Bound By Blood: Anthology by Cora Reilly



Matteo let out a low whistle. “You are sex on legs, aren’t you?”

I glanced toward the door, narrowing my eyes. He leaned in the doorway, tight white dress shirt hugging his abs and pecs, dark hair perfectly mussed up, and just overall male perfection.

Hewas sex on legs, the bastard. I, in comfy sweatpants that didn’t squeeze my poor frayed vagina, without makeup, unwashed hair and stains on my shirt where milk had leaked out of my stupid breasts was a full-blown nightmare. Three weeks since I’d given birth and I’d reached a low point. Matteo was back to working every day and I couldn’t deny it: I was envious.

Seeing his grin, I considered committing my first murder. I could probably make it look like self-defense. After all, Matteo was a notorious mobster. “Oh shut up, or I’ll throw the fucking milk bottle at your head.”

Matteo clucked his tongue. “No cussing around our precious offspring, or have you forgotten?”

I raised the milk bottle. I alternated between breastfeeding and milk from the bottle to give my poor nipples time to recuperate. I wasn’t sure if Isa was particularly bad at nursing or if my nipples weren’t made for mom-life. “Last warning.”

Isabella let out a wail and I let my arm sink with a quiet sigh. Matteo came in, kissed my temple and took our girl from me, cradling her in his arm. He took the bottle. “I’m taking over the rest of the night. Grab a couple of hours of sleep.”

At first, I’d felt bad because I couldn’t only breastfeed our daughter like Lily seemed to be doing with ease but now I was glad that she took the bottle and Matteo or Aria could feed her as well. “Are you sure? You must be tired,” I said despite the bone deep exhaustion in my body.

Matteo had been gone all night on some kind of business that he and Luca had to conduct and that usually didn’t mean anything good. Most of the time it involved risky attacks on outposts of the motorcycle club they were at war with.

Something dark flashed across Matteo’s face. “I’m good. Adrenaline.”

“You shouldn’t risk your life now that we’ve got Isabella,” I muttered. Recently, the conflicts with the Bratva and the MCs who worked with them had escalated. At least, the Outfit lay low. There was enough money to be made for all crime families so I’d never understood why they insisted on fighting each other, except for pride and testosterone.

“I didn’t, Gianna. Luca and I dealt with a few Russians that got caught.”

My nose wrinkled because I knew what that meant. Matteo regarded me as he rocked Isabella gently. I gave him a tired smile then kissed him again. I didn’t like what he did but I loved him. “Thanks.”

Matteo nodded and peered down at Isabella, then gently nudged her lips with the bottle. She latched on to it and began drinking.

Relieved, I moved toward the bed and crept under the covers. Despite the lights, I fell asleep almost instantly.

The weeks dragged on, night and day blurring into each other. I got a better handle on Isa’s feeding and sleeping schedule, and even managed to squeeze in a shower almost every day.

I really started feeling more like myself when I was cleared for working out by my doctor six weeks after giving birth. The first time I stepped into my gym, I really felt like past-Gianna, as if there was room for me besides being a mom. Cara waved at me from behind the reception desk. She had taken over a few classes and also the reception duties since she’d been working out in my gym from the very start. She managed to be a mom and to keep doing what she enjoyed. Her two boys spent time with their grandma whenever Cara worked.

I went over to her and hugged her. “How are things going over here?”

“Good,” she said with a confident smile. “What about you? How are you doing? I remember the first few weeks of being a first-time mom in a sleep-deprived haze.”

“That sums it up. But it’s been getting better. Isa only wakes twice per night now. That’s a huge improvement.”


The bell rang and the wife and daughter of a soldier stepped in. They congratulated me before they headed into the changing rooms. Of course, nobody could enter the building without passing a security check downstairs. Matteo and Luca had insisted on it.

“I’m going to do Pilates by myself for an hour. Just going to get changed.”

“Will you return to teaching classes soon?”

“Yes,” I said without hesitation. Matteo and I hadn’t discussed when I’d start working again. It wasn’t as if I was earning any money with it. The gym and classes were complimentary for all the women in our world, but I still felt like I was doing something useful.

