a good man. I smiled and joked around, wore my mask, believed wholeheartedly in what I did and the reasons behind my actions—but things were not always what they appeared. The mind was such a fragile thing. Sometimes it played tricks on you and you didn’t even know it. Stella knew all about that, and maybe that’s why I’d grown so close to the Butcher.

I wound up before Juliet’s door, and inside my chest, my heart hammered, my nerves frayed even though the night hadn’t even started yet. I’d like to say I believed in myself, but that would be a lie. This was a test, and if I could pass the test, why shouldn’t I see Juliet more often? It wasn’t like I was free to roam the world like some Scotts were. It’d been a miracle that Markus had let me go out and get her clothes.

I moved closer to her door, rapping my knuckles on the wood softly. I saw a dim light on beneath the door; maybe a lamp, not the full ceiling light. Juliet was being a little sneaky; I found I rather liked that.

I heard rustling inside the room, and within another moment, the door was opened and Juliet stood there, her blonde hair cascading over her shoulders, its lengths just slightly curled, natural waves. She wore an oversized sweater that hung off one shoulder, allowing me to see her bra strap.

Shouldn’t be looking there, but I did.

The sweater went past her ass, and I saw her legs were clad in dark blue leggings. I imagined her ass looked great in them, and I resisted my urge to pull her close and run my hands all along that slender, curvy body.

Juliet wore no makeup, but she was gorgeous anyway. She had the type of beauty that was effortless, the kind that simply was, no matter what she wore or what she was doing. Full, luscious lips that begged to be nipped and kissed. Big, bright blue eyes that seemed to stare right into you, radiating innocence.

Oh no, she definitely didn’t belong here, and yet here she was. And, what’s more, she wasn’t going anywhere anytime soon. Juliet was stuck here, just like me, so why not make the most of the time we’d have together?

“You look good,” I told her, grinning. “Although you always look good, so I’m not sure if that’s a compliment or not.”

Those lips of hers were slow to curl upwards into a smile. She appeared almost shy as she bit her lower lip and glanced down at her outfit. “Thanks, I think.” Her voice came out soft and faint, unsure, and I couldn’t help but wonder if she’d ever been shown interest before. It didn’t sound like she came from the most normal background.

But then again, neither did I. We were two peas in a pod in that way, I guess.

I turned, offering her my arm. “Ready for our little date, Juliet?” Fuck, I really liked the way her name tasted on my tongue, liked how it sounded when it came out. I wouldn’t mind saying her name more often… every day. But that was probably getting ahead of myself.

That was the old Will talking. Had to remind myself of that.

Juliet glanced at my arm, very clearly not knowing what to do, so I reached for her, gently taking her hand in mine and bringing it up to my arm. I hooked my arm over hers and set her hand near my elbow. She could honestly hold onto me however she wanted, and I would not complain. Not a single bit.

We said nothing as we went. I took her down to the first floor, where I’d gotten things set up after my shower. One good thing about this house being so large was there were dozens of places you could hide, where no one would find you.

I brought us to a lounge, though I did let her go to close the door behind us, just in case. You could never be too careful. I’d found a candle and lit it near the windowsill; the low, flickering lighting in the room lent to the ambiance. Sensual, quiet, lighting everything with a warm and soft glow.

Juliet sat down on the leather sofa, and I took a place beside her. On the small table in front of the sofa sat the remote for the television hanging on the wall and two slices of what I’d asked Ed to make me. I had no idea what she liked, so this was all just grasping for straws on my part, at least for now.

Once I got to know her better, once I got to know her likes and dislikes, I would do better than this.

“I’m sorry if this isn’t exactly a great date,” I whispered, my voice low. I couldn’t help it. It wouldn’t feel right to talk at a normal volume, not here, not with her beside me looking so damned pretty.

“It’s okay,” Juliet said, those eyes meeting mine in the dim light. They looked blacker than they really were, since the candle was behind her. Her face wore the shadows well. “I’ve never…” She stopped herself from saying anything more, but I caught on quick.

