Jealous by Lena Little



Islide into an empty bathroom and quickly splash water on my face. My hands drag down the sides of my cheeks and come to a stop along my jawline. If I had money to afford makeup, whatever I had on would be ruined right now.

Staring at my reflection in the mirror I catch movement behind me. My entire body turns in on itself. Before I can let out a blood curdling scream a thick, calloused hand engulfs my mouth while another grabs me firmly around my waist, yanking me back into a wall of muscles.

“Who are you?” A rumble vibrates his massive frame and reverberates into mine, letting me know I better give him an answer fast because he’s the judge, jury, and executioner.

“You first,” I cut back as two of his fingers spread just far enough to allow me to mumble as I try and buy time. It only causes him to sandwich the back of my body even more to the front of his.

“I’m not here to play games, Sweetheart. I’m here to get you the hell out of this place and into mine.”

“Are you crazy?” I cock an eyebrow.

“For you? Abso-fucking-lutely.”

“I’m here for Don Neto and Don Neto only.”

“Don’t be ridiculous,” he growls. “What’s he got that I don’t? And what’s stopping me from taking you from him?”

“For one it’s my decision what I do and who I do it with. And two…” I swallow hard, unable to come up with anything else.

“And two, you’re at my mercy right about now, aren’t you?”

“You think I can’t kick back and make your knees buckle as you cup your balls on the ground while I run off and tell Don Neto what you’re doing right now?”

“I know you can’t, now that you’ve telegraphed your plan in advance.”

In one move he spins my body around and hoists me up on the countertop by the sink. It’s about as close to ‘dancing’ with a man that I’ve experienced, not that I’ve experienced much in my eighteen years of existence. Fighting to stay off the streets and keep a roof over my head has been enough of a day to day challenge to keep me more than busy.

“I’m done waiting for an answer, Kitten. You best start purring real quick.”

Caught between a rock and a hard place I go against conventional wisdom and I don’t stick with the devil I somewhat know, Don Neto. Something inside me is attracted to this new man in a way my wannabe employer never could.

“My name’s Giulia. I replied to an ad I saw on campus about dealing cards at night. I figured it was good money and worst case scenario I could hold my own against a few drunk spoiled rich frat boys who’ve probably never scraped a day in their lives. Turns out the job was off campus…way off campus and the players aren’t boys at all. These guys don’t scrap either. They solve things with bullets, not bloody knuckles and bruises.”

“Say your name again.”

“What?” I cock an eyebrow. “Giulia?”

His eyes roll shut and his head slowly falls back. Inhaling deeply and then snapping his head back forward he continues. “It’s almost worthy of you. What’s your plan now…Giulia?”

“You still haven’t answered my question.”

“Which was?”

“What’s your name?”

“Julian,” he spits out as if annoyed.

“Wait. You’re Julian?”

Taking a step forward his big torso pushes my knees open wider as he takes my throat in his hand, gently pressing on the side of my neck. “Sing little canary. What do you know?”

I should be absolutely terrified. I am terrified. My nipples are also threatening to cut through this dress and I need him to leave so I can slide out of this uncomfortable thong and wring the wetness out of it for a good seven or eight twists until it’s wearable again. No boy my own age, or any man for that matter has ever caused such…animalistic impulses from me my entire life.

“Don Neto’s planning to kill you tonight.”

“I guess that doesn’t give us much time,” he quips, without missing a beat or appearing the least bit concerned.

“For what?”


His head dives forward, closing the distance between us with such velocity I’m unable to respond when his lips find mine as he stamps a kiss on me…hard.

“So fucking sweet,” he groans, his big mitt coming up and cupping the side of my head as his face gets busy fucking mine. I feel glued to him, and I don’t want to pull back or let go, not that I have a choice in the matter. Without notice, he does the honors for me, breaking our kiss and sucking in a big breath of air.

“You taste like fresh strawberries covered in whipped cream.”

“I did steal a bit from the fridge after I saw what kind of people were arriving for this game. If this was to be my last night on earth at least I was going to eat something sweet before I go.”

His eyes rake over me from head to toe. “You said you saw an ad on campus. You don’t look like a college girl.”

“Because I’m not, but I know the ads that are posted there pay more than the minimum wage I’m getting so I take the bus over a few times a week to look for employment.”

“A survivor,” he nods.

“So.” I stick my hands onto my hips and cock my head.

“Takes one to know one, princess.”

“My life has resembled nothing of that of a princess.”

“You didn’t finish your sentence.”

“I did.”

“Until now,” he adds, dragging a finger across my cheek, tracing the length of my jaw, and then down my exposed neckline until it reaches the top of my low-cut dress.

“Boys say things all the time and don’t follow through,” I say.

“Lucky for you I’m not a boy and I always follow through.”

I roll my eyes dismissively, even though I believe what he’s saying.

“And by following through…are you trying to get yourself killed quicker than my boss at the table is already planning?”

“Would I trade the next few minutes trapped in a bathroom with you in exchange for my life? The moment I saw you I realized I’ve never really lived, so dying wouldn’t mean more than the status quo.”

“Please,” I pressure. “Let’s just go back inside to the table or he’ll—“

“He’ll do nothing,” he bellows. “To me or to you.”

“But you clearly plan on doing something.”

“You’re damn right I do and it starts like this.”

His lips come crashing down on mine for a second time, and this time I know we’re not going to be satisfied with just a kiss.