Cara nodded. “Your customers will be happy to hear that.”

“They enjoyed your aerobic classes as well.”

“They do but they definitely miss yoga.”

I couldn’t deny how good Cara’s words made me feel.

After I’d changed into my workout clothes for the first time in almost three months, I headed into the Pilates room. Giving birth to Isa had left its marks. I definitely didn’t look as fit anymore and my belly wasn’t as flat as it used to be. But worse than the obvious changes were the invisible ones. I felt as if I was doing Pilates for the very first time. My balance was off and my stamina as well. Still I couldn’t stop grinning stupidly once I was done with my workout. I felt reborn as the old Gianna.

“I’ll be back tomorrow,” I told Cara before I left.

I got into my car, a cute Smart, much to Matteo’s chagrin, and pulled out of the underground garage. The car with my bodyguards followed close by. It had taken a while for me to win this piece of freedom. I didn’t want those baboons in a car with me, much less did I want them to drive me around like chauffeurs. Alone in my car with the music turned up all the way, I felt like a normal woman, not a mob wife.

I pulled up in front of Aria and Luca’s mansion, then waited for one of my bodyguards to check the perimeter. Once he gave a nod, I got out of my car and headed toward the massive wooden door with a metal lion claw as a doorknob.

Before I could knock, Aria opened the door with a grin, cradling Isa in her arms. “And?” she asked.

“Everything aches and I’ll have sore muscles tomorrow, but I feel better than I have in a long time.”

Isa gave me a goofy smile and my heart beat faster. I took her from Aria, gave her chubby baby cheek a fat kiss and pressed her against my chest. Now that she was back in my arms, I realized I’d missed her, but working out had given my mind and body a necessary kickstart. “Thank you for watching her. You seem to have had fun.”

Aria could hardly take her eyes off Isa. “Marcella and Amo are already so grown up in comparison. I really miss the baby stage.”

I shook my head. “I can’t wait for the baby phase to be over so Isa and I can do fun things together. Right now, she can only poo and scream.”

Aria laughed. “Do you want to come in for a coffee and some cake?”

“Coffee, yes. Cake, no.”

Aria rolled her eyes. “Back to being fit Gianna?”

“You bet. These additional baby pounds won’t disappear on their own.”

“They did for me.”

I gave her a death glare. “Not everyone is graced with your supermodel genes.”

“We share the same genes.”

I followed her into their ginormous living room with a splendid view into their yard. I still wasn’t convinced Luca hadn’t helped with the sudden death of the previous owner to get his hands on such a rare property in New York.

A tray with coffee was already set up on the table. I sank down on the beige leather sofa and put Isa down between my leg and the armrest, tickling her belly.

“I fed her about thirty minutes ago but she didn’t want to fall asleep.”

“She’ll do it soon enough,” I said. And less than five minutes later, Isa slept fast.

Aria regarded me. “You look happy. I’m glad Pilates is giving you so much joy. Once you start teaching Pilates classes again, I’ll be your first customer.”

“But you enjoyed the aerobic classes, right?”

Aria laughed. “Yes, I told you before. You really can’t give up control. Cara really did a good job, so don’t worry.”

“The gym feels like my baby too. I worked so hard to convince Matteo to let me do it and then to build it up.”

“And you did a great job. The gym is always bursting with customers.”

“I really want to get back to teaching Pilates and yoga classes soon,” I said hesitantly. In the past, I’d never had trouble saying my opinion straight out, but for some reason, mom guilt managed to wedge itself into my brain.

Aria shrugged. “Why don’t you just turn your own workout sessions into classes?”

“I’m not as fit as I used to be and if I work out, I can’t give as much attention to my customers. Many of them need guidance to perform the correct moves.”

“Then explain that your current classes are less guided. I’m sure many people would still enjoy working out with you. I’m one of them.”

I squeezed her thigh. “Thanks.”

That evening during dinner I told Matteo about my plan to get back to teaching yoga and Pilates classes.