“Don’t tell me you’ve never been on a date before, Juliet,” I said, a secret part of me very happy to hear that. I mean, if there was one thing you should know about me, it’s that I did not take too kindly to other guys sniffing around.

But, again, that was the old Will. Had to keep reminding myself I’d turned a new leaf. Or I was supposed to.

She reached up, tucking a tendril of hair behind her ear before giving me a shy smile. “No,” she admitted. “I don’t have much experience when it comes to guys… or people in general. Or, well, anything, I guess.” Her hands fiddled on her lap, toying with the sweater’s equally oversized sleeves. “This is actually the longest I’ve been away from my house.”

My eyebrows came together. “What do you mean?” Whatever smug happiness I felt about the fact she didn’t have experience with guys faded somewhat when she said that last part. I didn’t know how to take it. She’d never gone on vacation, or—

“My dad is very protective of me. He homeschooled me, kept me where he could keep an eye on me. I was never supposed to leave the house, not unless it was with him.” Juliet sounded almost embarrassed about it.

She shouldn’t be. If anything, she should be mad. Fucking pissed off, because no one had the right to keep her locked away forever. No one but me.

Ah, bad Will. That was yet another thought I shouldn’t have.

“He kept you locked up like some kind of pet?” The words escaped me before I could water them down, before I could calm myself down. I mean, how the fuck was I supposed to react to hearing that her dad kept her in a house for her whole life? What kind of life was that? I could ask myself the same question about here, but this prison was a necessary one.

This gave me life. What purpose did keeping her locked up have?

“No,” she was fast to say, “nothing like that. He didn’t… my dad just wanted to protect me, I think.” When I still looked like I wanted to rage, Juliet reached for me, setting a hand on my leg. “I’m not upset about it, not really. You don’t have to get mad on my account, Will.”

“You can’t live your life locked away in a house,” I told her.

She shrugged. “Maybe not, but I’m not at home right now, am I? I’m here with you.” The words, though they were meant to be sweet, fell a little flat, for she knew she was only here because Markus wanted her to be.

Knowing she was just a pawn made me rage a little, but I swallowed it down and gave her a grin. “True, and I have just the thing to celebrate it with.” I leaned forward, grabbing the plates off the coffee table. I handed her one. The forks were already lying beside the cut pieces.

Juliet made no moves to take her fork and have a bite. She simply stared down at the plate on her lap, her fingers gingerly holding onto the edges. “What is this?” she asked, glancing up at me.

“Cheesecake,” I said. “Ed makes the best desserts. You met him before, in the kitchen, when we first—”

“I remember,” she whispered. It was another moment before she added, “I’ve never had cheesecake before. My dad, he, uh… he never really made desserts, and when he was gone for his job, it was always up to me to feed myself.”

“Tell me you’ve at least had chocolate chip cookies,” I begged. “Otherwise, I might have to go into the kitchen and make you some right now.” Seriously, what kind of life was it if you never had desserts? The sweet, delicious taste of decadence. Life was boring without desserts.

It was also boring without a girl in my life, so I’ll leave you to put two and two together.

She laughed. It was just a soft, fleeting sound, but I felt it in my soul. A laugh like that held no malice, no hatred or ill-will. Not an ounce of contempt or anger. She was so much better than me; I’d known it before, but hearing her laugh really hammered in the nail. There were cruel, terrible people out there, many of them in this house, myself included, but there really weren’t many good people left in the world.

Juliet, though? She was one of them. She had to be. I could sense it; I knew it in my heart of hearts, in every fiber of my being. She was an angel, here to deliver us all, make us repent for our sins and beg for forgiveness.

“Yes, I have had cookies,” she said, still smiling. “That’s about the only dessert I’ve had, I think. We never did cake.” Juliet was measured in picking up her fork, and I forgot all about my piece as I watched her sink the fork into the cheesecake.

“Not even for birthdays?” I was hardly aware of what I was saying, so intent on her and watching every tiny move she made, memorizing everything about her so that, when we weren’t together, I would be able to picture her perfectly.

