Hate by K.A Knight

The angel drawls on and on about procedure and politics and the proper position and reaction for a council member such as myself. His righteous bullshit nearly makes me gag as he paces back and forth where I’m sprawled on the throne. The more he talks, the angrier he gets, until his halo is smoking and his hands are glowing.

I wonder idly how much I could push him.

He turns to me with golden flames burning in his eyes as he swells with power, stepping closer. “Are you even listening to me, Serpent?”

I’ve had enough. Before he can continue, I get up, appear before him, and snap his neck. The crack is audible in the room and I watch with unrestrained glee as he falls to the stone steps like a broken ragdoll. I kick his body down them and sit back on the throne. “Ah, that’s better, nice and quiet.”


Oh yes. I look to find the servant glancing from me to the angel’s body in shock. I wave it away. “Don’t worry about him, bring me a drink, a stiff one. All those references to goodness and righteousness have me wanting to throw up.”

He gasps, but with another look at the angel’s corpse he scurries away. Sighing, I close my eyes, wondering how long it will—

Blinding light flashes and I lazily slit open a lid, already grinning at the furious angel as he gets to his feet and cracks his broken neck. “I have told you not to do that, now where was I?”

Groaning, I throw my arm over my face. “One day you will stay dead.”

“And one day you will burn in hell!” he screams.

“Been there, done that, got the pictures to remember it. They really know how to have the best parties there,” I remark, and I can actually feel his anger.

“Let’s go find the dragon, then you may go back to sleep,” he suggests slowly.

Just then the servant returns with my drink, and when he sees the angel he falls to his knees in reverence. “Master,” he exclaims in glee, as I watch my drink clatter to the floor with a frown, but the liquid slowly makes its way to the angel and covers his feet, making him grimace and step back. He stares at me with narrowed eyes. “Dragon, now.”

“Go,” I retort, waving my hand before clicking my fingers. Hades, my hellhound, appears and I scratch his smoking black fur. “Who’s a good boy? Oh, who missed daddy?” I coo, and he barks in excitement, the floor burning under his paws. His eyes are as red as flames, his body almost skeletal.

“No pets,” the angel snaps.

“We keep you, and I’m betting you’re not toilet trained,” I fire back, ignoring him again as I stroke Hades.


“Angel, go and deal with your dragons, but I will not be joining you. They are old fools. They have power, but no drive to use it, though I do like the way they burn people. It’s quite the sight to behold.” I grin, sitting back.

Hades sniffs around the angel and he throws him a dirty look before stepping away. “I am not leaving you here, we need to put you back to sleep—”

I let my power leak out, filling the room with darkness until he can’t see. “I am not going to sleep!” I roar, and then pull it back until I’m sitting casually on the throne again. “Now go before I tire of you.”

Just then, Hades cocks his leg up and pisses all over the angel’s leg. It starts to smoke, his legs burning as he watches in disgust, then he turns that sneer on me. “Mark my words, Serpent, this will bring nothing but evil and bad to the world. You will ruin the balance and create chaos.”

“A little chaos is good.” I shrug.

“You are playing with fire, demon, I hope you know that,” he counters, and then with a haughty lift of his chin, strides away, with bits of hellhound piss trailing behind him.

How dignified.

“Good boy,” I praise with a grin, and Hades barks. “Let’s go, we have someone to find.” Standing, I smirk at the servant who is still pressed to the floor and then disappear into the beyond, ready to search the world for the woman who woke me from my sleep.

Let’s hope she realises what she called forth, because she isn’t getting away from me now. She can’t hide from me either in this world or the next.