“Sure, why not? If you feel fit enough, why wouldn’t you? It’s not like Isa needs you twenty-four seven. She’ll survive spending an hour or two with Aria.”

I walked over to him and kissed him. Matteo never cared much about what other people thought, that’s probably what I loved most about him. He pulled me down on his lap, deepening the kiss at once. His fingers tangled in my hair, and my hands roamed over his muscled chest.

“The doc cleared you for all kinds of physical activities, right?” Matteo murmured against my lips.

I laughed. Matteo pushed his hand between my legs and rubbed me through my pants. Despite the tingling sensation, I also felt a hint of hesitation. I wasn’t even sure why. Maybe because my body felt different. My insecurity was probably why Isa’s cry blaring through the baby monitor came as a relief.

“She’s got the worst timing,” Matteo groaned.

I hopped off his lap. Matteo tried to rearrange his bulge in his pants, looking pained. What the hell was wrong with me? Seeing Matteo now, I desired him. I wanted sex.

Shoving those thoughts aside, I headed upstairs to console Isa.

A week later, I had coffee with Aria again after my workout. It was the first time I’d actually taught yoga, even if I’d focused more on myself than in previous classes. Still it had been a big success with the women, especially those who were struggling with their after-baby bodies as well. Eventually I bridged the subject that’s been bothering me for a week now.

“Matteo and I haven’t slept with each other since Isa’s birth.”

Aria didn’t look surprised. “Why don’t you have a date night with Matteo? Luca and I can watch Isabella.”

“Are you sure?”

She smiled. “Of course. I know how important it is to make time for each other.”

I bit my lip. Then I blurted. “I want to have sex with Matteo but at the same time a part of me doesn’t. Does that even make sense?”

Aria nodded. “It takes time to heal, body and mind. It was the same for me. Pregnancy and giving birth are hard work for the body.”

“I don’t know why you want to do this a third time. It blows my mind really. Maybe you should change your mind.”

Aria bit her lip and my eyes widened. “Don’t tell me Luca knocked you up already?”

“It’s still early, that’s why we didn’t say anything yet.”

I shook my head, then hugged her. “I’m so happy for you.” And relieved. I was so damn relieved that Luca and Aria would get a third baby, that they would get the chance to use the nursery they’d prepared for my daughter.

“Go on a date with Matteo tonight,” she urged. “Luca and I can take Isa with us to the Hamptons, and you join us there after you’ve had some time together.”

“Okay,” I said slowly. “How do I know if my body’s healed?”

Aria laughed. “Well, you have to test it out, and see if it works. Some things might still be uncomfortable. It takes time.”

“What takes time?” Luca asked as he walked in.

“The healing of a vagina after birth,” I said. It was still my favorite pastime to annoy him with my directness.

Luca grimaced. “You and Matteo are the bane of my existence, and I have a feeling your daughter will be just the same.”

“Speaking of Isa,” Aria said, “I told Gianna we’d watch her tonight so she and Matteo can have their first date after Isa’s birth.”

Luca looked at me. “Under one condition.”

I raised an eyebrow.

“Do me a favor and give Matteo a fucking blow job or fuck him if your vagina allows it. The horny bastard’s driving me up the wall and I will put him down like a rabid dog soon.”

I snorted. “Anything for you, Luca. Anything.”

Aria’s shoulders shook as she laughed. I kissed Isa’s soft forehead then handed her to Aria who took her with a gentle smile and rose to her feet to walk over to Luca. “Can you believe that we’ll have a small human in seven months.”

Luca kissed her temple. “Our two small humans are currently tearing my sanity to shreds.”

Aria shook her head. “They aren’t that bad.”

“They are,” I said. Amo was seven and a bigmouthed daredevil and Marcella was ten and currently fawning over some boy band and intolerable because of it. She was trying to talk Luca into arranging a meeting with said boy band but he refused. Of course, he did. That girl was so freaking gorgeous, it was a miracle he hadn’t locked her up in a tower somewhere to protect her from male attention.