She shook her head, bringing the cheesecake bite to her mouth. Juliet parted her lips and tasted it. Her eyes met mine, and then they widened. She looked as though she’d just tasted heaven itself. “Oh, my…” She spoke with her mouth full, but I didn’t care. Manners could go fuck off. This girl had me enraptured.

“Do you like it? Is it good?”

She swallowed, and then, without another word, she went in for a huge follow-up bite. “It’s so good,” she said. “I don’t even know how to describe it.” She brought the second bite to her mouth and let out a hum of approval as she ate it. “Whoever came up with this was a genius.”

Now it was my turn to chuckle, mostly at her and her awe-filled expression. Juliet couldn’t get enough of the cheesecake. She devoured her whole slice, and since I was more than okay with watching her have her fill, I offered her mine.

“Are you sure?” she asked. “I probably shouldn’t… but I really, really want to.”

“Go ahead,” I told her, grinning from ear to ear. “I don’t mind.”

She took my plate without another word, setting it atop her clean one, and then she got to work on that, too. I didn’t think I’d ever seen someone demolish cheesecake that fast and look like they were having the time of their life while doing it, but I supposed I never really paid attention before.

No. There was no before, only now. Only her. Only Juliet Osborne, the angel that made the ugly thing inside me fall to its knees.

“I’m glad you like it,” I spoke as she ate my piece. “Some people hate it.”

“Those people are stupid,” she muttered, giving me a smile as she took another bite. Her shoulders fell and she closed her eyes, another sound escaping her. Almost like she’d spontaneously orgasmed from the cheesecake.

Hmm. Speaking of orgasms, my mind wondered, what would Juliet look like when her body was racked with pleasure?

An impure, inappropriate thought if I ever had one, and trust me, I’d had plenty in my life. Plenty of inappropriate thoughts along with equally inappropriate actions. Just call me Mr. Inappropriate. It’s what I was good at, apparently.

She finished the second piece all too soon, and before she got the chance to take the plates from her lap, I grabbed them for her, setting them on the coffee table so she wouldn’t have to. When I leaned back into the couch, I turned my body towards hers. She looked utterly content beside me, now full of cheesecake. If I kissed her, would I taste it?

“I’m surprised you’re so eager to be alone with me,” I confessed. “I thought I freaked you out, when we first met.”

“Oh, you did. You definitely did.” Juliet paused, thinking back. “But honestly, everything was just too much. I’d just met with Markus, found out I’d been kidnapped all because my dad works for him and didn’t do something right—I still don’t know the details, after all this time.”

“Was that why I found you sneaking around in his office?”

She nodded. “I wanted to see if I could find something out. I don’t like being kept in the dark, and I… I don’t like the thought of my dad working for a man like Markus, no offense.” She said that last part, no offense, because she thought I was like Markus.

I supposed, in the grand scheme of things, we were alike, but we were also so very different. There was no man like Markus. If anything, I was more like Stella, but if she hadn’t met the Butcher yet, that was a comparison she wouldn’t understand.

“If it makes you feel any better, I don’t really work for him,” I said. “What we do… we work for other people. People with a lot of money. Markus is just the one who controls everything. He’s a bit of a control freak, if you haven’t noticed.”

Juliet spoke, “Yeah, I kind of figured that. He’s very intense.”

“He is,” I agreed. “But without him okaying it, I wouldn’t be here. I’d be out there, either caught by the police or dead. I didn’t make the best decisions when I was out on my own.” That was putting it lightly. Very lightly. Multiple people ended up dead because of me, and my spree would’ve taken more. Now I was sane enough to realize it.

I was uncontrolled, wild, and I did whatever I wanted. To live a full life doing what we did here, you had to be more careful.

“I remember what you said,” she told me.

I leaned forward, reaching for the buttons on my shirt. I started undoing them, earning myself wide eyes from her. She didn’t question me, didn’t stop me, which was good. I wanted to show her my past, wanted her to know I was trying so desperately to not be that Will, as hard and as impossible as it was.

I needed to forget about the past, and what better way to forget than to make a future with someone else?

There was no undershirt, so once I had the shirt fully unbuttoned, I turned toward her and held it open. Even with the dim light, the scar on my abdomen was visible, the skin whiter than the rest of the flesh around it. It was not the only scar on me, but it was the one that hurt me every time I thought about it.

“Here,” I said, pointing to it. “That almost killed me. If I wasn’t taken here, it would’ve. I lost a lot of blood, did a terrible job at stitching myself up.”

She must’ve remembered what I’d told her before. “A girl you liked did that to you?” Juliet’s voice came out in a whisper, as if it was painful to her to see such an ugly scar on my abdomen—an abdomen which, scars aside, would make any girl swoon.

I nodded. “My girlfriend, actually, but to be fair, I did try to kill her other boyfriend—”

That got Juliet to inhale sharply. “Her other boyfriend?”

“Yeah, long story.” A long story I did not want to tell, not all the nitty-gritty details of it.

“Why did you… why did you try to kill him?” I could tell Juliet was a little put off by my admission, but she did her best to hide it, her best to mask the apprehension she felt about my ugly truth.

I sighed. “He wasn’t good enough for her.” And, if you asked me, he still wasn’t—but I tried my best to ignore Travis anytime he came home to work in the basement.

Juliet’s next question stunned me: “And what gave you the right to decide who was good enough for her?” She spoke it so evenly, so seriously, that all words failed to come out of me. “Why did you get to decide who she was with? Maybe that’s a decision she wanted to make herself.”

Well… fuck. She wasn’t wrong, as much as I didn’t want to admit it.

Her eyes fell to the scar once more. “It kind of sounds like you got what you deserved, Will, but maybe I’m not the best judge.” Perhaps to try to change the subject, she reached for me, her hand lightly touching my stomach. She dragged those fingers along my abs, tracing the scar Ash had given me.

The touch felt like fire in my system, immediately causing my blood to run hot. Hotter than it had in so very long. I was frozen, unable to move, wishing she would take that exploring hand a little further down.

“What’s this one from?” Juliet asked, her fingers tracing the other scar on my abdomen. That one was cleaner looking, as it had been taken care of by actual doctors right away.

“Ah, that one is from my ex’s ex-boyfriend who happened to be a serial killer,” I said.

She took the hand off me quickly, and I felt its loss in my core. “What? You’re kidding.”

I chuckled. “I wish I was, but I’m not. He almost killed me. He could’ve, but I think he was just trying to make a point.” I quieted for a few moments, gauging her reaction to all this. For someone who lived a sheltered life, she was taking it in remarkably well. Or maybe she just didn’t know how to respond at all, too busy processing it. “Things are complicated out here, in the world.”

It took her a moment to say, “I know.” Her eyes rose to meet my gaze, but soon enough they fell to my stomach again. It was almost like she couldn’t take those big baby blues off me, and I rather liked it.

Even though it was probably a mistake, I found myself leaning closer to her. Every inch that gave way between us, I found there was still too much space. Too much distance. I wanted this girl on my lap.

She saw me inching closer, saw me leaning, and she did not move away. She let out a ragged breath, her lips parted, seductive in every way. “There’s a lot of things I’ve never done, you know.” The words sounded almost painful to say, as if she could not be more embarrassed by them.

One of my hands went to her leg, drawing up it lazily. I saw her back stiffen, heard her breathe in, and I felt everything in my lower half start to come alive. A bad idea that would have an even worse outcome if Markus found out, but in this moment, I didn’t give a shit.

“Like what?” I asked her, already knowing all the things she hadn’t done. I mean, unless she did them with her dad, in which case, I’d hunt the motherfucker to the ends of the earth and eviscerate him until he was unrecognizable.

Juliet turned her face away from me, and I picked up the hand off her leg and brought it to her face, cupping her cheek and forcing her to look at me. Our faces were mere inches apart; I could feel the hot breath coming from her with each exhale. I was more than fine with breathing her air. Let me drown in this girl, and if this was the end for me, so be it.