With a wave, I walked away. In the doorway, I risked another glance back. My daughter was still happily sleeping in Aria’s hold. Isa loved Aria and my sister took the best care of her, still I felt a tiny twinge thinking about leaving my daughter for several hours. It would be the first time she’d be away from me for more than two hours.

Luca had his arm wrapped around my sister, looking down at her as if she were the center of his world. Those two… their love made absolutely no sense, but it was unbreakable. And tonight, Matteo and I would spend some time together to make sure our love had time to bloom.

I turned and walked out of the house and toward my car. Before I drove off, I sent Matteo a quick text, telling him that we’d go on a date tonight and that he should be home by six.

I felt nervous when I arrived at our penthouse and considered what to wear for our date. I hadn’t dressed up in months, and I really wanted Matteo to be blown away. Considering his horniness, naked probably would have worked best.

After trying on half of my wardrobe and discovering that most of my skinny fit jeans and leather pants didn’t fit, I had a brief crisis. Luckily, I found an outfit that even though it was on the tight side, looked fabulous.

Matteo took me to our favorite steakhouse. His eyes kept checking me out, sending a pleasant shiver down my back. After I’d taken extra time to look sexy tonight, I was relieved that it seemed to have the desired effect. I felt newly born dressed up in a sexy leather skirt with a daring slit and a silver silk blouse giving a prime view at my still much larger breasts.

“You’re killing me with this outfit,” he whispered in my ear as the waiter led us to our usual table. “I’ll have to wank off at least twice to get you out of my system.”

I kissed him, then whispered. “Who says you’ll have to wank off?”

Matteo pulled back, eyes darkening with lust. “Are you ready?”

I thought I’d hidden my hesitance well, but Matteo must have picked up on it. He was too perceptive to trick him.

“More than ready.” My body better agree with me. I needed Matteo, and I knew he needed me as well.

Matteo squeezed my waist. “Now I won’t be able to enjoy my steak. I’ll have a fucking boner all through dinner.”

“We could have a predinner quickie,” I whispered.

In that moment, we arrived at the table but Matteo turned to the waiter. “We’ll have to freshen up. Why don’t you bring over a bottle of Merlot?”

The waiter nodded then excused himself. Matteo led me away from the table and toward the back of the restaurant and into the men’s restroom. He kissed me fiercely, stealing my breath. We stumbled into a stall. Luckily this was the best steakhouse in town and the restrooms were more comfy than usual. It wasn’t the first time we did it in a stall so we had plenty of firsthand experience when it came to the quickie-comfort in restrooms. Matteo’s kiss became even harder, filled with so much desire my body seemed to vibrate with the sensation. His hand cupped my ass and squeezed hard, making me moan into his mouth. I doubted I could be quiet today. Too much time had passed since we’d last enjoyed each other. Whoever entered the restroom would get a verbal show, but I didn’t care.

Matteo’s hand slid down my thigh, discovering bare skin through the slit in my skirt. Goose bumps rose all over my body at the skin on skin contact, desperate for more. I pressed against him, clutching his neck, my lips sliding over his. His palm caressed my thigh, slowly finding its way toward my panties, which were already soaked just from our short make-out session.

“That slit has its perks,” Matteo rasped as he rubbed my pussy through the drenched fabric. “Turn around and bend forward.”

I didn’t ask what he had in mind. I needed him so much. Turning my back to him, I braced myself against the wall. Matteo massaged my ass, leaving hot kisses against my neck before he sank down to his knees behind me.

“You’ll ruin your pants,” I muttered, but really all I could think about was how his mouth would feel on me.

“Fuck my pants, I want to taste your pussy.”

He pushed the skirt up until the slit parted over my hip, then he dragged my panties down until they bunched around my ankles. I trembled with need. Matteo pushed my legs a bit farther apart until I was sure my panties would tear and then his hot, wet tongue dipped between my folds. I gasped, shoving my ass backward to feel more of him. Soon I was panting and mewling, completely overwhelmed by Matteo’s mouth against my center. Leaning my forehead against the stall, my eyes squeezed shut, I rocked against him, moaning and whimpering. Usually I liked to pretend Matteo had to work hard for my orgasm but not today. I was so eager to come, I was close to losing my mind. I came with a harsh cry, then bit my lip desperately to stifle more sounds. The door opened and steps rang out. I could hardly contain my pants, still completely overwhelmed by Matteo’s mouth against my sensitive flesh.