It’d be worth it.

“Have you been kissed?” I murmured, my nose brushing against hers. My eyes were slits, half-open, half-closed, but hers were wide open, as if she didn’t know what to do. “Close your eyes, Juliet, and I can show you everything.” A whispered promise, desperate and hungry. It was a promise that might not come to fruition tonight, but we had time.

Yes, tonight was about exploration.

My other hand snaked around her back, pulling her lower half closer to mine. I watched as her eyelids shut, as she listened to me, and my cock hardened in my pants when I thought about dragging her onto my lap and making that mouth of hers mine in every way.

Our mouths neared each other’s, dangerously close and yet still too fucking far. I couldn’t wait any longer, and even though it was a mistake I knew would lead to many others down the road, I kissed her. I kissed Juliet like I’d never kissed anyone before.

Hard and fast, yet sweet and tender. It was a delicate balance, an act of willpower to hold back the animal inside—the animal that wanted to go absolutely feral on this girl, to tear off her clothes and make her mine right here on this couch. To fuck her into oblivion and then bring her back to life, all with the steel rod between my legs.

I held onto her like I needed her, and that’s because I did. She was so soft, so small, so tender and sweet, and yes, I could taste the barest hints of cheesecake when I ran my tongue along her bottom lip. I swallowed up her moans like I was bottling them up and stashing them away for later. I took everything she would give me, and I craved to claim so much more.

So as to not overwhelm her completely, I pulled my mouth off hers, panting, knowing I’d never taste something as good as her. Never again. Not unless those very same lips were on mine and I was once again drowning in everything she was.

Juliet breathed out, her eyes slow to open. “Whoa,” she whispered, speechless beyond that, and I answered her with a grin.

“Did you like that?” I asked, already knowing her answer. When she nodded, I couldn’t help myself but say, “Shall we do it again?” Again, she nodded, and this time I could not stop myself from grabbing her hips and pulling her onto my lap. I guided her into the position I wanted, where her legs were on either side of me, where she literally straddled my lap.

I forced her down on me, and I heard her gasp when she felt the hard length bulging against the fabric of my pants. I wove one hand through her hair, the other bunching up her long sweater so I could cup that delicious ass.

Leaning forward, I nuzzled her bare shoulder, causing her to shiver against me. “Do you feel that?” I murmured against her neck, kissing her once. “That’s what you do to me. You drive me crazy.” I felt her hands on my shoulders, gripping the fabric of my shirt hard. “You make me feel alive again, Juliet.”

She was just a girl. I shouldn’t let her affect me this way; I knew that. And yet here we were, behind Markus’s back, our little secret. This girl and I, I had the feeling, would have many secrets together.

I brought my mouth off her neck, angling her face down to me, and then, without another word, I kissed her again. This time, the embrace was more desperate, hungrier, hornier. Every single part of me screamed to get this girl out of her clothes, to lay her down on the couch and pummel her pussy with my cock. I wanted her so bad I could hardly think straight.

With one hand on her ass, while I kissed her and showed her what true passion was, I guided her body on mine, showing her how to grind down on my length. With every movement of her on my lap, it drove my cock to further frenzy, my length throbbing and my balls aching for a release.

My shower time had done nothing to prepare me for this, to soothe the inner beast who wanted nothing more than to have this girl in my bed all night and make her forget the life she’d come from.

It was then I realized something, as I cupped her ass, and I had to break the kiss off to say, “Are you not wearing anything under these?” Obviously, the thought of her naked beneath those leggings made my lower half ache even more.

Juliet blushed, although I couldn’t tell if she was blushing because of our make-out or because of my question. I supposed it didn’t matter. Either way, I looked forward to making her redden a hell of a lot more. “I saw what you left me in the little black bag…” Her voice trailed off, leaving me to imagine the rest.

Except I didn’t have to, for she was here. She was here, and she could be the living, breathing model for whatever it was she put on. Not going to lie, I had some fun at the store.