Matteo kept lapping at me and then he pushed a finger into me and my eyes rolled back. Counting the seconds until the guy would finally leave the restroom, I could hardly keep the moans in as Matteo fucked me slowly with his finger, then his tongue returned, replacing the finger and I began shaking again. Finally, the man flushed and left.

I arched back and gasped as my release slammed into me once more. I practically pressed my ass against Matteo’s face but he didn’t mind. My fingers were stiff from pressing them against the wall and a fine sheen of sweat covered my back. When Matteo straightened, I was still braced against the wall, unable to move. “I think we need to return to our table, it’s been a while,” I got out.

“I’d rather fuck you now,” he rasped, kissing my ear.

“Later,” I promised.

It took us another ten minutes to make ourselves presentable. When we arrived at our table, the bottle of wine and the menus were already waiting on us. A few of the other guests gave us curious looks but none of the staff showed any signs that they had noticed something. The Famiglia “protected” the restaurant for a small contribution, how Matteo always put it.

“You look absolutely gorgeous,” Matteo said over the main course.

“You don’t have to give me compliments. I already promised you sex.”

He chuckled. “Fuck, Gianna you have the same dirty mind as me.”

I took a sip from the wine and smiled at him over the rim. “Touché.”

Despite our desire for each other, we took our time eating dinner. These undisturbed moments as a couple were too precious to waste them with haste. Still I couldn’t suppress a naughty smile when Matteo asked for the check. His answering shark-grin only increased my arousal.

Matteo pulled me against his side as he led me outside. I could tell by the tension in his body that he was already eager to continue where we’d left off before dinner. We got into the back seat of his car and kissed, Matteo shoved up my dress and slid his fingers under my panties, finding me ready for him. He unzipped his pants and pushed up my legs, then kissed me again.

“Condom,” I pressed out.

I hadn’t had my period yet since giving birth but I didn’t want to risk anything. Matteo cursed then fumbled in his pants until he pulled out a wrapper. The tear of the material made me shiver, then he was back on top of me again. His tip nudged my opening and I froze up, just like that.

Matteo raised his eyes. “Do you want me to stop?”

“No,” I said needily. “I’m ready. I’m just a bit nervous. Ignore it.”

Matteo kissed me but this time it was slower, less desperate and hungry, and then he began to slide into me at a torturously slow pace. His eyes held mine and my breathing deepened as I felt him inside of me. It felt perfect. No discomfort, no scary birth memories, nothing.

Matteo groaned when he was sheathed in me. “Fuck. This feels like heaven.”

I moaned my agreement.

“Can I move?” he rasped.

“God, yes. Move.”

Matteo chuckled and then he slid out of me and thrust back in. With every thrust he hit deeper and harder, and soon the entire car was shaking with our lovemaking and my feet hit the ceiling and the back of my head the door, but I didn’t care.

I clawed at Matteo’s shoulders, needing him closer and he complied, pressed down on me, sliding even deeper and I exploded around him. Matteo jerked and with a low hiss I felt him release into me.

“Fuck,” he muttered.

I giggled. Matteo silenced me with his tongue, a slow and languid kiss as he slowly softened inside me. I loved the feel of it. For some reason the aftermath of sex was when I felt closest to him, I wasn’t even sure why.

Afterward, we lay in each other’s arms, awkwardly squeezed into the back seat. “I’ll make an appointment for the vasectomy,” Matteo murmured.

I looked up, surprised. So far he hadn’t been too enthused about a vasectomy, or being castrated, how he put it. “Really?”

“Really,” he said. “I don’t want you to stuff your body with hormones and I hate condoms, so a vasectomy is the easiest and fairest option for both of us. Or do you want the option for kid number two?” His grin told me he knew the answer.

“Hell, no!” I muttered. “I definitely don’t want more kids. I love Isa and I’m glad she’s part of our life, but if I could live my life again, I’d still decide not to be a mom. It’s not my mission in life and it won’t ever be.”

“Yeah, let’s leave the baby producing to our siblings. They seem only too keen to fill the earth with more inhabitants.”

I kissed Matteo long and slow. “Thank you. I know most mobsters would lose their shit if their wife suggested something like that. You wanting to do this is the greatest proof of your love I can imagine.”

“Do I really still need to prove my love for you?”

“No.” I pressed closer to him. “If anyone’s got more proving to do then it’s me. But I love you so much, it’s hard to put into words.”

We drove to the Hamptons afterward, even if Aria had given us the option to join them in the morning. I wanted to be under the same roof as Isa in the night. When we arrived at the mansion after midnight, the windows were dark. We headed straight for our bedroom as not to disturb anyone and went for another round of fucking, this time far less gentle, in our bed. Afterward we lay in each other’s arms, staring into each other’s eyes.

“Maybe we should relieve Aria and Luca,” I whispered. It was strange not to have the baby monitor at my side to listen to every sound Isa made.

Matteo chuckled. “Missing our little poo machine?”

I shrugged. “I do. It’s the first time we left her with someone else for so many hours.”

Matteo stroked my hair. “She’s fine. Luca and Aria are taking care of her.”

“We’re lucky,” I said quietly. “Without them, we wouldn’t be here today.”

“Yeah, they are our better halves,” Matteo joked.

“They are.” I traced Matteo’s tattoo. “Sometimes I worry about Isa.”

Matteo’s eyes became sharp. “Why? You know I’ll protect her.”

“I don’t mean an outside attack. I worry about her growing up in the Famiglia with all its old-fashioned rules. The outside world changes but our world remains mostly the same. Girls still remain virgins until they marry. Even if we don’t teach her those values, she’ll be surrounded by them.”

Matteo shook his head. “I really don’t want to think about our innocent little daughter ever having sex. I can see how crazy Luca gets when anyone comments on Marcella being ten and how it could be time to look for a good match for her.”

“As if anyone could ever be good enough for Marci in Luca’s eyes. I feel pity for the poor idiot who’ll have to marry her.”

Matteo grinned like a shark. “Luca and I will have a long conversation with him.”

“You two are impossible,” I muttered. “But it isn’t only that. What about arranged marriages, bloody sheets, cutting the bride out of her dress and all that?”

“How about we try to survive the first ten years before we worry about teenage years, and marriage and bloody sheets?”

I huffed. Matteo pulled me closer and kissed me. “Not all arranged marriages are bad.”

“Luca and Aria are the exception.”

“I was talking about us,” Matteo said.

I opened my eyes in fake shock. He growled and rolled on top of me. “Everyone always said I needed to teach you manners, where did I go wrong?”

He nuzzled my neck in a distracting way.

“Wrong woman,” I whispered then sucked in a breath when he licked a particularly sensitive spot at my throat.

“Just the woman I need,” he growled, but his wandering hands distracted me from a reply.

We fell asleep in each other’s arms but sometime during the night I woke and couldn’t fall back asleep. I carefully untangled myself from Matteo and tiptoed out the door and toward the nursery. The mansion was big enough so that every child had their own room and every baby their own nursery.

I hoped Isabella was there and not in Aria’s and Luca’s bedroom with them. I opened the door and froze at the sight before me. The small night light cast a yellowish glow in the room. Luca was asleep in the armchair and Aria was curled up on top of him. Isabella was fast asleep in her crib but I assumed she had kept them awake most of the night if they’d decided to sleep in the nursery. She’d been a bit fussy these last few days but I’d hoped she’d settle down tonight.

I took a step inside and Luca’s eyes shot open, tension radiating through his body, his arm coming protectively around my sleeping sister. Then his eyes settled on me and he relaxed. He yawned and glanced at the clock. It was four a.m.