“Show me,” I was barely able to say the words. If Juliet wanted me to beg, I would. I would get on my knees for her, say whatever she wanted me to say, do whatever she wanted me to do. It was effortless how she had power over me; I just couldn’t help it. I was weak. So weak.

“Show you?” she echoed, eyes widening. “You mean—” When I nodded, it was clear she didn’t know what to do, so I helped her off my lap, standing her directly before me.

“Show me,” I said again, my voice coming out harder, fiercer, more gravelly and growly. Animalistic, in a way. Now that I knew she wore something under those leggings, now that I knew they were from my secret present to her, how could we continue the way we were? I had to see them, had to see how they looked on that delectable body of hers.

Juliet looked as though she wanted to bolt, like a frightened animal backed up into a corner, like a defenseless creature caught in a barbed wire fence. She was too innocent for the game we played, and yet here she was, all too willing to be a piece on the board.

She did not run, and I leaned back as I watched her finger the hemline of her sweater, slipping her hands under it. Juliet toyed with the top of her leggings, and I was unashamed at the hardness pressing against my pants. She wasn’t looking down there, anyway. She could not take her eyes off me. Maybe she noted the change in my demeanor, maybe she liked the rougher Will.

We’d have plenty of time to explore that later. Right now, I needed to see her modeling some panties.

Juliet’s breath caught in her throat, and she pulled her leggings down, revealing her bare legs to me. The sweater covered everything above her thighs, and I dared not take my eyes off her as my fingers clenched into fists.

Fuck, I wanted her so badly. So fucking badly it was insane.

“Lift up the sweater,” I ordered her—because, yes, it was an order. An order I knew she would follow, because even though she blushed and fussed about, she was here. She was free of the darkness that dwelled within each of us, and yet she was curious and intrigued. If anyone’s darkness should lure her in, it should be mine.

I’d been patient. I’d been good. Now I deserved a treat in the form of Juliet.

She reached for the bottom of her sweater again, and she lifted it up, revealing the lacy black thong I’d gotten her. How it hugged the plane of her body, how its thin, see-through fabric clung to the small area above her cunt. She was fucking stunning, and I felt the sudden urge to come again.

“Turn around,” I said. Let me see that sweet ass, let me see how that thong disappeared between those ass cheeks. Let me see that delicious curve and imagine it beneath me. I’d never been so bossy before, but being stuck here, being bossed around… it kind of dragged it out of you, whether you were aware of it or not.

The last ten years had changed me, but whether or not it was for the better, we’d have to be patient and see. Right now, I was leaning toward the positive, because I rather liked it when Juliet listened, when she was submissive.

“Stay there,” I said. “Don’t move.” It was a command, and I saw her back straighten a bit when she heard the leather couch beneath me squeak with my body’s movement. I leaned forward, reaching out a hand, unable to help myself.

I had to touch it, that round, pale ass. Had to feel its smooth skin for myself. And, fuck it all to hell, her ass felt more perfect than I imagined it would. The softest skin I’d ever felt. As I rubbed her ass, as I touched her and explored her backside with the sexy as hell thong clinging to it, my cock throbbed with a steady need.

I had to do something about it. I couldn’t just sit there and touch her. No, I needed to relieve myself, and I’d do it with Juliet standing there, her ass on display.

Taking my hands off her was one of the hardest things I’d ever done, but its difficulty was lessened by the fact that I would soon have something else in my hands, a thick throbbing member of mine that so desperately wanted to be buried inside her pussy.

Not yet, my guy. Not quite yet. Juliet was something I wanted to savor, something I wanted to taste slow and steady, bit by bit, inch by inch.

Oh, we had started ourselves down a path whose ending I could not see. The tunnel we were in was long and dark, but that didn’t matter, because as long as she was here, she could be mine, and that’s all that mattered to me.

Call it obsession. Call it love at first sight. Call it whatever you fucking wanted; the name didn’t matter. What I felt was real, and my raging hard-on was only evidence of it.