He rose with Aria in his arms, cradling her to his chest and came slowly toward me.

I mouthed, “Thank you.”

Luca nodded. “Will Matteo be more tolerable tomorrow?” he asked in a low voice.

I rolled my eyes at him but couldn’t stop a smile from forming.

Luca shook his head and muttered something I didn’t catch before he walked off with Aria’s sleeping form.

I watched them a moment longer before I moved silently toward the crib. Isabella looked so peaceful and cute, I had to stop myself from picking her up and cuddling her. I didn’t want to wake her. I dragged the chair a bit closer and sank down with my chin on the rail so I could watch my baby. I reached out for her and stroked her cheek then her reddish-brown hair. It was a bit lighter than Matteo’s but darker than mine. Her eye color was still difficult to determine, a mix of blue and brown, but she had my freckles. They graced her cheeks and nose adorably.

“I knew I’d find you here,” Matteo murmured as he came in, his sweatpants hanging low on his hips. Those abs still got me every time. He leaned over me, his chin lightly resting atop my head.

“I still can’t believe she’s ours. She looks so innocent and peaceful.”

“She can scream like a little fury,” I said with a small laugh. “She’ll drive us crazy soon enough.”

“Ohh, I have no doubt about that.”

We watched her a little while longer before we returned to our bedroom with the baby monitor and fell asleep almost instantly.

The next morning, Aria and Luca already sat at the breakfast table when we dragged our asses down. We joined them, Isa wedged on my hip. She was clingy this morning, maybe because of our separation last night or maybe because she was caught up in some kind of development phase. I didn’t try to let mom guilt overwhelm me. If I wanted to stay sane and protect my marriage, Matteo and I needed the occasional day or evening off.

After some fussing, I finally managed to get Isa to recline into her baby seat and sank down on the chair beside her.

Cradling her still flat pregnant belly, Aria had an expression of utmost baby bliss on her face as she watched my daughter. I stifled a laugh. My sister was the born mother. No wonder she couldn’t understand that Matteo and I didn’t want more of these little poop machines. She gave me a sheepish smile when she noticed my attention. I winked at her.

“Do you think Lily and Romero will join us tonight? We haven’t had dinner together since we both gave birth,” I said.

Aria gave a delicate shrug. Matteo of course was less restrained. “Even if they come over, I doubt Liliana can tear herself away from admiring the little poop machine.”

“They have two, I doubt Sara is out of diapers yet,” Luca commented.

Aria sent both men reprimanding looks. “Lily is a very caring mother.”

Matteo’s cough sounded remarkably like a cluck.

“What does that make me, a cuckoo?” I joked. Isa laughed as if she could understand what was going on. For a second, I felt horrible because I had almost become the cuckoo to drop her off with Aria. She would have had the perfect life with my sister, but I couldn’t imagine giving her away anymore.

Aria looked flustered. “Of course not. I just don’t want us to make Lily feel bad for being a bit over caring with Flavio. Every mother handles the newborn phase differently.”

“All right, Dalai-L’Aria,” Matteo said with a wink.

She pointed her fork at him. “Remember you’ll need to be on my good side if you and Gianna want more couple time.”

“As if you could ever say no to them, if they ask you for a favor,” Luca muttered.

I stifled a laugh at the caught look Aria gave him.

Lily and Romero actually joined us in the Hamptons with their kids that afternoon, and even had an almost adult-only dinner (if you didn’t count Marci and Amo) with us. The rest of the kids were already asleep. It almost felt like old times, apart from Marci’s pouty-face because Luca had told her to turn her music down in less than favorable words for the band members. He’d compared their songs to castrated cats. Amo of course couldn’t shut up about castrated cats since then, making mew sounds all the time to provoke Marci.

Lily was a bit jumpy whenever Flavio made the slightest sound or even when the baby monitor only let out a crackle but apart from that, we had a pleasant dinner. We even chatted about more than diapers and spew incidents. I grinned at Matteo. Old Gianna and new Mom-Gianna could co-exist peacefully.