I undid the button and zipper on my pants. Within another moment, I had my pants pulled down just enough so I could get my cock out of its boxers. Its thick length stood straight up, its tip dripping in precum. Honestly, my boxers were probably stained with precum, considering how badly I wanted to fuck her.

I ran my hand along my length once, letting out a husky breath. I didn’t care if she knew what I was doing, didn’t care if she turned around and watched—but that ass, oh, staring at that ass would help me come a whole lot faster. Such a pretty, round, perfect thing.

Fuck, I’d take being inside her ass just as much as I’d take her cunt. Even her mouth. Any hole on her, really. I’d take her every which way, and then I’d take her again. And again. And again, and again, and again. There would be no sating this beast of mine.

Every part of me was hot. Sweat lined my brow, the muscles in my lower half tensing as I ran my fist along my length, staring at her ass, at the small thong clinging to it. I pictured pile-driving her from behind, my cock buried in her tight pussy, her ass cheeks spread so I could watch myself disappear inside her. Oh, the fun that would be.

My hand’s pace grew quicker, and I was a slave to the desire inside. Up and down my length, over and over, every part of me ready to explode. This was me holding back—had to give myself props, right?

I let out a sigh, a moan, a sound that told Juliet exactly what I was doing. I didn’t care. I needed to come, needed to erupt. Some things just had to be, and I sought out my orgasm viciously. My hips started to buck of their own accord beneath my hand, and I leaned my head back on the couch, spreading my shirt, knowing I better do my best to aim it on myself since I had nothing to clean up with.

I could feel it coming from a mile away, and every pump of my hand brought me closer to my release. It came over me like a wave, like a storm surge of desire that had finally exploded into searing hot bliss. My balls tightened, my cock twitching in my hand, and I leaned my length back, my arm jerking wildly as I started to come, shooting my seed onto my own stomach, emptying out myself with a low groan of release.

Once it was done, once I finished coming and no more cum escaped from the tip of my cock, I let myself go, feeling tired. I rested my arms on the back of the couch for a few minutes, staring at her ass again.

Juliet hadn’t turned around. I didn’t expect her to, but I wouldn’t have stopped her. Still, that showed she could listen to directions, and anytime she didn’t, it was because she was being feisty. I liked that. I liked that a lot.

My cum felt sticky on my chest, and I didn’t want to button my shirt or stuff myself away, but I knew I should. I had to, lest this night turn into a fuck fest, and I meant it when I said I wanted to make this last. Markus could go fuck himself. I needed to have this girl, and I needed her to know it.

I tucked my cock away first, then I zipped up my pants and buttoned them, never once looking away from her. Even though I didn’t want to, I began to button my shirt to hide the cum. It would stick on it, maybe darken it, so it was a damned good thing it was already a darker color; it wouldn’t be too noticeable.

I got up, standing just inches behind Juliet, and I heard her inhale sharply when I bent to grab her leggings, pulling them up her legs slowly. Once they were back on her hips and that sweet ass of hers was no longer visible, I leaned near her ear and whispered, “I can’t wait to see you in everything else.” I kissed her bare shoulder. “You should sleep in them.”

It was just a suggestion… a suggestion that would keep me up at night as I wondered whether or not Juliet would do it. Hell, I didn’t think she’d wear a pair here. I didn’t think she ever would, given how much she radiated purity and innocence.

Our date was done after that. I took her back to her room, knowing if we prolonged it, I would only grow weaker and weaker when it came to her. Juliet never said a word about what I did, that I’d jerked off to the sight of her ass, which was probably for the best.

When I dropped her off at her room, I clung to the doorway, grinning at her. She turned around to meet my eyes through the darkness, and even though she probably couldn’t see it, I gave her a wink. “Our little secret, Juliet.”

She nodded, and I couldn’t tell if she was shocked at the turn of the night’s events or not. Either way, I left her there, closed her door for her, and I practically skipped to my room to clean off. I’d clean up the lounge in the morning.

Tonight, I’d go out on a limb and say, was a raging success. I’d held myself back, seen her beautiful ass, and managed not to lose it entirely. Definitely a win in my book.